02 April 1748

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1747-1748
Volume: 4
Comments: Benefit for Mrs Elmy. Tickets and Places of Mrs Elmy at the corner of Tavistock St. next Southampton St., Covent Garden; and of Hobson at the stage door. Being the last time of acting till the Holidays. Cash, #92 12s.; tickets, #56 8s.; total, #149 (Clay MS page reproduced in Oct. 1926 issue of Connoisseur, p. 93). A few days ago arriv'd in Town Mr Sheridan, Manager of the Theatre Royal in Dublin, and we hear as his stay is to be but short, he intends to perform only once, for the benefit of the poor sufferers by the late Fire (General Advertiser). [The fire happened the 25th in "Exchange alley (London) and in the space of 10 hours consumed a great number of houses occupied by persons in middling circumstances and with large families." Subscriptions were raised and distributed by a committee of ten bankers. See General Advertiser.] Receipts: #160 (Cross); house charges, #63 (Powel)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??dl Macbeth. As 19 March, but Macbeth-Barry; Lady Macduff-Mrs Elmy; Young Siward-_; Fleance-_; Seyton-_; Angus-_; Doctor-_; Lady-_. *a??dl The Intriguing Chambermaid. As 1 Oct. 1747. *d??dl Cooke, Anne and Janeton Auretti. *c??dl Benefit for $Mrs Elmy=. Tickets and Places of Mrs Elmy at the corner of <i>Tavistock St.</i> next <i>Southampton St.</i>, <i>Covent Garden</i>; and of $Hobson= at the stage door. Being the last time of acting till the Holidays. Cash, #92 12s.; tickets, #56 8s.; total, #149 (<i>Clay MS</i> page reproduced in Oct. 1926 issue of <i>Connoisseur</i>, p. 93). A few days ago arriv'd in Town $Mr Sheridan=, Manager of the $Theatre Royal in Dublin=, and we hear as his stay is to be but short, he intends to perform only once, for the benefit of the poor sufferers by the late Fire (<i>General Advertiser</i>). [The fire happened the 25th in "Exchange alley (<i>London</i>) and in the space of 10 hours consumed a great number of houses occupied by persons in middling circumstances and with large families." Subscriptions were raised and distributed by a committee of ten bankers. See <i>General Advertiser</i>.] Receipts: #160 ($Cross=); house charges, #63 ($Powel=).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1748 04 02 dl Macbeth. ^As17480319^ but Macbeth-Barry; Lady Macduff-Mrs Elmy; Young Siward-_; Fleance-_; Seyton-_; Angus-_; Doctor-_; Lady-_.*a1748 04 02 dl The Intriguing Chambermaid. ^As17471001^.*d1748 04 02 dl Cooke, Anne and Janeton Auretti.*c1748 04 02 dl Benefit for $Mrs Elmy=. Tickets and Places of Mrs Elmy at the corner of <i>Tavistock St.</i> next <i>Southampton St.</i>, <i>Covent Garden</i>; and of $Hobson= at the stage door. Being the last time of acting till the Holidays. Cash, #92 12s.; tickets, #56 8s.; total, #149 (<i>Clay MS</i> page reproduced in Oct. 1926 issue of <i>Connoisseur</i>, p. 93). A few days ago arriv'd in Town $Mr Sheridan=, Manager of the $Theatre Royal in Dublin=, and we hear as his stay is to be but short, he intends to perform only once, for the benefit of the poor sufferers by the late Fire (<i>General Advertiser</i>). [The fire happened the 25th in "Exchange alley (<i>London</i>) and in the space of 10 hours consumed a great number of houses occupied by persons in middling circumstances and with large families." Subscriptions were raised and distributed by a committee of ten bankers. See <i>General Advertiser</i>.] Receipts: #160 ($Cross=); house charges, #63 ($Powel=).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 24169 | 17480402 | dl | Benefit for $Mrs Elmy=. Tickets and Places of Mrs Elmy at the corner of <i>Tavistock St.</i> next <i>Southampton St.</i>, <i>Covent Garden</i>; and of $Hobson= at the stage door. Being the last time of acting till the Holidays. Cash, #92 12s.; tickets, #56 8s.; total, #149 (<i>Clay MS</i> page reproduced in Oct. 1926 issue of <i>Connoisseur</i>, p. 93). A few days ago arriv'd in Town $Mr Sheridan=, Manager of the $Theatre Royal in Dublin=, and we hear as his stay is to be but short, he intends to perform only once, for the benefit of the poor sufferers by the late Fire (<i>General Advertiser</i>). [The fire happened the 25th in "Exchange alley (<i>London</i>) and in the space of 10 hours consumed a great number of houses occupied by persons in middling circumstances and with large families." Subscriptions were raised and distributed by a committee of ten bankers. See <i>General Advertiser</i>.] Receipts: #160 ($Cross=); house charges, #63 ($Powel=)
    Performance: 48115 | 24169 | p | Macbeth | As17480319 but Macbeth-Barry; Lady Macduff-Mrs Elmy; Young Siward-_; Fleance-_; Seyton-_; Angus-_; Doctor-_; Lady-_.
    AsSeeDate: 48115 | dl | p | As | 17480319
    78521 | 48115 | Macbeth | Barry
    78522 | 48115 | Lady Macduff | Mrs Elmy
    355128 | 48115 | Macduff | Delane
    355129 | 48115 | Ross | Lee
    355130 | 48115 | Banquo | Havard
    355131 | 48115 | Duncan | Sparks
    355132 | 48115 | Malcolm | Blakes
    355133 | 48115 | Lady Macbeth | Mrs Pritchard
    355134 | 48115 | Lennox | Mozeen
    355135 | 48115 | Siward | Winstone
    355136 | 48115 | Donalbain | Miss Cole
    355137 | 48115 | Hecate | Berry
    355138 | 48115 | Witches | Arthur, Neale, Yates
    355139 | 48115 | Young Siward | Bransby
    355140 | 48115 | Fleance | Master Cross
    355141 | 48115 | Seyton | Ray
    355142 | 48115 | Angus | Simpson
    355143 | 48115 | Doctor | Taswell
    355144 | 48115 | Lady | Miss Minors
    355145 | 48115 | With songs
    355146 | 48115 | dances | , and other decorations.
    Performance: 48116 | 24169 | a | The Intriguing Chambermaid | As17471001.
    AsSeeDate: 48116 | dl | a | As | 17471001
    355147 | 48116 | Lettice | Mrs Clive
    355148 | 48116 | Drunken Col. | Macklin.
    Performance: 48117 | 24169 | d | Cooke, Anne and Janeton Auretti


Title: Macbeth
As17480319 but Macbeth-Barry; Lady Macduff-Mrs Elmy; Young Siward-_; Fleance-_; Seyton-_; Angus-_; Doctor-_; Lady-_.




Comment: Cooke, Anne and Janeton Auretti

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