SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Theatres Royal London"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Theatres Royal London")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 3936 matches on Event Comments, 1330 matches on Performance Title, 826 matches on Performance Comments, 1 matches on Roles/Actors, and 0 matches on Author.
Event Comment: Towards raising a Fund for Erecting a Monument to the Memory of Shakespear. Mainpiece: Written by Shakespear. The Pit and Boxes to be put together. London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 5 June: The Season [at dl] being finish'd, and the Accounts of it settled, it is thought proper to acquaint the Publick, that the Master of that Theatre has receiv'd One Hundred and Seventy-odd Pounds, (besides some Accounts of Tickets, the Produce of which has not as yet been paid in, which is suppos'd will make near the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds,) towards erecting a Monument to Shakespear


Mainpiece Title: Julius Caesar

Event Comment: Benefit Cibber. At the particular Desire of several Ladies of Quality. Mainpiece: Written by Ben. Johnson. [Tickets at Cibber's House, at Mrs Holt's in Bow Street, cg. The play changed, by request, from The Relapse.] London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 26 March: Last Week died, in the 88th Year of his Age, Mr Boman, belonging to Drury-Lane Theatre, who had the Honour to perform several times before King Charles II. It is remarkable of him, that he was the oldest Player, the oldest Singer, and the oldest Ringer in England


Mainpiece Title: The Alchymist

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Dance: II: Punch Dance-Master Ferg, Miss Wright; IV: Pierots-Master Ferg, Miss Wright; V: Turkish Dance-Muilment

Song: I: Advice to the Tatlers (by Desire)-Mrs Clive; III: Mary Scot-Mrs Clive

Music: Select Pieces-

Event Comment: Descriptive passage as at cg 13 Oct. London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 20 Oct.: Last Night was perform'd, gratis, the Tragedy of Richard the Third, at the late Theatre in Goodman's Fields, when the Character of Richard was perform'd by a Gentleman who never appear'd before, whose Reception was the most extraordinary and great that was ever known upon such an Occasion; and we hear he obliges the Town this Evening with the same Performance


Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmasked

Dance: Froment, Mlle Duval, two Masters and Miss Granier

Event Comment: TThe London Magazine (Feb. 1742) reprinted an article from the Universal Spectator of this date on an Indian's observations on the manners of the English, which included a general account of a night at the theatre, in which the scene shifting and the music seemed most impressive to the writer


Event Comment: Announced only as A New Sacred Oratorio. [First London Performance.] See Universal Spectator, 19 March, for emphatic objection against performing oratorios in theatres


Mainpiece Title: Messiah

Music: Concerto on Organ-; Violin Solo-DuBourg

Event Comment: No Money will be taken behind the scenes, nor any money to be return'd after the Curtain is drawn up. The following Letter, signed A By-Stander was inserted in the London Daily Post and General Advertiser: As I am absolutely unconcerned in all the now subsiding Theatrical Disputes, I hope the following observations upon what happened last Tuesday Night at Drury Lane will not be thought unworthy the Publick attention. The Manager of a theatre is to regard the General sense of the Town, and not any Faction form'd thru pique or resentment; Such a Faction may be Noisy, it may be Insolent, but never can be Considerable enough to force either the Manager or the Publick into their terms. Their outrages are equally insults upon the Understanding of the Town, as they are injuries to the Property of the Manager. Therefore if the Manager shall at any time give way to such proceedings, Then and not till Then, the Publick has a right ot find fault with him. The stage Then becomes a property to the insolence of a few misled people; and all theatrical diversions, which in this and other countries used to be directed by Decency and Publick Approbation are sacrificed to a pitiful Personal Resentment. If the above propositions are undeniable, the following Queries are submitted to the Publick, and the answer to them will determine the Reasonableness of the Tuesday Night Riot: I. Whether the Rioters were not Inconsiderable in their numbers and Circumstances? II: Whether any Gentleman can answer to himself, for doing in a Body, a thing which no Gentleman can justify for doing by himself? III. Whether the Rioters can justify their breaking into the Boxes, and taking possession of the seats, which were taken by many persons of Quality and Distinction, at the same time refusing to pay anything; thereby robbing the Manager of all the money of the Boxes, and most part of the Pit? IV. Whether the Manager ought to suffer in his property for the private quarrel between any two actors, as was the case...? V: Whether if such insolences are not discountenanced in the most effectual manner by the Town, any publick diversion can continue longer than a noisy inconsiderable Cabal pleases? VI. Whether any other motive than a regard to Public Decency would have hindered the Manager and Mr. Garrick's friends (who were treble the number) from treating the rioters as they deserved? I should be glad to see the above questions fairly and impartially answered


