SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (13769, 13773, 13777, 13781, 13785, 13789, 13804, 13808, 13811, 13815, 13818, 13822, 13826, 13830, 13833, 13837, 13841, 13845, 13851, 13855, 13859, 13863, 13869, 13873, 13877, 13880, 13884, 13888, 13893, 13897, 13901, 13905, 13927, 13934, 13938, 13941, 13944, 13948, 13952, 13957, 13960, 13986, 13989, 13997, 14001, 14004, 14043, 14051, 14057, 14063, 14108, 14123, 14135, 14161, 14181, 14187, 14229, 14300, 14301, 14313, 14316, 15001, 15005, 15011, 15014, 15505, 15566, 15570, 15584, 15604, 16163, 16221, 16485, 16504, 16510, 16531, 16534, 16548, 17372, 17375, 17376, 17380, 17385, 17386, 17392, 17412, 17414, 17495, 17686, 17689, 17693, 17697, 17700, 17702, 17706, 17710, 17713, 17718, 17720, 17723, 17730, 17734, 17738, 17741, 17745, 17753, 17757, 17764, 17768, 17771, 17775, 17781, 17784, 17787, 17790, 17794, 17798, 17800, 17807, 17811, 17814, 18054, 18058, 18323, 18326, 18387, 18390, 18397, 18401, 18407, 18411, 18445, 18452, 18469, 18620, 18803, 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Mainpiece Title: The Count Of Burgundy

Afterpiece Title: Three Weeks after Marriage

Afterpiece Title: Netley Abbey

Song: End: Black Ey'd Susan-Incledon; End 2nd piece: The Mid Watch-Incledon


Mainpiece Title: A Divertisement

Afterpiece Title: The Birth Day

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes; or, The Castle of Lindenbergh

Dance: In: As17990316


Mainpiece Title: Alexander The Great

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes

Song: II: Grand Triumphal Entry and Vocal Parts Entry of Alexander into Babylon, as17990409


Mainpiece Title: A Divertisement

Afterpiece Title: The Birth Day

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: The Birth Day

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes

Dance: 2nd piece: Scotch Reel-Blurton, Mrs Watts


Mainpiece Title: The Birth Day

Afterpiece Title: The Jew and the Doctor

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: The Birth Day

Afterpiece Title: The Spoil'd Child

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: The Birth Day

Afterpiece Title: The Jew and the Doctor

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: The Way To Get Married

Afterpiece Title: British Fortitude

Role: Male Bards Actor:
Role: Female Bards Actor: Miss _Mitchell, Miss _Wheatley, Miss _Gray
Role: Farmer Actor: Gray

Afterpiece Title: Lock and Key

Song: End IV: Boxing the Compass-Fawcett; End Monologue: The Group of Lovers; or, Beauty at her Levee-Munden; 2nd piece: I was called knowing Joey-Simmons; At dawn of life our Vows were plighted-Miss Wheatley; The turban'd Turk who scorns the world-Johnstone; Black Ey'd Susan-Incledon; The Land of Potatoes-Johnstone; Fa la la-Incledon, Johnstone, Street, Linton

Entertainment: Monologue. End 1st piece: A Fig for the Fellows (Introductive of some Comic Reasons, which it is hoped will pass Current)-Mrs Mattocks, in the character of Miss Allspice, the Grocer's Daughter


Mainpiece Title: What Is She

Afterpiece Title: The Magic Oak


Mainpiece Title: What Is She

Afterpiece Title: The Magic Oak


Mainpiece Title: King Richard The Third

Afterpiece Title: The Magic Oak


Mainpiece Title: The Horse And The Widow

Afterpiece Title: The Birth Day

Afterpiece Title: Albert and Adelaide

Dance: As17990504


Mainpiece Title: What Is She

Afterpiece Title: The Horse and the Widow

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: The Horse And The Widow

Afterpiece Title: The Birth Day

Afterpiece Title: Albert and Adelaide

Dance: As17990504


Mainpiece Title: Laugh When You Can

Dance: End: Hornpipe in Fetters-Blurton


Mainpiece Title: The Iron Chest

Afterpiece Title: Catherine and Petruchio

Afterpiece Title: Tell Truth and Shame the Devil

Song: End: Mad Tom-Betts (1st appearance on the stage); Young William-Incledon; The Golden Days-Munden; The Tight Little Island-Townsend; The Wind blew fresh and fair-Townsend

Music: End I 1st piece: Concerto Clarionet-Orsato (of the Theatre Royal Venice; 1st appearance in this Metropolis); a duetto solo by means of the Pression and Repercussion of the Air-Orsato This his curious Discovery has received the greatest Applause in most of the Courts


Mainpiece Title: The Horse And The Widow

Afterpiece Title: The Birth Day

Afterpiece Title: The Jew and the Doctor

Music: Preceding 1st piece: Grand Sonata on the Piano Forte, as17990515; End I 2nd piece: Lesson of Nicolai, as17990515

Entertainment: Monologues End 1st piece: Alexander's Feast, as17990515; End 2nd piece: Grand Address to the Audience, as17990515


Mainpiece Title: The Votary Of Wealth

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: Afterpiece: Minuet de la Cour and Gavot-Klanert, Mrs Watts