SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Theatre Royal in Naples"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Theatre Royal in Naples")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 3364 matches on Event Comments, 742 matches on Performance Title, 477 matches on Performance Comments, 0 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: Pit and Boxes to be put together, and no Person to be admitted without Tickets, which will be deliver'd this Day, at the Office in Covent Garden Theatre, at Half a Guinea each. First Galley, 5s. Upper Gallery, 3s. 6d. The Galleries, to be open'd at Four, Pit and Boxes at Five. To Begin at Half an Hour after Six. [Customary notice for oratorios. It will not be repeated further.


Mainpiece Title: Judas Maccabaeus

Afterpiece Title: a Ca Concerto

Event Comment: Benefit for Mrs Cibber (Cross). And the Stage (for the better Accommodation of the Ladies) will be form'd into Front and Side Boxes, where Servants will be allow'd to keep Places, as well as in the Boxes and the Pit. Ladies are desired to send Servants to keep Places by 3 o'clock. Tickets to be had of Mrs Cibber, at her house in Thrift St, Soho, and of Hobson, at the Stage Door of the Theatre, where Places may be taken. Tomorrow The Foundling (being the 13th Night). Receipts: #250 (Cross); house charges, #60 (Powel); cash, #81 17s.; tickets, #187 5s. 6d. (Clay MS). This charge was also set down that the principle [sic] treasurer should not know to the contrary, because it was told him that Mrs Cibber paid for her benefit, and if he had imagin'd otherwise, he perhaps would have insisted upon the same terms for his wife (Mrs Pr-h-d). I must therefore subtract it with Mr G-k's Benefit, it standing in their Books exactly in the same manner as his (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Dance: Cooke, Anne Auretti

Event Comment: We hear from the King's Theatre in the Haymarket, that as the Celebrated Opera Dido, wrote by Abbat Metastasio, and set to Musick by Sig Hasse, cannot be got ready for Representation till almost a fortnight, the Opera Lucius Verus (consisting of chosen Airs from the Compositions of Mr Handel) will be performed next Saturday (Daily Advertiser)


Event Comment: [For the Relief of the Sufferers by a late his Auction-Room late the Little Theatre in the Hay-Market Mr Foote will exhibit for the satisfaction the curious a choice Collection of Pictures, all warranted Originals, and entirely new. To begin at twelve noon. [Cross, Fielding, II, 89, states that Foote mimicked Fielding as "Trottplaid" on this date.] Daily Advertiser, 28 April: It being represented unto this Court, that several Common Players of Interludes, Gamesters...have for several Years used and accustomed to assemble and meet together at several Fairs or pretended Fairs, held in this County of Middlesex, not warranted by Law, to wit, Tottenham Court Fair, Hampstead Fair, in Holborn Division, the Shepherd's Bush Fair in Kensington Division, Mile-End Fair and Bow-Fair, commonly called Green-Goose Fair, in the Tower Division, and May Fair in Westminster Division


Mainpiece Title: Collection Auction Of Pictures

Event Comment: Gift for ye Sufferers by ye fire in Cornhill (Cross). [A column and a half "Letter to the Author" appeared in the General Advertiser this day, laying historical background for Ford's Lover's Melancholy]. The history of the stage before the Restoration is like a Foreign Land, in which no Englishman had ever travelled; we know there were such things as Playhouses, and one Shakespear a great writer, but the historical traces of them are so imperfect, that the manner in which they existed is less known to us, than that of Eschylus or the theatres of Greece. For this reason, 'tis hoped that the following Gleaning of Theatrical History will readily obtain a place in your paper. 'Tis taken from a Pamphlet written in the reign of Charles I, with this quaint title, "Old Ben's Light Heart made heavy by young John's Melancholly Lover"; and as it contains some historical anecdotes and altercations concerning Ben Johnson, Ford, Shakespear, and the Lover's Melancholy it is imagined that a few extracts from it at this juncture, will not be unentertaining to the Public. [The substance of the remainder retails Jonson's critical cantankerousness and his wounded pride at the failure of the New Inn, quoting some epigrams made at Jonson's expense on his allegation that Ford was a plagiary. This second "puff" for the play, presumably also written by Macklin, formed the basis for a Steevens-Malone controversy late in the century, centering on the existence or nonexistence of the pamphlet referred to by Macklin as "Old Ben's Light Heart made Heavy, &c." A summary account of the evidence appears in the Dramatic Works of John Ford, by Henry Weber (Edinburgh, 1811) I, Intro. XVI, XXXI.] Receipts: #210 (Cross); #208 1s. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: King Lear And His Three Daughters