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Event Comment: By Subscription. A Burletta, or Comic Opera...being the first of this Species of Musical Drama ever exhibited in England. [But see Burney, II, 248, on both cast and music.] Pit and Boxes Half a guinea. Gallery 5s. To begin at 6 p.m. Last Wednesday arrived in London, from Italy, Signor Croza, with his New Company of Italian Performers, who are to entertain the Town the approaching Season, at the King's Theatre in the Haymarket, with Operas of a new kind, call'd Burlettas (General Advertiser, 23 Sept.)


Mainpiece Title: La Comedia In Comedia

Dance: GGrand Dance (compos'd by Poitier)-Mlle Poitier, Master Charles, Miss Jenny Poitier

Music: Rinaldo da Capua

Event Comment: Afterpiece: By Desire. [A full column, front-page letter to the Author of the General Advertiser from one purporting to live many miles from London, but whose curiosity about the New Tragedy Irene brought him to see it, details his experience in the theatre the night of Tues. 14 Feb. Seems to be an illconcealed "puff." The writer listens to three critics in the pit decry the performance, then after seeing it himself concludes: "It was receiv'd with universal approbation...Upon the whole I dare affirm that the Judgment of Posterity will concur with me in distinguishing Irene as the best tragedy which this age has produced, for Sublimity of thought, Harmony of numbers, strength of expression, a scrupulous observation of Dramatic Rules, the sudden Turn of events, the tender and generous distress, the unexpected catastrophe, and the extensive and important moral." He inquires why the play has not been so favorably received as others, and concludes it is too finely and artistically conceived to please the masses. He closes by complimenting the Ladies of Great Britain for he "scarce ever saw so shining an assembly in the Boxes. Their early approbation of a Tragedy in which not only the words but the ideas are entirely chaste; a tragedy filled with noble sentiment and poetic beauty is at once a proof of their delicacy and penetration."] Receipts. #100 (Cross); #101 (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: Mahomet And Irene

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Dance: SScotch Dance, as17490118

Event Comment: Benefit for one Monett master of ye French Comedians (Cross). [174th and positively the last night.] Receipts: #120 (Cross). Account of Disbursements made by Mr Monnet for his Stage, as well in Ready Money as in Notes of Hand. @Names of Actors and Actresses Their Contracts with Mr Monnet Paid in Money Paid in Notes Whole sum of the Expence, as well in Money as in Notes@Desormes #227 7s. 6d. #65 17s. 9d. #131 5s. #197 2s. 9d.@Mauly & Hamond #301 8s. 9d. #175 #63 #238@Bureau #257 8s. 7d. #122 11s. 3d. #52 10s. #175 1s. 3d.@Toscano #289 7s. 10d. #123 16s. 7d. #66 1s. 3d. #189 7s. 10d.@Durancy and Wife #361 17s. 1d. #147 7s. #210 #357 7s.@Parant #218 15s. #108 10s. 10d. .... #108 10s. 10d.@Terodat #52 10s. #39 2s. .... #39 2s.@Kelly #30 18s. #30 18s. .... #30 18s.@Villiers #32 15s. #32 15s. .... #32 15s.@Chateauneuf #43 15s. #15 17s. .... #15 17s.@Dujoncel #36 15s. #24 13s. 6d. #12 1s. 6d. #36 15s.@Champville #87 10s. #52 10s. .... #52 10s.@StAmand #78 15s. #26 5s. #17 10s. #43 15s.@Totals #1,919 2s. 9d. #965 4s. 3d. #552 7s. 9d.@ @Other Expences@For the Play-House's Rent #110@For the Stage's Taylor #35 14s.@For the Expences of Four Representations acted #65 12s. 6d.@For the traveling Expences of Mr Monnet, and his Residence of twenty Months at London or Paris and the Expences for the Custom-House, Law, Prison #328 12s. 8d.@Whole Sum of the Expence #2,157 1s.@ @RECEIPTS@For Fifty-six Subscriptions, at Five Guineas each #294@Received from Four Representations acted at the Little Theatre in the Hay-Market #188 18s. 4d.@From a Subscription, by Mr Arthur, Master of White's Chocolate-House #367 10s.@Whole Sum of the Receipts #850 8s. 4d. @ Therefore the Expence exceeds the Money received by #1,306 12s. 8d. which Mr Monnet is entirely out of Pocket, besides two Years and a half of his Time spent for it. N.B. The Contracts are all made for Livres Turnois, and this Account is made upon a Calculation of 3 Livres Tournois for 31 1!2d. Sterling.--And the Contracts and Receipts are ready to be produced. [This account is by courtesy of Miss Sybil Rosenfeld from a photostat of the original (which is printed in both French and English) in the Bibliotheque National. See also British Magazine, August 1750, p. 322.


