SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Theatre in the Haymarket"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Theatre in the Haymarket")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 2591 matches on Event Comments, 369 matches on Performance Comments, 53 matches on Performance Title, 0 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: Benefit for the Unhappy Sufferers by the late Dreadful Fire that happened in King Street, Covent Garden. Places for boxes to be taken, and tickets to be had of Mr Sarjant, at the Stage Door of the Theatre; where, if any persons are so charitably disposed as to send more than the price of the ticket, a receipt will be given him to the person who brings it. And the profits arising from such Benefit Play, will be paid into the hands of the Church Wardens of St Paul's, cg, and St Martins in the Fields, to be distributed by them for the purposes intended. And as there has been no interest made for this benefit, more than arose from the Advertisements in the public Play-Bills, it is hop'd the Inhabitants of the above parishes will favour this charity with their personal appearances at the said Theatre this Night. Receipts: #128 13s. in cash plus #42 5s. (169 Box tickets). Total Income #170 18s. Charges #64


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Afterpiece Title: A Duke and no Duke

Dance: TThe Plowman, as17591121; a Comic Dance-Granier, Miss Hilliard

Event Comment: PPublic Advertiser: In the afternoon died Mr Richard Cross, Prompter to the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, whose Abilities in his Station were equal to any in the Theatre, and whose Integrity would have done credit to any Profession


Event Comment: ctually no play. Death of George II closed theatres three weeks.] Mainpiece: Not acted in 2 years. [See 28 April 1759. There was no income this night, but the play list had to be met. The house carried a profitable balance of #318 16s. 5d. The payroll plus other expenses came to #284 12s. 9d., leaving a thin balance of #34 3s. 8d. (Account Book). Other bills included #14 17s. to Luppino for making dancing dresses; Robertson 10s. for attendance four nights in The Rape; Miss Ibbott #5 5s. for performing the part of Queen Elizabeth in the Earl of Essex; Marenesi and wife advanced weekly #2 2s. till the Theatre opened again (Account Book)


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Skeleton

Dance: As17601015; III: A Comic Dance not perform'd these 5 years call'd The Colliers-Sg Marenesi, Mlle Capdevlle

Event Comment: Benefit for the composer to the theatre. Words of the songs in the pastoral will be printed and given out Gratis at the theatre. Receipts: #160 13s. 6d. plus #33 8s. from tickets. Profits to Dr Arne #129 19s. 6d. (Account Book). Charges: #63 (Account Book)


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Afterpiece Title: Florizel and Perdita

Performance Comment: Florizel-Mattocks (with a new song in character); Autolicus (with songs in character)-Shuter; King-Ridout; Shepherd-Sparks; Perdita-Miss Brent (with new songs in character); The Music by Dr Arne. With a New Rural Dance-Poitier Jr, Mlle Capdeville.

Dance: LLes Charboniers, as17601216

Event Comment: Afterpiece: By Desire. Boxes #62 10s. 6d. Macklin's fifth above charges came to #25 2s. 11d. Paid for sundry clothes from Voelcher #30 10s. Paid Blackmore a Bill for Rich #29 10s. and a Bill for the Theatre from 19 April last: #84 (Account Book). [On 1 Feb. one H. F. of the Middle Temple wrote to Macklin suggesting two things to insure the success of the Married Libertine. The first was practical, "bring in a claque of friends to counteract the noise of the Scots Lords who are opposing it." The second was revisional: "The play is too long,--shorten it and give the house notice that you have so done. The scenes wherein Lady Belville is solemn, grave, complaining and moral may be much abbreviated; this will...take away that heavy, lazy and sleepy (however just) part which makes your friends languish and grow cold, and gives your enemies an opportunity to improve their rancor and malignity. This observation may be applied to every recital, narrative or description which is not absolutely necessary or descriptive,--I mean necessarily connected with the frame, contexture & execution of the drama, or something designed or painted with uncommon poetic fire and enthusiasm. Pray consider whether that serious, moral and sentimental part in the character of Angelica might not be curtailed, or entirely omitted. I would have your young captain fully employed in action without ever standing still to moralize or harangue, however sensibly and poignantly he may do it. After all this there will remain a rich and uninterrupted vein of true comic humour and lively representation in short, a well connected series and succession of business which I am convinced would keep the audience so attentive and so entirely possessed that there would be no room for languor or malice to produce any effect to your detriment." (Memoirs of Macklin [Harvard Theatre Collection, extra-illustrated edition, I, part 2, p. 414.] Receipts: #188 14s. 6d. (Account Book)


