SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "May"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "May")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 1809 matches on Event Comments, 175 matches on Performance Comments, 72 matches on Performance Title, 59 matches on Roles/Actors, and 1 matches on Author.
Event Comment: Benefit Leviez, Desse, and Powell (Deputy Treasurer). [The latter was probably John Powell, who later ingratiated himself with Lord Holland, became an accountant in the office of Paymaster General of His Majesties Forces and in 1783 was accused with Mr Bembridge of concealing a large sum in Accounts chargeable to Lord Holland, 1757-65. He committed suicide 26 May 1783, under the stress of the investigation, and the verdict of death as a result of Lunacy was issued. See account in Gentlemen's Magazine (1783) pp. 454, 539, 613. He is there described as having been a Teller in Drury Lane Theatre, a person who acts as a check upon the door keepers of the playhouse, by counting the number of people in the house, which he does from a small box, conveniently situated for that purpose.


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Dance: I: Sga Bettini; III: Muilment

Song: II: Gentle Shepherd-Mrs Arne; IV: Mrs Arne

Event Comment: At the Late Wells. Benefit Kennedy. [Concert formula; prices as 1 May.


Mainpiece Title: King Lear

Afterpiece Title: The Cobler of Preston

Event Comment: [Handel paid Miss Robinson #210; on 11 May he paid Signora Franchesina #400. See Deutsch, Handel, 618-19.


Event Comment: YYeates's company. Noon to 10 p.m. [Repeated 10 May.


Mainpiece Title: The King And Miller Of Mansfield

Afterpiece Title: The Escapes of Harlequin

Event Comment: 6 p. p.m. Last Time of Acting. No latter account will be taken. Prices Boxes 2s. 6d. Pit 2s. Gallery 1s. [The troupe will re-open the theatre on 20 May and present pantomimes all summer.


Mainpiece Title: King Lear

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Event Comment: [Y+Yeates's Booth. Repeated 14 and 15 May.


Mainpiece Title: The Maiden Queen; Or, The Rival Generals

Afterpiece Title: The Fair Hypocrite; or, The Fond Cuckold

Afterpiece Title: The Escapes of Harlequin

Event Comment: GGeneral Advertiser: Yesterday Morning a Colonel's Guard (by Order) Marched to the Playhouse in Lincoln's Inn Fields, where they are to Continue, in order to be ready to quell any Disturbances that may happen from the Adherents of the Pretender, and the enemies of our present Happy Establishment. The Penny London Post, 7-9 Oct.: On Sunday morning early a party of Guards were detached from Whitehall to the New Playhouse in Lincoln's Inn Fields, of which they took possession; and soon after it was rumored that his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State had received intelligence that a great quantity of amunition & arms were secreted there for the use of the Pretender and his adherents; but whether they were found we know not: however a company of the 2nd regiment went on duty there that night


Mainpiece Title: None

Event Comment: Afterpiece Intermixed with a pantomime in Grotesque Characters. [The Young Gentlewoman presumably Miss Faulkner; see 20 March 1746. Yet there may be some question about the identification; see 5 April 1746.


Mainpiece Title: The Silent Woman

Afterpiece Title: Orpheus and Eurydice

Event Comment: There will be no play 'till tomorrow on account of one to be performed this evening at the other theatre; the receipt of which is to be subscribed to the Veteran Scheme at the Guildhall. We hear Mrs Cibber is soon to perform the part of Polly, three nights at cg, and the Proprietor has agreed to lend his house, free of all charges; and we hear the company will contribute their pay on those days, that the performance may be entirely charge-free; the receipts of each night to be subscribed to the Veteran's scheme at Guildhall


Event Comment: Mainpiece a reviv'd Comedy, not acted these 5 years [see 1 May 1741]


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Event Comment: Farce not acted in 6 years [see 30 May 1739]. [Another letter on operas in Daily Advertiser.