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Dance: III: Grand Scotch Dance, as17491031

Event Comment: Whereas several Ungenerous aspersions have been cast on me, with respect to an Advertisement published in the London Gazetteer of Tuesday last, directed to the Friends of the Manager of Covent Garden Theatre, I declare that I was in no way consenting, or privy to the said Advertisement. John Rich (General Advertiser)


Mainpiece Title: The Merry Wives Of Windsor

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne

Event Comment: Benefit for ye Author (no more Noise) (Cross). Tickets as of 5 Feb. Tickets deliver'd out for the third and sixth Nights will be taken. Receipts: #140 (Cross). Gentleman's Magazine, Feb. 1751, pp. 77-78, concerning Gil Blas: To animadvert upon a piece which is almost universally condemned is unneccessary, and to defend this is impossible. There is not one elegant expression or moral sentiment in the dialogue; nor indeed one character in the drama, from which either could be expected. It is however, to be wished that the Town, which opposed this play with so much zeal, would exclude from the theatre every other in which there is not more merit; for partiality and prejudice will be suspected in the treatment of new plays, while such pieces as the London Cuckolds, and the City Wives Confederacy, are suffered to waste time and debauch the morals of society....Upon the whole the Author appears to have intended rather entertainment than instruction, and to have disgusted the Pit by adapting his comedy to the taste of the Galleries....Perhaps the ill success of this comedy is chiefly the effect of the author's having so widely mistaken the character of Gil Blas whom he has degraded from a man of sense, discernment, true humor, and great knowledge of an impertinent silly, conceited coxcomb, a mere Lying Valet, with all the affectation of a Fop, and all the insolence of a coward. [Thomas Gray wrote to Horace Walpole 3 March 1751, "Gil Blas is the Lying Valet in five acts. The fine lady has half-a-dozen good lines dispersed in it."


Mainpiece Title: Gil Blas

Event Comment: Never were the theatres more in Estimation than at present, nor was there ever a time at which so much pains appear to have been taken, in order to continue them upon a good footing. We owe our thanks to Mr Garrick for engaging in the expence of such a number of additional performers, but we owe him also our applause for the success with which they have played (Inspector No 203, in Daily Advertiser and London Gazette). Receipts: #110 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Song: IV: Mattocks

Event Comment: Afterpiece: noise still (Cross). [See 6 Nov.] Mainpiece: It appears that Mr Garrick is solicitous to banish vice from the theatre, by his having first omitted to exhibit that scandalous piece the London Cuckolds on the evening of the Lord Mayor's Day [9 Nov.] contray to immemorial custom, and the practice of the other house. He has also made a vigorous attempt to exclude folly but the friends of folly appeared to be so numerous, that he could not effect his purpose (Gentleman's Magazine, Nov. 1752, p. 535). Receipts: #100 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Ranger

Dance: As17521102

Event Comment: This day publish'd at 3s. Printed on Five sheets of superfine paper, Five Principal Scenes in Romeo and Juliet, designed, drawn, and engraved by Mr Ant. Walker. Printed and sold by John Tinney, at the Golden Lion in Fleet St. The drawing and Engraving of the three following Plays of Shakespeare are in great forwardness, and the scenes of each play will be sold at a time: 1 Henry IV, 2 Henry IV, Merry Wives. These plates will serve for Mr Pope's edition of Shakespeare in quarto, Sir Thomas Hanmer's edn. 6 Vol. quarto, or for any of the Folio editions. And may be framed and glazed for furniture. There will be a few sets neatly coloured for Gentlemen and Ladies who chuse them so (Public Advertiser). [A set of these prints is available in the Folger Shakespeare Library. The Five Principal Scenes were: The scene in Capulet's Housev where Romeo kisses Juliet 's hand; the Balcony Scenev ; the scene in which Friar Lawrence hurries the young couple off to be married; the Apothecary scenev ; and the death scenev . If, as may be, these scenes were taken from--as they were certainly stimulated by--the Barry-Nossiter production, they may present a good likness of Maria Isabella Nossiter, who so captivated London that season. If, also, they were taken from the theatre production, they give evidence that Barry used a balcony, not only a window.