Mainpiece Title: The Married Libertine

Afterpiece Title: Love a-la-Mode

Role: Sir Theodore Actor: Dunstall

Dance: Poitier Jr, Mlle Capdeville

Event Comment: Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s. No Admittance behind Scenes. No Money to be returned after Curtain is drawn up. Places to be had of Mr Johnston at the Stage Door. To Begin precisely at half an hour after Six. [Customary information at foot of each bill, will not be further noted.] [Announcement of improvements in the physical plant appeared in the newspapers in August 1762. Aug. 2. "A great number of workmen are now employed in getting ready Drury Lane Theatre for the ensuing season. The stage has been greatly lengthened, and the Pit and Boxes considerably enlarged, having taken in one of the lobbies for that purpose; the two galleries are also entirely rebuilt, and rendered much larger and more commodious, and the slips on each side are formed into green boxes. It is computed from the several alterations made that the house will contain #90 more than heretofore." Aug. 11: "We hear that the greatest improvements are making in Drury Lane Theatre against the ensuing season ever known, particularly a fine artificial cascade which will be exhibited in an entertainment the grandest and most beautiful ever seen in this or in any Kingdom."-Theatrical Miscellanies, Boston Public Library, Cuttings, G 60.23.


Mainpiece Title: The Careless Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Old Maid

Dance: End: Hornpipe-Vincent

Event Comment: [Puff for the afterpiece]: As this Pastoral was not originally designed for the theatre, it is thought proper to give the public some account of it, and by what means it has now found its way to the stage. The Chorusses and Airs were selected from Mr Handel, and several other eminent masters, by a gentleman whose taste and knowledge in music is perhaps his least merit. Having conceived the design of a musical entertainment of this miscellaneous nature he found himself oblig' connect them [the airs] by a Recitative of his own composition: This naturally produced a kind of a little drama, and the ease and elegance of the whole is the more to be admired when it is considered that the words were of necessity composed in perfect subservience to the music. The piece has been several times performed at Salisbury and greatly admired by many of the first Rank. The author, upon Mr Norris being engaged at the theatre, was applied to for leave to bring it on the stage, to which he has most obligingly given his consent. [Cast given] After an agreeable Overture, the curtain rises and discovers a rural scene, and a troop of nymphs and shepherds assembled to celebrate the Spring. Their rejoicings open with a grand cheerful chorus. We cannot say enough of the taste and execution of Mr Vernon and Miss Young in this scene. The united sprightliness and simplicity of the duet was truly admirable. [Song given, followed by a brief description of the parting of the shepherds, the announcement of Peace so they won't have to part, and special commendation for the various songs of Mr Vincent, and Mr Norris.] We will venture to prophesy that it will be more and more admired at every representation; though perhaps it may not fall in with the Taste of the Groundlings, who, like Polonius, are for a Jig or a Tale of Bawdry, or they sleep (Public Advertiser)


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Afterpiece Title: The Spring

Dance: II: The Irish Lilt, as17621023

Event Comment: [This month the periodical, The Beauties of All Magazines Selected (London, 1763) quoted from the Theatrical Review Remarks on that Part of Dramatical Entertainments called Singing," A garrulous article concluding: The millions must be pleased-if audiences were only to be entertained with sensible exhibitions, or if only sensible people composed those audiences, whew! in what a sickly and consumptive state would be two thirds of the first rate salaries in every theatre!' (p. 76). This month publish'd An Appeal to the Publick in behalf of the Manager. Price 1s. Printed for Wilson. Hear all; and then let Justice hold the Scale. Shakespeare. A rather full description of the Fitzpatrick half-price riots, exonerating Garrick and the players. This month (probably) was published Theatrical Disquisitions; or, a Review of the late Riot at Drury Lane Theatre, 25, 26 January 1763, By a Lady (32 pp.). A calm defense of the acting profession, and a scourge of Fitzpatrick as a coward and a great nuisance. She prefers seeing plays to reading them. Holds Garrick blameless for reviving the Chances after failure of Eastward Ho. Comments at length on brilliance of contemporary stage costume in comparison with that earlier in the century.


