SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Theatres Royal London"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Theatres Royal London")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 3936 matches on Event Comments, 1330 matches on Performance Title, 826 matches on Performance Comments, 1 matches on Roles/Actors, and 0 matches on Author.
Event Comment: By Command of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales [who were present]. An Ode, written by Mr Dryden. The Pit will be floored over, and laid into the Boxes. London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 17 March: The Prince and Princess of Wales seem'd to be highly entertain'd, insomuch that his Royal Highness commanded Mr Handel's Concerto on the Organ to be repeated


Mainpiece Title: Alexander's Feast

Event Comment: Under the Patronage of their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales, Duke of York, Duke of Clarence, Duke of Cumberland, and Her Royal Highness the Duchess of York [and] the Duchess of Devonshire and the Duchess of Gordon. Benefit for O'Keeffe, the Unfortunate Author of the following successful Dramatic Pieces: The Son in Law, Agreeable Surprise, Peeping Tom, Dead Alive, Young Quaker, Life's Vagaries, Castle of Andalusia, Czar, Tony Lumpkin in Town, Poor Soldier, Modern Antiques, Basket Maker, Wild Oats, Wicklow Mountains, French Grenadier [never acted], Positive Man, Love in a Camp, Tantara Rara Rogues all, Beggar on Horseback, Toy, London Hermit, Highland Reel, Blacksmith of Antwerp, Man Milliner, Irish Mimic, Little Hunchback, World in a Village, Fontainbleau, Magic Banner, Farmer, Doldrum, Sprigs of Laurel, Birth Day, Prisoner at Large, &c. &c. Tickets delivered for The Belle's Stratagem will be admitted. [O'Keeffe is referred to as being unfortunate because he was totally blind. In delivering his Poetical Composition, which is printed in Dramatic Censor, II, 265-67, the Monthly Mirror, June 1800, p. 367, reports that he was led on and off the stage by Lewis. It also notes that "Mrs Jordan...came from Drury-Lane, where she had performed the Child of Nature, to officiate at Covent-Garden as the handmaid of charity."] The Last Night of the Company's performing this season. Receipts: none listed


Mainpiece Title: The Lie Of The Day

Afterpiece Title: Three Weeks after Marriage

Afterpiece Title: Paul and Virginia

Song: In Course Evening: The Storm-Incledon

Entertainment: Monologue End II: personal address to the Audience in a Poetical Composition-O'Keeffe (written by Himself for the Occasion); End: Imitations-Rees

Event Comment: A playbill [PRO, State Papers 29, Vol. 317, No. 187): At the Booth at Charing-Cross, every day in the Week will be presented variety of Farces Drolls, and Comical Entertainments by Mr Anthony Devo, His Majesties Servant. And this present Monday being the Eleventh of November, will be presented the Dutch cruelties at Amboyna, with the humours of the Valiant Welch-Man. Acted by Men and Women. Beginning exactly at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, and at Four. Vivat Rex. [This playbill is reproduced in Theatre Notebook, VI (1952), opposite page 36.] L. C. 5@140, p. 129 (Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 250): That Antonio diVoto Doe sett forth Exercise & Play all Drolls and Interludes, He not receiuing into his Company any person belonging to his Mates or Royal Highnesse Theatres Nor Act any Play usually acted at any of ye said Theatres Nor takes peeces or Sceenes out of ye Playes Acted at ye said Theatres


Mainpiece Title: The Dutch Cruelties At Amboyna; With The Humours Of The Valiant Welch-man

Event Comment: By Command of Her Majesty. [This was the first time that members of the royal family had appeared in public since the beginning of the King's illness (his first attack of insanity) in November 1788. See also 21, 24 Apr.] The drop curtain with the King's arms on it shown when the front curtain first rose was the "original curtain exhibited on the opening of Lincoln's Inn Fields theatre [in 1714]...It has lain by in the scene-room of Covent-Garden theatre nearly seventy years, but was rescued from oblivion, retouched, and the appropriate ornaments added for the occasion" (Public Advertiser, 16 Apr.). On the Queen's entrance "the house called for God save the King, and the theatre being prepared, the song was immediately sung by Bannister, Johnstone, and Darley, the house joining in the chorus. It was encored...At the end of the play [it] was again called for, and again sung twice. At the end of the pantomime it was again called for; and the theatre not sending forward the performers, the audience cheerfully sung it for themselves; and having sung, they encored themselves; so that altogether it was sung six times in the course of the evening. Her Majesty had a bandeau of black velvet, on which were set in diamonds the words 'Long live the king.' The princesses had bandeaus of white satin, and 'Long live the king' in gold" (Universal Magazine, Apr. 1789, p. 218). Receipts: #388 16s. 6d. (385.12.0; 3.4.6)


