SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "New Theatre in the Haymarket"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "New Theatre in the Haymarket")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 4951 matches on Event Comments, 2716 matches on Performance Title, 1711 matches on Performance Comments, 0 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: London Gazette, No 834, 13-17 Nov. 1673: At the Musick School in White Fryers, on Thursday next, will be new Musick, Vocal and Instrumental, beginning and ending at the same hours as formerly, and for the future, the first day of every Month shall be new Musick


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: This date of performance is not a certainty; for the evidence, see Spencer, Shakespeare Improved, p. 94. Neither is Shadwell's authorship of the alterations a certainty, for the contributions of other playwrights have never been fully determined. (See Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 43.) The instrumental music was composed by Matthew Lock, with new vocal music by James? Hart and Pietro Reggio. See Songs Set by Signior Pietro Reggio, 1680. And differing versions of the second Prologue and the second Epilogue are in BM Egerton MS. 2623, ff. 54-55. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, pp. 34-35): The Year after in 1673. The Tempest, or the Inchanted Island, made into an Opera by Mr Shadwell, having all New in it; as Scenes, Machines; particularly, one Scene Painted with Myriads of Ariel Spirits; and another flying away, with a Table Furnisht out with Fruits, Sweetmeats and all sorts of Viands; just when Duke Trinculo and his Companions, were going to Dinner; all things Perform'd in it so Admirably well, that not any succeeding Opera got more Money


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest; Or, The Enchanted Island

Performance Comment: Edition of 1674: Prologue-; Second Prologue-; Epilogue-; Second Epilogue-; According to L. C. 5@15, p. 3 (16 May 1674; see Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 356) Charles? Hart and Robert? Turner sang in The Tempest. Trinculo-Underhill?.
Event Comment: The King's Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 359: The Rivall Queene. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 346. That this is the premiere is indicated by a letter from the Marquis of Worcester to the Marchioness, 17 March 1676@7: Sir Charles Sedley's Cleopatra has been acted often, and to-day a new play of the death of Alexander, but I have not been to see either, living a mighty drudging life (HMC, 12th Report, Appendix, Beaufort MSS., IX, 66). Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 11), has a cast which agrees (except for omissions) with that in the edition of 1677. Downes adds (p. 16): [Hart in] Alexander, towards the latter End of his Acting; if he Acted in any one of these but once in a Fortnight, the House was fill'd as at a New Play, especially Alexander, he Acting that with such Grandeur and Agreeable Majesty, That one of the Court was pleas'd to Honour him with this Commendation; That Hart might Teach any King on Earth how to Comport himself


Mainpiece Title: The Rival Queens; Or, The Death Of Alexander The Great

Performance Comment: Edition of 1677: Prologue to Alexander by Sir Char. Scroop, Baronet-; Epilogue-; Alexander-Hart; Clytus-Mohun; Lysimachus-Griffin; Hephestion-Clarke; Cassander-Kenaston; Polyperchon-Goodman; Philip-Powell; Thessalus-Wiltshire; Perdiccas-Lydall; Eumenes-Watson; Meleager-Perin; Aristander-Coysh; Sysigambis-Mrs Corey; Statira-Mrs Boutell; Roxana-Mrs Marshall; Parisatis-Mrs Baker.
Role: Thessalus Actor: Wiltshire
Event Comment: The King's Company. This performance is known through a document summarized in The Theatrical Inquisitor and Monthly Mirror, July 1816, p. 25, and summarized in Fitzgerald, A New History, I, 145. Although this performance is the first certainly known, it is probably not the premiere, for the attendance (see below) was too small for the premiere of a new work by John Dryden. Since the play was entered in the Stationers' Register, January 1678, the first production was probably not long before this performance. The document in The Theatrical Inquisitor gives this information: The King's Box, no receipts; Mr Hayles' boxes, #3 (probably 15 spectators); Mr Mohun's boxes, #1 12s. (probably 8 spectators); Mr Yeats' boxes, 12s. (probably 3 spectators); James' boxes, #2 (probably 10 spectators). Mr Kent's pitt, 82 spectators, and Mr Britan's pitt, 35 spectators, a total of 117, paying #14 12s. 6d. Mr Bracy's gallery, 42 spectators; and Mr Johnson's gallery, 21 spectators; a total of 63 spectators, who paid #4 14s. 6d. Mr Thomson's gallery, 33 spectators, paying #1 13s. The total attendance appears to have been 249; the receipts were #28 4s. The house rent came to #5 14s. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 11) gives a cast which is identical except for omissions


