02 May 1746

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1745-1746
Volume: 3
Comments: Benefit Dance and Nicholson. Tom's Coffee House, Cornhill, Wednesday four o'Clock. Mr Bayes: By the unanimous Desire of a number of your Friends here assenbled, who intend to sit in judgment upon you on Friday, I take upon me to advise you in some Particulars, as to your present Undertaking. Let not any Success you might meet with at one End of the Town where the Audience must be composed of a different Class of People from what you may expect at Covent Garden, tempt you to think of mimicking an Actress whom the Town doats upon; and particularly avoid Puffing; a Scheme long ago worn threadbare, but lately quite demolish'd by an enterprizing Genius. Not even an Epilogue from the Gods would be of any Service now; and therefore if you have anything that's new, any fiery Flights of Fancy, and all that, let them lie dormant till the Time of Action, and then endeavour to elevate and surprize. Value these Hints.--Daily Advertiser

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?cg The Rehearsal. As 13 Dec. 1745, but Bayes-Dance; Thunder-Paget; Lightning-Miss Morrison. *a?cg The Schoolboy. See 2 Nov. 1745. *d?cg <i>LLes Allemandes</i>, as 21 April; <i>The Peasants</i>, as 5 April. *c?cg Benefit $Dance= and $Nicholson=. <i>Tom's Coffee House</i>, <i>Cornhill</i>, Wednesday four o'Clock. $Mr Bayes=: By the unanimous Desire of a number of your Friends here assenbled, who intend to sit in judgment upon you on Friday, I take upon me to advise you in some Particulars, as to your present Undertaking. Let not any Success you might meet with at one End of the Town where the Audience must be composed of a different Class of People from what you may expect at <i>Covent Garden</i>, tempt you to think of mimicking an Actress whom the Town doats upon; and particularly avoid Puffing; a Scheme long ago worn threadbare, but lately quite demolish'd by an enterprizing Genius. Not even an Epilogue from the Gods would be of any Service now; and therefore if you have anything that's new, any fiery Flights of Fancy, and all that, let them lie dormant till the Time of Action, and then endeavour to elevate and surprize. Value these Hints.--<i>Daily Advertiser</i>.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1746 05 02 cg The Rehearsal. ^As17451213^, but Bayes-Dance; Thunder-Paget; Lightning-Miss Morrison.*a1746 05 02 cg The Schoolboy. ^See17451102^.*d1746 05 02 cg <i>LLes Allemandes</i>, ^as17460421^ <i>The Peasants</i>, ^as17460405^.*c1746 05 02 cg Benefit $Dance= and $Nicholson=. <i>Tom's Coffee House</i>, <i>Cornhill</i>, Wednesday four o'Clock. $Mr Bayes=: By the unanimous Desire of a number of your Friends here assenbled, who intend to sit in judgment upon you on Friday, I take upon me to advise you in some Particulars, as to your present Undertaking. Let not any Success you might meet with at one End of the Town where the Audience must be composed of a different Class of People from what you may expect at <i>Covent Garden</i>, tempt you to think of mimicking an Actress whom the Town doats upon; and particularly avoid Puffing; a Scheme long ago worn threadbare, but lately quite demolish'd by an enterprizing Genius. Not even an Epilogue from the Gods would be of any Service now; and therefore if you have anything that's new, any fiery Flights of Fancy, and all that, let them lie dormant till the Time of Action, and then endeavour to elevate and surprize. Value these Hints.--<i>Daily Advertiser</i>.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 23284 | 17460502 | cg | Benefit $Dance= and $Nicholson=. <i>Tom's Coffee House</i>, <i>Cornhill</i>, Wednesday four o'Clock. $Mr Bayes=: By the unanimous Desire of a number of your Friends here assenbled, who intend to sit in judgment upon you on Friday, I take upon me to advise you in some Particulars, as to your present Undertaking. Let not any Success you might meet with at one End of the Town where the Audience must be composed of a different Class of People from what you may expect at <i>Covent Garden</i>, tempt you to think of mimicking an Actress whom the Town doats upon; and particularly avoid Puffing; a Scheme long ago worn threadbare, but lately quite demolish'd by an enterprizing Genius. Not even an Epilogue from the Gods would be of any Service now; and therefore if you have anything that's new, any fiery Flights of Fancy, and all that, let them lie dormant till the Time of Action, and then endeavour to elevate and surprize. Value these Hints.--<i>Daily Advertiser</i>
    Performance: 46207 | 23284 | p | The Rehearsal | As17451213, but Bayes-Dance; Thunder-Paget; Lightning-Miss Morrison.
    AsSeeDate: 46207 | cg | p | As | 17451213
    74713 | 46207 | Bayes | Dance
    74714 | 46207 | Thunder | Paget
    74715 | 46207 | Lightning | Miss Morrison.
    347702 | 46207 | Johnson | Ryan
    347703 | 46207 | Smith | Johnson
    347704 | 46207 | Kings of Brentford | Arthur, Dunstall
    347705 | 46207 | Prince Prettyman | Hale
    347706 | 46207 | Gentleman Usher | Hippisley
    347707 | 46207 | Prince Volscius | Gibson
    347708 | 46207 | Physician | Rosco
    347709 | 46207 | Drawcansir | Marten
    347710 | 46207 | Lt General | Ridout
    347711 | 46207 | Tom Thimble | James
    347712 | 46207 | Sun | Bencraft
    347713 | 46207 | Moon | Leveridge
    347714 | 46207 | Earth | Roberts
    347715 | 46207 | Amarillis | Miss Hippisley
    347716 | 46207 | Chloris | Mrs Bland
    347717 | 46207 | Pallas | Woodward
    347718 | 46207 | Two Sing/song Dancing Spirits | Mrs Lampe, Mrs Dunstall
    347719 | 46207 | Serjeants at Arms | the rest of the Comedians
    347720 | 46207 | <i>Vocal Parts</i> | Leveridge, Roberts, Bencraft, Mrs Lampe, Mrs Dunstall.
    Performance: 46208 | 23284 | a | The Schoolboy | See17451102.
    Performance: 46209 | 23284 | d | <i>LLes Allemandes</i>, as17460421 <i>The Peasants</i>, as17460405
    AsSeeDate: 46209 | cg | d | As | 17460421


As17451213, but Bayes-Dance; Thunder-Paget; Lightning-Miss Morrison.


None Listed


Comment: LLes Allemandes, as17460421 The Peasants, as17460405

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