Mainpiece Title: He Wou'd Be A Soldier

Afterpiece Title: Aladin

Event Comment: By Their Royal Highnesses' Command. At Penkethman's Theatre. Mainpiece: Written by Shakespear. Afterpiece: a diverting Droll. Box Tickets at Penkethman's House in Richmond. Daily Post, 5 Sept.: Mr Penkethman...had the Honour to divert their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, with Entertainments of Acting and Tumbling perform'd to Admiration; Likewise with his Picture of the Royal Family, down from the King of Bohemia to the young Princesses, in which is seen the Nine Muses playing on their several Instruments, in Honour of that August Family. There were present Nobility, Gentry and Ladies upwards of 200


Mainpiece Title: Pyramus And Thisbe

Afterpiece Title: The Blind Beggar of Bednal Green; or, The Woman Never Vex'd

Music: Concerto on small Flute-John Baston

Dance: Several surprizing Entertainments of Rope Dancing-a Young Lad lately come from France, who flourishes the Colours, plays on the Violin, and turns several Times on the Rope without a Pole; Ladder Dancing-the greatest Performer in the World, who stands on the Top Round of the Ladder, drinks a Glass of Wine, with his other Hand above his Head in the Middle of the Stage; Dancing , both Serious and Comic,-Monsieur De Long Dents, Monsieur De Long Dents'@two@children , just arrived from Paris; To which will be added, Variety of Tumbling-Mons Tollard, others, just arrived from Madrid

Event Comment: A disturbance occurred at this theatre on this day. Newdigate newsletters (Folger Shakespeare Library), 21 March 1673@4: His Maty has also been pleased to Order ye Recorder of London to examine ye Disorders & disturbances on Tuesday last at ye Dukes Theatre by some persons in drink (John Harold Wilson, Theatre Notes, p. 79). See also CSPD, 1673-1675, p. 231


Event Comment: The Rose is a New Musical performance of Two Acts by Dr Arne a very dull insipid piece. Mr G. protested against its being perform'd its being perform'd it was hiss'd from the beginning & wd not Suffer it to be given out again, therefore Mr King went on & told them it Should not be perform'd again until it be alter'd (Hopkins Diary). [Macmillan's note from Kemble differs slightly. See critical damnation of The Rose in British Theatre Article in The London Magazine, Dec. 1772.] Book of the Entertainment to be had at the Theatre (playbill). Paid Mr Petit for men's cloaths, #8 8s. CTreasurer's Book). [Reviewer for Town and Country Magazine (Theatre, No. XLI) disappointed with the Rose: "We are told that this precious piece of stuff is the production of an Oxford student; it may be so, of this every auditor is certain, that the collegian who penned it was so entirely lost in the pursuit of some abstruse study, that he has totally forgot grammar, common sense, and even his mother was unanimously damn'd."] Receipts: #172 6s. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: The Gamesters

Afterpiece Title: The Rose

Event Comment: [Macklin dismissed after this night. See the account in The Genuine Arguments of the Council, with the Opinion of the Court of the King's Bench, &c., By a Citizen of the World, (London, 1774). Extracts in E. R. Page, George Colman, the Elder (New York, 1935). See notes for 23 and 30 Oct. and the subsequent action in note for 20 Nov. He did not return until 18 May 1775. This night was aparently, except for #4 5s. which was not recorded on the books of the theatre until 18 June well after the season closed. Macklin's suit in court against the rioters was judged 24 Feb. 1775. A column and a half account of the trial appeared in the Public Advertiser, Saturday 13 May 1775, giving the testimony of the witnesses accused of starting the riot, the lawyers, and the judge. The accused were Leigh, Miles, James, Aldus, and Clarke. The first four were convicted of a conspiracy and a riot, the last of a riot only. During the Course of the Business Lord Mansfield took Occasion to observe, that the Right of Hissing, and Applauding in a theatre was an unalterable Right, but there was a wide Distinction between expressing the natural Sensations of the Mind as they arose on what was seen and heard, and executing a pre-concerted Desagn, not only to hiss an Actor when he was playing a Part in which he was universally allowed to be excellent, but also to drive him from the theatre, and effect his utter ruin." See also William W. Appleton, Charles Macklin, An Actors Life (Cambridge, Mass., 1960), Chapter X.


