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We found 4500 matches on Event Comments, 2800 matches on Author, 1828 matches on Performance Comments, 538 matches on Performance Title, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: nother long letter to the author of the General Advertiser pleading attendance at the benefit performance of Comus]: Whoever then would be thought capable of Pleasure in reading the works of our Incomparable Milton, and not so destitute of Gratitude as to refuse to lay out a Trifle in a rational and elegant entertainment for the Benefit of his living remains, for the exercise of their own Virtue, the Increase of their Reputation, and the pleasing consciousness of doing good, should appear at Drury Lane theatre tomorrow April 5, when Comus will be performed for the Benefit of Mrs Elizabeth Foster, Granddaughter to the Author, and the only surviving branch of the family. N.B. There will be a new Prologue on the Occasion written by the Author of Irene, and spoken by Mr Garrick; and by particular Desire there will be added to the Masque, a dramatic Satyr call'd Lethe in which Mr Garrick will perform. Tickets to be had of Dodsley, Bookseller, Pall Mall; Messrs Payne and Boquet, Booksellers, Paternoster Row; Batson's Coffee House, near the Royal Exchange, and of Hobson at the Stage Door


Mainpiece Title: None

Event Comment: Both ye Houses play'd on ye same day, Romeo & Juliet, Mr Barry & Mrs Cibber at Covent Garden against Mr Garrick & Miss Bellamy at Drury Lane--Miss Bellamy never appear'd upon this stage before, & was greatly receiv'd--both houses too added a Scene of Juliet's funeral (Cross). Receipts: #150 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Role: Romeo Actor: Garrick, 1st time
Event Comment: great Nreat Noise--before the Entertainm[en]t began Mr Garrick went on & said--Gent: as we find the new Scene, tho' it pleases some, offends others & as we wou'd please all, we shall omit it after this Night--but I hope when the other House is merry with us, we may be merry with them--the Song was printed & thrown down from ye Slips--great Noise--great applause--some blows in the pit--some Gents insisted upon its being given out again, wch Mr Lacy did--the Inspector very Impudent to-day (14th) about Woodward for saying I thank you to Fitzpatrick who threw an Apple at him from ye Stage Box on Fryday last--the fool against us to-day (Cross). [Cross omits receipts this night.


Mainpiece Title: Much Ado About Nothing

Role: Benedick Actor: Garrick

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Ranger

Event Comment: [The Public Advertiser published a long New Historical Epilogue, intended by the Author as a proper sequel to the Tragedy of the Brothers. It speaks of the authentic history in the play, and of the effective moral lesson, closing: @As public woes a Prince's crimes pursue,@So public blessings are his Virtues' due.@Shout Britons, shout!--auspicious Fortune Bless!@And cry, Long live--OUR title to success!@ This was followed by a Letter from Mr Booth in the Shades to Dr Young, on his Tragedy call'd the Brothers (an elaborate puff). In it Booth forgives Young for withdrawing the play from rehearsal thirty years earlier, and thus precluding his playing the part of Demetrius: "And I the more readily pardon you, as you have not disgraced me by giving the part to any of my successors, till this Garrick appeared, whose reputation, I can assure you, is by no means confined to your world, and who, I am told, hath more than supply'd my place, hath rendered the loss even of Betterton himself very supportable." He then lets Young in on a secret that there will be a performance of his play in the shades by all the old actors as soon as Curll can steal a copy of it for them.] We are assured that on Thursday the 22nd instant will be publish'd a Comedy in 2 acts, call'd The Rehearsal; or, Bayes in Petticoats, witten by Mrs Clive, and to be performed that evening, after the Mourning Bride, for her Benefit at Drury Lane. Mr Yates's Benefit will be on Thursday the 5th of April, when the tragedy of the Gamester will be played, being the twelfth day. A new farce will be added to it, the preparing of which has oblig'd Yates to defer his Benefit till the above day. Receipts: #150 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Brothers


Mainpiece Title: Zara

Performance Comment: Lusignan-Garrick; Osman-Ross; Zara-Mrs Cibber; Nerestan-Davies; Orasmin-Burton; Chatillion-Blakes; Melidor-Walker; Selima-Mrs Davies.
Role: Lusignan Actor: Garrick