Mainpiece Title: Elvira

Afterpiece Title: Polly Honeycomb

Related Works
Related Work: Polly Honeycomb Author(s): George Colman, the elder
Event Comment: As frequenters of the Theatre have often complained of the interruptions in the performances occasioned by a crowded stage at the Benefits-the Performers will have no building on the stage, nor take any money behind the scenes being willing to forego that advantage, for the sake of renderin the representations more agreeable to the Publick [a front-page notice for Drury Lane Theatre in the Public Advertiser this day]


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar

Afterpiece Title: The Witches

Event Comment: full column letter to the public signed by John Beard appeared in the Public Advertiser announcing his agreement to the half-price demands of the rioters, and excusing himself for not acquiescing with more alacrity on the night of the demand. His excuse was that he was merely manager for other proprietors, and that property interest was involved in the financial sacrifice he was asked to make. He noted further reasons for not immediately giving in to demands of the rioters: Mr Beard had at that time received several anonymous threatening letters and notes concerning many other branches of what they called Reformation. He was ordered by one to add a farce to Love in a Village, or the House should be pulled about his ears. By andther he was commanded to put a stop to the farther representation of that Opera, upon the penalty of enforcing his compliance by a Riot the next night of performance, and very lately received certain information of meetings, which have already been held, and an Association forming to reduce the prices at the Theatre to what they were forty years since, tho' it is notorious the Expence of Theatrical Entertainments are more than doubled. For these reasons he looked upon the Occasion of the present disturbance only as a prelude to future violence; as the first not the last salutation of this extraordinary kind to be expected, and apprehended that too easy an acquiescence might possibly prove rather encouragement than prevention. Nevertheless in gratitude for the many favours and indulgencies received from the Publick, and from an earnest desire to promote that order and decorum so essential in all Public Assemblies, the Proprietors have now jointly authorized Mr Beard to declare that they shall think themselves equally bound with the managers of the other Theatre to an observance of those limitations which they have agreed to." This letter repeated in Public Advertiser, 3 March.


Mainpiece Title: None

Event Comment: Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. First Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s. Places for the Boxes to be taken of Mr Sarjant at the Stage Door of the Theatre. No money to be return'd after the curtain is drawn up. To begin at 6 o'clock. No persons to be admitted behind Scenes. [Customary notice on each bill. Only significant differences will be noted hereafter. Special notice appeared on all Bills this season from 19 Sept.-19 Nov. 1763]: Whereas many Complaints have been made of Interruptions, in the performances at this theatre, occasion'd, by the Admission of Persons behind the Scenes; in Order to prevent the Like for the Future, it is humbly hop'd, no Nobleman or Gentleman, will insist on a Privilege so displeasing to the AUDIENCE in General; whose APPROBATION it is the DUTY, as well as the INTEREST, of the Managers, to endeavour, on all Occasions, to deserve


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Related Works
Related Work: The Devil to Pay; or, The Wives Metamorphos'd Author(s): Theophilus Cibber
Event Comment: By Command of their Majesties. The great concourse of people at this theatre before the usual time of opening the doors, having been so great as to overpower the persons who were placed to receive the tickets; and as many were forced into the Theatre without an opportunity of paying for their admittance, Mr Giardini is under the greatest concern lest offence should be taken by those not being able to get in, who had sent for tickets to this office. He has given orders that those tickets shall be admitted tomorrow, as the opera of Siroe (by particular desire) is to be performed (Public Advertiser, 23 Jan.). [Pickpockets, including one former soldier, took three diamond earrings, and one hair-ornament set with brilliants, from members of the audience on this night (Daily Advertiser). Found, a new Silver Sword in the Opera House Lobby on S. 21 Jan.; the Owner, by describing the Sword-Knot, may, on applying to the Orange-Woman at the House, have it restored (Daily Advertiser, 24 Jan.).] Lost on going to the Opera a Brilliant Diamond Cross composed of nine brilliants, by Lord Conyngham. Reward of 10 Guineas for Return (Public Advertiser, 23 Jan.)


Mainpiece Title: Leucippo

Dance: As17640114


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Performance Comment: As17640922, but Juliet-Mrs Lessingham, from Theatre in Dublin; a Masquerade Dance-Lauchery, Sg _Giorgi; a +Minuet-Sg Giorgi, Mrs Lessingham; the Vocal Parts-Mrs Dorman, Miss _Young.