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Afterpiece Title: Love a-la-Mode

Dance: III: The Merry Sailors, as17731007; IV: The Highland Reel, as17731112

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Never acted here. [Mrs Armstead is identified in Morning Chronicle, 16 May. Prologue by George Colman elder (Collection...of English Prologues and Epilogues, II, 207).] Afterpiece: Not acted these 20 years. With a new Overture, the Original Prologue [by David Garrick], and a New Scene, in which will be introduced an air. With a Grand Jubilee-Pageant, in Honour of Gulliver. The Music, Dresses, Scenes, Trophies and Decorations entirely new. The Music composed by Dr Arnold. ["Lilliput was altered by Garrick (its author), and a procession of cards introduced in it, Gulliver walking as the Knave of Clubs" (Gilliland, I, 121-22). London Chronicle, 16 May, gives a synopsis of this pageant.] The Doors to be opened at 6:00. To begin at 7:00 [same throughout season]. Places for the Boxes to be taken at the Theatre. After this Evening the Entertainments of this Theatre will be discontinued till further Notice, on account of the Performers employed at Drury Lane Theatre [see 28 May]


Mainpiece Title: The English Merchant

Afterpiece Title: Lilliput

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Not performed these 5 years. In 3 acts; altered from Dryden. [Both Kemble and Moss were from the Edinburgh theatre. Address by George Colman elder (European Magazine, ibid).] Afterpiece [1st time; CO 2, by Charles Dibdin. London Chronicle, 17 May, refers to it as "from the French"]: The Musick composed by Dibdin. Books of the Songs to be had at the Theatre. Public Advertiser. 7 July: This Day is published Harvest Home (1s.). Places for the Boxes to be taken of Rice, at the Theatre. The Doors to be opened at 6:00. To begin at 7:00 [same throughout season]. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. 1st Gallery 2s. 2nd Gallery 1s


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Friar

Afterpiece Title: Harvest Home

Entertainment: Monologue End: Occasional Address (in character)-Young Sestini (European Magazine, July 1787, p. 63)

Event Comment: Benefit for Palmer. Mr Palmer most respectfully informs the Publick, the Lord Chamberlain having given Permission, Mr Colman having liberally granted the use of the Theatre, and his Brethren kindly consented to perform, that [there] will be presented...[as above. This benefit had originally been arranged for 20 Sept., but because of the death of the Duke of Cumberland, the theatre on that night was dark.] Tickets to be had of Palmer, No. 3, London Road, St. George's Fields; and of Rice, at the Theatre, where Places for the Boxes may be taken


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Barber

Afterpiece Title: The Son-in-Law

Entertainment: Monologues. End: The Lecture upon Heads-Palmer; After which: Liberty; or, Two Sides of the Water-Bannister Jun

Event Comment: A letter, written in January 1674@5, mentions the hissing Admiral Van Tromp received when "he was conducted over the stage to get to his place" at a performance of "a new play" at one of the London theatres. See Lady Newton, The House of Lyme (London, 1917), p. 271


Event Comment: The United Company. Newdigate newsletters, 28 Nov. 1682: This day was Acted a new play called the Duke of Guise by Mr Dryden it was formerly forbidd as reflecting upon the D of Monmouth but by ye supplication of ye Author its now allowed to be acted (Wilson, Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 81). The Prologue and Epilogue, separately printed, bear Luttrell's date of acquisition (Huntington Library) as 4 Dec. 1682, but above this date Luttrell has written: "30 Nov." The Prologue and Epilogue are reprinted in Wiley, Rare Prologues and Epilogues, pp. 149-52. Dedication, Edition of 1683: In the Representation itself, it was persecuted with so notorious Malice by one side, that it secur'd us the Partiality of the other. In a report from the Abbe Rouchi, in London, 14 Dec. 1682, it is stated that the Duke of Guise was acted three times (Campana de Cavelli, Les Derniers Stuarts [Paris and London, 1871], I, 398). One song, Tell me Thyrsis all your anguish, with music by Captain Pack, is in the edition of 1683 and also in Choice Ayres and Songs, The Fourth Book, 1683