Mainpiece Title: All For Love; Or, The World Well Lost

Performance Comment: Edition of 1678: Prologue to Anthony and Cleopatra-; Marc Anthony-Hart; Ventidius-Mohun; Dollabella-Clarke; Alexas-Goodman; Serapion-Griffin; Another Priest-Coysh; Cleopatra-Mrs Boutell; Octavia-Mrs Corey; Epilogue-.
Role: Another Priest Actor: Coysh
Related Works
Related Work: The Comical Revenge; or, Love in a Tub Author(s): Sir George Etherege
Event Comment: The True News; or, Mercurius Anglicus, 4-7 Feb. 1679@80: On Munday night last happened a great dispute in the Duke's Play-house, some Gentlemen in their Cupps entring into the Pitt, flinging Links at the Actors, and using several reproachfull speeches against the Dutchess of P. and other persons of Honour, which has occasioned a Prohibition from farther Acting, till his Majesties farther pleasyre. A letter written by the Dowager Countess of Sunderland to Henry Sidney, dated 6 Jan. 1679@80 [possibly misdated] refers to disorders which are similar to those recorded in The True News: You must needs hear of the abominable disorders amongst us, calling all the women whores and the men rogues in the playhouses--throwing candles and links--calling my Lord Sunderland traitor, but in good company; the Duke of York?, rascal; and all ended in "God bless his Highness, the Duke of Monmouth. We will be for him against the world." I am told they may be fined a great deal if they are prosecuted. Two of these are knights of shires, Sir Scroope How, and my Lord Wharton's@eldest son; the only sufferer yet is Porter. They are ashamed, I hear, and afraid (R. W. Blencowe, Diary of the Times of Charles the Second by the Honourable Henry Sidney [London, 1843], I, 237)


Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Lady Anne Howe to the Countess of Rutland, 26 Jan. 1681@2: The King went by water to the new play yesterday, it being the poet's day, and is call'd the Loyallest (HMC, Rutland MSS., 12th Report, Appendix, Part V, p. 64). Newsletter, 26 Jan. 1681@2: Yesterday was a new play called the Royalist, where the Salamanca Doctor is exposed (HMC, 10th Report, Appendix, Part IV, p. 175)


Mainpiece Title: The Royalist

Event Comment: By Thomas Jordan. Luttrell (A Brief Relation, I, 232). There was little or no show by land. The expenditures for the Procession came to #139 9s. 10d. See R. T. D. Sayle, Lord Mayors' Pageants of the Merchant Taylors' Company in the 15th, 16th, and 17th Centuries, p. 139


Mainpiece Title: The Lord Mayor's Show

Performance Comment: [Being a Description of the Solemnity at the Inauguration of the truly Loyal and Right Honourable Sir William Prichard, Kt. Lord Mayor of the the City of London; President of the Honourable Artillery-Company, and a Member of the Worshipful Company of Merchant-Taylors. Perform'd on Monday September sic] XXX. 1682. With several new Loyal Songs and Catches-.
Event Comment: Newdigate newsletters (Folger Shakespeare Library), 22 Oct. 1687: There are to be 5 Pageants on the Ld Mayors day one representing Liberty by a Beautifull young Lady attended with Riches Plenty and ffreedom &c. (transcribed by Professor John Harold Wilson). Luttrell (A Brief Relation, I, 418): The 29th was the anniversary of the lord mayors show, the new one, sir John Shorter, now entring on his office; the shew was splendid and the entertainment great, according to custome: his majestie, with the prince of Denmark, did the citty the honour to dine with them at Guildhall, as also the nobility, foreign ministers, amongst which was the popes nuncio (who was invited particularly by some of the aldermen): the streets were new gravell'd all that morning on one side of the way, from Charing-crosse to the citty, for his majesties passage. His majestie was well satisfied with the whole entertainment. The Duke of Beaufort to the Duchess, 29 Oct. 1687 [a summary, apparently]: Has just come from the greatest entertainment he ever saw at a Lord Mayor's feast in the city, and the best ordered, though there was the greatest concourse there and in the streets that was ever known, and the greatest acclamations, all through the city as the King passed. The Queen did not dare venture, remembering that the Bristol entertainment had put her out of order, but all the nobility in town, and the foreign ministers were there. The Pope's Nuncio in particular was invited by the Lord Mayor and nobly entertained (HMC, 12th Report, Appendix, Beaufort MSS., Part IX, pp. 90-91)