Dance: III: The Lamplighters-Aldridge, Sga Giorgi

Event Comment: Book of the opera to be had at the Theatre. A serious English Opera with music by Mr Bates. [These notes appear on all bills this season.] Well received but neglected (Victor, History of the Theatres, III, 63). [Altered from the Italian by Thomas Hull.] We hear a patent will be made out, in favor of an eminent English actor, who intends to establish a Playhouse at New York (Winston MS 9)


Mainpiece Title: Pharnaces

Dance: I: A Dance call'd The Coopers-Aldridge, Miss Baker; II: A New Comic Dance-Berardi, Sg Giorgi, Sga Giorgi, Miss Baker, Grimaldi

Event Comment: Benefit for Miss Brent. Part of the Pit will be railed into the boxes. Ladies and Gentlemen, who have taken Boxes, or Places, before Miss Brent's Benefit was advertised, are requested to send for their tickets, otherwise such Boxes or Places cannot be insured. Tickets deliver'd for the 21st of March will be taken. No Person can be admitted behind the Scenes, Nor any money retuned after the curtain is drawn up. Books of the Opera to be sold at the Theatre. Tickets to be had of Miss Brent, in the Piazza, next the Church, Covent Garden; and of Mr Sarjant, at the stage-door of the theatre, where Places for the Boxes may be taken


Mainpiece Title: Artaxerxes

Dance: II: A Tambourine, as17641015

Event Comment: No Performance. Theatre clos'd for royal death of the Duke of Cumberland. Love for Love & The Royal Chace listed next day. [Opened again 11 Nov.]*c1765 11 01 cg No Performance. Theatre clos'd for royal death of the Duke of Cumberland. Love for Love & The Royal Chace listed next day. [Opened again 11 Nov.


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Performance Comment: . As17651019, but Servants at the Statute-Miles.

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Dance: II: The Garland?-as17651003

Event Comment: Full Prices. Afterpiece: A Pantomimic dance by Love (Biographia Dramatica). Much followed and brought several crowded houses, and the success chiefly owing to the reports our newspapers were, at that time, daily filled with, of the French wild Beast that was devouring (and yet pursued by) children. This wild beast was happily introduced in this pantomime, pursued by boys led on by a Frenchman. At last the Beast made his Re-entry, and ran across the stage with the poor Frenchman in his mouth, to the great joy of the Pit, Box and Galleries (Victor, History of Theatres, III, 72). Dorilas for the first time by Mr Cautherly--very decent, but wanted spirit. This pantomime is fathered by Mr Lowe [?]--went off with applause, --Mr Garrick made most of the Business to it, which is very good (Hopkins Diary). [Letter from C. V. Theatricus on ladies' removing their hats in the theatre. A Gentleman had requested it and a debate ensued in the Public Advertiser, as to whether he wished to see the play better or to gaze more audaciously on many pretty faces. Long letter also from G. F. Theatricus to the Public Advertiser, commenting on the excellence of Powell, Mrs Yates, Holland, the Palmers, Cautherly and Bensley for their performance in Venice Preserved, Romeo and Juliet, and Mahomet respectively.


Mainpiece Title: Merope

Performance Comment: Dorilas-Cautherley; Polyphontes-Havard; Euricles-Lee; Erox-Burton; High Priest-Bransby; Narbas-Packer; Ismene-Miss Plym; Merope-Mrs Pritchard; Procession-; Sacrifice-. [See17601205.]See17601205.]
Role: Dorilas Actor: Cautherley

Afterpiece Title: The Hermit; or, Harlequin at Rhodes

Performance Comment: Harlequin-Rooker; Hermit-Kear; Clown-Ackman; Colombine-Miss Baker; Pantaloon-Grimaldi; Others-Dodd, Parsons, Castle, Moody, Johnston, Keen, Watkins, West, Mrs Vincent, Mrs Bradshaw; The Dances-Aldridge, Sg Giorgi, Sga Giorgi, Tassoni.
Event Comment: Mainpiece: Not acted this season. Afterpiece: A New Pantomime (2 scenes excepted). Paid one Year's assurance at the Royal Exchange for #3000 to 15 Dec. 1767, #6. Paid Duke of Bedford's half year's ground rent for theatre due Mich. last #50 minus half year's land tax of #8 6s. 8d.; total #41 13s. 4d. Paid ditto for the New Buildings adjoining the theatre #15 minus half year's land tax of #2 10s. Total #12 10s. (Account Book). [The newness of the pantomime seems, according to the Larpent MS 259, to have consisted in three new songs.] Receipts: #191 7s. (Account Book)


