SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Theatres Royal London"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Theatres Royal London")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 3936 matches on Event Comments, 1330 matches on Performance Title, 826 matches on Performance Comments, 1 matches on Roles/Actors, and 0 matches on Author.
Event Comment: At the Old Theatre. Advertisement for the Publick Good: Whereas a pack of Strolling Players, who by the Laws now in force are liable to be punished by His Majesty's Justices/of/the/Peace as vagrants and vagabonds, lately infested the villages of Clapham, Stackwell and Borough of Southwark and other places in the County of Surrey and have made several riots and have contracted several debts with His Majesty's liege subjects and have given out printed handbills and Tickets for several of their benefits, particularly that the play called the Recruiting Officer and the Entertainment called Flora, or Hob in the Well would be performed on Monday Night Last at Yeates Old Theatre in the Bowling Green in Southwark and Several Gentlemen and Ladies were prevailed on and paid for majy tickets and went in coaches expecting to see and hear the proposed entertainments but the said strollers neither performed nor returned the money advanced for such tickets though demanded, this Advertisement is therefore hembly recommended to the serious consideration of the justices of the peace for the said county of Surrey and also to give a friendly caution to unwary people not to be imposed upon by such persons in the future.--Daily Advertiser, 8 Nov. [See 27 Nov. at hay] On Tuesday last the Court Leets for the Town and Borough of Southwark...Likewise directed the Constables to use their utmost Endeavours toward suppressing the Acting of Plays...and avoiding all unlawful Games and Plays....By the Statue, no Plays to be acted but in Westminster, or Place of his Majesty's Residence, on forfeit of #50.--London Courant, 6 Nov


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Afterpiece Title: Flora

Event Comment: Places for Boxes to be taken at the stage door of the theatre. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. First Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s. To begin exactly at 6 o'clock. [Customary notices repeated throughout the season.] Mr W. Giffard and Mrs Bland from the Theatre in Dublin, are arrived in London, and will shortly make their appearance at Covent Garden (General Advertiser 14 Sept.)


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Event Comment: To begin exactly at 6:00 o'clock. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s. Places for the Boxes to be had of Mr Varney at the Stage door. [Repeated throughout the season.] Ye Naturalizing Bill having made some Noise against the Jews, some people call'd out for ye Merchant of Venice, & a Letter was thrown upon ye Stage desiring that play instead of the Opera, but we took no Notice of it, some little hissing but it dy'd away (Cross). [Sometime in the calendar year 1753, Lacy and Garrick drew up a mortgage on the Drury Lane property for #10,000, to be amortized to James Clutterbuck over a period of twenty-one years at the rate of #4 per acting night, and permission to grant free seats in any part of the theatre (except the stage, scenes and orchestra) to forty persons. These latter to be named and seats assigned ten days prior to the opening of any season. This thirteen-page document, which describes accurately the bounds of the 13,134 square feet of land on which the ten buildings comprising Drury Lane Theatre stood, contains protective clauses for Clutterbuck, to the effect that Garrick and Lacy will exhibit nowhere else in London without the #4 nightly payment and for Garrick and Lacy, to the effect that arrears in payment could be collected solely from Drury Lane property, and not from the individual incomes of the mortgagees. It was not signed, so apprently was not executed. (See Havard, Collection of Documents dealing with affairs of Drury Lane, No 2, fMS, Thr 12.)] Receipts: #150 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Event Comment: [This month the periodical, The Beauties of All Magazines Selected (London, 1763) quoted from the Theatrical Review Remarks on that Part of Dramatical Entertainments called Singing," A garrulous article concluding: The millions must be pleased-if audiences were only to be entertained with sensible exhibitions, or if only sensible people composed those audiences, whew! in what a sickly and consumptive state would be two thirds of the first rate salaries in every theatre!' (p. 76). This month publish'd An Appeal to the Publick in behalf of the Manager. Price 1s. Printed for Wilson. Hear all; and then let Justice hold the Scale. Shakespeare. A rather full description of the Fitzpatrick half-price riots, exonerating Garrick and the players. This month (probably) was published Theatrical Disquisitions; or, a Review of the late Riot at Drury Lane Theatre, 25, 26 January 1763, By a Lady (32 pp.). A calm defense of the acting profession, and a scourge of Fitzpatrick as a coward and a great nuisance. She prefers seeing plays to reading them. Holds Garrick blameless for reviving the Chances after failure of Eastward Ho. Comments at length on brilliance of contemporary stage costume in comparison with that earlier in the century.