Afterpiece Title: Britannia

Performance Comment: Prologue-Garrick in the character of a drunken sailor. No cast listed in the bill, but Proper Dances and Decorations noted, with music composed by Mr Arne.
Event Comment: To the Printer of the Public Advertiser, Mr Woodfall: Why don't you constantly, every day, print a list of the Mistakes which the guessing Messieurs Ledger and Gazatteer make in their account of the playbills? Woodward, says the Gazetteer, is to play Harlequin, and Miles the Clown this evening [Friday 14 Oct.] in Harlequin Sorcerer; Tenducci and Brent the Shepherd and Shepherdess. The Ledger informs me that Woodward will play Lissardo in the Wonder, when you say Dyer; and that Mrs Younger is to play Inis, when you advertise Mrs Green will play that character. I dare say, Mr Garrick very shortly will make his appearance in the Gazetteer or Ledger. Your Humble Servant, &c. [Garrick was in France at this time.


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse; Or, Virtue In Danger

Afterpiece Title: Thomasand Sally

Dance: TThe Knife Grinders (perform'd but once), as17631012

Event Comment: Paid Mr J. French by consent of assignees [24 Jan.] #5 5s.; Paid Mr J. French's assignees his balance of acct with managers #60 9s. (Treasurer's Book). Garrick (Hopkins Diary). Receipts: #258 13s. 6d. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: Much Ado About Nothing

Role: Benedick Actor: Garrick

Afterpiece Title: The Padlock

Event Comment: Mainpiece: By Particular Desire. Paid half a years rent to Duke of Bedford to Mich. Last #164 2s. 10d.; Ditto to Mr Wegg to ditto #57; Mrs Scott (laceman) #99 7s.; Mrs Chitty for coals #92 10s.; Mrs Sutton for women's cloathes #12; Tabor and Pipe 7 nights #3 13s. 6d.; Two additional flutes #3. Receipts: #272 1s. 6d. (Treasurer's Book). At the Play Mr Garrick acted and the house was so full you could not have thrust your little finger in, not withstanding the plague sweeps us away by dozens (Cumberland's Letters; Hampden, Journal)


Mainpiece Title: Much Ado About Nothing

Role: Benedict Actor: Garrick

Afterpiece Title: May Day

Related Works
Related Work: May Day; or, The Little Gipsy Author(s): David Garrick

Dance: III: The Merry Peasants, as17751018

Event Comment: Mainpiece: By Particular Desire and advertised as Garrick's last time of performing the character of Lusignan. This Farce of Two Acts was written by Mr Colman -the first Act was receiv'd with great Applause the second Act a little heavy -and not so much Applause as the first (Hopkins Diary). Paid Mr Park 1 chorus 4 nights (Jubilee) #1 10s. (Treasurer's Book). [The Westminster Magazine for March tells the plot of the afterpiece, and concludes: "The wit and dialogue of this piece will hardly keep it long in esteem with the public. They are sometimes lively, but generally pert and affected."] Receipts: #272 18s. 6d. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: Zara

Role: Lusignan Actor: Garrick

Afterpiece Title: The Spleen; or, Islington Spa

Dance: V: The Sailors Revels, as17751220

Event Comment: House (Hopkins Diary). Last time of Garrick's performing Richard . Ladies desired to send their Servants a little after Five to keep places, to prevent Confuson. It is Vanity to endeavor to describe Mr G. Merits they beggar all Descripiton, suffice it to Say he was what he represented (Hopkins Diary). [MacMillan's note from Kemble conservatively toned down.] Paid Sg Como and Crispi in full #3 8s. 3d. Mr Hurd ditto 7s. 6d. Receipts: #284 10s. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist; or, The Sham Doctor

