SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Page"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Page")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 1851 matches on Roles/Actors, 471 matches on Performance Comments, 171 matches on Event Comments, 0 matches on Performance Title, and 0 matches on Author.
Event Comment: Benefit Macklin. Mainpiece not acted these 30 years [ see 5 Feb. 1713]. No After money will be taken. Tickets deliver'd by Mr Leach will be taken. Servants allowed to keep places on stage. Nothing under full prices. [The Prologue (five MS pages) is in the Larpent Collection. Concerns, in a joking way, a dispute in the pit about Macklin and his prologues. Afterpiece by Charles Macklin. Not printed.


Mainpiece Title: The Humours Of The Army; Or, The Female Officer

Afterpiece Title: Will and no Will; or, A Bone for Lawyers

Event Comment: Benefit Mason and Cooper [Box Keepers], Page [Housekeeper]. Tickets deliver'd out by Verhuycke, Emmet, Palmer, and Bianchini will be taken


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Afterpiece Title: What D'ye Call It

Event Comment: Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Fist Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s. No money to be taken behind the scenes. Places for the Boxes to be taken of Mr Page at the stage door of the theatre. To begin exactly at Six o'clock. [Balance brought over from Day Book F, #411 os. 7d. This balance actually represents a deficit from which the night's receipts are subtracted to indicate the reduction of it. But first, from the night's receipts, were subtracted #37 9s. 10d., an amount which seems to represent standing nightly costs for music, light, heat, taxes, &c.] Receipts: #115 8s


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Event Comment: Tickets deliver'd out by Miss Copin for the Merchant of Venice will be taken to the Conscious Lovers (General Advertiser). This day is publish'd, Price 1s., A Letter of Complaint to the Ingenious author of a Treatise on the Passions, so far as they regard the stage; with a critical Enquiry into the theatrical merit of Mr G-k, Mr Q-n, and Mr B-y, &c. With some further remarks on Mr M-n. And a few hints on our modern Actresses, particularly Mrs C-r and Mrs P-d. Magna est Veritas, & pravalebit. Printed for C. Corbett, over against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet St. (General Advertiser). [Illuminating discussion of actors' abilities]: The Stage is much indebted to Mr M- for his incessant successful endeavours; he not only grac'd it with his own personal merits, but rais'd up several Branches who tho' they have not yet quite eclips'd Mr Giffard's Nursery from Goodman's Fields, will certainly in time prove stars of the first magnitude.--(p. 28). Touch Messrs. Giffard and Ryan and give them better voices; there is nothing else wanting. Help Mr Delane to a new manner and judgment to display the best pipe that ever was heard. Polish a little the rough Beauties of Mr L. Sparkes, give the sensible Mr Havard a few more spirits; and mend the Humour of Hippisley, Chapman, Barrington, and Blakes if you can. Poor Yates wants nothing but a front of brass, a necessary self-sufficient Manner of pushing himself upon a Publick.--(p. 31). If Mrs Giffard's Manner was equal to her understanding, she wou'd compell everybody to acknowledge her a surprising Performer. In Lady Macbeth she is excellent; and Hermione was very near eclipsing a much more popular actress; in short in every Part she performs, the severest of her enemies cannot but own she is more than decent.--(pp. 32-33). [Gives two pages each to discussion of Mrs Clive, Mrs Woffington, Mrs Cibber, and Mrs Pritchard.


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley

Dance: New entertainments-Salomon, Sga Padouana, Salomon's son

Event Comment: [No after money. Mrs Cibber's advance notice for her Benefit the following Saturday states she]: having been oblig'd by her illness to put off her Benefit, which was advertised for the 19th of March, and not being able to get any other day than a Saturday, is afraid it should be inconvenient to some of the Gentlemen and Ladies who have done her the honour to take tickets, therefore begs leave to acquaint them that if they please to send their tickets before Thursday next to Mr Page at the stage door of the theatre in Covent Garden, the Money will be returned. Receipts: #136 5s


