SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "General Theophilus Cibber"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "General Theophilus Cibber")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 2731 matches on Author, 2199 matches on Performance Comments, 1019 matches on Event Comments, 62 matches on Performance Title, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: Altered from Shirley by Garrick--(some hissing at it) (Cross). [See Theatrical Review, 1757 and Beginning of 1758 for generally favorable contemporary comment, but one which deplores Garrick's retention of Shirley's obsolete expressions. The printed version contains scenes in Act III not appearing in the Larpent MS] Receipts: #180 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Gamesters

Performance Comment: Parts by: Garrick, Palmer, Yates, Woodward, Beard, Jefferson, Walker, Vaughan, Mas. Cautherly, Vernon, Ackman, Brownsmith, Atkins, Miss Macklin, Mrs Cibber. Wilding-Garrick; Hazard-Palmer; Barnacle-Yates; Nephew-Woodward; Penelope-Miss Macklin; Mrs Wilding-Mrs Cibber; Careless-Beard; Littlestock-Jefferson; Acreless-Walker; Dwindle-Vaughan; Page-Master Cautherly; Sellaway-Vernon; Boxkeeper-Ackman; Servant-Brownsmith; Drawer-Atkins; Prologue-Garrick; Epilogue-Mrs Cibber (Edition of 1757).
Role: Mrs Wilding Actor: Mrs Cibber
Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Cibber

Dance: TThe Market, as17571126


Mainpiece Title: Elvira

Performance Comment: Principal parts by: Garrick, Holland, Love, Packer, Burton, Ackman, Castle, Fox, Mrs Pritchard, Miss Bride, Mrs Cibber, Prologue and Epilogue. Don Alonzo-Garrick; Don Pedro-Holland; Don Alvarez-Love; Don Roderigo-Packer; Elvira-Mrs Cibber; Queen-Mrs Pritchard; Almayda-Miss Bride; Ambassador (?)-Burton; Ramirez-Ackman; Mendozo-Castle; Courtier-Fox; Prologue-Holland; Epilogue (writ by Garrick)-Mrs Cibber (Edition of 1763).
Role: Elvira Actor: Mrs Cibber
Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Cibber

Afterpiece Title: The Male Coquette

Event Comment: Edition of 1660: Being a Musical Representation at the Entertainment of his Excellency the Lord General Monk at Vintners Hall 12 April 1660


Mainpiece Title: Bacchus Festival; Or, A New Medley

Event Comment: On this date General Monk and the Council of State issued an order forbidding stage plays. (See Hotson, Commonwealth and Restoration Stage, p. 196, and The Diurnal of Thomas Rugg, ed. Sachse, pp. 61, 67.)


Event Comment: Edward Gower to Sir R. Leveson, 20 Nov. 1660: Yesternight the King, Queen, Princess, &c. supped at the Duke of Albemarle's, where they had the Silent Woman acted in the cockpit (HMC, 5th Report, 1876, p. 200). The King's Company. Pepys, Diary, 20 Nov. 1660: This morning I found my Lord in bed late, he having been with the King, Queen, and Princess, at the cockpit all night, where General Monk treated them; and after supper a play, where the King did put a great affront upon John? Singleton's musique, he bidding them stop and bade the French musique play, which, my Lord says, do much outdo all ours. The prologue was printed in 1660: The Prologue to His Majesty at the first Play presented at the cock-pit in Whitehall, Being part of that Noble Entertainment which Their Majesties received Novemb. 19. from his Grace the Duke of Albemarle. [The Prologue has been reprinted by Wiley, Rare Prologues and Epilogues, pp. 11-12. Bodleian Wood 398 has a MS note: By Sir Jo. Denham.


Mainpiece Title: The Silent Woman

Event Comment: The King's Company. See Herbert, Dramatic Records, p. 118. Langbaine (English Dramatic Poets, p. 477): This Play has been received with Success (as I said) in our Time; and as I remember, the deceas'd Mr Lacy acted Jonny Thump, Sir Gervase Simple's Man, with general Applause


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Maze

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Pepys, Diary: To the Royall Theatre [Bridges St], but they not acting today, then to the Duke's house, and there saw The Slighted Mayde, wherein Gosnell acted Pyramena, a great part, and did it very well, and I believe will do it better and better, and prove a good actor. The play is not very excellent, but is well acted, and in general the actors, in all particulars, are better than at the other house