Mainpiece Title: London's Triumph; Or, The Goldsmith's Jubilee

Performance Comment: Performed on Saturday, October XXIX. 1687. For the Confirmation and Entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir John Shorter, Kt. Lord Mayor of the City of London. Containing A Description of the several Pageants and Speeches, made proper for the Occasion. Together with a Song, for the Entertainment of His Majesty, who with His Royal Consort; the Queen Dowager; their Royal Highnesses, the Prince and Princess of Denmark, and the whole Court, honour his Lordship, this Year, with their Presence. All set forth at the proper Costs and Charges of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths. By Mr Taubman.
Event Comment: The United Company. The exact date of the first production is not known, but the play was entered in the Term Catalogues, February 1691@2, and mentioned in the Gentleman's Journal, February 1691@2 (licensed 12 February 1691@2). In all probability, it was first acted not later than January 1691@2. The music to one song, As soon as the Chaos, was composed by Henry Purcell. See Purcell, Works, Purcell Society, XX (1916), xvii. Two songs--Bonny lad prithee lay thy pipe down, with music by Tollet; Great Jove once made love like a bull, with music by Mountfort--are in The Banquet of Musick, The Sixth and Last Book, 1692. Dedication, Edition of 1692: Having at last so well acquitted it self on the Stage (tho' the thronging, imperfect Action, and worse than all, the faulty length, which I will never be guilty of again, render'd it little Diversion the first day). A Letter to Mr D'Urfey [by Charles Gildon], Edition of 1692: If there be any fault in this Play, 'tis that which few are guilty of; that is, there are too many good Characters, too full of Humour, a very Pardonable failing, which only proceeds from Variety, the life of Pleasure and Wit, tho' that gave it the disadvantage of seeming too long the first days Acting, tho' the Stage's being throng'd with Spectators, did not a little contribute to the imperfect Acting of it, which accidental Misfortunes concurring with the Endeavours of an opposite Faction, must needs have damn'd it, had it not by the Force and Vigour of its own Worthy, rais'd it self the second day with the general Applause of all that saw it....But the Marriage-hater went further, and in spight of all the disadvantages it labour'd under of Action and Audience, pleas'd on, after several times Repetition. See also Poeta Infamis; or, A Poet not worth Hanging (1692) for a variety of comments upon this play. London Mercury, 26 Feb. 1691@2: Query 4. Whether in Justice he [D'Urfey] is not obliged to present Mr Dogget (who acted Solon to so much Advantage) with half the Profit of his Third Day, since in the Opinions of most Persons, the good Success of his Comedy was half owing to that admirable Actor? Query 5. Whether, if there be any Wit in bringing a Person upon the Stage with an extravagantly broad-brimmed Hat, and a Muff of the same Size, so it will not be a very easy Matter for the next Poet that writes a Play, to Out-hat and Out-muff his Predecessors, and consequently to Out-wit him? Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, p. 42: Mr Dogget perform'd the part of Solon Inimitably. Gentleman's Journal, p. 454, February 1691@2 (licensed 12 Feb. 1691@2): I send you the Marriage-hater match'd, a new Comedy by Mr Durfey; it hath met with very good success, having been plaid six days together, and is a diverting Play. Gentleman's Journal, January 1691@2: Now I speak of Music I must tell you that we shall have speedily a new Opera, wherein something very surprising is promised us; Mr Purcel who joyns to the Delicacy and Beauty of the Italian way, the Graces and Gayety of the French, composes the Music, as he hath done for the Prophetess, and the last Opera called King Arthur, which hath been plaid several times the last Month [presumably December 1691]


Mainpiece Title: The Marriage-hater Matched

Event Comment: It is not certain that this Ode was given on Sunday 1 Jan. It may have been a part of the program on Monday 2 Jan., when a play was acted for Their Majesties. The Ode was published in 1693