Mainpiece Title: The Double Dealer

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Event Comment: Benefit Woodward. [Receipts: #81 3s. 6d., plus #59 9s. from tickets. Charges #63.] Paid Servandoni #10 10s. Paid Price a bill for carpenter's work at Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre last week #2 19s. 9d. Tickets to be had of Woodward at his lodgings in King St. (near the Churchyard Gate) Covent Garden; at the Bedford Coffee House; at the Salutation Tavern in Nicholas Lane; and of Page at the stage door. Tomorrow The Distress'd Mother and Miss in her Teens, the part of Fribble by Garrick.--General Advertiser. Daily Advertiser: By Particular Desire of several Persons of Quality. [On 13 April Woodward published a letter of thanks to the former schoolfellow who sent him this speech, promised to present it, and assured him that no copy would be made. See Theatrical Clippings, Folger Library.


Mainpiece Title: Julius Caesar; With The Death Of Brutus And Cassius

Afterpiece Title: Orpheus and Eurydice

Entertainment: Between Play and Afterpiece: An Alarm to Britons-the Spirit of King Henry V (After the manner of Shakespeare's Chorus) usher'd in with Trumpets, Kettle Drums and other Warlike Instruments

Event Comment: Benefit on basis of half value of tickets for 7. Benefit Gwinn, Vanhuyck, Singleton, Driscol, Page [housekeeper]; tickets deliver'd by Palmer and Emmet will be taken. Receipts at door: #10 10s. /For Box Pit Gallery Value Half-Value/Page 63 70 ... #26 5s. #13 2s. 6d./Singleton 9 19 29 #8 #4/Driscol 2 54 60 #14 12s. #7 6s./Gwinn 4 42 56 #12 18s. #6 9s./Verhuyck 1 71 48 #15 14s. #7 17s./Palmer 2 123 105 #29 9s. #14 14s. 6d./Emmett .. 52 44 #12 4s. #6 2s./Totals 81 431 342 #119 2s. #59 11s.


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: Phebe

Event Comment: Mainpiece: By Desire. At common prices. Places to be taken of Mr Page at the stage door of the theatre. To begin exactly 6 o'clock. [Notice about prices, places, and time of curtain continues throughout the season. It will not be repeated further.


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Event Comment: Benefit for Bridgwater. Tickets and places to be had of Page at the stage door, and of Bridgwater at his wharf near Whitefriars. [His notice of hopeful acknowledgement (3 Feb.) repeated.


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Event Comment: Benefit for Cibber. Tickets of Page at the Stage Door. [The entertainments and mixed afterpieces formed the most elaborate night's performance this season.


Mainpiece Title: The Silent Woman

Afterpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Song: I: Go lovely Rose-Beard; II: Tis Liberty-Mrs Storer; III: Sper il Fostore-Miss Faulkner; IV: Smiling Liberty-Miss Faulkner

Dance: V: Drunken Peasant-Philips

Event Comment: Benefit for Mrs Elmy. Tickets and Places of Mrs Elmy at the corner of Tavistock St. next Southampton St., Covent Garden; and of Hobson at the stage door. Being the last time of acting till the Holidays. Cash, #92 12s.; tickets, #56 8s.; total, #149 (Clay MS page reproduced in Oct. 1926 issue of Connoisseur, p. 93). A few days ago arriv'd in Town Mr Sheridan, Manager of the Theatre Royal in Dublin, and we hear as his stay is to be but short, he intends to perform only once, for the benefit of the poor sufferers by the late Fire (General Advertiser). [The fire happened the 25th in "Exchange alley (London) and in the space of 10 hours consumed a great number of houses occupied by persons in middling circumstances and with large families." Subscriptions were raised and distributed by a committee of ten bankers. See General Advertiser.] Receipts: #160 (Cross); house charges, #63 (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Dance: Cooke, Anne and Janeton Auretti