Mainpiece Title: The Duke Of Guise

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of the first production is not known, but the Songs were advertised in the Flying Post, 6-8 Dec. 1698, and the play in the London Gazette, 19-22 Dec. 1698; hence, the premiere was certainly not later than early December and was probably not later than November. In fact, on 5 Dec. 1698 Dr. William Aglionby wrote Matthew Prior, referring to Dennis, "a poor poet who has made us a fine entertainment of Rinaldo and Armida" (quoted in The Works of John Dennis, II, 489). In a dialogue written by John Oldmixon (Reflections on the Stage [London, 1699], p. 101) Savage, referring to Rinaldo and Armida, states: I have seen it 3 or 4 times already, but the Musick is so fine, and the Play pleases me so well, that I shall not think it a burthen [to see it again] (in The Works of John Dennis, I, 479). The Musical Entertainments in the Tragedy of Rinaldo and Armida (1699) is reprinted, with an introduction by Herbert Davis, in Theatre Miscellany (Luttrell Society Reprints, No 14, Oxford, 1953), pp. 103-15. One song, Ah queen, ah wretched queen, give o'er, sung by Gouge, is in Mercurius Musicus, 1699; and another, Jolly breeze that comes whistling, sung by Gouge, is in Twelve New Songs, 1699. A Comparison between the Two Stages (1702), p. 22: Critick: At last, (as you say) the old Stagers moulded a piece of Pastry work of their own, and made a kind of Lenten Feast with their Rinaldo and Armida; this surpriz'd not only Drury-lane, but indeed all the Town, no body ever dreaming of an Opera there; 'tis true they had heard of Homer's Illiads in a Nut-shel, and Jack in a Box, and what not?...Sullen: Well, with this Vagary they tug'd a while, and The Jolly-Jolly breeze-came whistling thro'-all the Town, and not a Fop but ran to see the Celebrated Virgin in a Machine; there she shin'd in a full Zodiack, the brightest Constellation there; 'twas a pleasant Reflection all this time to see her scituated among the Bulls, Capricorns, Sagittaries, and yet the Virgo still remain itacta....Critick: But this merry Time lasted not always; every thing has an end, and at length down goes Rinaldo's inchanted Mountain; it sunk as a Mole-hill seen on't: What a severity was this? that the Labour of such a gigantick Poet, nay Critick, shou'd give up the Ghost so soon: The renown'd Author thought himself immortal in that Work, and that the World was to last no longer than his Rinaldo; and tho' he stole every thing from the Italian, yet he said, what the Italian did was but Grub-street to his. See also 5 Jan. 1698@9 for a letter written by Mrs Barry, in part concerning Rinaldo and Armida


Mainpiece Title: Rinaldo And Armida

Event Comment: We hear that the Lord Chamberlain has refus'd granting a License to the seceding players to act in the Theatre in the Haymarket. (Daily Advertiser) To the Author of the London Daily Post, Sir: As I have engag'd myself for this winter to perform in Dublin, by an Invitation of Several Persons of Distinction in Ireland, I think it my duty before I leave London, by your paper, to return my sincere and hearty thanks to the Town for the many favours I have receiv'd during the Time of my Performing in Publick, which I hope they will Candidly accept from their most of Oblig'd, humble Servants, Thomas Lowe


Mainpiece Title: The Unhappy Favorite; Or, The Earl Of Essex

Afterpiece Title: The School Boy

Event Comment: [During this year was published the Tricks of the Town Laid Open; or, a Companion for a Country Gentleman. Consisting of seventeen letters from a Gentleman in London to his friend in the country, to dissuade him from coming to London. Letters VI and VII are on the humors, customs, and tricks of the playhouse. They give an amusing account of the ways in which whores, sharpers, bullies and bawds identify a newcomer to town in the playhouse and try to bilk him. No. VII gives also some general account of audience reactions to plays. Most go, it says, for the singing, dancing, scenes and fine costumes. His conclusion: go to the theatre only if you have three hours to waste.