Mainpiece Title: Lo Studente A La Moda

Dance: As17540118

Event Comment: Both pieces by His Majesty's command. [John Pringle wrote to Blayney Townley on 14 Nov.: Great are the disputes at present between the rival theatres, vieing with each other in different characters which afford unusual entertainment to all frequenting the stage. His Majesty on Saturday night paid his first visit to Covent Garden in perference to the opera at Drury Lane, when Lady Townley by Pegg Woffington gave him great pleasure, with the addition of unusual huzzas in a part of the Miller of Mansfield." -Historical MS Commission, 10th Report, Appendix, Part IV (London 1887), p. 257.


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: The King and Miller

Event Comment: MMiss Haughton did second Constantia-Mrs Cibber gave it up-some days ago ($Cross). [Early in the next year was published The Devil upon Crutches in England; or, Night Scenes in London. By a Gentleman of Oxford. Chapter V gives a Short View of the Theatres including sharp criticism of 'the most barefaced bawdry Farce...that ever disgraced the stage, in which the Manager, who has caused it to be reviv'd, is to perform the principal part. The Play, Sir, is call'd the Chances...and this is the tenth night of its representation to crowded houses...Your fair country women...are fond of the most fulsome obscenity on the stage."] Receipts: #150 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Chances

Song: II: (By desire) The School of Anacreon-Beard

Dance: IV: The Shepherd's Holiday, as17541008

Event Comment: Benefit for the Lying In Hospital, Aldersgate St. Receipts: #76 15s. Income from Tickets #80 11s. (boxes 114; pit 273; gallery 111). Charges #84 (Account Book). Tomorrow the First Part of King Henry IV. [A long plea for attendance at this performance appeared in the Public Advertiser: "It affords me the greatest satisfaction when I peruse your paper, and find so many advertisements for charitable Benefits at the Theatres; which must greatly add to the Entertainment of the Stage, when we are sensible that the profits are to be appropriated towards the relief and support of the Indigent and distress'd; for the refief of whom, it must (at the same time it gives us secret pleasure) raise the astonishment of foreigners to see so many charitable piles raise their benevolent roofs in and about this great Metroplis. Amongst which I must beg leave to recommend to the Public, the City of London Lying In Hospital in Aldersgate Street (for the Benefit of which the Play of the Conscious Lovers will be performed this evening at Covent Garden); whose charitable doors have been opened for the relief of a much greater Number since the late dearth of Provisions, than its Annual Income (being supported by voluntary contributions) can possibly support, without further aid from the Public." The plea continues by emphasizing the need for expert and tender care for pregnant women, and by pointing out the satisfaction British sailors will have in knowing their wives may be delivered in this hospital.] [The Occasional Prologue (Written by Mr Lockman, Secretary to the Society of Free British Fisheries) was published in the Public Advertiser on 16 Dec.: @"Not sweeter Joy the wond'ring Indian feels,@When his far dazzling Glory Sol reveals@Than warms my heart at this auspicious Sight,@The splendid Audience of this cheerful night."@ Much emphasis on the misery of child-bearing, yet the need for a large population "to a commercial land." Also included was the Epilogue, by Lockman, "Intended for Mrs Hamilton," ending, "May each youth, here, breathe Bevil's gen'rous flame@Each virgin merit Indiana's fame."


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: Lethe

Dance: FFingalian Dance, by Desire, as17571013

Event Comment: OObrien did Brazen, for his first appearance, & met with great Applause (Cross). [See a two-column comment on The Recruiting Officer and O'Brien's acting in Theatre No II published in The London Chronicle, No. 277, 5-7 Oct., p. 343: "The character of Brazen never existed in human nature, but is merely the child of Farquhar's own licentious invention...and for this reason I imagined it impossible for any actor to appear to advantage in it, without having recourse to that buffoonery and grimace which has always been made use of by the most eminent to support it; but I was agreeably surprised to find myself mistaken: for the young gentleman who has now got it into his possession goes through the whole with a genuine comic spirit; and, by his peculiar method of acting it, in a great measure corrects the unnatural absurdity of the writer." Specific details of his acting as well as comments on other roles are given.] Receipts: #150 (Cross); #174 3s. 6d. (Winston MS 8)


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Event Comment: TThe London Chronicle for 1758 (p. 455): On Friday the 3rd instant was presented Coriolanus. The two first acts of this play, as it is performed at the above theatre, were written by Shakespear; the three last for the most part by Mr. Thomson. But how a man of Mr Sheridan's knowledge (who first introduc'd it there about four years ago) could think of pounding into one substance two things so heterogeneous in their natures as the productions of those authors, is to me amazing. Mr Smith enters in the first act, after having (as we are to suppose) just overcome the Volsci, to the tune of violins and hautboys; but I am a little afraid the grandeur of his triumph is a little misapplied, considering the early times in which Coriolanus lived, before the Roman empire had arrived to any degree of splendor and magnificence, and was great in virtue only. However it makes a fine show; and Mr Smith, who has an excellent person, by the help of a little burnt cork and a real coat of mail cuts a very martial appearance. I think it was one of the Gracchi, who, when he was speaking to the people, always had a servant behind him in the Rostrum with a pitch-pipe which he touched whenever he found his master's voice rising beyond a certain height; such an instrument as this would, in my opinion, be of service to Mr Smith, for his fault seems to be that of keeping too much at the top of his vioce. Mrs Hamilton in the part of Veturai, especially in the last act, excells herself; and in particular, she repeats that line: "He never can be lost who saves his country," with the genuine spirit of a free-born Englishman. By the unnatural conjunction which is attempted to be made in this tragedy, most of the other characters are robbed of their significance. Those two excellent actors, therefore, Ryan and Sparks, only give us just cause to regret that the parts of Tullus and Volscius are not longer....After the play was presented a Ballad Opera called The Contrivances; in which some good comedians are oblig'd to submit to the drudgery of supporting as contemptible a trifle as ever was acted on the stage


Mainpiece Title: Coriolanus

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances

Dance: As17581016

Event Comment: By Authority. 7 p.m. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. The little Theatre was at this time enlargening, it being very small before the alteration, and having but one gallery with the way into the pit at each angle of the front boxes (Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Samuel Foote, Esq. [London, 1777]. Printed for J. Brew)


Mainpiece Title: Patie And Roger

Event Comment: Not acted in 5 years. [See 4 Feb. 1758.] The Drummer was revived at this period at both take advantage of the reigning weakness of the people, who went in crowds many days and nights to an Haunted House, by what was called the Cock-Lane Ghost-a delusion set on foot, and very ingeniously carried on by a girl of 12 years of age, daughter of a clerk of St Sepulchre's Church, who resided in Cock Lane near Smithfield. [The Ghost was supposed to be that of one Fanny, a gentleman's mistress buried in the church. By knockings and scratchings she supposedly haunted the girl intimating foul practices concerning her death.] It would be incredible to relate the numbers of persons of distinction that attended this delusion! many of whom treated it as a serious and most important last the girl's father and three or four others were tried in the King's Bench, found guilty' Pillioried and imprisoned. This most effectively laid the Ghost; and is the best and properest cure for every ghost that may arise hereafter. (Victor, History of the Theatres, III, 18 ff). [The theme exploited again by Garrick in The Farmer's Return from London, dl 20 March.


Mainpiece Title: The Drummer; Or, The Haunted House

Afterpiece Title: The Genii

Song: II: Hearts of Oak, as17620115; End: An Occasional Ballad by Way of Epilogue, in the Character of Abigail,-Mrs Clive

Event Comment: With New Habits, Scenes, Decorations and Music. Full Prices. Songs in the Entertainment will be given out at the Theatre. Afterpiece compos'd by Love, perform'd with success (Victor, I, 40). [N.B. In June 1762 the King of the Cherokee Indians arrived with two of his chiefs to pay respects to King George III. On 28 August they appeared at Marylebone Gardens. A dmission Price to see them 6d. (London Chronicle, No 857 & 860).