Mainpiece Title: The Slighted Maid

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. On Thursday 10 Dec. 1663, Pepys reported that this play was to be acted the following week, but the date of the first performance is uncertain. But--except for the holidays--it was probably acted on consecutive days until 1 Jan. 1663@4, when Pepys saw it. The play is also in Herbert, Dramatic Records, p. 138, as a "Revived Play." Pepys, Diary: I perceive the King and Duke and the Court was going to the Duke's playhouse to see Henry VIII. acted, which is said to be an admirable play. But, Lord! to see now near I was to have broken my oathe, or run the hazard of 20s. losse, so much my nature was hot to have gone thither; but I did not go. Downes (p.24): King Henry the 8th, This Play, by Order of Sir William Davenant, was all new Cloath'd in proper Habits: The King's was new, all the Lords, the Cardinals, the Bishops, the Doctors, Proctors, Lawyers, Tip-staves, new Scenes: The part of the King was so right and justly done by Mr Betterton, he being Instructed in it by Sir William, who had it from Old Mr Lowen, that had his Instructions from Mr Shakespear himself, that I dare and will aver, none can, or will come near him in this Age, in the performance of that part: Mr Harris's performance of Cardinal Wolsey, was little Inferior to that, he doing it with such just State, Port, and Mein, that I dare affirm, none hitherto has Equall'd him:...Every part by the great Care of Sir William, being exactly perform'd; it being all new Scenes; it continu'd Acting 15 Days together with general Applause


Mainpiece Title: Henry Viii

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Downes (p. 30): This Comedy in general was very well Perform'd. Pepys, Diary: I alone to the Duke of York's house, to see the new play, called The Man is the Master, where the house was, it being not above one o'clock, very full. But my wife and Deb. being there before, with Mrs Pierce and Corbet and Betty Turner, whom my Wife carried with her, they made me room; and there I sat, it costing me 8s. upon them in oranges, at 6d. apiece. By and by the King come; and we sat just under him, so that I durst not turn my back all the play. The play is a translation out of French, and the plot Spanish, but not anything extraordinary at all in it, though translated by Sir W. Davenant, and so I found the King and his company did think meanly of it, though there was here and there something Pretty: but the most of the mirth was sorry, poor stuffe, of eating of sack posset and slabbering themselves, and mirth fit for clownes; the prologue but poor, and the epilogue little in it but the extraordinariness of it, it being sung by Harris and another in the form of a ballet


Mainpiece Title: The Man's The Master

Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but the face that the play was entered in the Term Catalogues, May 1691, and noticed in the London Gazette, No 2664, 21-25 May 1691, suggests that it was given in April, probably soon after Passion Week. Gildon, The Lives and Characters, p. 102: A very pretty Comedy, and has been always received with general Applause


Mainpiece Title: Greenwich Park

Event Comment: The Ode is in D'Urfey, Wit and Mirth, I, 70-71. Gentleman's Journal, January 1691-2, pp. 4-5: On that day [22 Nov.] or the next when it falls on a Sunday, as it did last time, most of the Lovers of Music, whereof many are persons of the first Rank, meet at Stationers-Hall in London, not thro' a Principle of Superstition, but to propagate the advancement of that divine Science. A splendid Entertainment is provided, and before it is always a performance of Music by the best Voices and Hands in Town; the Words, which are always in the Patronesses praise, are set by some of the greatest Masters in Town. This year Dr John Blow, that famous Musician, composed tne Music, and Mr Durfey, whose skill in things of that nature is well enough known, made the Words....Whilst the Company is at Table, the Hautboys and Trumpets play successively. Mr Showers hath taught the latter of late years to sound with all the softness imaginable, they plaid us some flat Tunes, made by Mr Finger, with a general applause, it being a thing formerly though impossible upon the Instrument design'd for a sharp Key


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but the Gentleman's Journal, January 1691@2, suggests that it was first given in December 1691, although the tendency of this journal to be dated one month and appear in the next month makes the interpretation of its information difficult: We have had a new Comedy this last Month, call'd The Wives Execuse; or Cuckolds make themselves: It was written by Mr Southern, who made that call'd Sir Anthony Love, which you and all the Town lik'd so well. I will send you The Wives Excuse, as soon as it comes out in Print, which will be very speedily: And tho' the Town hath not been so kind to this last, as to the former, I do not doubt but you will own that it will bear a Reading; which some that meet with a better Fate too often do not; some that must be granted to be good Judges commend the Purity of its Language (pp. 51-52). Henry Purcell composed the music for this work. One song, Corinna I excuse thy face, the words (according to the Edition of 1692) by Tho. Cheek, the music by Henry Purcell, but without the singer's name, is in The Banquet of Musick, The Sixth and Last Book, 1692 (licensed 17 Feb. 1691@2). Say, cruel Amoret, sung by Mountfort; Hang this whining way, sung by Mrs Butler; and Ingrateful lover, the words by Major General Sackville, are in Joyful Cuckoldom, ca. 1695. See also Purcell, Works, Purcell Society, XXI (1917), xxvi-xxix