Mainpiece Title: Othello

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Event Comment: [The Young Gentleman identified as Owenson by Hopkins MS Notes. Confirmed by Sir Nicholas Nipclose, in The Theatres (2nd. ed. London, 1722, p. 51) speaking of Inchbald's introduction to the London stage with advertisement of "first appearance" though he had been many years an itinerant actor, "this is a trick to gain, from curiosity, what may pay by one night the whole season's pitiful salary of such actors; several mushrooms have vegetated thus; but none more worthless or short lived, than Mr Owenson; brought forward modestly in Tamerlane, some weeks since; without even the requistes of a grown-up school-boy."] Receipts: #180 6s. (Account Book)


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Afterpiece Title: The Author

Dance: End: A New Comic Dance, call'd The Jovial Gardners-Sga Manesiere, Miss Hamoir, Mr Drouville[, being his 1st appearance. [See17630312.

Event Comment: Mainpiece [1st time; C 3, by Sarah Gardner. Prologue by the author (London Chronicle, 11 Aug.). Larpent MS 435; not published; synopsis of plot in London Magazine, Aug. 1777, p. 433. For a description of the difficulties attending the reception of this play, from a recently discovered MS by Mrs Gardner, see Theatre Notebook, VII, 76-81]


Mainpiece Title: The Advertisement; Or, A Bold Stroke For A Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen

Event Comment: Mainpiece: 14th Night [i.e. in continuation of the reckoning for the previous season]. With new Music [consisting of 6 new songs (Gazetteer, 2 Oct.)], Scenes and Dresses. The new Music and Accompaniments to the adapted Airs by Shield. The Overture by Baumgarten. The Words of the Songs to be had at the Theatre. [It was "represented in an altered state . . . The second act is almost newly written, and the language of the whole opera amended and pointed with great neatness" {London Magazine, Oct. 1784, p. 315).] "At the end of the first act [of mainpiece], Davies came forward and informed the audience that Mrs Kennedy was of a sudden taken dangerously ill, and hoped that Cubitt might be permitted to read the remainder of her part; a request that was immediately complied with" (London Chronicle, 13 Oct.). [Afterpiece in place of The Positive Man, announced on playbill of 11 Oct.]


Mainpiece Title: Robin Hood

Afterpiece Title: St

Event Comment: Oratorio composed by Handel. Tickets to be had and places for the Boxes to be taken of Mr Johnston at the Stage Door of the Theatre, at Half a Guinea each. Pit 5s. First Gallery 3s. 6d. Second Gallery 2s. The Doors to be opened at Five o'Clock. To Begin at Half past Six. N.B. Those ladies who had Side Boxes last year, are humbly requested if they intend to continue them the ensuing season, to give immediate notice to Mr Johnston to have them secured. [The Westminster Magazine (March) commented: "One of those whims by which the public are continually influenced, has made it the ton to resort to this theatre to hear and see Miss Linley, the syren of Bath. This young lady who is greatly indebted to nature for the eclat with which she is followed, and not a little to the fortuitous concurrence of remarkable incidents in her life has drawn crowded houses incessantly; and this success has been insured by the constant attendance of his Majesty and the Royal family at this theatre."


Mainpiece Title: Judas Maccabaeus

Music: I: Concerto on Violin-Mr ThomasLinley

Event Comment: The Travels of Cosmo the Third (Thursday 25 April 1669 NS; Thursday 15 April OS): After dinner, he recommenced his visits to the ladies; going towards evening to the King's Theatre, to hear the comedy, in his majesty's box. This theatre is nearly of a circular form, surrounded, in the inside, by boxes separated from each other, and divided into several rows of seats, for the greater accommodation of the ladies and gentlemen, who, in conformity with the freedom of the country, sit together indiscriminately; a large space being left on the ground-flobr for the rest of the audience. The scenery is very light, capable of a great many changes, and embellished with beautiful landscapes. Before the comedy begins, that the audience may not be tired with waiting, the most delightful symphonies are played; on which account many persons come early to enjoy this agreeable amusement. The comedies which are acted, are in prose; but their plots are confused, neither unity nor regularity being observed; the authors having in view, rather than any thing else, to describe accurately the passions of the mind, the virtues and the vices; and they succeed the better, the more the players themselves, who are excellent, assist them with action, and with the enunciation of their language, which is very adapted for the purpose, as being a variation, but very much confined and curtailed, of the Teutonic idiom; and enriched with many phrases and words of the most beautiful and expressive description, taken both from ancient and modern languages (London, 1821, pp. 190-91)


