SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "New Theatre in the Haymarket"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "New Theatre in the Haymarket")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 4951 matches on Event Comments, 2716 matches on Performance Title, 1711 matches on Performance Comments, 0 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: [This Pastoral Serenata first appeared 21 March 1744 at the Crown and Anchor in the Strand, qv. At that time Beard, Savage, Mrs Clive and Miss Edwards sang in it.] By Subscription for three nights will be performed an English Pastoral Serenata, set to Music by Mr DeFesch. Pit and Boxes laid together at 5s. First Gallery 2s. 6d. Upper Gallery 1s. 6d. On the 20th of March and 3rd of April will be performed a New Oratorio call'd Joseph, also set to Music by Mr DeFesch. For the encouragement of such persons as shall please to favour Mr Defesch by subscribing one Guinea, they shall be entitled to six tickets, each of which will admit one into the boxes, or Two into the Gallery. Nobody to be admitted into the boxes without printed tickets, which will be deliver'd at the theatre. Subscriptions to be taken till the 5th of March, at Mr DeFesch's at the sign of the Angel and Trumpet, in St. Martin's Lane, at the Bedford Coffee House, Covent Garden; and at Mr Page's Stage Door-keeper. To begin at half an hour after six. This day is publish'd Papal Tyranny in the Reign of King John. [No price given, but the 1st edition lists it as 1s. 6d. Watts would have had to sell about two thousand copies to cover his investment in copyright and printing costs.


Mainpiece Title: Love And Friendship

Event Comment: Benefit Mr Dove and Mrs Dove. Boxes 3s., Pit 2s., First Gallery 1s. 6d. Upper Gallery 1s. [Theatre designated as the Late Wells in advance notices; as the New Wells on the day of performance.


Mainpiece Title: The Provoked Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Related Works
Related Work: The Devil to Pay; or, The Wives Metamorphos'd Author(s): Theophilus Cibber
Event Comment: Benefit T. Cibber?. Afterpiece with a variety of songs adapted to the several characters. The Music entirely new, composed by Lampe. The songs are printed and will be deliver'd gratis at the theatre


Mainpiece Title: Papal Tyranny

Role: Lewis the Dauphin Actor: T. Cibber

Afterpiece Title: What D'Ye Call It

Dance: Cooke

Event Comment: A concert, etc. [repeated in all notices for this theatre]. Benefit George Pinner. 6 p.m. 2s. 6d.; 2s.; 1s. At the New Wells, Mayfair


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan; Or, The Unhappy Marriage

Afterpiece Title: The Burgomaster Trick'd

Related Works
Related Work: Apollo and Daphne; or, The Burgomaster Trick'd Author(s): Lewis Theobald

Song: Bennet

Event Comment: TThe Suspicious Husband deferr'd by Garrick's Indisposition [repeated in the bills]. From The Museum, or Literary and Historical Register, No 25, 28 Feb. 1747, p. 382: On the Present State of the Theatre: I remember when you and I were last in Town together, some years ago, we were eternally repining at the wretched condition of the stage. Quin was then at the head of the Fraternity; but a very different man from what he is at present, and merely a bad copy of Booth; with all his mouthing and pageantry, but without his musical elocution, or his dignity. Whether Time or Emulation has had the greatest hand in Improving him, I know not; but certain it is, that he is improved, beyond what you will really imagine. He has got much more variety, and much more Spirit. He was always a tolerably just speaker; but then he has hardly anything more; he recited rather than acted....However, Rich Quin, Garrick, Mrs Cibber and Mrs Pritchard to the new house. The consequence has been, that the stage was never, in my memory, so fashionable; not even in the Time of Mrs Oldfield's highest fame. A good taste both of acting and of plays themselves, is much more general than I ever expected to have seen it; and those who are skilled in such matters, tell me, that Rich will be a greater gainer this season than has been known for these many years. Receipts: #108 1s. 6d