Mainpiece Title: The Earl Of Essex

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Dr Faustus

Performance Comment: Harlequin-Woodward; The Other Characters-Legg, Mrs Baker, Morris, Dibdin, Wignel, Baker, Squibb, DuBellamy, Buck, Weller, Mrs Lampe, Miss Helm, Mrs Mahon, Miss Wilford; The Dances-Arnauld, Miss Valois, Dumai, Petro, Rayner, Hussey, Curtat, King, Miss D. Twist, Miss Daw, Miss Pitt, Miss Barowby, Miss Twist, Miss Hilliard, Fishar, Sga Manesiere. With New Music, Scenes, Habits and Decorations.
Event Comment: AAsh Wednesday. Publish'd this day. Price only 1s. Letters which have passed between John Beard Esq Manager of Covent Garden Theatre, and John Shebbeare, M.D. Wherefore I thus entreat with due Submission, Between the Bard and me you'd make decision, The whole now on your Approbation waits. Prologue to the Perplexities, sung by Mr Beard. Printed for G. Kearsly N.B. This Pamphlet is entered at Stationers Hall, whoever pyrates any part of it will be prosecuted. [This pamphlet of 50 pages is given a four-column review in the Gentleman's Magazine for March (p. 124). The controversy was over a play which Shebbeare submitted to Beard and which the latter finally rejected after holding it two seasons. Beard's letters are quoted. The reviewer is severe upon Shebbeare: Upon the whole for anything that has hitherto appeared, the managers of both theatre have rather been to blame for receiving some pieces that they should have rejected, than for rejecting any they should have received. No piece has yet been printed, by the rejection of which the managers have betrayed their trust, or neglected their duty to the public. There may be such pieces in manuscript, but, if there are, the most effective way of avenging the author on the manager is to print them, for the voice of the public would instantly and effecturally do justice to the compelling the representation.' Shebbeare was Joseph Pittard?]


Mainpiece Title: None

Event Comment: By Command of their Majesties. With the latest improvement by Mr Handel. Pit and boxes to be put together. Tickets will be deliver'd that day, at the Office in the theatre at Half a Guinea each. First Gallery 5s. Second Gallery 3s. 6d. Galleries to be opened at Half an Hour past Four. Pit and Boxes at Five. To Begin at Half an Hour after Six (Public Advertiser, 4 March). [N.B. This is an Advance notice. No notice occurs on this day, but the following: This Day publish'd Esther: An Oratorio, with the last improvements by Mr Handel. To be performed, by Their Majesties Command at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. Price 1s.] Went into the First Gallery at Covent Garden to hear the Oraortio, Esther, composed by Handel. The Stage was formed into an orchestra, like one side of an amphitheatre divided by an organ, atop of which was a head of Handel in a radiated frame. In the front sat the vocal performers, Champney, Vernon, Mrs Arne, Mrs Pinto, Miss Young, and Mrs Frasi. Stanley played on the Organ but retired after the 1st or 2nd act. The house was not much crowded, tho the King and Queen, those idols of fools, were there (Neville MS Diary). Charges: #35 (Account Book)


Mainpiece Title: Esther

Performance Comment: Parts were: Habdonah-; Haman-; Officer-; Chorus of Israelites-; 1st Israelite-; 2nd Israelite-; Esther-; Ahasuerus-.
Role: Esther Actor:

Music: CConcerto on Organ-Stanley

Event Comment: The Maid of the Mill oblig'd to be deferr'd on account of indisposition of a principal performer. Rec'd of Mr Leverton (bricklayer), for overdrafts on the theatre #67 18s. 6d. and of Sarjant for Timber used at the houses in Bow St. and Hart St., charged to the Theatre account #16 14s. Paid Sarjant for part of a #5 2s. 6d. bill for Ironmonger's work done for the house in Bow Passage #1 12s. (Account Book). Receipts: #148 1s. (Account Book)


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Dr Faustus

Performance Comment: As17670101, but short bill for The Dances-Arnauld, Miss Valois, Fishar.
Event Comment: Benefit for Weller, Murden, Lewes. Afterpiece for 52nd and last time this season. Tickets deliver'd for Friday the 15th will taken. Tickets sold at the Door will not be admitted. Charges #65 10s. [Deficit to each beneficiary #1 14s. 4d., covered by income from tickets. Weller #41 14s. (Box 7; Pit 145; Gallery 182); Murden #41 12s. (Box 31; Pit 111; Gallery 172); Lewes #61 10s. (Box 45; Pit 239; Gallery 144).] Paid the Duke of Bedford half year's ground rent due Lady Day last for the theatre #41 13s. 4d. (#50 minus half year's Land Tax #8 6s. 8d.). Paid Duke of Bedford half year's ground rent for the New Building adjoining the theatre #12 10s. (#15 minus half year's Land Tax #2 10s.). (Account Book). Receipts: #60 1s. (Account Book). At 5 went to Covent Garden to see Conscious Lovers &c....Got a bad place hn the First Gallery...Lewis did Harlequin, but not so well as Woodward; and Miss D. Twist did ye Miller's Bride, Miss Wilford's Character. Mrs Mahon does the jealous fellow's wife (Neville MS Diary)