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Performance Comment: An Ode Upon the New-Year, Performed Before their Majesties. Set to Musick by Dr Blow. The Words by N. Tate, Servant to their Majesties.
Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the first performance is not precisely known, but by 9 May 1693 it had been acted four times (see Dryden's letter, below); on the other hand, the Gentleman's Journal, February 1692@3 (issued in March) had stated that D'Urfey's new farce would not appear until after Easter. Hence, it may well have been the first new play after Passion Week. A dialogue, Behold, the man with that gigantick might, the music by Henry Purcell and sung by Mr Reading and Mrs Ayliff, is in Orpheus Britannicus, 1690. See Purcell's Works, Purcell Society, XXI (1917), viii-x. A dialogue, By these pigsnes eyes that stars do seem, the music by John Eccles and sung by Dogget and Mrs Bracegirdle, is in Joyful Cuckoldom, ca. 1695. Another, Stubborn church division, folly, and ambition, to a Ground of Mr Solomon Eccles, is in Thesaurus Musicus, 1694. And Maiden fresh as a rose, the verse by D'Urfey and sung by Pack, but not printed in the play, is in The Merry Musician, I (1716), 56-57. This last song may have been for a later revival. Gentleman's Journal, April 1693 (issued in May 1693): Since my last we have had a Comedy by Mr Durfey; 'tis called the Richmond Heiress or a Woman once in the right (p. 130). Dryden to Walsh, 9 May 1693: Durfey has brought another farce upon the Stage: but his luck has left him: it was sufferd but foure dayes; and then kickd off for ever. Yet his Second Act, was wonderfully diverting; where the scene was in Bedlam: & Mrs Bracegirdle and Solon [Dogget] were both mad: the Singing was wonderfully good, And the two whom I nam'd, sung better than Redding and Mrs Ayloff, whose trade it was: at least our partiality carryed it for them. The rest was woeful stuff, & concluded with Catcalls; for which the two noble Dukes of Richmond and St@Albans were chief managers (The Letters of John Dryden, pp. 52-53)


Mainpiece Title: The Richmond Heiress; Or, A Woman Once In The Right

Event Comment: Robert Jennens to Thomas Coke, 19 Nov. 1696: There has been for four or five days together at the play house in Lincolns Inn Fields acted a new farce translated out of the French by Mr Monteux called the Shame Sham? Doctor or the Anatomist, with a great concert of music, representing the loves of Venus and Mars, well enough done and pleases the town extremely. The other house has no company at all, and unless a new play comes out on Saturday revives their reputation, they must break (HMC, 12th Report, Appendix, Part II, Cowper MSS., II, 367)


Mainpiece Title: The Anatomist

Afterpiece Title: The Loves of Mars and Venus

Event Comment: Rich's Company. The evidence for this date as the premiere of The Relapse is Jennens' report on 19 Nov. 1696 that Drury Lane expected to produce a new play on this date, coupled with the fact that Lady Morley saw this play on 25 Nov. 1696. The play was advertised in the Post Boy, 26-29 Dec. 1696. Preface, Edition of 1697: One word more about the Bawdy, and I have done. I own the first Night this thing was acted, some indecencies had like to have happen'd, but 'twas not my Fault. The fine Gentleman of the Play, drinking his Mistress's Health in Nants Brandy, from six in the Morning, to the time he wadled upon the Stage in the Evening, had toasted himself up, to such a pitch of Vigor, I confess I once gave Amanda for gone, and am since (with all due Respect to Mrs Rogers) very sorry she scap'd; for I am confident a certain Lady (let no one take it to herself that is handsome) who highly blames the Play, for the barenness of the conclusion, wou'd then have allowed it, a very natural Close. Gildon, English Dramatick Poets, p. 145: This Play was received with mighty applause. Cibber, Apology, I, 216: This Play (the Relapse) from its new and easy Turn of Wit, had great Success, and gave me, as a Comedian, a second Flight of Reputation along with it


