SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Mr D Garrick"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Mr D Garrick")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 4500 matches on Event Comments, 2800 matches on Author, 1828 matches on Performance Comments, 538 matches on Performance Title, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: Receipts: #120 (Cross); #124 4s. 6d. (George Garrick's Drury Lane MS Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Dance: I: Comic Dance-Mathews, Mrs Addison; III: The Black Joke-Mathews, Mrs Addison; with a Hornpipe-the Little Swiss

Song: II, IV: Master Mattocks

Event Comment: By Ye King's Command but not (by order) in ye Bills (Cross). Present His Majesty, 2nd time this season. [The George Garrick Drury Lane MS Treasurer's Book makes its first entry Mon. 30 Oct. 1749, indicating an expenditure to date of #1,733 2s. 7d. as against an income of #3,455 6s. 6d. and that Mon. was the twenty-ninth night of performance. The Treasurer's Book carries full entries until the 165th night, Sat. 28 April 1750. First itemizing of expenditures begins Wed. 1 Nov. 1749 as follows: Paid to Pipe & Tabor to Sat., 10s. 6d.; to 2 French Horns and a Kettle Drum, 15s.; to 12 1!2 lbs. Wax Candles, #1 11s. 3d.; To Properties and King's servants, #3 2s. 5d. [N.B. The use of extra musical instruments (horns, flutes, cymbols, kettle drum) averaged 6s. per night for the 165 nights. The season extended to 174 nights; so the approximate total cost for instruments came to #52 4s. Properties expense averaged 5s. per night. The approximate total cost was #43 11s. No further itemization of these will be made.] This month was publish'd The Rosciad; a Poem, by Charles Churchill (Gentleman's Magazine, Register of Books). Receipts: #70 (Cross); #73 2s. 6d. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Dance: Entertainments-Grandchamps, Mlle Auretti, Matthews, Mrs Addison

Event Comment: Lent Mrs Green by order of Garrick #20; lent Shuter by order Lacy #3 3s. (Treasurer's Book). Receipts: #130 (Cross); #124 6s. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Event Comment: [M+Midwife, No II (at about this date) includes a Letter from Mary Midnight to David Garrick, Esq praising him as actor and even as manager, but asking why he neglects Fletcher's plays: "What is the reason that the public patience is so largely try'd, and the human understanding so shamefully insulted as it is, by a perpetual repetition of the Duke and No Duke, the Anatomist, and twenty things of like nature?" Concludes by remarking that the London Cuckolds is a scandal to virtue.] Receipts: #120 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Dance: I: Hornpipe-Mathews, the Little Swiss; III: Running Footman's Dance, as17501020 Play to conclude with a dance call'd The City Revels-the characters of the play

Event Comment: MMr Mossop did Bajazet -Oh (Cross). [Inspector No 211, in Daily Advertiser and Literary Gazette commented on the magnificent performance of Garrick and Miss Bellamy in King Lear the preceding Saturday.] Receipts: #120 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery

Song: IV: O Gentle Sleep-Beard

Event Comment: Sun: 29th Dr Barrowby dy'd suddenly a good friend to ye Actors in Sickness (Cross). [Inspector No 259 appears in Daily Advertiser and London Gazette with a long comparison between actors and various styles of famous painters, Garrick, Barry, Miss Bellamy, Mrs Cibber, Mrs Pritchard, Woodward and Macklin are treated.] Receipts: #160 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Love's Last Shift

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Ranger

Event Comment: Mainpiece: As written by Shakespeare. Mossop did Macbeth-diff-much hissing when given out again (Cross). [+Taste published at 1s., by Foote, with Prologue by Garrick.] Receipts: #150 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: The Chaplet

Event Comment: MMr Foote play'd Buck & Miss Macklin Lucinda, --went off tol: ye Girl was lik'd-she sung in ye Character Aly Croky--fine, --& danc'd a Minuet--well (Cross). [Foote was engaged as an actor for a certain number of nights and made his 1st appearance on this evening-he spoke a Prologue written by Garrick which was encored every night Genest, IV, 380). The Prologue was printed in the Public Advertiser on 29 Oct. suggesting the many sources of laughter on stage as they appealed to various parts of the House, pointing fun at Foote, and closing with his mock, humble statement: @"Many my passions are, tho' one my view@They all concenter--in the pleasing you.'@ It also contained information about a specialty performer on the Cello, Monsieur Cervetti, and his reception by the upper galleries: @"...In like extremes your laughing humour shows@Have ye not roar'd from Pit to upper Rows@And all the jest was, What? a Fiddler's nose..."@ The person here meant is M Cervetti, who has been a standing joke with the upper gallery for a long time past, on account of the length of his nose: but as I am inform'd, that no feature of his Mind is out of proportion, unless it be that his good qualities are extraordinary, I take this opportunity to mention that it is cruel to render him uneasy in the Business, in which he is eminent, and by which he must gain his livlihood." See identical comment in Gray's Inn Journal, 27 Oct. A puff for Miss Macklin appeared in Gray's Inn Journal, 20 Oct.] Receipts: #190 [Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Event Comment: Publish'd at 3s. The Actor, in One Pocket Volume. A treatise on the art of playing, interspersed with Observations on the performances of Garrick, Quin, Barry, Berry, Macklin, Ryan, Havard, Woodward, Foote, &c; Mrs Cibber, Mrs Pritchard, Mrs Woffington, Mrs Ward, Mrs Elmy, Mrs Green, Mrs Clive, Miss Bellamy, &c. Also some anecdotes of Betterton, Booth and Wilkes and other celebrated performers; together with occasional remarks upon managers and audiences, and upon the principal Tragedies, Comedies, Masques and Farces. Printed for R. Griffiths in Paul's Church-yard. Receipts: #130 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Event Comment: This day publish'd at 3s. The Actor; or, A Treatise on the Art of Playing. A New Work written by the Author of the former [See dl 30 Oct. 1753]; and adapted to the present state of the Theatres. Containing impartial Observations on the Performance, Manner, Perfections, and Defects of: Garrick, Barry, Woodward, Foote, Havard, Palmer, Ryan, Berry, Mrs Cibber, Mrs Pritchard, Mrs Woffington, Mrs Gregory, Mrs Clive, Mrs Green, Miss Nossiter, Mrs Bellamy, &c., &c., in their capital parts. Printed for R. Griffiths