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Dance: IV: Double Hornpipe, as17670427

Ballet: IV: The Wapping Landlady. As17670427

Event Comment: Benefit for Shuter. Mainpiece: By Particular Desire. Afterpiece: By Particular Desire of several persons of Distinction, to be added for that night only. Neville MS Diary: Covent Garden Theatre after being shut up for the season was open'd tonight as a high favour to Shuter...Before [the farce] the Gods having call'd for the Music to play Roast Beef, would not suffer the play to begin till their request was complied with. They pelted Davies and Hull, who appeared first, with orange skins, crying Off, Off'...Glad Shuter had a good house. He is an excellent comedian and is said to have a good heart. [The income for this night not listed in the Account Books. On 10 June however, the treasurer received from Shuter #10 'for the renters for the night of his benefit," and #1 13s. 9d. for oyl that night. On 20 July the treasurer received from Shuter #43 15s. for tickets for his first benefit, and #1 4s. 1 1!2d. in money, along with #20 for his second benefit." On July 22, the treasurer paid "to sundry Creditors of Mr Shuter as per Receipt Books #245 4s. 1 1!2d., and to Mr Wilford by order of Shuter #60, and to Beard #26 16s." N.B. On Wednesday 1 July The sum of #60,000 was this day paid down for the purchase of the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden, pursuant to agreement. The patentees are Messieurs Colman, Harris, Rutherford and Powell"--Gentleman's Magazine, p. 379.


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Afterpiece Title: Love a-la-Mode

Performance Comment: As17670406 but Mordecai-Quick; The Whole to conclude with the Cries of London-.
Event Comment: [Benefit for Dibdin, but not acted,] Princess Louisa Anne, sister to His Majesty died in the morning. All Theatres and Gardens closed for 8 days. Rec'd of Mrs Squibb for her deficiency the 10th Inst. #11 5s. Rec'd of Davis for his deficiency the 4th inst. #4 12s. Received of Perry for his deficiency the 4th inst. #4 12s. (Account Book).*c1768 05 13 cg [Benefit for Dibdin, but not acted,] Princess Louisa Anne, sister to His Majesty died in the morning. All Theatres and Gardens closed for 8 days. Rec'd of Mrs Squibb for her deficiency the 10th Inst. #11 5s. Rec'd of Davis for his deficiency the 4th inst. #4 12s. Received of Perry for his deficiency the 4th inst. #4 12s. (Account Book)


Mainpiece Title: None

Performance Comment: The Maid of the Mill. As17680427 but to avoid confusion: Aimworth-Mattocks; Sir Harry-Hartry (of Drury Lane); Giles-Mahoon; Mervin-Gentleman, 1st appearance this stage; Fairfield-Gibson; Ralph-Dibdin; Lady Sycamore-Mrs Pitt; Theodosia-Mrs Baker; Fanny-Mrs Thompson; Patty-Mrs Pinto; End Act I, a Dance incidental to the opera-Fishar, Arnauld, Sga Manesiere, Miss Valois.

Afterpiece Title: None

Performance Comment: The Musical Lady. As17671208.

Dance: II: Hornpipe-Miss Pitt

Event Comment: Being desir'd by many Persons of Quality, for ONE NIGHT ONLY, and By Permission of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the Catch-Club, at the Thatch'd House in St Jame's St., will be perform'd the Favourite Catches and Glees which were exhibited Last Summer at Ranelagh-House, With TWO DESIR'D ALTERATIONS. After the 2nd Act, a Concerto on the Violin, by Barthelemon. A Considerable number of the Best Vocal and Instrumental Performers are engag'd on this occasion. Books for the Performance to be had at the theatre. Great care will be taken to keep the Theatre Cool. Ladies and Gentlemen send servants before the opening of the doors, which will be at Half-past 4. No persons can possibly be admitted behind the scenes. To Begin at exactly Seven o'clock. Tickets to be had and places to be taken (ONLY) of Mr Johnston at the stage Door (playbill)


Mainpiece Title: Catches And Glees