Mainpiece Title: Elvira

Afterpiece Title: Polly Honeycomb

Event Comment: The Doors to be opened at Five o'clock. To Begin exactly at Six o'clock. [Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. First Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s.] Vivant Rex et Regina. [Customary footnote for each succeeding Bill. Only significant variations will be noted further. Criticism: For contemporary comment on performances and plays this season see John Potter's Theatrical Review, or New Companion to the Playhouse. 2 vols. London, 1772, a day by day account of Plays and actors at Drury Lane and Covent Garden theatres for the season 1771-72. He is rather severe in his comments on most of the actors at cg. The four relatively constant expenditures set up for each night this season include music: averaging #7 5s.; wardrobe charges of from 1 to #3; properties 7s. to #1; and renters, paid to Garton, the treasurer, #10. Extras, when they occur, which is almost nightly, for such things as kettle drum, side drum, bagpipes, chorus singers, supernumeraries, together with all repair bills paid advances to actors, &c. are duly recorded. I include only what appear to be significant ones which illustrate the theatre as a show business.] Receipts: #186 4s. 6d. (Account Book)


Mainpiece Title: The Clandestine Marriage

Afterpiece Title: The Commissary

Dance: End of Play: The Dutch Milkmaid-Mas. Blurton, Miss Besford. [See17700924.

Event Comment: By Command of Their Majesties. Tickets and places to be taken of Mr Johnston at the Stage Door of the Theatre at Half a Guinea. Pit 5s. First Gallery 3s. 6d. Second Gallery 2s. Doors to be opened at Five o'clock. To begin at Half past Six. Theatrical Review (London, 1772), appendix, pp. 207-8: The Oratorios performed at this House were conducted by Messrs. Stanley and Smith, for their own emolument; the Managers of the theatre having had no Share of the profit arising from these performances, nor any advantage, except a premium for the use of the house. Mr Stanley's musical abilities are well known. Mr Smith, was, if we are not mistaken, a pupil of the celebrated Mr Handel's; and, we believe, that Gentleman left Mr Smith the greatest part of his music, if not his whole library; so that Mr Smith may with great propriety claim the right of succeeding Mr Handel in the exhibition and conduct of his Oratorios, which he has undertaken (in conjunction with Mr Stanley) every since Mr Handel's death. Their band was composed of some of the most capital performers in this kingdom, and was led by Mr Ximenes. The vocal performers (exclusive of Chorus singers) were Mr Norris, well known to all lovers of Music, for his taste and delicacy of execution. Mr Parry (a Bass voice) from the Cathedral Church of Salisbury. This gentleman, though very young, has an extensive compass, and a great power of voice, and acquits himself with considerable reputation. Mrs Weichsel and Mrs Scott, of whom it would be superfluous and unnecessary to say anything, since their abilities are generally known. And lastly Signora Grassi, a performer of great merit. Theatrical Review, 6 March: This is Mr Dryden's celebrated Ode on St Cecelia's Day, and not an Oratorio, but performed as such...It contains many beauties and such as are worthy of Mr Handel's genius...Being much shorter than the usual length of oratorios, Mr Handel's celebrated Coronation Anthems were added in order to make the evening's entertainment of a proper length. Also a Solo on the Violincello by Mr Janson...lately arrived from Paris, said to have been a pupil of Mr Duport's but, though his taste and excution is very astonishing, we cannot give him the preference of his master. [See 13 April 1773.Charge seems to have been #28 per night plus expenses for oil, candles &c.