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: Orpheus and Eurydice

Event Comment: Pit and Boxes to be put together, and no person to be admitted without tickets, which will be deliver'd that day, at the Office at Covent Garden Theatre at Half a Guinea each. First Gallery 5s. Second Gallery 3s. 6d. The Galleries to be open'd at Half an Hour after Four o'clock. Pit and Boxes at Five. To begin at Half an Hour after Six (General Advertiser). New Oratorio by Handel (Account Books, Egerton 2268). We hear that Mr Garrick, who has been lately very ill, is now out of danger (General Advertiser)


Mainpiece Title: The Occasional Oratorio

Event Comment: [For the Relief of the Sufferers by a late his Auction-Room late the Little Theatre in the Hay-Market Mr Foote will exhibit for the satisfaction the curious a choice Collection of Pictures, all warranted Originals, and entirely new. To begin at twelve noon. [Cross, Fielding, II, 89, states that Foote mimicked Fielding as "Trottplaid" on this date.] Daily Advertiser, 28 April: It being represented unto this Court, that several Common Players of Interludes, Gamesters...have for several Years used and accustomed to assemble and meet together at several Fairs or pretended Fairs, held in this County of Middlesex, not warranted by Law, to wit, Tottenham Court Fair, Hampstead Fair, in Holborn Division, the Shepherd's Bush Fair in Kensington Division, Mile-End Fair and Bow-Fair, commonly called Green-Goose Fair, in the Tower Division, and May Fair in Westminster Division


Mainpiece Title: Collection Auction Of Pictures

Event Comment: Gift for ye Sufferers by ye fire in Cornhill (Cross). [A column and a half "Letter to the Author" appeared in the General Advertiser this day, laying historical background for Ford's Lover's Melancholy]. The history of the stage before the Restoration is like a Foreign Land, in which no Englishman had ever travelled; we know there were such things as Playhouses, and one Shakespear a great writer, but the historical traces of them are so imperfect, that the manner in which they existed is less known to us, than that of Eschylus or the theatres of Greece. For this reason, 'tis hoped that the following Gleaning of Theatrical History will readily obtain a place in your paper. 'Tis taken from a Pamphlet written in the reign of Charles I, with this quaint title, "Old Ben's Light Heart made heavy by young John's Melancholly Lover"; and as it contains some historical anecdotes and altercations concerning Ben Johnson, Ford, Shakespear, and the Lover's Melancholy it is imagined that a few extracts from it at this juncture, will not be unentertaining to the Public. [The substance of the remainder retails Jonson's critical cantankerousness and his wounded pride at the failure of the New Inn, quoting some epigrams made at Jonson's expense on his allegation that Ford was a plagiary. This second "puff" for the play, presumably also written by Macklin, formed the basis for a Steevens-Malone controversy late in the century, centering on the existence or nonexistence of the pamphlet referred to by Macklin as "Old Ben's Light Heart made Heavy, &c." A summary account of the evidence appears in the Dramatic Works of John Ford, by Henry Weber (Edinburgh, 1811) I, Intro. XVI, XXXI.] Receipts: #210 (Cross); #208 1s. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: King Lear And His Three Daughters

Afterpiece Title: The Double Disappointment

Dance: Cooke, Anne Auretti, Matthews, Mrs Addison

Related Works
Related Work: Tartuffe; or, The French Puritan Author(s): Matthew Medbourne
Related Work: London's Anniversary Festival, Performed on Monday October the 29th, 1688 Author(s): Matthew Taubman
Related Work: London's Great Jubilee Author(s): Matthew Taubman
Related Work: The Spendthrift Author(s): Matthew Draper
Related Work: The Parthian Hero; or, Love in Distress Author(s): Matthew Gardiner
Related Work: The Sharpers; or, The Female Match-Maker Author(s): Matthew Gardiner
Related Work: Vertumnus and Pomona Author(s): Matthew Feilde
Related Work: The Castle-Spectre Author(s): Matthew Gregory Lewis
Related Work: The Twins; or, Is It He, or his Brother? Author(s): Matthew Gregory Lewis
Related Work: The East Indian Author(s): Matthew Gregory Lewis
Related Work: Primrose Green; or, Love in the Country Author(s): Matthew Peter King
Event Comment: Mainpiece: Not acted these 10 Years. Afterpiece: Not acted these 20 years. Music, Dances and Other Decorations for afterpiece entirely new. [In a letter to John Gilbert-Cooper, the actor Charles Adams states that "the Prompter gave me a little Part in the Emperor of the Moon...I appear'd in it thrice." He was "paid Twenty Shilling Pr Week." See Theatre Notebook, XI (1957), p. 136. The only male parts left were Baliardo's servant Peter and the figures in the tableau of the final scene.] Receipts: #160 (Cross); #158 11s. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Emperour of the Moon