Mainpiece Title: Lady Jane Gray

Afterpiece Title: The Witches; or, Harlequin Cherokee

Song: IV: Miss Young

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Never acted before. Characters new dressed &c. [See Theatrical Review; or, Annals of the Drama, 1763, pp. 67-74: Bless us what a sweet consistent piece of business is a modern Tragedy." See Boswell's account of his attendance that night with two friends, With oaken cudgels in our hands and shrill sounding catcalls in our pockets," ready prepared to damn the play (London Journal), p. 154 ff.).] Critical Strictures on the New Tragedy of Elvira, published this month (Gentleman's Magazine). I then undressed for the Play. My father and I went to the Rose, in the Passage of the Playhouse, where we found Mallet, with about thirty friends. We dined together, and went from thence into the Pitt, where we took our places in a body, ready to silence all opposition. However, we had no occasion to exert ourselves. Not withstanding the malice of a party, Mallet's nation, connections and indeed imprudence, we heard nothing but applause. I think it was deserved. The play was borrowed from de la Motte, but the details and language have great merit. A fine Vein of dramatick poetry runs thro' the piece. The Scenes between the father and son awaken almost every sensation of the human breast; and the Council would have equally moved, but for the inconvenience unavoidable upon all Theatres, that of entrusting fine Speeches to indifferent Actors. The perplexity of the Catastrophe is much, and I believe justly, critisized. But another defect made a strong impression upon me. When a Poet ventures upon the dreadful situation of a father who condemns his son to death; there is no medium; the father must either be monster or a Hero. His obligations of justice, of the publick good, must be as binding, as apparent as perhaps those of the first Brutus. The cruel necessity consecrates his actions, and leaves no room for repentance. The thought is shocking, if not carried into action. In the execution of Brutus's sons I am sensible of that fatal necessity. Without such an example, the unsettled liberty of Romev would have perished the instant after its birth. But Alonzo might have pardoned his son for a rash attempt, the cause of which was a private injury, and whose consequences could never have disturbed an established government. He might have pardoned such a crime in any other subject; and the laws could exact only a equal rigor for a son; a Vain appetite for glory, and a mad affectation of Heroism, could only influence him to exert an unequal & superior severity (Gibbon's Journal, ed. D. M. Low [New York, n.d.], pp. 202-4)


Mainpiece Title: Elvira

Afterpiece Title: The Male Coquette

Event Comment: By Command of their Majesties, an Occasional Oratorio "selected from the most celebrated compositions of the late George Frederick Handel." Pit and Boxes to be put together. No person to be admitted without Tickets which will be deliver'd this day at the Office in the Theatre at half a guinea each. First Gallery 5s. Upper Gallery 3s. 6d. Galleries to be opened at half past Four. Pit and Boxes at Five. To begin at half after Six. This day Publish'd Price 1s. An Occasional Oratorio, as it is to be performed at Covent Garden...J. and R. Tonson. [The most provocative commentary on Oratorios may be found in [Robert Maddison's] An Examination of the Oratorios performed This Season at Covent Garden, (London, 1763) 63 pages, wherein he seeks to define the genre, then judge the performances in terms of his definition.


Mainpiece Title: Occasional Oratorio

Music: CConcertos on Organ-Stanley; on Violin-Hay

Event Comment: Benefit for the Colleges of Philadelphia and New York. Mainpiece a Sacred Ode written by Dr Brown set to select Airs, Duets and Choruses from Mr Handel, and other Eminent Composers, with the addition of several new songs. Pit and Boxes to be put together. No Persons to be admitted without tickets, which will be deliver'd at the Office of the theatre at 1!2 a Guinea each; and also at the following Coffee House, viz: the Smyrna, Pall Mall; the Mount, Grosvenor St; George's, Temple Bar; the Rainbow, Cornhill, the New York, Sweetings's Alley; and the Pennsylvania, Birchin Lane. First Gallery 5s. Second Gallerp 3s. 6d. Galleries to be opened at half past Four, Pit and Boxes at Five. To begin at 1!2 after Six (playbill). This philanthropic enterprise, of which the theatrical benefit was but a part, seems not to have born much fruit for the respective Colleges. See Letter to the Governors of the Colleges of New York, respecting the Collection that was made in the Kingdom in 1762 and 1763, for the Colleges of Philadelphia and New York, to which are added Explanatory notes and appendix. By Sir James Jay, M. D. (London, 1771). The funds collected seem largely to have been used up in a law suit. The Governor of the College of New York, Rev. Dr Johnson, asked Jay to collect funds, which he did. Alderman Trecothick wrote Dr Johnson that the funds were not safe in Jay's hands. The Governors insulted Jay, and when they found they were wrong refused to apologize. They entered a bill against him in Chancery to gain the funds. It dragged out for four years. When the power of Attorney had been given to Trecothick, he claimed that a sum of #1437 15s. 6d. was unaccounted for by Jay, and was supposed to be in Jay's hands. Jay explained the Governors had not reckoned on reimbursement for his time and expenses for two years.


Mainpiece Title: The Cure Of Saul

Music: The Orchestra to be led by-Sg Giardini; Between acts: a Concerto on the Violin, Concerto on the violincello by Cervetto-Sg Giardini