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Afterpiece Title: Damon and Phillida

Song: II: Lowe

Dance: V: Muilment

Event Comment: [Prices 3s., 2s., 1s. in Daily Advertiser; no bill in General Advertiser. Possibly not acted; see 22 Jan.] Benefit a Gentleman and his Family Under great distress. Tickets may be had of Daniel Findon, Union Coffee House, Cornhill


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Event Comment: For the Entertainment of the Turkish Ambassadour. Benefit Phillips, in confinement in King's Bench. [Prices 3s., 2s., 1s.] Mr Phillips humbly begs leave to inform his Friends, being under Confinement in the King's Bench, He has not at present an Opportunity to wait on such Gentlemen and Ladies, as he may have hopes to esteem his well wishers. But in order to render Mrs Phillips's Entertainment as agreeable as possible to the Publick, Mr Phillips will be there on that Night. Tickets at Mrs Phillips's / Lodgings, at Mrs Norman's in Ayliffe St.; and of Mr Phillips in the King's Bench Prison, Southwark


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Dance: I: Sailor's Hornpipe-Phillips late Harlequin of Drury Lane, his first in this Kingdom for three years; II: Quaker's Sermon on Viola-Phillips; III: Drunken Peasant-Phillips

Ballet: V:Pantomime Dance call'd Harlequin and Clown. Harlequin-Phillips

Event Comment: Epilogue Of Thanks by Leveridge. Benefit Leveridge. Tune-A Cobler there was. /I The Many great favours I often have known/With greteful acknowledgment proudly I own,/Which prompts me to beg in this musical way,/The Grant of three hours at my Benefit play/Derry Down, &c/II Against which good time give me leave to express/My earnest desire in this humble address/That your wanted indulgence again may promote/Dick Leveridge's play with your Int'rest and Vote./Derry Down, &c/ Tickets to be had at Mr Leveridge's Lodgings in Hanover St, the third door on the Right Hand from Long-Acre, and of Page, at the stage door


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Song: I: Leveridge; II: Song of Diana, as17460313 IV: New Ballad Mirth gives Courage-Leveridge; V: The Wisdom of the Ancients-Leveridge

Dance: II: Drunken Tyrolese, as17460405 V: The Peasants, as17460405

Event Comment: Benefit Dance and Nicholson. Tom's Coffee House, Cornhill, Wednesday four o'Clock. Mr Bayes: By the unanimous Desire of a number of your Friends here assenbled, who intend to sit in judgment upon you on Friday, I take upon me to advise you in some Particulars, as to your present Undertaking. Let not any Success you might meet with at one End of the Town where the Audience must be composed of a different Class of People from what you may expect at Covent Garden, tempt you to think of mimicking an Actress whom the Town doats upon; and particularly avoid Puffing; a Scheme long ago worn threadbare, but lately quite demolish'd by an enterprizing Genius. Not even an Epilogue from the Gods would be of any Service now; and therefore if you have anything that's new, any fiery Flights of Fancy, and all that, let them lie dormant till the Time of Action, and then endeavour to elevate and surprize. Value these Hints.--Daily Advertiser


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Afterpiece Title: The Schoolboy

Dance: LLes Allemandes, as17460421 The Peasants, as17460405

Event Comment: Benefit Ray, Gray [Constable] and Dunbar [Boxkeeper. See note 29 April.] I hope my diligence as a Constable, in preserving Ladies from the Insults of the Pickpockets... may entitle me to some small Indulgence at my Benefit. James Gray.--Daily Advertiser


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Afterpiece Title: The Double Disappointment

Song: III: Miss Young; IV: Lowe

Event Comment: YYeates's Great Theatrical Booth. 12:00 to 9:00 p.m. A Concert, etc. Boxes 2s. Pit 1s. 6d. First Gallery 1s. Upper Gallery 6d. [Notice repeated 6 and 12 May.