Mainpiece Title: Judas Macchabaeus

Event Comment: Paid Charlotte Lane for making two Fustian Banjans & Breeches, and materials at 8s. each, 16s. For the Painters (MS list Davies, Life of Garrick, II, 322)


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery

Event Comment: Paid Charlotte Lane for making a Callimanco Coat & breeches loop'd and bound with silver for Miss Hallam (in The Orphan), 10s.; sewing silk, twist, buckram & stays, 3s. 6d.; Haircloth & wadding, 2s. 6d.; Linnen lining, pockets & silk garters to breeches, 4s.; 2 1!2 yds white stuff to line the coat, 5s.; a silver damask waistcoat alter'd 2s.; 2 doz. and 2 coat, 9 breast silver'd buttons, 3s. 9d.; 1 doz. black buttons to the breeches, 9d. Total to Charlotte Lane so far this season, #21, 6s. 5d. (MS list in Davies, Life of Garrick, II, 322)


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: As17551101

Event Comment: By Particular desire. This day publish'd The Theatrical Examiner, an inquiry into the merits and demerits of the principal English performers in general...with a consideration of Douglas. [Gives advice to young actors, and some remarks on productions, praises Douglas, gives a diatribe against Garrick: "All young actors start, jump, and Garrickize, which is the true reason there is none of them tolerable." (98 pp.)] Receipts: #150 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Afterpiece Title: Mercury Harlequin

Event Comment: MMr Garrick being still indisposed with cold & hoarseness, Guardian deferred till tomorrow. Receipts: #160 (Cross); #158 18s. 6d. (Winston MS 8)


Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Afterpiece Title: Fortunatus

Song: III: A Cantata-Miss Young

Event Comment: FFoote read part of his The Minor on 9 Nov. 1759 in a course of Comic Lectures and left for Dublin on 10 Nov. (Theatrical Duplicity or, A Genuine Narrative of the Conduct of David Garrick, Esq. to Joseph Reed on his Tragedy of Dido. MS in Harvard Theatre Collection)


Mainpiece Title: Comic Lectures

Event Comment: HHolland's Benefit deferred on account of Garrick's indisposition


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Viii

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion

Related Works
Related Work: Harlequin's Invasion; or, A Christmas Gambol Author(s): David Garrick
Event Comment: [The Farce A Fairy Tale in 2 acts by Dr Hawkesworth never acted before. Epilogue by Garrick. Spoken by Mrs Yates. The Fairy announced as Miss Marten in advance bills (Winston MS 9).


Mainpiece Title: Tancred And Sigismunda

Afterpiece Title: Edgar and Emmeline

Event Comment: Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s. Full prices. No money returned after curtain is drawn up. Vivat Rex. [A. Murphy and S. Foote joined a partnership and rented dl theatre from Garrick for summer performances (Genest, IV, 616). For Gentleman, Miller? See Winston MS 9.


Mainpiece Title: All In The Wrong

Event Comment: Full Prices. There will not be room behind the Scenes for more than the persons acting in the coronation, [Others] cannot possibly be admitted. The coronation of their Majesties was followed by a stage representation of it at both houses...Garrick knew that Rich would spare no expense in the presentation of his show; he knew too that he had a taste in the ordering, dressing, and setting out these pompous processions, superior to his own; he therefore was contented with the old dresses which had been occasionally used from 1721-1761. This show he repeated for near forty nights successively, sometimes at the end of a play, and at other times after a farce. The exhibition was the meanest, and the most unworthy of a theatre, I ever saw. The stage was...opened into Drury Lane; and a new and unexpected sight surprised the audience, of a real bonfire, and the populace huzzaing and drinking porter to the health of Queen Anne Bullen. The Stage in the meantime, amidst the parading of Dukes, duchesses, archbishops, peeresses, heralds &c. was covered with a thick fog from the smoke of the fire, which served to hide the tawdry dresses of the processionalists. During this idle piece of mockery, the actors, being exposed to the suffocations of smoke, and the raw air from the open street, were seized with colds, rheumatisms, and swelled faces. At length the indignation of the audience delivered the comedians from this wretched badge of nightly slavery, which gained nothing to the managers but disgrace and empty benches. Tired with the repeated insult of a show which had nothing to support it but gilt copper and old rags, they fairly drove the exhibitors of it from the stage by hooting and hissing, to the great joy of the whole theatre....Rich...fully satisfied [the publick's] warmest imaginations (Davies, Life of Garrick, I, 365 ff.)