Event Comment: The Diary of Robert Hooke, 1672-1678: at Scaramuches at york house. present: the King, Duke of York, Lord Ormond &c. (ed. H. W. Robinson and Walter Adams [London, 1935], p. 42). See slso Boswell, Restoration Court Stage, pp. 118-19, and John Harold Wilson, A Theatre in York House, Theatre Notebook, XVI (1962), 75-78


Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Newdigate newsletters, 5 Aug. 1682: [Yesterday the] Dutchess goes to ye Dukes Theatre--that and ye Kings house haveing Joyned interests the latter being Discontinued where will be purposely Acted for her Anna Bullen being a deepe Tragedy of the beheading of the said Lady by Henry the 8th (Wilson, Theatres Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 81). See also London Mercury, 8 Aug. 1682. Juliana Brabazon to the Countess of Rutland, Aug. 1682: The Dutches of Yorke kept her bed the day after seeing Anna Bulloigne acted (HMC, 12th Report, Rutland MSS., Part V, 1889, p. 77)


Mainpiece Title: Virtue Betrayed; Or, Anna Bullen

Event Comment: Thomas Brown to George Moult, 12 Sept. 1699: But tho' Bartholomew-Fair is dead and buried for a twelvemonth, yet it is some consolation to us, that it revives in both the play-houses. Poetry is so little regarded there, and the audience is so taken up with show and sight, that an author will not much trouble himself about his thoughts and language, so he is but in fee with the dancing-masters, and has a few luscious songs to lard his dry composition. One would almost swear, that Smithfield had removed into Drury-lane and Lincolns-Inn-Fields, since they set so small a value on good sense, and so great a one on trifles that have no relation to the play. By the by, I am to tell you, that some of their late bills are so very monstrous, that neither we, nor our forefathers, ever knew anything like them: They are as long as the title-pages to some of Mr Prynn's works; nay, you may much sooner dispatch the Gazette, even when it is most crowded with advertisements. And as their bills are so prodigious, so are the entertainments they present us with: For, not to mention the Bohemian women, that first taught us how to dance and swim together; not the famous Mr Clinch of Barnet, with his kit and organ; nor the worthy gentlemen that condescended to dance a Cheshirerounds, at the instance of several persons of quality; nor t'other gentleman that sung like a turky-cock; nor, lastly, that prodigy of a man that mimick'd the harmony of the Essex lions; not to mention these and a hundred other notable curiosities, we have been so unmercifully over-run with an inundation of Monsieurs from Paris, that one would be almost tempted to wish that the war had still continued, if it were for no other reason but because it would have prevented the coming over of these light-heel'd gentlemen, who have been a greater plague to our theatres, than their privateers were to our merchantmen. Shortly, I suppose, we shall be entertain'd here with all sorts of sights and shows, as, jumping thro' a hoop; (for why should not that be as proper as Mr Sympson's vaulting upon the wooden-horses?) dancing upon the high ropes, leaping over eight men's heads, wrestling, boxing, cudgelling, fighting at back-sword, quarter-staff, bear-baiting, and all the other noble exercises that divert the good folk at Hockley; for when once such an infection as this has gain'd ground upon us, who can tell where it will stop? What a wretched pass is this wicked age come to, when Ben. Johnson and Shakespear won't relish without these bagatelles to recommend them, and nothing but farce and grimace will go down? For my part, I wonder they have not incorporated parson Burgess into their society; for after the auditors are stupify'd with a dull scene or so, he would make a shift to relieve them. In short, Mr Collier may save himself the trouble of writing against the theatre; for, if these lewd practices are not laid aside, and sense and wit don't come into play again, a man may easily foretell, without pretending to the gift of prophecy, that the stage will be shortliv'd, and the strong Kentish man will take possession of the two play-houses, as he has already done of that in Dorset-Garden (The Works of Thomas Brown, 4th ed. [London, 1715], I, 216-18)