Mainpiece Title: Alexander's Feast, With Coronation Anthems

Music: First Violin-Mr Ximene; with a Solo on the Violincello-Mr Janson, lately arrived from Paris, (Who has never performed in Public in England)

Event Comment: By Permission [of the Lord Chamberlain]. Benefit for Massey. Afterpiece: Never performed in London, written by the author of The Son-In-Law [John O'Keeffe; 1st acted at Smock Alley Theatre, Dublin, 14 Jan. 1767. See also cg, 16 Mar. 1782, when it was acted as The Positive Man]. To begin at 7:00. Tickets delivered for the 4th instant will be taken. Tickets and places for the Boxes to be had of Rice at the Theatre, and of Massey, No.4, St. Martin's-street, Leicester-Fields


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Afterpiece Title: The She Gallant

Event Comment: Afterpiece [1st time; P 2 (?), by Charles Dibdin and James Messink; synopsis of plot in London Chronicle, 30 Dec.]: To conclude with a Procession of the principal Grand Masters, from the Creation to the present Century, dressed in the Habits of their respective Ages and Countries. With new Music [by Charles Dibdin], Scenes, Dresses, Pageants, and Decorations. The paintings executed by Richards, Carver, Hodgins, and assistants. Books of the Songs, with an Explanation of the Pageants, to be had at the Theatre. Nothing under full Price will be taken. "To give magnificence a meaning, and unite antiquarian knowledge with polite entertainment, was a task hitherto unattempted by the contrivers of our Pantomime exhibitions. Such praise, however, the acting manager of Covent Garden theatre may justly claim, on the score of Harlequin Free-Mason, which is now representing before greater crowds than perhaps were ever attracted by Perseus and Andromeda [in 1730], the Rape of Proserpine [in 1727], or the celebrated Sorcerer [i.e. The Magician, in 1721]. The beauty of the first scene, in which a setting sun is admirably contrived, the Dutch winter piece, with numberless skate[r]s moving in the most natural attitudes, and, above all, the imperfect building, finished in a moment at the command of Harlequin, can be exceeded only by the pomp of the historic procession which closes the whole, and offers the richest and most intelligent spectacle that ever yet appeared on an English stage" (Gentleman's Magazine, Feb. 1781, pp. 58-59, which also prints a detailed description of the pageant). Account-Book, 1 Feb.: Paid Dibdin for music of Harlequin Free-Mason #70. Receipts: #236 2s. (230.3; 5.19)


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Free-Mason

Event Comment: Benefit for Lewis. Public Advertiser, 25 Mar.: Tickets to be had of Lewis at his house in Broad-court, Bow-street. Afterpiece [1st time in London; co 2. MS: Larpent 620; not published]: Written by the Author of The Castle of Andalusia, The Agreeable Surprise, Son-in-Law, &c &c. [John O'KeefFe, 1st acted at the Crow Street Theatre, Dublin, 15 Apr. 1777, and altered in the CG season of 1783-84 as The Poor Soldier]. The Airs Select [ed by the author from] Irish [airs]. With a New Overture and Accompaniments by Shield, who composed the music of Rosina. The Words of the Songs to be had at the Theatre. Receipts: #256 9s. (201/10; tickets: 54/19) (charge: #105)


Mainpiece Title: The Chapter Of Accidents

Afterpiece Title: The Shamrock; or, The Anniversary of St

Dance: As17830221


Mainpiece Title: The Merry Wives Of Windsor

Performance Comment: Mr Ford-Smith; Sir Hugh Evans-Parsons; Dr Caius-Baddeley; Mr Page-Packer; Host of the Garter-Moody; Justice Shallow-Waldron; Fenton-Phillimore; Simple-Burton; Bardolph-Wright; Pistol-Alfred; Nym-Wilson; Slender-Dodd; Falstaff-[Lee] Lewes (1st appearance in that character [in London]); Mrs Page-Miss Pope; Ann Page-Miss Wheeler; Mrs Quickly-Mrs Hopkins; Mrs Ford-Miss Farren(1st appearance in that character [at this theatre]) .at this theatre]) .