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse; Or, Virtue In Danger

Performance Comment: Edition of 1697: First Prologue-Mrs Cross; Prologue on the Third Day-Mrs Verbruggen; Epilogue-Lord Foppington; Sir Novelty Fashion-Cibber; Young Fashion-Mrs Kent; Loveless-Verbruggen; Worthy-Powell; Sir Tunbelly Clumsey-Bullock; Sir John Friendly-Mills; Coupler-Johnson; Bull-Simson; Serringe-Haynes; Lory-Dogget; Amanda-Mrs Rogers; Berinthia-Mrs Verbruggen; Hoyden-Mrs Cross; Nurse-Mrs Powell.
Event Comment: Rich's Company. Post Boy, 29 June-1 July 1697: The New Opera will be Acted this day for the benefit of the Undertaker....The new acting with great applause. It is licensed by the Lord Chamberlain's Secretary, and the Master of the Revels; and may be had, with all the songs, at A. Roper's, at the Black-boy in Fleet-street, price 1s


Mainpiece Title: The World In The Moon


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Performance Comment: A new Masque of Vocal and Instrumental Musick-; [Consisting of about thirty Instruments and Voices- [for the benefit of the Performers....No person whatsoever will be admitted in a Mask (Post Boy, 3 July 1697). [Post Boy, 13 July, states that the concert is to be continued each Wednesday.]for the benefit of the Performers....No person whatsoever will be admitted in a Mask (Post Boy, 3 July 1697). [Post Boy, 13 July, states that the concert is to be continued each Wednesday.]


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Performance Comment: An Entertainment of Warlike Musick-; [with Trumpets-; Kettle Drums-; [and other Instruments, and a new Dialogue-; [with variety of [other Vocal and Instrumental Musick-; [for the benefit of the Composer (Post Man, 20 July 1697). [A similar concert was advertised for 23, 28 and 30 July, and 4 Aug.] [for the benefit of the Composer (Post Man, 20 July 1697). [A similar concert was advertised for 23, 28 and 30 July, and 4 Aug.]
Event Comment: Rich's Company. The date of the first performance is not certain, but the Preface refers to the Long Vacation and a thin house, suggesting a late summer production. As the play was advertised in the Post Boy, 16-18 Nov. 1697, a first performance in October 1697 is probably the latest date for this play, and September seems more likely. Among the songs are several for whom the composer and singer are named: Happy we who free from love, and How calm Eliza are these groves, the music set by Morgan and both sung by Mrs Lindsey. She comes my goddess comes, set by Morgan and sung by Mrs Cibber. Sleep shepherd sleep, the music set by Morgan and sung by Mrs Cross. All four are in A Collection of New Songs, 1697. Preface, Edition of 1698: To serve the wants of a thin Playhouse, and Long Vacation...This hasty Brat...had the Honor of keeping the Stage for five Days Reign. Animadversions on Mr Congreve's late Answer to Mr Collier (1698), pp. 34-35: The mighty Man of Wit [Congreve] the Representation of this Play...was seen very gravely with his Hat over his Eyes among his chief Actors, and Actresses, together with the two She Things, call'd Poetesses, which Write for his House, as 'tis nobly call'd; thus seated in State among those and some other of his Ingenious critical Friends, they fell all together upon a full cry of Damnation, but when they found the malicious Hiss would not take, this very generous, obliging Mr Congreve was heard to say, We'll find out a New way for this Spark, take my word there is a way of clapping of a Play down


Mainpiece Title: Imposture Defeated; Or, A Trick To Cheat The Devil

Performance Comment: Edition of 1698: Prologue-Mr Powell; Epilogue-Mr Mills [ascending from under the Stage; Duke of Venice-Thomas; Hernando-Powell; Gusman Sr-Ben Johnson; Gusman Jr-Evans; Pedro-Penkethman; Artan-Mills; Alonza-Horden [error for Harland?]; Bonde-Cibber; Delay-Smeaton; Peter-Smith; Senator-Rogers; Marcella-Mrs Temple; Serena-Mrs Andrews; Lucy-Mrs Powel; [In V: Endimion The Man in a Moon- [A Masque.A Masque.
Role: Endimion The Man in a Moon Actor:
Event Comment: Post Man, No. 372, 16-18 Sept. 1692: On Monday next the 20th, at the new Wells in Richmond, will be performed an Entertainment of Musick, made for the Birth day of his Highness the Duke of Glocester: The Trumpet part to be performed by Mr John Shore. With variety of other new Musick, both Vocal and Instrumental, to begin at Five