Event Comment: Not acted in 30 years. Principal Characters new Dress'd. Written by Otway (General Advertiser). Mr Woodward did ye part of Malagene in which he took off Mr Foote & would have many of ye Actors but the Audience grew so outragious, that he was forc'd to desist ye 4th & 5th Acts were much hooted, Mr Havard in a part where he says Whir was severely treated, nor could he ever appear after in ye play, but the whole Audience echoed that Word--it was given out again, wch so enrag'd the Audience yt they call'd loudly for Garrick, but as he was not this Night at the House, they pull'd up the Benches, tore down ye King's Arms, & wou'd have done much more mischief had not Mr Lacy qone into the Pit, & talk'd to 'em, what they resented was giving out a piece again after they had damn'd it--the Gallery resented ye Guards being sent in--Mr Lacy was oblig'd to go upon the Stage after & tell 'em I had given out the play again, as ne'er a Manager was present to give other Directions--In his Argument Mr Lacy call'd a Witness in ye pit, saying that Gent: next to ye painter knows I was in ye pit when ye Guards went into the Gallery, so I cou'd not send 'em this painter after ye rout came behind the scenes & was angry for being call'd painter (his name was Hudson) but at length he as well as ye rest was pacified--and we gave out Provok'd Husband (Cross). [See Foote's retaliation in Daily Advertiser, 26 Jan.] Paid Capt. Turber 1!2 year's rent #11 3s. 4d. (Treasurer's Book). Receipts: #140 (Cross); #137 12s. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: Friendship In Fashion (reviv'd)

Event Comment: Afterpiece: By desire. To Mr G-, Sir: You will very much oblige many of your friends by reviving the play of Ulisses wrote by the celebrated Mr Rowe; We apprehdnd there are four characters in which yourself, Mr Barry, Mrs Cibber and Mrs Pritchard would shine inimitably. If you think this hint worthy your notice, we make no doubt it will in every Respect answer your expectations, as well as gratify the town in general. S. W., S. T., &c. (General Advertiser). This day is publish'd, at 1s. Lethe Rehears'd or a critical discussion of the beauties and blemishes of that performance; interspers'd with occasional remarks upon dramatick satires in general, as well as on some that have been best receiv'd in particular. The whole in a free conversation amongst several persons of distinction. Printed for J. Roberts (General Advertiser). [This is a fifty@two@page puff for Lethe, and for the usefulness of the stage for propagating morals. The characters who lead the discussion are: Sir Francis Friendly , a sensible learned Gentleman; Dr Heartfree , a candid, judicious person; who has a great opinion of Mr Garrick; Mr Snip@Snap , a vociferous modern Critic; and Two Women .] Receipts: #120 (Cross); #118 12s. 6d. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Event Comment: The Conscious Lovers was given out, & in the Bills for this Night, but Mr Barry being ill, Mr Garrick made an Apology & ye Audience took ye P; Wife in its stead. Mr Barry over night said he wou'd not play, so that his sickness was doubted--the Farce was ill receiv'd that in ye middle I went on & said--Gent: we must beg yr Indulgence in permitting this piece to be perform'd once more, for the benefit of Mr Arne who has taken great pains in composing the Music & it shall be play'd no more--Applause (Cross). Bill alter'd from the Conscious Lovers, Mr Barry saying he was ill (Treasurer's Book). No latter account. Books of the Entertainment to be had at the theatre. Receipts: #90 (Cross); #78 (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Afterpiece Title: Don Saverio