Performance Comment: Harlequin-Woodward; Scaramouch-Yates; Charmante-Palmer; Cinthio-King; Bellemante-Miss Murgetroyd; Mopsophil-Mrs Green; Elaria-Miss Cole; Dr Baliardo-Winstone; Vocal Parts-Beard, Reinhold; Dances-Cooke, Mlle Janeton Auretti, Mathews, Mathews' scholar a child of 5 years old; Mrs Addison. Mrs Addison.
Role: Dances Actor: Cooke, Mlle Janeton Auretti, Mathews, Mathews' scholar a child of 5 years old

Music: A Piece of Music-the Child

Dance: TThe Sailors Revels-Mathews

Event Comment: By particular Desire. ["We have in Rehearsal a new Tragedy call'd Irene--Author, as yet, unknown."--Charles Adams to John Gilbert-Cooper, Theatre Notebook, XI (1957), pp. 138-39.] Receipts: #130 (Cross); #143 16s. 6d. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Dance: IV: Dutch Dance, as17481203

Event Comment: Mainpiece: For the entertainment of two young Africans. On Friday 10 February will be perform'd a New Oratorio, call'd Susanna, with a Concerto. Pit and boxes to be put together, and no person to be admitted without tickets, which will be deliver'd that day, at the Office in Covent Garden Theatre, at half a guinea each. First Gallery 5s. Second Gallery 3s. 6d. Galleries opened at half past four. Pit and Boxes at Five. To Begin at Half an Hour after Six. [This advertisement repeated in the General Advertiser daily to 10 Feb. 1749.


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Related Works
Related Work: Oroonoko Author(s): Thomas Southerne
Related Work: The Royal Slave Author(s): Thomas Southerne

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne

Related Works
Related Work: Apollo and Daphne; or, The Burgomaster Trick'd Author(s): Lewis Theobald
Related Work: Apollo and Daphne Author(s): Theophilus Cibber
Event Comment: Afterpiece: By Desire. [A full column, front-page letter to the Author of the General Advertiser from one purporting to live many miles from London, but whose curiosity about the New Tragedy Irene brought him to see it, details his experience in the theatre the night of Tues. 14 Feb. Seems to be an illconcealed "puff." The writer listens to three critics in the pit decry the performance, then after seeing it himself concludes: "It was receiv'd with universal approbation...Upon the whole I dare affirm that the Judgment of Posterity will concur with me in distinguishing Irene as the best tragedy which this age has produced, for Sublimity of thought, Harmony of numbers, strength of expression, a scrupulous observation of Dramatic Rules, the sudden Turn of events, the tender and generous distress, the unexpected catastrophe, and the extensive and important moral." He inquires why the play has not been so favorably received as others, and concludes it is too finely and artistically conceived to please the masses. He closes by complimenting the Ladies of Great Britain for he "scarce ever saw so shining an assembly in the Boxes. Their early approbation of a Tragedy in which not only the words but the ideas are entirely chaste; a tragedy filled with noble sentiment and poetic beauty is at once a proof of their delicacy and penetration."] Receipts. #100 (Cross); #101 (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: Mahomet And Irene

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Dance: SScotch Dance, as17490118