Afterpiece Title: The Double Disappointment

Dance: Cooke, Anne Auretti, Matthews, Mrs Addison

Event Comment: Benefit for myself and Wife (Cross). As my business at the theatre requires a constant attendance I beg the favour of those Ladies and Gentlemen, who intend to honour me with their company at my Benefit, to send for tickets to my Lodgings, opposite the Rose Tavern in Russel St., Covent Garden; or to Mr Hobson at the Stage door, where places for the Boxes may be taken. Last time of performing the Mainpiece this season. Receipts: #107 (Cross); house charges, #60 (Powel); cash, #59 17s. 1d.; tickets, #47 1s. (Clay MS)


Mainpiece Title: The Alchymist

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantly

Dance: II: Pastoral Dance, as17480326 III: Savoyards, as17471215; V: By Desire Les Characters de la Dance-Anne Auretti

Event Comment: At the New Theatre, Bowling Green, Southwark. Benefit for Mr and Mrs Phillips. A Concert, etc. To begin at 6:30 p.m


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple; Or A Trip To The Jubilee

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmasked

Dance: Phillips

Event Comment: At Bridges, Cross, Burton, and Vaughan's Great Theatrical Booth on the Bowling Green, Southwark, (with a company from the theatres) during the short time of the Fair will be presented an Historical Drama (lately acted in Bartholemew Fair with universal applause) the Northern Heroes with the Loves of Count Gillensternia, a Swedish General, and the fair Ellimira a Russian Princess, containing the most remarkable events of that time; and concluding with the memorable battle of Putlowav, and Charles's retreat into the Turkish dominionsv. Interspersed with a comic interlude, The Volunteers. Also the comical humours and amours of Corporal Garbage and Serjeant Slim, with Mrs Vanspriggen the Swedish Sutler's widow, the merry pranks of her foolish son Janny, and several other diverting incidents. As the Fair will be of so short continuance, we shall begin very early each day (General Advertiser). [See 24 Aug. 1748, bf]


Mainpiece Title: He Northern Heroes; Or, The Bloody Contest Between Charles The Twelfth, King Of Sweden, And Peter The Great, Czar Of Muscovy

Afterpiece Title: The Volunteers; or, The Adventures of Roderick Random and His Friend Strap

Dance: Particularly a Hornpipe-

Event Comment: Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. First Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s. Places for Boxes to be taken of Mr Hobson at the stage door of the Theatre. To begin exactly at six o'clock (General Advertiser). [This customary notice for all subsequent bills will not be mentioned further this season.] Receipts: #80 (Cross); #88 7s. 6d. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: The Busie Body

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery

Event Comment: At Mr Phillips New Theatre at the Bowling Green. To begin at seven o'clock. Benefit for Phillips and Mrs Phillips (Daily Advertiser), but benefit for Morgan and Mrs Morgan (Hogan)


Mainpiece Title: King Richard The Third

Afterpiece Title: New Pantomime Entertainment

Song: III: Genius of England-; End: New Mad Tom-Platt Sen

Event Comment: At the New Theatre, Bowling Green, Southwark. A concert, etc. Benefit for Goodman. To begin at 7 p.m. Prices: 2s. 6d., 1s. 6d., 1s., 6d


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband; Or, A Journey To London

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Song: MMad Tom-Platt

Event Comment: At the New Theatre, Bowling Green, Southwark. A concert, etc. Benefit for a Person under very great Misfortunes (a blind man, initials A. M., now six years in prison). To begin (by particular Desire) at 7 p.m


Mainpiece Title: The Unhappy Favourite; Or, The Earl Of Essex

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Event Comment: At the New Theatre, Bowling Green, Southwark. A Concert, etc. Benefit for Mrs Morgan. Never acted there. Being positively the last Night of Acting in the Borough (Daily Advertiser)


Mainpiece Title: King Lear And His Three Daughters

Afterpiece Title: The King and Miller of Mansfield

Music: solo on the violin called Ellen@a@Roon-Santhilla first Time of performing in Public

Song: V: Roratorio@or a Medley of the Cries of Dublin-Morgan

Dance: A Hornpipe-a Gentleman for his diversion

Event Comment: By Subscription. A Burletta, or Comic Opera...being the first of this Species of Musical Drama ever exhibited in England. [But see Burney, II, 248, on both cast and music.] Pit and Boxes Half a guinea. Gallery 5s. To begin at 6 p.m. Last Wednesday arrived in London, from Italy, Signor Croza, with his New Company of Italian Performers, who are to entertain the Town the approaching Season, at the King's Theatre in the Haymarket, with Operas of a new kind, call'd Burlettas (General Advertiser, 23 Sept.)