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Viii

Afterpiece Title: In the Play will be introduc'dThe Coronation

Event Comment: Not acted in 5 years. [See 4 Feb. 1758.] The Drummer was revived at this period at both take advantage of the reigning weakness of the people, who went in crowds many days and nights to an Haunted House, by what was called the Cock-Lane Ghost-a delusion set on foot, and very ingeniously carried on by a girl of 12 years of age, daughter of a clerk of St Sepulchre's Church, who resided in Cock Lane near Smithfield. [The Ghost was supposed to be that of one Fanny, a gentleman's mistress buried in the church. By knockings and scratchings she supposedly haunted the girl intimating foul practices concerning her death.] It would be incredible to relate the numbers of persons of distinction that attended this delusion! many of whom treated it as a serious and most important last the girl's father and three or four others were tried in the King's Bench, found guilty' Pillioried and imprisoned. This most effectively laid the Ghost; and is the best and properest cure for every ghost that may arise hereafter. (Victor, History of the Theatres, III, 18 ff). [The theme exploited again by Garrick in The Farmer's Return from London, dl 20 March.


Mainpiece Title: The Drummer; Or, The Haunted House

Afterpiece Title: The Genii

Song: II: Hearts of Oak, as17620115; End: An Occasional Ballad by Way of Epilogue, in the Character of Abigail,-Mrs Clive

Event Comment: Tomorrow, Not acted this Season. The Wonder, Felix-$Garrick; Violante-$Mrs Cibber, and On Wednesday will be reviv'd The Second Part of King Henry the 4th, New Dress'd in the Habits of the times


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Afterpiece Title: Fortunatus

Dance: II: The Bavarian Shoemakers, as17621009

Event Comment: I Went With Mallet to breakfast with Garrick; and from thence to Drury-Lane house, where I assisted at a very Private rehearsal, in the Green-room, of a new tragedy of Mallet's, called Elvira. As I have since seen it acted, I shall defer my opinion of it till then; but I can't help mentioning here the surprising versatility of Mrs Pritchard's talents, who rehearsed, almost at the same time, the part of a furious Queen in the Green-room, and that of a Coquette on the stage; and passed several times from one to the other with the utmost ease and happiness. I dined with Darrel, saw The Way of the World afterward (Edward Gibbon's Journal, ed. D. M. Lowe (New York, n.d.) pp. 185-86). [Apparently Mrs Pritchard rehearsed Millamant in the morning.


Mainpiece Title: The Way Of Ye World

Afterpiece Title: The Witches

Song: III: A Cantata-Miss Young

Event Comment: [This year was published The Companion to the Playhouse; or, An historical account of all the Dramatic Writers, and their works that have appeared in Great Britain and Ireland to the year 1764. Composed in the form of a Dictionary. for the more readily turning to any particular author or performance. Two vols. Dedicated to Garrick. (Who receives eleven and one-half columns of comment, more than any other dramatist.) This is the beginning of the Biographia Dramatica. This year was published Essays on Important Subjects intended to establish the Doctrine of Salvation by Grace, by John Witherspoon (President of Princeton). Vol. II, contained a Serious Enquiry into the nature and effects of the Stage," being an attempt to show that contributing to the support of a Public Theatre is inconsistent with the character of a Christian (112 pp).


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Dance: III: The Medley, as17641120

Event Comment: Mainpiece: By Desire. Benefit for Mrs Cibber. Send servants to keep places at 3 o'clock. Tickets deliver'd for King John will be taken. Garrick returned [from trip to France and Italy] to his house in Southampton St. (Winston MS 9)


Mainpiece Title: The Distressed Mother

Afterpiece Title: High Life below Stairs

Dance: III: The Medley, as17641120

Event Comment: Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s. Places may be taken from Johnson at the Stage Door. No money will be taken at the stage door. None will be refunded after Curtain is drawn up. To begin at 6 o'clock. [Footnote not further noted. Garrick on his return from the continent first introduced a method of illumination by lights not visible to the audience, thus replacing the huge chandeliers (Genest, V, 86). Published this season, A Critical Balance of the Performers at Drury Lane last Season, a broadside sheet at 1s., printed for C. Moran. This scale of the following twelve values war applied to 43 actors and actresses: (A score of 20 under each heading was perfect.) Figure; Grace; Spirit & Ease, Sensibility & Truth; Dignity & Manners; Expression & Pantomime; Low Humor; Genteel Humor; Elocution and voice; Dress; Dumb show; Noise. Beside each actor was listed his outstanding parts. (See Copy in Huntington Library.)


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: Polly Honeycombe