Event Comment: Receipts: #200 7s. 6d. (Account Book). Mainpiece: With New Dresses and Decorations. [The first of a series of five performances (the last, Merchant of Venice, 18 Nov.) which got Macklin dismissed from the theatre until 1775, when his lawsuit against six persons whom he claimed formed a conspiracy to hiss him from the stage and ruin his livlihood was concluded favorably for him. His performance of Macbeth was favorably treated but with certain misgivings in the Morning Chronicle (25 Oct.), but he was mercilessly criticized in the London Evening Post and St James Chronicle: "In Act II, Sc. i, Shakespeare has made Macbeth murder Duncan; Now Mr Macklin, being determined to copy from no man, reversed this incident, and in the very first act, scene the second, murdered Macbeth." The favorable review (Morning Chronicle) thought he did well in first and last acts, but gave way to stage rant and "vehemence of energetic expression" wanting any variation in tone in between. It also pointed out a certain faulty memory of his lines. His novel stage effects came in for a paragraph of comment: The alterations in the jeux de theatre respecting the representation of this tragedy do Mr Macklin great credit. His change of the scenery is peculiarly characteristical. The Quadrangle of Macbeth's castle, and the door which is supposed to lead to Duncan's apartment (both of which are entirely new) are additions of consequence to the exhibition of the play. The door also through which Macbeth comes to the Weird Sisters, in the 4th act, is a better and more probable entrance than through the common stage portal. The dresses are new, elegant, and of a sort hitherto unknown to a London audience, but exceedingly proper. The Banquet was superbly set out, and it must be confessed that the managers seem to have spared neither cost nor assiduity to ornament and add to the effect of the representation." A favorable letter from a correspondent to the London Evening Post adds: "I must observe, Mr Printer, that from the graceful and characteristic manner in which Macbeth was introduced by the martial music and military procession, from the manner of M. Macklin's acting, from his judicious alteration of the dresses, the disposition of the scene where the King is killed, the cave of the witches in the 4th act, from the improvement of Mrs Hartley's thinking in Lady Macbeth and from her manner of speaking, which seemed plainly to be the effects of some intelligence she had received from Mr Macklin...I thought Mr Macklin deserv'd great praise." See the newspaper comments all gathered and reprinted in an Apology for the Conduct of Charles Macklin, (London, 1773). See also note to 30 Oct. See also London Chronicle, Oct. 23-26 (cf. Odell, I, 453). The Westminster Magazine suggests the performance was pitiable. "Macklin knew what he ought to do, but could not do it." The Scenemen's pay this week was about double the normal cost. (Account Book).] Verse Squibs from St James Chronicle (Oct. 1773) against Macklin: @Macbeth@"Eight Kings appear and pass over in order, and Banquo the last"@Old Quin, ere Fate suppressed his lab'ring breath@In studied accents grumbled out Macbeth:--@Next Garrick came, whose utt'rance truth impressed,@While ev'ry look the tyrant's guilt confess'd:--@Then the cold Sheridan half froze the part,@Yet what he lost by nature sav'd by art.@Tall Barry now advanc'd toward Birnam Woodv@Nor ill performed the scenes--he understood--@Grave Mossop next to Foris shaped his march@His words were minute guns, his action starch.@Rough Holland too--but pass his errors o'er@Nor blame the actor when the man's no more.@Then heavy Ross, assay'd the tragic frown,@But beef and pudding kept all meaning down:--@Next careless Smith, try'd on the Murd'rer's mask,@While o'er his tongue light tripp'd the hurried task:--@Hard Macklin, late, guilt's feelings strove to speak,@While sweats infernal drench'd his iron cheek;@Like Fielding's Kings [in Tom Thumb] his fancy'd triumphs past,@And all be boasts is, that he falls the last.@ Also from St James Chronicle:@The Witches, while living deluded Macbeth@And the Devil laid hold of his soul after death;@But to punish the Tyrant this would not content him,@So Macklin he sent on the stage to present him.


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: Thomasand Sally

Event Comment: Benefit for Bannister. Afrerpiece: Never performed there, a Musical Entertainment, which went off with great Applause the New Scene of the Regatta was properly introduc'd in the Farce (Hopkins Diary). Rec'd Stopages #10 4s. 6d.; Mr Burges one quarter's rent (land tax deducted) #4 4s.; Paid Mr Grist by order of Mr Garrick #10; Mr Johnston's Music bill #14 3s. 6d.; Mr Burges (bricklayer) #52 2s. 6d. Receipts: #82 3s. 6d. Charges: #66 18s. Profits to Bannister: #15 5s. 6d. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Afterpiece Title: The Waterman

Dance: I: The Sailors Revels, as17751220

Entertainment: A Variety of New Imitations, vocal and rhetorical-Bannister

Event Comment: non.] to Mr Garrick, 4 Dec.: Sir, I saw you last night act Fondlewife, and could not help thinking it a good deal overacted, especially in that sort of feeble trot you seemed to affect so much. A part overacted makes the actor look foolish.-Boaden, Private Correspondence of Garrick, I, 27