Event Comment: Afterpiece: A New Musical Entertainment in Two Interludes. The words to be sold at the theatre (General Advertiser). Some Gentlemen crowding behind ye Scenes, ye Audience resented it & ye farce was stop'd for half an hour--I drew lines with chalk, but Miss Norris applying publickly to Capt. Johnson, desiring he wou'd retire, He did & ye farce went on with great Applause. The words of this piece were by Mr Mendez, & set by Dr Boyce (Cross). Added to salary list, Mr Campioni. Paid him for cloaths #21, and for 51 days work, #42 10s. (Treasurer's Book). Receipts: #140 (Cross); #142 13s. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: The Alchemist

Afterpiece Title: The Chaplet

Performance Comment: Damon-Beard; Palamon-Master Mattocks; Pastora-Mrs Clive; Laura-Miss Norris (1750 ed.); To conclude with a Rural Dance-Grandchamps, Matthews, Miss Baker, Pelling, Macneale, Harrison, Master Shawford, Miss Cole, Mrs L'Font, Mlle Mariet, Mrs Pit. (General Advertiser) .
Event Comment: A new musical entertainment compos'd & wrote by Mr Arne--it was much hiss'd but suffer'd to be given out again (Cross). No latter account will be taken. Books of the Entertainment to be had at the theatre. [Pages covering this date missing from Treasurer's Book. Larpent MS 85 indicates the Character Capt. Sancho-Blakes, deleted.] Receipts: #100 ($Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Afterpiece Title: Don Saverio

Event Comment: nother long letter to the author of the General Advertiser pleading attendance at the benefit performance of Comus]: Whoever then would be thought capable of Pleasure in reading the works of our Incomparable Milton, and not so destitute of Gratitude as to refuse to lay out a Trifle in a rational and elegant entertainment for the Benefit of his living remains, for the exercise of their own Virtue, the Increase of their Reputation, and the pleasing consciousness of doing good, should appear at Drury Lane theatre tomorrow April 5, when Comus will be performed for the Benefit of Mrs Elizabeth Foster, Granddaughter to the Author, and the only surviving branch of the family. N.B. There will be a new Prologue on the Occasion written by the Author of Irene, and spoken by Mr Garrick; and by particular Desire there will be added to the Masque, a dramatic Satyr call'd Lethe in which Mr Garrick will perform. Tickets to be had of Dodsley, Bookseller, Pall Mall; Messrs Payne and Boquet, Booksellers, Paternoster Row; Batson's Coffee House, near the Royal Exchange, and of Hobson at the Stage Door


Mainpiece Title: None

Event Comment: Benefit for ye Author (no more Noise) (Cross). Tickets as of 5 Feb. Tickets deliver'd out for the third and sixth Nights will be taken. Receipts: #140 (Cross). Gentleman's Magazine, Feb. 1751, pp. 77-78, concerning Gil Blas: To animadvert upon a piece which is almost universally condemned is unneccessary, and to defend this is impossible. There is not one elegant expression or moral sentiment in the dialogue; nor indeed one character in the drama, from which either could be expected. It is however, to be wished that the Town, which opposed this play with so much zeal, would exclude from the theatre every other in which there is not more merit; for partiality and prejudice will be suspected in the treatment of new plays, while such pieces as the London Cuckolds, and the City Wives Confederacy, are suffered to waste time and debauch the morals of society....Upon the whole the Author appears to have intended rather entertainment than instruction, and to have disgusted the Pit by adapting his comedy to the taste of the Galleries....Perhaps the ill success of this comedy is chiefly the effect of the author's having so widely mistaken the character of Gil Blas whom he has degraded from a man of sense, discernment, true humor, and great knowledge of an impertinent silly, conceited coxcomb, a mere Lying Valet, with all the affectation of a Fop, and all the insolence of a coward. [Thomas Gray wrote to Horace Walpole 3 March 1751, "Gil Blas is the Lying Valet in five acts. The fine lady has half-a-dozen good lines dispersed in it."


