01 February 1722

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1721-1722
Volume: 2
Comments: Benefit a Gentleman Reduc'd by the late General Misfortune. Written by Shakespear

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p^?dl Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. As 9 Dec. 1721, but Laertes-Wilks Jr. *c^?dl Benefit a Gentleman Reduc'd by the late General Misfortune. Written by $Shakespear=.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1722 02 01 dl Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. ^As17211209^, but Laertes-Wilks Jr.*c1722 02 01 dl Benefit a Gentleman Reduc'd by the late General Misfortune. Written by $Shakespear=.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 9106 | 17220201 | dl | Benefit a Gentleman Reduc'd by the late General Misfortune. Written by $Shakespear=
    Performance: 14778 | 9106 | p | Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark | As17211209, but Laertes-Wilks Jr.
    AsSeeDate: 14778 | dl | p | As | 17211209
    19192 | 14778 | Laertes | Wilks Jr.
    228104 | 14778 | Fop | Cibber.
    228105 | 14778 | Hamlet | Wilks
    228106 | 14778 | Ghost | Booth
    228107 | 14778 | King | Thurmond
    228108 | 14778 | Horatio | Mills
    228109 | 14778 | Polonius | Griffin
    228110 | 14778 | Gravedigger | Johnson
    228111 | 14778 | Queen | Mrs Porter
    228112 | 14778 | Ophelia | Mrs Booth.


As17211209, but Laertes-Wilks Jr.

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