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior

Event Comment: Mainpiece [1st time in London; co 3, 1st acted at Smock Alley Theatre, Dublin, 30 Jan. 1784. MS: Larpent 703, not published]: Written by [Robert] Jephson [with lyrics by Sir Nathaniel Barry (Larpent MS). In 1787 abridged by John O'Keeffe as Love and War]. With new Scenes and Decorations. A new Overture by the celebrated Haydn. The Airs by David Rizzio, [J. C] Bach, Paisiello, Duni, Carolan, Shield and Tenducci [i.e. "The Music partly compiled by Tenducci; the new Airs composed by Shield" (notice on playbill of 11 May)]. Books of the Songs to be had at the Theatre. [Afterpiece in place of The Lying Valet, announced on playbill of 11 May.]


Mainpiece Title: The Campaign; Or, Love In The East Indies

Afterpiece Title: Retaliation

Dance: As17841116

Event Comment: 2nd ballet: 1st time; composed by Barre; the Music by Bossi. "Mme Hilligsberg, who possesses the first rank among the dancers of London, is a woman of distinguished merit: she succeeds with peculiar happiness in sportive and jocose expressions, and she is bewitchingly graceful as a Welch or Scotch country girl. Her figure is very handsome; but her arms are somewhat long and thin. The third dancer is Mme Laborie; she possesses an agreeable figure, much animation and native gracefulness. She might become a first-rate dancer [if] she did not trust too much to her natural talents, and bestowed more attention on the art" (Goede, 265). "Les Deux Jumelles, ou la Meprise, pouvoient tres bien faire le sujet d'unjoli divertissement; mais pour un grand ballet, il a fallu y appeller le secours des dieux, & faire descendre ce que nous appelons une gloire de nuages qui se developpent assez mal: c'est la faute du machiniste ou du charpentier. D'ailleurs, cette gloire ne sert a rien, puisque l'Amour vient dans un assez mauvais cabriolet, pousse par des hommes qu'on voit un peu trop distinctement, & s'en retourne de meme a reculons. Nous avons vu souvent le char de l'Amour aller en avant; mais il est rare qu'on le voie reculer, & cette meme gloire eprouve autant de difficulte pour remonter qu'elle en avout eue pour descendre, laissant le spectateur tres convaincu de son inutilite" (Anthony LeTexier, L'Ami des Meres, 1799, I, 192-93). The subscribers are most respectfully intreated to be careful to whom they give their Tickets, as many improper persons have lately presented themselves for admission into the Theatre with those Tickets; and the subscribers are requested to observe that, in future, persons of this description will be conducted directly to the identical Boxes to which such Tickets belong, instead of being admitted into any other part of the Theatre. And the public are intreated to understand that neither Ladies in Undress Hats or Bonnets, nor Gentlemen in Boots will be admitted into the Pit of the Opera


Mainpiece Title: Ines De Castro

Dance: End I: Peggy's Love, as17981211; End Opera: Les Deux Jumelles; ou, La Meprise-["The pas de deux of Didelot and Rose was particulary admired, and Madames Laborie and Hilligsberg, who appeared as the Twin Sisters, were most happily successful" (Morning Chronicle, 30 Jan.)]

Event Comment: By His Royal Highness's Command. The Weekly Journal or British Gazetteer, 8 Dec.: Last Thursday Night his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales was at the Theatre in Drury-Lane, when one Mr Freeman, a mad Gentleman of 2000l. per Ann. offering to go into the Boxes, and being stopt by one of the Centries in the Passage, he shot him above the Shoulder; however the Centry knockt him down, and securing him, 2 or 3 more loaded Pistols were found in his Pockets....The sudden Discharge of Mr Freeman's Pistol put the Ladies and others withinside the Playhouse into some Consternation at first....The Gentlemen about the Prince, and almost throughout the House, drew their Swords upon the Occasion of this Disorder, which was soon over


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Event Comment: DDaily Advertiser, 14 June: The Managers of...Drury-Lane, have Orders to get Things in Readiness for the Royal Theatre at Hampton-Court, where Plays are to be acted for the Diversion of the Royal Family