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Fondlewife Actor: Garrick

Song: III: Song-Lowe

Dance: II: Grand Comic Dance, as17421117; IV: Les Moisoneurs de la Styrie, as17421201

Event Comment: AA Letter to Mr Garrick on his having purchased a Patent for Drury Lane Play-House published. [Written by one who subscribed himself the Plain Dealer, it pointed out the troubles in store for the young manager from grievances from subordinates, arrogance from other actors (all individualists, no unity) failure from joint managership, grievances from public, and extraordinary expense from costume. He suggests the reasons for Garrick's jumping from actor to manager are vanity and avarice. He indicates Garrick's challenge and sums up the late troubled years of management under Fleetwood and Highmore.


Event Comment: CCross: (Pam: publish'd). Play dislik'd. Hiss'd much. [The pamphlet referred to was "Mr Garrick's Conduct as Manager of TRDL considered in a Letter Addressed to him," by E. F. 18 Oct.: As a manager, Sir, it is your business not only to prepare the Evening's Entertainment, but to prepare it in the best manner you are able; and the manager who does otherwise uses his customers ill." The burden of the author's complaints was: (1) the theatre has been operating for a month yet Garrick has appeared in only one character; (2) that he should buy himself off with speaking a prologue only, then sell that to the public at 6d. shows vanity, avarice, and lack of managerial responsibility; (3) that plays such as Albumazar (simple and poorly cast) and Scornful Lady, (with irreligious and atheistical parts) should not have been passed off on the public, whose expectations were raised high at the thought of Garrick's management. Macklin even had to apologize to the audience as he played the part of Sir Roger in the latter play. E. F. closed by urging: "Get up the best of our English Tragedies and Comedies; encourage the rising Wits and be under no apprehesion of the want of success." If you use common sense in casting your actors, as your former managers did (with all their other faults) in casting you, you will not yourself have to play every night. Above all remember your responsibility to the public.] Receipts: #100 (Cross); #127 4s. 6d. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: The Scornful Lady

Afterpiece Title: The Double Disappointment

Dance: II: Dance-Cooke

Event Comment: Mainpiece: By Desire. This Morning at Ten will be publish'd at 6d. An Epistle from Mr The. Cibber to David Garrick, Esq; to which are prefix'd some occasional verses, Petitions, &c.: @Lowliness is young Ambition's ladder,@Whereto the Climber upwards turns his face;@But when he once attains the upmost Round,@He then unto the ladder turns his back,@Looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees@By which he did ascend.@Shakespeare@"Let them not say in their hearts, Ah, so we would have it; let them not say, we have swallow'd him up," Ps. XXXV. v.25. Printed for R. Griffiths. [A thirty-five-page apologia, and bitter attack upon Garrick for supposed complicity in prohibiting the license of the Haymarket to him.] Receipts: #180 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Role: Ranger Actor: Garrick

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Event Comment: Speedily will be publish'd at 1s. 6d. Dedicated to David Garrick Esq a New Edition of the Orphan of China...acted at Paris with great applause. [A weekly writer says of this performance: "I could wish that our modern Play-wrights would endeavor to imitate this author in the judicious choice and dispositions of their Fable; and further think this very piece not unworthy the notice of our managers. The Translator has indeed, with great propriety, laid his version at Mr Garrick's door, since there is nobody so well qualified to take the orphan under their protection."] Printed for R. Baldwin in Paternoster Row. Receipts: #220 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Much Ado About Nothing

Role: Benedick Actor: Garrick

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Garrick Actor: Murphy
Event Comment: By Command of their Majesties. K. & Q. Richard-Mr Garrick (Cross Diary). Neville MS Diary: Garrick played Richard III. In attempting to get into the Pit was forced into the 2 shilling gallery Passage & after being squeezed abominably for an hour got into the street. Should not have received much pleasure if I had got in, as that calf headed son of a whore, George etc. was there


Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Role: Richard Actor: Garrick

Afterpiece Title: The Padlock

Event Comment: WWilliam Hint in letter (Daily Gazetteer, 31 Oct.): Here again we find Mr Delane ill cast for the sake of casting Mr Sheridan?; Still worse, Need I say how much better this play would have been acted had Mr Delane? play'd Pierre, and Mr Garrick? Jaffier