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: Post Man, No 481, 25-28 June 1698: To Morrow being Wednesday the 29th in the great Room at Lambeth Wells, will be performed a Consort of new Vocal and Instrumental Musick, with some new Voices. The same Consort will be performed every Wednesday all this Season, to begin exactly at 5. Price of coming in but 1s


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: Rich's Company. The date of the first production is not known, but A Comparison between the Two Stages (1702) (pp. 21-23) implies that this work preceded Rinaldo and Armida (performed at lif probably in November 1698). The Island Princess was not published until 1699 (the Masque being advertised in the Post Boy, 7-9 Feb. 1698@9, and the Opera in the Flying Post, 7-9 March 1698@9). A Comparison between the Two Stages (1702), pp. 21-22: Sullen: The old House have a Bawble offer'd 'em, made out of Fletcher's Island Princess, sometime after alter'd by Mr Tate, and now erected into an Opera by Motteux: The Actors labour at this like so many Galley Slaves at an Oar, they call in the Fiddle, the Voice, the Painter, and the Carpenter to help 'em; and what neither the Poet nor the Player cou'd do, the Mechanick must do for him:...but as I was saying-the Opera now possesses the Stage, and after a hard struggle, at length it prevail'd, and something more than Charges came in every Night: The Quality, who are always Lovers of good Musick, flock hither, and by almost a total revolt from the other House, give this new Life, and set it in some eminency above the New; this was a sad mortification to the old Stagers in Lincolns-Inn-fields. For a poem, The Confederates; or the first Happy Day of the Island Princess, see Poem on Affairs of State, 1703, II, 248-50


Mainpiece Title: The Island Princess; Or, The Generous Portuguese

Performance Comment: The performers are listed in Add. MSS. 15, 318, and in a printed version, The Four Seasons; or, Love in every Age (1699). These two sources are essentially similar, but as they occasionally supplement each other, the following is a composite of the two sources: Prologue-Mr Powell; The Epilogue-Penkethman, Mrs Rogers; Prologue to The Four Seasons-Mr Leveridge; Armusia-Powell; Ruidias-Mills; Piniero-Thomas; King of Tidero-Evans; Governor or Tyrant-Johnson; King of Bokam-Bullock; Prince of Syana-Mrs Kent; Quisara-Mrs Rogers; Panura-Mrs Wilkins; Act II: A Masque The Music by Daniel Purcel. The Words fitted to the Notes by the Author-Leveridge, Freeman, Pate, Miss Campion, Magnus's Boy, Miss Lindsey; Act III: A Song set by Daniel Purcell-; Act IV: A Dialogue between a Clown and his Wife set by Leveridge-Pate, Leveridge; An Incantation set by Mr D. Purcell-Bowen, Freeman, Pate; The Enthusiastick Song Set by Mr Leveridge-Mr Leveridge; Act V: The Four Seasons Set by Mr Jeremy Clarke-Leveridge, Freeman, Miss Campion, Magnus's Boy, Miss Lindsey, Pate, Crossfield.
Event Comment: See L. C. 7@3 (Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 382) for an agreement concerning new scenes and machines for a new opera by Settle



Mainpiece Title: Fryar Bacon; Or, The Country Justice : With The Humours Of tolfree The Miller, And His Son ralph