Mainpiece Title: The Widow's Wish; Or, An Equippage Of Lovers

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Mariner; or, The Wapping Landlady

Song: A grand Song and Chorus upon the late Happy Victory-

Event Comment: [Full column in Daily Advertiser describing Barry's and Mrs Macklin's acting techniques.] Barry from the Theatre in Dublin, perform'd the part of Othello, at Drury Lane, before a numerous and polite audience; and met with as great Applause as could be express'd.--General Advertiser, 6 Oct. Thomas Gray to Horace Walpole: You have probably been there since I left you, and consequently have seen the Mr Barry you desired some account of; yet as I am not certain of this and should be glad to know whether we agree about him, I will nevertheless tell you what he is, and the impression he made upon me. He is upwards of six feet in height; wdll and prortionably made, treads well and knows what to do with his limbs; in short a noble graceful figure. I can say nothing of his face but that it was all black, with a wide mough and good eyes. His voice is of a clear and pleasing tone, something like Delane's, but not so deep-mouthed, not so like a passing bell. When high strain'd it is apt to crack a little and be hoarse, but in its common pitch, and when it sinks into any softer passion, particularly expressive and touching. In the first scene, especially when he recounts to the Senate the progress of his love and the means he used to win Desdemona, he was quite mistaken, and I took a pique against him; instead of a cool narration he flew into a rant of voice and action, as though he were relating the circumstance of a battle that was fought yesterday. I expected nothing more from him, but was deceiv'd: in the scenes of rage and jealousy he was seldom inferior to Quin in the parts of tenderness and sorrow far above him. These latter seem to be his peculiarly; his action is not very various, but rarely improper, or without dignity, and some of his attitudes are really fine. He is not perfect to be sure, but I think may make a better player than any now on the stage in a little while. However, to see a man in one character, and but once, is not sufficient, so I rather ask your opinion by this, than give you mine.--Horace Walpole's Correspondence with Thomas Gray, II, 6-7


Mainpiece Title: Othello, Moor Of Venice

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Song: Between the acts: Lowe, Mrs Mozeen

Event Comment: HHorace Walpole to Montagu, 3 Nov.: I shall be with you at the end of the week, but just now I am under the maidenhead-palpitation of an author; my Epilogue will, I believe, be spoke tomorrow night, and I flatter myself I shall have no faults to answer for but what are in it, for I have kept secret whose it is. It is now gone to be licensed, but as the Lord Chamberlain is mentioned, though rather to his honour it is possible it may be refused, as they are apt to think at the Office, that the Duke of Grafton can't be mentioned but in ridicule.--Horace Walpole's Correspondence with George Montagu, I, 48. Receipts: #119 1s


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Event Comment: By his Majesty's Command. Benefit Mlle Violette. Eight rows of the Pit will be rail'd into the Boxes, and servants will be allow'd to keep places on the stage. Places for the Boxes may be taken of Hobson at the stage door of the theatre


Mainpiece Title: The Careless Husband

Dance: Salomon, Mlle Violette, Cook

Event Comment: At the particular Desire of several Persons of Quality. Benefit Mrs Giffard. Tickets to be had of her at her house, No 11 in Craven Buildings, Drury Lane, and of Hobson at the stage door where places may be taken


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley

Dance: Salomon, Sga Padouana, Muilment, Salomon's Son, the Mechels

Event Comment: Benefit Cooke. Tickets may be had at his Lodgings, at Mr Clarke's, an Upholsterer, James St., Covent Garden. At the particular Desire of several ladies of quality. Part of Pit rail'd into Boxes where servants will be allowed to keep Places


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley

Dance: Salomon, Cook, Sga Padouana, Muilment, Salomon's Son, the Mechels

Event Comment: Benefit Macklin. Mainpiece: By Particular Desire. The Farce never before acted. Tickets to be had of Macklin at his House in Bow St; and of Hobson at the stage door where places may be taken for the Boxes.--General Advertiser. [Afterpiece by Charles Macklin.


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Afterpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband Criticized; or, The Plague of Envy

Event Comment: [Notice of Ryan's Benefit for Monday, 30 March, with the Fair Penitent, instead of Venice Preserved]: Mr Garrick's Illness having rendered him incapable of taking any Part that requires energy, obliges me to change the Play, but not the farce of Miss in Her Teens in which he may be able to perform.--General Advertiser. Receipts: #70 13s. 6d


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Event Comment: Benefit Bridges, Leviez. [Violetty's name does not appear elsewhere in the bills and may be a misprint.


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmasked

Dance: II: Muilment, Leviez, Violetty; III: Salomon, Sga Padouana, Salomon's Son; IV: The Mechels; V: Salomon, Sga Padouana