Event Comment: By Authority. By the French Company of Comedians. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. Victor, History of the Theatres, I, 54-60: People went early to the Theatre, as a crouded House was certain. I was there, in the Centre of the Pit; where I soon perceived that we were visited by two Westminster Justices, Deveil and Manning. The Leaders, that had the Conduct of the Opposition, were known to be there; one of whom called aloud for the Song in Praise of English Roast Beef, which was accordingly sung in the Gallery by a Person prepared for that Purpose; and the whole House besides joining in the Chorus, saluted the Close with three Huzzas! This, Justice Deveil was pleased to say, was a Riot; upon which Disputes commenced directly, which were carried on with some Degree of Decency on both Sides. The Justice at first informed us, 'That he was come there as a Magistrate to maintain the King's Authority; that Colonel Pulteney, with a full Company of the Guards, were without, to support him in the Execution of his Office; that it was the King's Command the Play should be acted; and that the obstructing it was opposing the King's Authority; and if that was done, he must read the Proclamation; after which all Offenders would be secured directly by the Guards in waiting.' To all these most arbitrary Threatnings, this Abuse of his Majesty's Name, the Reply was to the following Effect:-'That the Audience had a legal Right to shew their Dislike to any Play or Actor; that the common Laws of the Land were nothing but common Custom, and the antient Usuage of the People; that the Judicature of the Pit had been acknowledged and acquiesced to, Time immemorial; and as the present Set of Actors were to take their Fate from the Public, they were free to receive them as they Pleased.' By this Time the Hour of Six drew near; and the French and Spanish Embassadors, with their Ladies; the late Lord and Lady Gage, and Sir T@R@, a Commissioner of the Excise, all appeared in the Stage Boxes together! At that Instant the Curtain drew up, and discovered the Actors standing between two Files of Grenadiers, with their Bayonets fixed, and resting on their Firelocks. There was a Sight! enough to animate the coldest Briton. At this the whole Pit rose, and unanimously turned to the Justices, who sat in the Middle of it, to demand the Reason of such arbitary Proceedings? The Justices either knew nothing of the Soldiers being placed there, or thought it safest to declare so. At that Declaratinn, they demanded of Justice Deveil (who had owned himself the commanding Officer in the Affair) to order them off the Stage. He did so immediately, and they disappeared. Then began the Serenade; not only Catcalls, but all the various portable Instruments, that could make a disagreeable Noise, were brought up on this Occasion, which were continually tuning in all Parts of the House; and as an Attempt to speaking was ridiculous, the Actors retired, and they opened with a grand Dance of twelve Men and twelve Woman; but even that was prepared for; and they were directly saluted with a Bushel or two of Peas, which made their Capering very unsafe. After this they attempted to open the Comedy; but had the Actor the voice of Thunder, it would have been lost in the confused Sounds from a thousand Various Instruments. Here, at the waving Deviel's Hand, all was silent, and (standing up on his Seat) he made a Proposal to the House to this Effect:-'That if they persisted in the Opposition, he must read the Proclamation; that if they would permit the Play to go on, and to be acted through that Night, he would promise, (on his Honour) to lay their Dislikes, and Resentment to the Actors, before the King, and he doubted not but a speedy End would be put to their acting.' The Answer to this Proposal was very short, and very expressive. 'No Treaties, No Treaties!' At this the Justice called for Candles to read the Proclamation, and ordered the Guards to be in Readiness; but a Gentleman seizing Mr Deveil's Hand, stretched out for the Candle, begged of him to consider what he was going to do, for his own Sake, for ours, for the King's! that he saw the unanimous Resolution of the House; and that the Appearance of Soldiers in the Pit would throw us all into a Tumult, which must end with the Lives of many. This earnest Remostrance made the Justice turn pale and passive. At this Pause the Actors made a second Attempt to go on, and the Uproar revived; which continuing some Time, the Embassadors and their Ladies left their Box, which occasioned a universal. Huzza from the whole House! and after calling out some Time for the Falling of the Curtain, down it fell. [For other accounts of this evening, see Daily Advertiser, 9 and 10 Oct.; London Evening Post, 12 Oct.; Gentleman's Magazine, VIII (1938), 545; Historical Register, XXIII, 278-87.


Mainpiece Title: Lembaras Des Richesses

Afterpiece Title: Arlequin Poli Par L'Amour

Dance: Paquorel, Mlle Chateauneuf, LeFevre, Madem LeFevre