Mainpiece Title: The Wives' Excuse; Or, Cuckolds Make Themselves

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but Dryden, on 14 Dec. 1699, indicated that the run of the play had been completed by that day. A copy in the Folger Shakespeare Library has a notice of its publication. Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, p. 45: Iphigenia a Tragedy, wrote by Mr Dennis, a good Tragedy and well Acted; but answer'd not the Expences they were at in Cloathing it. [In The Life of Mr John Dennis (London, 1734) the author states that Colonel Codrington prevailed on all his friends to take tickets for the dramatist's third night.] Preface, Edition of 1700: And from the first representations I expected all the success that I could reasonably desire. I never in my life at any Play took notice of a more strict attention, or, a more profound silence. And there was something like what happen'd at the Representation of Pacuvius his Tragedy. For upon Orestes discovering his passion to Iphigenia in the fourth Act, there was a general murmur through the Pit, which is what I had never seen before. But after three or four representations, several people, who during that time had wholly abandon'd themselves to the Impression which Nature had made on them, began to study how to be discontented by Art; and repented heartily at having been pleas'd with what Athens and Rome and Paris had been pleas'd before. A Comparison between the Two Stages (1702), p. 23: Critick: I must needs Complement him [Dennis] with the Success of his laborious Iphigenia: Ay, here's a Tragedy with a witness--show a more tragick Poet if you can--'twas a smart Epilogue. But I marvel a Man of Mr Dennis's Penetration wou'd suffer, nay beg his Friend to Burlesque him at that unreasonable rate: But the Author was conscious the Audience might mistake it for a Comedy, and so he gets Colonel C-(he was sure his Word wou'd be taken) to tell 'em it was not a Comedy but a Tragedy: The hint was good and necessary, for o' my word very few knew what to make of it before, tho' there were many Tremendous things in't. [The dialogue continues to examine Dennis' Preface, and Dennis's assertions there concerning his play.


Mainpiece Title: Iphigenia

Event Comment: Rich's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but Dryden, writing on 14 Dec. 1699, indicates that this play had had its first performance by that date. The Dedication is dated 10 Jan. 1699@1700, and the play was advertised in the Post Boy, 20-23 Jan. 1699@1700. Preface, Edition of 1700: Another difficulty this Play labour'd under, was its being acted at a time when the whole Town was so much, and so justly diverted by the Trip to the Jubilee. When the play was revised and reprinted in 1714, the new edition--The Victim; or Achilles and Iphigenia in Aulis--indicates that The Invocation to Diana in the last act was set by Gottfreid Finger, the first verse being sung by Freeman, the second verse by Mrs Erwin, and the third verse by W. Pate. Advertisement, Edition of 1714: The following Tragedy...having been translated into English [from Racine], with considerable Additions, by Mr Boyer, and pass'd the Correction and Approbation of the late famous Mr Dryden, and several other Persons distinguish'd as well by their Wit and Learning, as by their Taste and Discernment, was acted with general Applause, towards the End of the Year 1699, and Beginning of 1700. The Reasons why this Excellent Play stopt, on a sudden, in a full Career, are, in some Measure, accounted for in Mr Boyer's Preface: To which he might have added, That the Dutchess of Marlborough, who at that Time bore an irresistable Sway, bespoke the Comedy then in Vogue [The Constant Couple], during the Ruin of Iphigenia in Aulis; And that this Tragedy receiv'd no small Prejudice, from the Person that acted Eriphyle [Mrs Wilkins], who sunk under the Weight of so great a Part. A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1702), pp. 24-25: Sullen: Then comes the second Iphigenia in all her Charms, and like a superious Mistress was resolv'd to eclipse her Rival: No cast was spar'd by the Masters, nor toil by the Actors; the Town was bespoke in its favour, and all the Friends of this new Fletcher and Beaumont were ingaged to clap it. She appear'd, but what pity 'twas (as the Prefacer says) that a Play which had such a glorious run shou'd in four Days disappear, never to rise again. Oh! says Mr D@@, mine was acted six Days; and I'll hold you a hundred Pound--just what I got by't--How's that?, says Boyer--I say, Sir, that I'll hold you, or any Man, a hundred Pound, 'twill be acted again ten times this Winter. With that B@@ fell a laughing, and replies, Sir, says he, I'll stake my French Dictionary against your Criticisms on Blackmore, and that I think is odds enough--I say,"I'll hold you that Bet, that you did not get fifty Shillings by't, and that the House lost a hundred Pound. This had like to ha' made sad work; but all was well, for neither of 'em have been acted since, for they both sleep in everlasting Tranquillity. [See also pp. 23-25 for other remarks about the two Iphigenia plays.