Mainpiece Title: Gil Blas

Event Comment: A little Noise at ye Singing & Dancing (Cross). Nn Saturday night was played for the first time a new Masque called Alfred, at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, before a very numerous and splendid audience. The Piece itself, as it justly deserved met with great and universal applause: However, the spectators rightly found fault with some improprieties in the performance of the inferior dancers and actors, which we hear will be all corrected in this night's representation (General Advertiser). Receipts: #160 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Alfred

Event Comment: A new tragedy, call'd the Earl of Essex, which has sometime been in rehearsal at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden, will be performed in a Few Days


Mainpiece Title: Belshazzar

Afterpiece Title: Concerto on Organ

Event Comment: A New Musical Entertainment, call'd the Shepherd's Lottery is now in rehearsal, at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, and will be perform'd there in a few days. The music is composed by Dr Boyce. Receipts: #130 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Ballet: SSavoyard Travellers. As17511105

Event Comment: By Desire of the...Masons...Benefit of a Brother under Misfortunes. The new Scenes, which were painted for the Gentlemen who presented this Tragedy last Winter at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane will be made use of. A Concert. Boxes 4s. Pit 2s. 6d. Gallery 1s. 6d. The Doors to be shut at six, no person to be admitted after, on Account of the Play being Gratis


Mainpiece Title: Othello, Moor Of Venice

Performance Comment: The parts-a Company of Gentleman for their Diversion; With an Occasional Prologue-.

Afterpiece Title: Lethe

Event Comment: We hear that a new piece of Machinery representing a Fountain, which has been preparing a considerable time will soon be exhibited at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker Of Deal; Or, The Humours Of The Navy

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Dr Faustus

Dance: As17521207

Event Comment: As a principal performer was taken ill after the play last night, the New tragedy is oblig'd to be deferred till Thursday. [Printed: The British Theatre, containing Lives of the British Dramatic poets with an account of all their plays. Also The Present state of the Stage, in Great Britain and Ireland, and the theatrical characters of the principal Performers in both kingdoms.] Receipts: #130 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Afterpiece Title: The Genii

Event Comment: Play a New Italian Burletta. The first performance in England. Libertto by Goldoni; Music by Galuppi (Loewenberg, Annals of Opera, p. 107). Books of the Opera will be sold at the theatre. Ladies send servants by half past three. Nothing but full prices will be taken during the performance


Mainpiece Title: L'arcadia In Brenta

Performance Comment: The printed version 1755 (Larpent MS 114) as acted as Covent Garden gives the following: Fabrizio Fabroni-Sg Francesco Baratti; Giacinto-Gaetano Guadagni; Rosana-Sga Ninetta de Rossennaw; Mlle Lindora-Sga Anna Castelli; Conte Bellezza-Gaetano Quilici; Laura-Sga Eugenia Mellini; Foresto-Christiano Tedeschini Koerbitz.
Event Comment: This day publish'd at 3s. The Actor; or, A Treatise on the Art of Playing. A New Work written by the Author of the former [See dl 30 Oct. 1753]; and adapted to the present state of the Theatres. Containing impartial Observations on the Performance, Manner, Perfections, and Defects of: Garrick, Barry, Woodward, Foote, Havard, Palmer, Ryan, Berry, Mrs Cibber, Mrs Pritchard, Mrs Woffington, Mrs Gregory, Mrs Clive, Mrs Green, Miss Nossiter, Mrs Bellamy, &c., &c., in their capital parts. Printed for R. Griffiths


Mainpiece Title: Judas Macchabaeus

Performance Comment: Parts were: Judas-; Israelite Man-; Israelite Woman-; Chorus-; Simon- (Brother to Judas); Messenger-; Eupolemus (Jewish Ambassador to Rome)- (Larpent MS).
Event Comment: The Oratorio is publish'd this evening and will be sold at the theatre. We can assure the Public, that Mrs Cibber is very much recovered from her late indisposition; and will certainly appear tomorrow night in the character of Belvidera in Venice Preserved for the benefit of Mossop. This day publish'd at 4s. Songs in the New English Opera call'd The Fairies. Composed by Mr Smith. Printed for J. Walsh


Mainpiece Title: Abel

Music: I: Concerto on the Violin-Degiardini; II: An Organ Concerto by Arne-Mr Arne Jun