Event Comment: By Command of Her Royal Highness, the Princess Royal. Benefit Mills. Daily Post, 5 March: Colley so ill of a Cold he is not able to Act. Daily Advertiser, 7 March: On Monday Night last a great Disorder happen'd amongst the Footmen at [dl], occasion'd by one of the Orange Women, who meeting with some Affront, as she was passing from the Theatre to the Coffeehouse, drew out her Penknife, and stabb'd a Chairman and two Gentlemen's Servants therewith, before it could be wrench'd from her, and then took Sanctuary in the Coffee-house; but the same was immediately beset, and the People refusing either to produce the Woman, or acquaint the Footmen who she was, they forc'd themselves into the Room, broke all the Glasses and China


Mainpiece Title: The Careless Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: Denoyer, Mrs Booth, Essex, Miss Robinson, Haughton, Mrs Walter

Event Comment: By Command of their Royal Highnesses the Duke, and the Princesses Amelia, Caroline, and Louisa. Daily Advertiser: This evening their Royal Highnesses...will go to the see the Comedy of the Committee, or the Faithful Irishman, and Dancing by Signior Brunoro, &c, being the first time of his appearing at that theatre


Mainpiece Title: The Committee; Or, The Faithful Irishman

Dance: II: a New Comic Dance La Mascarada-Brunoro, Borromeo, Mlle Bonneval, Sga Costanza; V: New Comic Dance Les Matelotes-Brunoro, Borromeo, Mlle Bonneval, Sga Constanza

Song: III: Song-Beard

Music: IV: Concerto-Veracini

Event Comment: 2nd piece [1st time; M. INT 1, by John Rose. Larpent MS 1167; not published]: A Mask, in honour of the approaching Royal Nuptials [the Marriage of Charlotte Augusta, Princess Royal of Great@Britain to Frederick William, Prince of Wurttemberg, on 18 May]. The Musick entirely new by Attwood. The Scenes, Dresses, and Decorations entirely new. Books of the Interlude to be had in the Theatre. Receipts: #254 15s. (166.15.0; 84.6.6; 3.13.6)


Mainpiece Title: The Last Of The Family

Afterpiece Title: The Fairy Festival

Afterpiece Title: Lodoiska

Dance: In 2nd piece: Dances incidental to the Piece, composed by Gentili. Principal Dancers-Gentili, Master Menage, Sga Bossi DelCaro, Mrs Wild

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The Loyal Protestant, 20 May 1682: May 18. Yesterday his Excellency the Morocco Embassador was entertain'd at His Royal Highness's Theatre with a Play, called, Sir Timothy Treat all. [See also True Protestant Mercury, 17-20 May 1682; Luttrell, A Brief Relation, I, 187; Wilson, More Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters," p. 59.


Mainpiece Title: The City Heiress; Or, Sir Timothy Treatall

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Not acted this season. Afterpiece: A New Pantomime (2 scenes excepted). Paid one Year's assurance at the Royal Exchange for #3000 to 15 Dec. 1767, #6. Paid Duke of Bedford's half year's ground rent for theatre due Mich. last #50 minus half year's land tax of #8 6s. 8d.; total #41 13s. 4d. Paid ditto for the New Buildings adjoining the theatre #15 minus half year's land tax of #2 10s. Total #12 10s. (Account Book). [The newness of the pantomime seems, according to the Larpent MS 259, to have consisted in three new songs.] Receipts: #191 7s. (Account Book)


Mainpiece Title: The Earl Of Essex

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Dr Faustus

Event Comment: By Command of Their Majesties. "There were not an hundred persons in the Pit when their Majesties entered, and there were not double the number at any part of the evening. The Royal box being in the centre, fronting the stage, their Majesties were invisible to the Gallery; and on their entrance solemn stillness prevailed, until the Orchestra, for the first time in an Opera-house, for the first time by the Professional Band, Struck up God save the King. Never, we will venture to say, in any Theatre during the present reign, was there so thin an audience when their Majesties were present; and we pretend not to divine the cause. Whether it is the failure of the Theatre as a musical room--the general poverty of the performance--the little notice that was given of their Majesties' intention to be present we know not" (Morning Chronicle, 23 Feb.)