Event Comment: Benefit for Bencraft and Mrs Hale. Mainpiece: Not acted these 9 years. [See 4 Dec. 1740.] N.B.: A parcel of tickets having been lost, none sold at the doors of the theatre will be admitted. Tickets to be had and places taken of Page at the Stage Door of the Theatre. [Inserted in the General Advertiser this day is Buskin's Apology]: @Enur'd to ills of various kinds,@By ancestors undone;@The Author has severely paid@For failings not his own.@From Disappointments Buskin writes,@Confesses 'tis for gain@Yet scorns all profits which arise@From giving others pain.@No private character he sneers,@No venom taints his mind;@His sole ambition is to please,@Not satyrise Mankind.@ On Wednesday last the Tragedy of Othello was acted at Covent Garden towards the relief of the unhappy sufferers by the late Fire; and on Saturday the sum of #218 12s. 4d. was paid into the hands of Messrs Ironside and Belchier; the company of comedians and the band of musick having generously given their performances (General Advertiser)


Mainpiece Title: Wit Without Money

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne

Event Comment: Benefit for Miss Faulkner. Mainpiece: At the Particular Desire of Several Ladies of Quality. Afterpiece: By Desire. Miss Faulkner playing Polly "for the 1st time." Tickets of Page at the stage door in Bow St., Covent Garden; and of Miss Faulkner at her house in Leicester Fields


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Performance Comment: As17480128, but Polly-Miss Faulkner (by Particular Desire); Twitcher-Paget; Drawer-Paddick; Dolly Trull-Miss Stevens; Molly Brazen-Miss Morrison; Hornpipe-Oates.
Role: Twitcher Actor: Paget

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Event Comment: Benefit for Condell and Singleton (Boxkeepers), Page (Housekeeper), and Miss Mattocks. Tickets deliver'd by Verhuyck, Emmet, and Palmer (Pit Doorkeepers) and Driscoll will be taken


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Event Comment: The Thirty-second Day. To begin at 6:30 p.m. [Published this month, A Catalogue of Curiosities, Chiefly Theatrical which are to be sold by Auction. Dedicated to Foote by Peter Skewball. A twenty-two-page pamphlet containing suggestive comments about certain actresses. "Lot 13 Two young Actresses of different complections, who having been two years under the care of a certain physician are warranted sound, very little the worse for use...Lot 33 a Coquet Crying by Mrs C-; Lot 34 A Venus half naked at See Saw by Mrs W-; Lot 35 A Very Stanch actress, somewhat overfed, and of great Virtue (Mrs Pritchard?)." N.B.: This is the greatest curiosity in the Catalogue.


Mainpiece Title: Auction Of Pictures

Event Comment: Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. First Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s. To begin exactly at six o'clock. No persons to be admitted behind the scenes, nor any money to be return'd after the curtain is drawn up. Places for the boxes to be taken of Mr Page at the Stage door (General Advertiser). [This notice appears on subsequent bills this season but will not be repeated further here.


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Event Comment: Afterpiece: By Desire. [A full column, front-page letter to the Author of the General Advertiser from one purporting to live many miles from London, but whose curiosity about the New Tragedy Irene brought him to see it, details his experience in the theatre the night of Tues. 14 Feb. Seems to be an illconcealed "puff." The writer listens to three critics in the pit decry the performance, then after seeing it himself concludes: "It was receiv'd with universal approbation...Upon the whole I dare affirm that the Judgment of Posterity will concur with me in distinguishing Irene as the best tragedy which this age has produced, for Sublimity of thought, Harmony of numbers, strength of expression, a scrupulous observation of Dramatic Rules, the sudden Turn of events, the tender and generous distress, the unexpected catastrophe, and the extensive and important moral." He inquires why the play has not been so favorably received as others, and concludes it is too finely and artistically conceived to please the masses. He closes by complimenting the Ladies of Great Britain for he "scarce ever saw so shining an assembly in the Boxes. Their early approbation of a Tragedy in which not only the words but the ideas are entirely chaste; a tragedy filled with noble sentiment and poetic beauty is at once a proof of their delicacy and penetration."] Receipts. #100 (Cross); #101 (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: Mahomet And Irene

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Dance: SScotch Dance, as17490118

Event Comment: Benefit for Miss Falkner. We hear that the two young Africans will be at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden this night, to see the Spanish Fryar, for the Benefit of Miss Falkner. [Page missing from the General Advertiser with the Bill this day.