Performance Comment: A playbill: At Parker's and Doggett's Booth near Hosier-Lane End, in Smithfield, during the Time of Bartholomew-Fair, will be presented a New Droll, called, Fryar Bacon; or, The Country Justice: With the Humours of Tolfree the Miller, and his Son Ralph, Acted by Mr Doggett. With Variety of Scenes, Machines, Songs and Dances. Vivat Rex. (See William VanLennep, Some Early English Playbills, Harvard Library Bulletin, VIII (1954), opposite page 237.) The London Spy, August 1699, describes a visit to Bartholomew Fair, including an account of Doggett's droll and another, Dwarf Comedy, Sir-nam'd a Droll' called The Devil of a Wife. In the Post Man, 15-17 Aug. 1699, is an advance notice of rope dancing and a booth run by Barnes and Appleby between the Crown Tavern and the Hospital Gate, next to Miller's Droll Booth.
Event Comment: Rich's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but Dryden, writing on 14 Dec. 1699, indicates that this play had had its first performance by that date. The Dedication is dated 10 Jan. 1699@1700, and the play was advertised in the Post Boy, 20-23 Jan. 1699@1700. Preface, Edition of 1700: Another difficulty this Play labour'd under, was its being acted at a time when the whole Town was so much, and so justly diverted by the Trip to the Jubilee. When the play was revised and reprinted in 1714, the new edition--The Victim; or Achilles and Iphigenia in Aulis--indicates that The Invocation to Diana in the last act was set by Gottfreid Finger, the first verse being sung by Freeman, the second verse by Mrs Erwin, and the third verse by W. Pate. Advertisement, Edition of 1714: The following Tragedy...having been translated into English [from Racine], with considerable Additions, by Mr Boyer, and pass'd the Correction and Approbation of the late famous Mr Dryden, and several other Persons distinguish'd as well by their Wit and Learning, as by their Taste and Discernment, was acted with general Applause, towards the End of the Year 1699, and Beginning of 1700. The Reasons why this Excellent Play stopt, on a sudden, in a full Career, are, in some Measure, accounted for in Mr Boyer's Preface: To which he might have added, That the Dutchess of Marlborough, who at that Time bore an irresistable Sway, bespoke the Comedy then in Vogue [The Constant Couple], during the Ruin of Iphigenia in Aulis; And that this Tragedy receiv'd no small Prejudice, from the Person that acted Eriphyle [Mrs Wilkins], who sunk under the Weight of so great a Part. A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1702), pp. 24-25: Sullen: Then comes the second Iphigenia in all her Charms, and like a superious Mistress was resolv'd to eclipse her Rival: No cast was spar'd by the Masters, nor toil by the Actors; the Town was bespoke in its favour, and all the Friends of this new Fletcher and Beaumont were ingaged to clap it. She appear'd, but what pity 'twas (as the Prefacer says) that a Play which had such a glorious run shou'd in four Days disappear, never to rise again. Oh! says Mr D@@, mine was acted six Days; and I'll hold you a hundred Pound--just what I got by't--How's that?, says Boyer--I say, Sir, that I'll hold you, or any Man, a hundred Pound, 'twill be acted again ten times this Winter. With that B@@ fell a laughing, and replies, Sir, says he, I'll stake my French Dictionary against your Criticisms on Blackmore, and that I think is odds enough--I say,"I'll hold you that Bet, that you did not get fifty Shillings by't, and that the House lost a hundred Pound. This had like to ha' made sad work; but all was well, for neither of 'em have been acted since, for they both sleep in everlasting Tranquillity. [See also pp. 23-25 for other remarks about the two Iphigenia plays.


Mainpiece Title: Achilles; Or, Iphigenia In Aulis

Related Works
Related Work: Achilles in Petticoats Author(s): George Colman, the elder
Event Comment: John Vanbrugh to the Earl of Manchester, 25 Dec. 1699: Miss Evans the dancer at the New Playhouse is dead too; a feaver Slew her in eight and forty hours. She's much lamented by the Towne as well as the House, who can't well bare her loss; Matters running very low with 'em this Winter; if Congreve's Play [The Way of the World] don't help 'em they are undone. 'Tis a Comedy and will be play'd about Six weeks hence, nobody has seen it yet. Liveridge is in Ireland, he Owes so much money he dare not come over, so for want of him we han't had one Opera play'd this Winter; tho' Purcell has set one New One and Fingar another. We have got the Woman from the Chesire Cheese upon the Stage, who has the best Voyce for't by much that has been there at any time. We have the Emperors Crooaed Eunuch here, Francisco. They give him a hundred and twenty Guineas for five times. He has sung Once and was well likt. Dogget was here last Week, they gave him thirty pound to act Six times, which he did and fill'd the house every time (The Complete Works of Sir John Vanbrugh [Bloomsbury: Nonesuch Press, 1928], IV, 4)


Event Comment: Lady Marow to Arthur Kay, 12 March 1699@1700: The Way of the World, Congreve's new play doth not answer expectation, there being no plot in it but many witty things to ridicule the Chocolate House, and the fantastical part of the world (HMC, 15th Report, Appendix, Dartmouth MSS., Part I, p. 145). John Dryden to Mrs Steward, 12 March: Congreves New Play has had but moderate success; though it deserves much better (Letters of John Dryden, p. 134)