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved; Or, A Plot Discovered

Afterpiece Title: The Amorous Goddess

Event Comment: Tickets deliver'd out by Mr Davis will be taken. [Bransby doubled in Oxford and Tyrrel. The General Advertiser quoted a long Epilogue on the Birthday of his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland Written by the Farmer (who had taken over the role of Swift's Drapier) and spoken by Garrick in Dublin. It also quoted the following long puff for Ray's Benefit to come]: Sir, As long acquaintance best entitles us to friendly good natured offices, and as no more proper time can be found to confer them than when the person is in the Decline of life, give me leave to recommend (thro' your means) Mr Ray of Drury Lane Theatre, the oldest actor now belonging to that House, to the Favour of the Town, at his ensuing Benefit next Saturday. A person who once agreeably entertained the Public, should always feel the warmth of their Indulgence, tho' the Infirmities of Old age may have render'd him less pleasing than formerly. This Application is therefore meant to those friends of his, whom Distance of time, and change of Situation may have made it impossible any other way to acquaint them, that The Merchant of Venice is to be acted for his Benefit on Saturday next; therefore 'tis hoped they will be so kind as to send for his Tickets to Mr Hobson, in the Playhouse Passage, or to Mr Ray's lodgings, the second Door in Queen's Court, Great Queen St., Lincoln's Inn Fields, and the Favour will ever be greatly acknowledged by him


Mainpiece Title: Richard Iii

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Event Comment: Mon: 29 Sept. Mr Rich open'd wth ye Nonjuror. Mr Smith not coming to town, Mr Palmer, from Drury Lane, play'd Frankly wth great Applause (Cross). Jno. Rich paid to Charlotte Lane for the Theatre for Mr Sparks in Dr Wolfe for a superfine full trim'd black cloth coat and breeches, 14s. Sewing silk & twist 4s. 6d. Buckram stays 2s. 6d. Frilly sleeve lining, pockets, & interlining Cuffs 2s. 6d. Hair Cloth, wadding & Poll Davy 5s. Dimety lining, leather pockets, & silk garters 6s. 6d. 4 doz 2 Coat Death's Head Buttons at 14d.-4s. 11d. 12 breast ditto at 7d.-7s. 7d. 5 yds fine black shaloon at 2s. 2d.-10s. 10d. Making a Camblet Surtout Coat, 7s. 6d. Sewing silk, twist, buckram & stays, 4s. Velvet to line the collar, 1s. 17 Coat, 1 breast black basket buttons, 1s. 8d. (MS list Folger Library, Davies, Life of Garrick, Extra Illustrated, II, 322)


Mainpiece Title: The Non Juror

Afterpiece Title: Damon and Phillida

Event Comment: Paid 4 day's salary list at #94 11s. 6d. per diem #378 7s. 4d.; J. French on acct #5 5s. (Treasurer's Book). [From the Westminster Magazine, March, p. 125: "A disturbance on account of Mrs Yates having left the theatre without speaking the Epilogue to Braganza. The House was clamorous and would not give up their right. Mr Vernon endeavoured to appease their fury, by declaring that Mrs Yates being taken with a hoarseness, had left the theatre,' but this excuse the Audience would not accept. Mr Vernon withdrew, and after a short time returned assuring the House that he had sent to Mr Garrick (who was confined to his room with a fit of the stone) but who had directed the messenger immediately to fetch Mrs Yates, and that her husband was then in the theatre. He was directly called for, and instantly came on the stage to know the pleasure of the Audience. They told him bluntly they did not want to see him, but to hear his wife, whose obstinacy and pride had betrayed her into the present insult. He in vain tried to assure them, that his wife's conduct proceeded from a very contrary cause from that which they alledged; and the cause was real illness. As the clamor was universal, Mr Yates quitted the stage; and at length, an hour and a half being spent in tumult, the overture was suffered, and the farce went on, but not in silence." See note, 9 March.] Receipts: #201 19s. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: Braganza

Afterpiece Title: The Rival Candidates