Mainpiece Title: La Comedia In Comedia

Dance: GGrand Dance (compos'd by Poitier)-Mlle Poitier, Master Charles, Miss Jenny Poitier

Music: Rinaldo da Capua

Event Comment: At the New Theatre, at Mr Bradley's, Distiller, in Old Gravel Lane, Wapping. A Concert, etc. Prices: 2s., 1s. To begin at 6:30 p.m


Mainpiece Title: The Beaux Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: An Old Man Taught Wisdom; or, The Virgin Unmasked

Event Comment: By Desire, at his Auction Room, late the New Theatre in the Haymarket, Mr Foote will exhibit a Choice Collection of Pictures, all warranted Originals, with some entire new Lots. Places for boxes to be taken at the Auction Room. The Thirty-ninth Day. The auction to begin at exactly half an hour after six


Mainpiece Title: Auction Of Pictures

Music: A Piece of Musick-the Child between the parts of the Auction

Event Comment: [G$Garrick] promised me the Part of Tressel; when the Play was given out, and I prepar'd for it, I saw in the Bills next Morn, another Person's Name [Blakes].-Charles Adams to John Gilbert-Cooper, quodet in Theatre Notebook, XI (1957) p. 136. Receipts: #180 (Cross); #182 9s. 6d. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Not acted these 10 Years. Afterpiece: Not acted these 20 years. Music, Dances and Other Decorations for afterpiece entirely new. [In a letter to John Gilbert-Cooper, the actor Charles Adams states that "the Prompter gave me a little Part in the Emperor of the Moon...I appear'd in it thrice." He was "paid Twenty Shilling Pr Week." See Theatre Notebook, XI (1957), p. 136. The only male parts left were Baliardo's servant Peter and the figures in the tableau of the final scene.] Receipts: #160 (Cross); #158 11s. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Emperour of the Moon

Music: A Piece of Music-the Child

Dance: TThe Sailors Revels-Mathews


Mainpiece Title: Auction Of Pictures

Performance Comment: Poet-; Beau-; Frenchman-; Miser-; a Taylor-; a Sot-; two young Gentlemen-; a Ghost. Ghost-Marr (Charles Adams to John Gilbert-Cooper, Theatre Notebook, XI 1957, p. 138); Oration in Praise of Sight- As17481212.
Role: John Gilbert Actor:

Dance: PPrince Eugene's March-

Event Comment: By particular Desire. ["We have in Rehearsal a new Tragedy call'd Irene--Author, as yet, unknown."--Charles Adams to John Gilbert-Cooper, Theatre Notebook, XI (1957), pp. 138-39.] Receipts: #130 (Cross); #143 16s. 6d. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Dance: IV: Dutch Dance, as17481203

Event Comment: Note in General Advertiser: For the Benefit of the Author's Sisters, Box and Pit Tickets for Coriolanus, a Tragedy written by the late Mr Thomson, and now acting at Covent Garden Theatre, are to be had of A. Millar, opposite to Catherine Street in the Strand; J. Davidson in the Poultry; and R. Dodsley in Pall Mall


Mainpiece Title: Coriolanus

Event Comment: By Desire. Don John de Nasaquitine, sworn brother and champion to the man that was to have jumped into the bottle...hereby invites all such as were then disappointed to repair to the theatre on Monday the 30th, and that shall be exhibited to them which never was before, nor ever will be hereafter seen. All such as shall swear upon the Book of Wisdom that they paid for seeing the Bottle man, will be admitted gratis; the rest at Gotham prices (General Advertiser). Receipts: #50 (Cross); #70 11s. 6d. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Miller of Mansfield

Dance: II: New Scotch Dance, as17490118

Event Comment: A Concert, etc. Benefit for a Family under great Necessity. Prices: 4s., 2s. 6d., 1s. 6d. [Announced for 21 and 24 Jan., but postponed because of damage to the theatre until a nobleman paid for some repairs. See Daily Advertiser.


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Event Comment: Mainpiece: For the entertainment of two young Africans. On Friday 10 February will be perform'd a New Oratorio, call'd Susanna, with a Concerto. Pit and boxes to be put together, and no person to be admitted without tickets, which will be deliver'd that day, at the Office in Covent Garden Theatre, at half a guinea each. First Gallery 5s. Second Gallery 3s. 6d. Galleries opened at half past four. Pit and Boxes at Five. To Begin at Half an Hour after Six. [This advertisement repeated in the General Advertiser daily to 10 Feb. 1749.


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne

Event Comment: At the Old Theatre, Bowling Green, Southwark. A concert, etc. Benefit for Adams and Daniel. Prices: 2s. 6d., 1s. 6d., 1s., 6d


Mainpiece Title: The Country Lasses; Or, Custom Of The Manor

Afterpiece Title: Columbine Courtezan