Mainpiece Title: Achilles; Or, Iphigenia In Aulis

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. Flying Post, 2-4 July 1700: At the Request, and for the Entertainment of several Persons of Quality, at the New Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, to Morrow, being Friday, the 5th of this instant July, will be acted, The Comical History of Don Quixote, both Parts being made into one by the Author. With a new Entry by the little Boy, being his last time of Dancing before he goes to France: Also Mrs Elford's new Entry, never performed but once; and Miss Evan's Jigg and Irish Dance: With several new Comical Dances, compos'd and perform'd by Monsieur L'Sac and others. Together with a new Pastoral Dialogue, by Mr George and Mrs Haynes; and variety of other Singing. It being for the Benefit of a Gentleman in great distress; and for the Relief of his Wife and Three Children. Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, p. 45: Don Quixote, both Parts made into one, by Mr Durfey, Mrs Bracegirdle Acting, and her excellent Singing in't; the Play in general being well Perform'd tis little Inferior to any of the preceding Comedies


Mainpiece Title: The Comical History Of Don Quixote

Event Comment: [By Elkanah Settle.] Never Acted before. Preface: I was reduced to the Necessity of bringing it in in the long Vacation, and consequently with a very narrow Expectation of Profit from the Product of so barren a Season. And as the then Emptiness of the Town cou'd give it but a few, though those all friendly Auditors, I sit down contented with the general Reception it has met


Mainpiece Title: The City Ramble; Or, A Playhouse Wedding

Event Comment: Ryder (p. 195): There is a good deal of mirth in [The Drummer] and something pleasant and entertaining. The prince was at the play. An epilogue was spoken to recommend the cause of religion and liberty and loyalty to the care of the ladies, some part of which was very good. The beginning of it was but dull. However, I was very well pleased to hear it clapped by a full house and a general approbation of the sentiments


Mainpiece Title: The Drummer

Event Comment: For the Entertainment of his Excellency the Ambassador from the States General


Mainpiece Title: Cato

Afterpiece Title: La Guinquette


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Performance Comment: Bajazet-Mills (Chetwood, General History of the Stage, p. 214); With a New Prologue by the Author of the Play-.
Event Comment: Ryder, Diary, pp. 359-60: Went to see the tragedy of Tamerlane which was acted with a new prologue in honour of King William and in memory of what he did for us. The play itself is good....Mills who acted the part of Bajazet did it mighty well and expressed that furiousness and rage and malice and ambition admirably well in his gesture at the end, but, which is his distinguishing character, very well kept up throughout. I observed in the general that the manner of speaking in our theatres in tragedy is not natural. There is something that would be very shocking and disagreeable and very unnatural in real life. Persons would call it theatrical, meaning by that something stiff and affected


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Performance Comment: See17161105, but Bajazet-Quin [Chetwood, General History of the Stage, p. 214]; With a New Prologue [by the Author of the Play-.
Event Comment: Chetwood, A General History of the Stage, p. 198: Yet a blind Man might have borne with Norris in the Roman Patriot , for he spoke it with all the Solemnity of a suffering Hero; while Penkethman, and the rest of the motley Tribe, made it as ridiculous by Humour and Action: And yet some of the first Rank in the Kingdom seemed highly diverted whilst others invoked the...dead Roman and Briton to rise, and avenge their own Cause. Lady Bristol in. Letter Books of John Hervey, II, 74-75: I had no patience to see [Addison's] play burlesqued as it was last night for the entertainment of their Royal Highnesses...their Audience was much too good for them, for there was a great many people of quality


Mainpiece Title: Cato Burlesqued

Event Comment: As 26 Jan. Receipts: #42 15s. Daily Journal, 27 Jan.: A New Tragedy, call'd, Friendship Betray'd; Or, the Injured General, was to have been Acted on Tuesday next...but is deferred, on Account of Mrs Bullock's hourly Expectation of being brought to Bed, she having the Principal Part in the Play


Mainpiece Title: The Merry Wives Of Windsor

Afterpiece Title: The Cobler of Preston

Event Comment: Benefit a Gentleman Reduc'd by the late General Misfortune. Written by Shakespear


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Fop Actor: Cibber.
Event Comment: Before a very numerous Concourse of the Nobility and Quality, who expressed a General Satisfaction at the surprizing Performances of this Lady


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: Singing-the famous Signiora Catzoni