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar

Role: Alphonso Actor: Paget

Afterpiece Title: Phoebe; or, The Beggar's Wedding

Song: Miss Falkner

Event Comment: Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s. No persons to be admitted behind the scenes, nor any money to be returned after the curtain is drawn up. Places for boxes to be had of Mr Page at the Stage door. To begin at 6 o'clock. [Usual notice not to be repeated.] Rec'd from Mr Delamain for balance of his acct: #30; Commenced with a deficit brought over from Day Book I: #212 13s. 6d. Paid Nightly charges; #54 11s. 2d. Bridgewater in part of his bond: #50. Rich on Acct. #5 5s. (Account Book). [The income reduced the initial deficit to #124 10s. 2d. Day Book No. I, referr'd to seems not now to be extant. See note of solvency 9 Feb. 1750]. Receipts: #167 19s. 6d. (Source for all cg receipts is Account Book. Covent Garden, British Museum Egerton 2269.


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Afterpiece Title: Damon and Phillida

Event Comment: [Receipts missing from Treasurer's Book. Expenditure page present.] Paid Mr Wallis rent on 100 nights #11 13s. 4d.; Paid Young Cross for dancing in the Tempest 5s., and Shawford's youngest son for same 5s.; Norton 3 chorus 15s. (Treasurer's Book). Second edition of Merope "As it was acted last season and as it is now acting, with great applause, at Drury Lane." Printed for A. Miller, apposite Katherine St., Strand. Price 1s. 6d. Receipts: #100 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Afterpiece Title: A Duke and no Duke

Event Comment: [Receipts missing from Treasurer's Book. Expenditure page present.] Paid Blandford (Tallow Chandler) #11 13s. 5d.; Paid to Frank going to Chiswick by order 5s.; Paid Fryar (Hosier) #3 19s.; Norton 3 chorus 15s. (Treasurer's Book). Receipts: #80 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Chaplet

Dance: AAcis and Galatea, as17491130

Event Comment: A new musical entertainment compos'd & wrote by Mr Arne--it was much hiss'd but suffer'd to be given out again (Cross). No latter account will be taken. Books of the Entertainment to be had at the theatre. [Pages covering this date missing from Treasurer's Book. Larpent MS 85 indicates the Character Capt. Sancho-Blakes, deleted.] Receipts: #100 ($Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Afterpiece Title: Don Saverio

Event Comment: Benefit for Lowe. Charges #60. Deficiency to Lowe #11 16s. covered by #104 9s. from tickets. [Afterpiece appears under the Shakespearian title in the Account Book. Actually it was James Worsdale's Cure for a Scold taken from Shakespeare's play.] Mainpiece: By particular desire. Tickets to be had of Lowe at his lodgings the corner of Southampton St., Covent Garden, and of Page at the Stage door of the Theatre. Receipts: #48 4s


Mainpiece Title: Comus

Afterpiece Title: A Cure for a Scold; or, The Taming of a Shrew

Event Comment: Benefit for Lee. Charges #60. Balance to Lee #1 6s. plus #88 17s. from tickets. Advanced Servandoni #5 5s. Tickets to be had of Lee at Mr Christmas's in Maiden Lane; and of Page at the stage door. Both pieces by Desire. Receipts: #61 6s


Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Dance: As17500201

Event Comment: Benefit for Cross, and Burton. Rec'd cash #36 15s., plus #116 6s. from tickets. Total #153 1s.; Paid Norton 6 Chorus #1 10s.; Paid Mr Dolmain (Embroiderer) #3 (Treasurer's Book). Tickets to be had of Mr Page at the Stage Door. Tickets deliver'd out by Grandchamps will be taken. Publish'd this day, the third edn. of Colley Cibber's Apology for his Life at 6s. With an Historical view of the stage during his own time, to which is now added A short account of the Rise and Progress of English Stage: also a dialogue on old plays and old players. Printed for R. Dodsley (General Advertiser). Receipts: #154 (Cross); charges, #63 (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Music: II: Concerto on Violincello-Cervetti

Dance: I: Black Joke, as17500420 II: Comic Dance-Grandchamps; III: L'Entree de Flore, as17491024; V: Venetian Gardeners-Grandchamps, Mlle Auretti