Mainpiece Title: Armida

Ballet: Amphion et Thalie. As17910217

Event Comment: The Countess of Derby to the Duchess de la Tremoille, 25 Feb. 1660@1: Plays are often acted at court, and the King and their Royal Highnesses have been present at two this evening, at the Duchess of Buckingham's (Madame Guizot de Witt, The Lady of Latham [London, 1869], p. 268)



Mainpiece Title: The Cities Loyalty Display'd; Or The Four Famous And Renowned Fabricks

Performance Comment: in the City of London Exactly described in their several Representations, what they are, with their private meanings and perfect Actions at the day of publick View, which is not yet discovered. Together with a true Relation of that high and stately Cedar erected in the Strand bearing five Crowns, a Royal Streamer, three Lanthorns, and a rich Garland.
Event Comment: It is possible that The Tempest had been acted regularly to this date and that it continued to be presented frequently in the following week. In L. C. 5@15, p. 3 (Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 356) there is an order directing Turner and Hart (and any other members of the His Majesty's Chapel Royal) who sing in The Tempest to remain in London during the week, going to Windsor (when the King was absent from Whitehall) on Saturdays and returning on Mondays


Event Comment: Boswell (Restoration Court Stage, pp. 180-81) believes that a performance occurred on this day, as well as on 16 Feb. 1674@5, Shrove Tuesday, the date often specified in advance statements. For previous notices, see 2 Feb. 1674@5, 15 and 22 Dec. 1674. Edition of 1675:....followed at innumerable Rehearsals, and all the Representations by throngs of Persons of the greatest the 20th or 30th, for near so often it had been Rehearsed and Acted....And the Composer of all the Musick both Vocal and Instrumental Mr Staggins. Langbaine. (English Dramatick Poets, p. 92): a Masque at court, frequently presented there by Persons of great Quality, with the Prologue, and the Songs between the Acts: printed in quarto Lond. 1675....This Masque was writ at the Command of her present Majesty: and was rehearsed near Thirty times, all the Representations being follow'd by throngs of Persons of the greatest Quality, and very often grac'd with their Majesties and Royal Highnesses Presence. John Evelyn (The Life of Mrs Godolphin): [Mrs Blagge] had on her that day near twenty thousand pounds value of Jewells, which were more sett off with her native beauty and luster then any they contributed of their own to hers; in a word, she seemed to me a Saint in Glory, abstracting her from the Stage. For I must tell you, that amidst all this pomp and serious impertinence, whilst the rest were acting, and that her part was sometymes to goe off, as the scenes required, into the tireing roome, where severall Ladyes her companions were railing with the Gallants trifleingly enough till they were called to reenter, she, under pretence of conning her next part, was retired into a Corner, reading a booke of devotion, without att all concerning herself or mingling with the young Company; as if she had no farther part to act, who was the principall person of the Comedy...[With] what a surprizeing and admirable aire she trode the Stage, and performed her Part, because she could doe nothing of this sort, or any thing else she undertooke, indifferently....Thus ended the Play, butt soe did not her affliction, for a disaster happened which extreamly concern'd her, and that was the loss of a Diamond of considerable vallue, which had been lent her by the Countess of Suffolke; the Stage was immediately swept, and dilligent search made to find it, butt without success, soe as probably it had been taken from her, as she was oft inviron'd with that infinite crowd which tis impossible to avoid upon such occasion. Butt the lost was soon repair'd, for his Royall Highness understanding the trouble she was in, generousely sent her the wherewithall to make my Lady Suffolke a present of soe good a Jewell. For the rest of that days triumph I have a particular account still by me of the rich Apparell she had on her, amounting, besides the Pearles and Pretious Stones, to above three hundred pounds (ed. Samuel Lord Bishop of Oxford [London, 1847], pp. 97-100). See also 15 Dec. 1674


Mainpiece Title: Calisto; Or, The Chaste Nimph

Afterpiece Title: Calisto's Additional performers

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The players received the customary #20. See A Calendar of the Inner Temple Records, III, 183. Loyal Protestant and True Domestick Union. 4 Nov. 1682: London November 2. Yesterday began the Revels at the Temple; where all the Judges belonging thereunto were nobly entertained by a Splendid Banquet, and afterwards by an excellent new Comedy, acted by His Royal Highness's Servants in the Inner-Temple-Hall, called, Rule a Wife and have a Wife, to the great satisfaction of all the Spectators


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife