SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "New Theatre in the Haymarket"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "New Theatre in the Haymarket")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 4951 matches on Event Comments, 2716 matches on Performance Title, 1711 matches on Performance Comments, 0 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Newdigate newsletters, 5 Aug. 1682: [Yesterday the] Dutchess goes to ye Dukes Theatre--that and ye Kings house haveing Joyned interests the latter being Discontinued where will be purposely Acted for her Anna Bullen being a deepe Tragedy of the beheading of the said Lady by Henry the 8th (Wilson, Theatres Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 81). See also London Mercury, 8 Aug. 1682. Juliana Brabazon to the Countess of Rutland, Aug. 1682: The Dutches of Yorke kept her bed the day after seeing Anna Bulloigne acted (HMC, 12th Report, Rutland MSS., Part V, 1889, p. 77)


Mainpiece Title: Virtue Betrayed; Or, Anna Bullen

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Newdigate newsletters, 15 Aug. 1682: Thursday last being acted a play called the Tragedy of Romulus att the Dukes Theatre & the Epilogue spoken by the Lady Slingsby & written by Mrs Behn having reflected on ye Duke of Monmouth, ye Lord Chamberlaine thereupon has order[ed] them both in Custody to answer th[at] affront for ye same (Wilson, Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 81). See also True Protestant Mercury, 12-16 Aug. 1682, for essentially the same statement. The Prologue and Epilogue were printed separately, and Luttrell' copy (Huntington Library) bears his acquisition date of 8 Aug. 1682. They are reprinted in Wiley, Rare Prologues and Epilogues, pp. 132-34. The separately printed Prologue states that Mrs Behn also wrote it. A song, Where art thou god of love, the music by Giovanni Draghi, is in Theater of Music, The Third Book, 1686


Mainpiece Title: Romulus And Hersillia; Or, The Sabine War

Event Comment: Newdigate newsletters, 14 Aug. 1683: The Manager of ye Kings Theatre intend wth in short time to pforme an Opera in like manner of yt of ffrance. Mr Betterton wth other Actrs are gone over to fetch Ye designe [Wilson, Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 82). See also a letter from Lord Preston to the Earl of Sunderland, Paris, 25 Aug. 1683 N.S. concerning Betterton's visit to Paris (HMC, 7th Report, Appendix, p. 288)


Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but it very probably occurred not later than May 1691, as the play was advertised in the London Gazette, 4-8 June 1691. For discussions of it, see E. W. White, Early Performances of Purcell's Operas, Theatre Notebook, XIII (1958-59), 44-45, and R. E. Moore, Henry Purcell and the Restoration Theatre, Chapter III. Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, p. 42: King Arthur an Opera, wrote by Mr Dryden: it was Excellently Adorn'd with Scenes and Machines: The Musical Part set by Famous Mr Henry Purcel; and Dances made by Mr Jo. Priest: The Play and Musick pleas'd the Court and City, and being well perform'd, twas very Gainful to the Company. Roger North: I remember in Purcell's excellent opera of King Arthur, when Mrs Butler, in the person of Cupid, was to call up Genius, she had the liberty to turne her face to the scean, and ner back to the theater. She was in no concerne for her face, but sang a recitativo of calling towards the place where Genius was to rise, and performed it admirably, even beyond any thing I ever heard upon the English stage....And I could ascribe it to nothing so much as the liberty she had of concealing her face, which she could not endure should be so contorted as is necessary to sound well, before her gallants, or at least her envious sex. There was so much of admirable musick in that opera, that it's no wonder it's lost; for the English have no care of what's good, and therefore deserve it not (Roger North on Music, ed. John Wilson [London, 1959], p. 217-18)


Mainpiece Title: King Arthur; Or, The British Worthy

Performance Comment: Edition of 1691: King Arthur-Betterton; Oswald, King of Kent-Williams; Conon-Hodgson; Merlin-Kynaston; Osmond-Sandford; Aurelius-Alexander [Verbruggen]; Albanact-Bowen; Guillamar-Harris; Emmeline-Mrs Bracegirdle; Matilda-Mrs Richardson; Philidel-Mrs Butler; Grimbald-Bowman; Prologue to the Opera-Mr Betterton; The Epilogue-Mrs Bracegirdle.
Event Comment: Intelligence Domestick and Foreign, 21-25 June 1695: One Phillips, a Dancer in the Playhouse, is Committed to Newgate for being one of those concerned in the Robbery of the Theatre in Dorset-Garden, and a great many of their Habits are recovered again, but plundered of their Silver and Gold Lace, Fringes, &c. [See also Wilson, Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 82.


Event Comment: From 16 Jan. 1696@7 to 18 May 1702 James Brydges, afterwards first Duke of Chandos, kept a diary in which he recorded, among other events, his attendance at the theatre. Unfortunately, his first entry dealing with the playhouses, like many other similar entries, does not name the play he saw; on 22 Jan. 1696@7 he wrote: my Uncle Warwick Lake? carried me to ye Playhouse. [For an account of his theatrical entries, see Lucyle Hook, James Brydges Drops in at the Theatre, Huntington Library Bulletin, VIII (1945), 306-11.


Event Comment: Post Boy, 13-15 April 1699: As both the Theatres have been very industrious to Entertain the Town with several eminent Master in Singing and Dancing, lately arrived, both from France and Italy, as Monsieur Balon, Signior Fideli, &c. we are now assured that the Masters of the Theatre Royal have engag'd Signior Clementine, the famous Eunuch, Servant of the Elector of Bavaria, to Sing on their publick Stage, for the short time of his stay in England. There is very great Expectation from his Performance as being a Person of that extraordinary Desert in Singing, that his yearly Salary on that Account is 500 #. a Year


Event Comment: Thomas Brown to George Moult, 12 Sept. 1699: But tho' Bartholomew-Fair is dead and buried for a twelvemonth, yet it is some consolation to us, that it revives in both the play-houses. Poetry is so little regarded there, and the audience is so taken up with show and sight, that an author will not much trouble himself about his thoughts and language, so he is but in fee with the dancing-masters, and has a few luscious songs to lard his dry composition. One would almost swear, that Smithfield had removed into Drury-lane and Lincolns-Inn-Fields, since they set so small a value on good sense, and so great a one on trifles that have no relation to the play. By the by, I am to tell you, that some of their late bills are so very monstrous, that neither we, nor our forefathers, ever knew anything like them: They are as long as the title-pages to some of Mr Prynn's works; nay, you may much sooner dispatch the Gazette, even when it is most crowded with advertisements. And as their bills are so prodigious, so are the entertainments they present us with: For, not to mention the Bohemian women, that first taught us how to dance and swim together; not the famous Mr Clinch of Barnet, with his kit and organ; nor the worthy gentlemen that condescended to dance a Cheshirerounds, at the instance of several persons of quality; nor t'other gentleman that sung like a turky-cock; nor, lastly, that prodigy of a man that mimick'd the harmony of the Essex lions; not to mention these and a hundred other notable curiosities, we have been so unmercifully over-run with an inundation of Monsieurs from Paris, that one would be almost tempted to wish that the war had still continued, if it were for no other reason but because it would have prevented the coming over of these light-heel'd gentlemen, who have been a greater plague to our theatres, than their privateers were to our merchantmen. Shortly, I suppose, we shall be entertain'd here with all sorts of sights and shows, as, jumping thro' a hoop; (for why should not that be as proper as Mr Sympson's vaulting upon the wooden-horses?) dancing upon the high ropes, leaping over eight men's heads, wrestling, boxing, cudgelling, fighting at back-sword, quarter-staff, bear-baiting, and all the other noble exercises that divert the good folk at Hockley; for when once such an infection as this has gain'd ground upon us, who can tell where it will stop? What a wretched pass is this wicked age come to, when Ben. Johnson and Shakespear won't relish without these bagatelles to recommend them, and nothing but farce and grimace will go down? For my part, I wonder they have not incorporated parson Burgess into their society; for after the auditors are stupify'd with a dull scene or so, he would make a shift to relieve them. In short, Mr Collier may save himself the trouble of writing against the theatre; for, if these lewd practices are not laid aside, and sense and wit don't come into play again, a man may easily foretell, without pretending to the gift of prophecy, that the stage will be shortliv'd, and the strong Kentish man will take possession of the two play-houses, as he has already done of that in Dorset-Garden (The Works of Thomas Brown, 4th ed. [London, 1715], I, 216-18)


Event Comment: At the Desire of several Persons of Quality. Afterpiece: With the Comical Interlude of Floro and Blesa set to Musick by the famous Signior Bononcini. [In Daily Courant, 15 March, the premiere of Hydaspes had been announced for this day.


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Performance Comment: See17090922, Kite-Evans, lately arrived from the Theatre in Dublin.

Afterpiece Title: Floro and Blesa

Dance: Between acts: Thurmond Jr, Mrs Bicknell


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Performance Comment: The principal Parts-Persons from both Theatres.



Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Performance Comment: Angelina-Miss Purdon; Louiza-Miss Seal; Elvira-Miss Ben; other Parts-Persons from Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane.

Dance: A Gentleman for his Diversion


Mainpiece Title: The Siege Of Bethulia; Containing The Famous History Of Judith And Holofernes, With The Pleasant Humours Of Rustego And His Man Terrible

Performance Comment: Parts-Persons from the Theatres.
Event Comment: Benefit Hall. At the Great Theatrical Booth in Bird-Cage Alley


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Performance Comment: Parts-Actors from the Theatre Royal.




Mainpiece Title: Othello, Moor Of Venice

Performance Comment: Othello-Quin; Iago-Ryan; Cassio-Walker; Roderigo-Egleton; Brabantio-Boheme; Lodovico-Diggs; Emilia-Mrs Egleton; Desdemona-Mrs Stirling, lately arrived from the Theatre in Dublin.
Event Comment: At the Desire of several Persons of Quality. At Mr Penkethman's Theatre in Richmond. By a Company of Comedians from the Theatre Royal. Written by Sir John Vanbrugh. In proper Habits


Mainpiece Title: The False Friend

Music: Between the Acts: Select Pieces- , accompany'd with the Harpsicord, Flutes, and Hautboys

Song: The Dame of Honour-Mrs Willis

Dance: The Drunken Man-Harper

Event Comment: Written by Shakespear. All the Songs, Dances, and other Decorations proper to the Play


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Performance Comment: Macbeth-Mills; Macduff-Wilks; Banquo-Booth; Lady Macbeth-Mrs Porter; Witches-Johnson, Norris, Griffin. [Hogan (Shakespeare in the Theatre, p. 277), thinks this bill is misprinted, with Hecate omitted and Johnson assigned Penkethman's usual part of the First Witch .]Hogan (Shakespeare in the Theatre, p. 277), thinks this bill is misprinted, with Hecate omitted and Johnson assigned Penkethman's usual part of the First Witch .]
Event Comment: This Theatre is proportioned to the Actors, and contains a great Variety of correct and beautiful Scenes, Machines, and all the regular Decorations and Changes incident to a Theatre, and will be varied to the Subject. The Musick is set and performed by some of the best Hands


Mainpiece Title: The Enchanter

Event Comment: At the Desire of several Gentlemen and Ladies. Benefit Charles the Merry Trumpeter, a Batchelor, who used to Sound with Mr Bullock. At Lee's Booth on the Bowling Green. The Doors will be open'd at Five, and begin pricisely at Six


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Performance Comment: Parts-Comedians from both the Theatres.

Dance: AA Comic Dance between Scaramouch and a Countryman-; Countryman-Charles the Trumpeter

Event Comment: TTamerlane, intended, was deferred by the indisposition of Smith


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan

Performance Comment: Castalio-Giffard; Acasto-W. Williams; Polydore-Collet; Chamont-W. Giffard; Chaplain-R. Williams; Serina-Mrs Thomas; Page-Mrs Mountfort; Monimia-Mrs Giffard from the Theatre Royal in Dublin, being the first Time of her Appearance on the English Stage.
Event Comment: Benefit Paget and Rosco. Written by Shakespear. Particular Care is taken to keep the House cool. At. 7 p.m


Mainpiece Title: Othello, Moor Of Venice

Performance Comment: Othello-Paget, from the Theatre in Dublin; Iago-Rosco; Duke-Jones; Brabantio-Mullart; Cassio-Lacy; Ludovico-Stopelaer; Roderigo-Reynolds; Montano-Dove; Emilia-Mrs Mullart; Desdemona-Mrs Williamson, being her first Appearance.

Dance: FFrench Peasant-M de L'Inconu; Dutch Skipper-Davenport

Event Comment: DDaily Journal, 3 Nov.: We are assured that a Patent for the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, is order'd to pass the Seals in Favour of Mr Wilks, Mr Booth, and Mr Cibber, The Patent for the said Theatre was granted to Mrs Oldfield, deceas'd, upon the Death of the late Sir Richard Steele


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris

Event Comment: At the particular Desire of several Persons of Quality. Mainpiece: Written by Beaumont and Fletcher


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Performance Comment: Mock Doctor-Wescomb, from the Theatre at Edinburgh; Sir Jasper-Norris; Leander-Stoppelaer; Hellebore-Roberts; Charlotte-Mrs Mullart; Dorcas-Miss Raftor. hathi.

Music: As17330926

Dance: As17330926

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Taken from the French of Moliere. With an additional Scene of a Consultation of Physicians from Moliere


Mainpiece Title: The Mother-in-law; Or, The Doctor's The Disease

Performance Comment: Sir Credulous-Griffin; Lady Hippish-Mrs Butler; Headpiece-Cibber; Mummy-Johnson; Primrose-Mrs Clive; Beaumont-W. Mills; Diascordium-Miller; Lawyer-Shepard; Heartly-Hewitt; Opium-Harper; Gallipot-Turbutt; Poet-Oates; Belina-Mrs Pritchard; Agnes-Miss Cole, the first time of appearing at this theatre .

Afterpiece Title: Colombine Courtezan

Dance: As17341017

Event Comment: By Authority. By the French Company of Comedians. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. Victor, History of the Theatres, I, 54-60: People went early to the Theatre, as a crouded House was certain. I was there, in the Centre of the Pit; where I soon perceived that we were visited by two Westminster Justices, Deveil and Manning. The Leaders, that had the Conduct of the Opposition, were known to be there; one of whom called aloud for the Song in Praise of English Roast Beef, which was accordingly sung in the Gallery by a Person prepared for that Purpose; and the whole House besides joining in the Chorus, saluted the Close with three Huzzas! This, Justice Deveil was pleased to say, was a Riot; upon which Disputes commenced directly, which were carried on with some Degree of Decency on both Sides. The Justice at first informed us, 'That he was come there as a Magistrate to maintain the King's Authority; that Colonel Pulteney, with a full Company of the Guards, were without, to support him in the Execution of his Office; that it was the King's Command the Play should be acted; and that the obstructing it was opposing the King's Authority; and if that was done, he must read the Proclamation; after which all Offenders would be secured directly by the Guards in waiting.' To all these most arbitrary Threatnings, this Abuse of his Majesty's Name, the Reply was to the following Effect:-'That the Audience had a legal Right to shew their Dislike to any Play or Actor; that the common Laws of the Land were nothing but common Custom, and the antient Usuage of the People; that the Judicature of the Pit had been acknowledged and acquiesced to, Time immemorial; and as the present Set of Actors were to take their Fate from the Public, they were free to receive them as they Pleased.' By this Time the Hour of Six drew near; and the French and Spanish Embassadors, with their Ladies; the late Lord and Lady Gage, and Sir T@R@, a Commissioner of the Excise, all appeared in the Stage Boxes together! At that Instant the Curtain drew up, and discovered the Actors standing between two Files of Grenadiers, with their Bayonets fixed, and resting on their Firelocks. There was a Sight! enough to animate the coldest Briton. At this the whole Pit rose, and unanimously turned to the Justices, who sat in the Middle of it, to demand the Reason of such arbitary Proceedings? The Justices either knew nothing of the Soldiers being placed there, or thought it safest to declare so. At that Declaratinn, they demanded of Justice Deveil (who had owned himself the commanding Officer in the Affair) to order them off the Stage. He did so immediately, and they disappeared. Then began the Serenade; not only Catcalls, but all the various portable Instruments, that could make a disagreeable Noise, were brought up on this Occasion, which were continually tuning in all Parts of the House; and as an Attempt to speaking was ridiculous, the Actors retired, and they opened with a grand Dance of twelve Men and twelve Woman; but even that was prepared for; and they were directly saluted with a Bushel or two of Peas, which made their Capering very unsafe. After this they attempted to open the Comedy; but had the Actor the voice of Thunder, it would have been lost in the confused Sounds from a thousand Various Instruments. Here, at the waving Deviel's Hand, all was silent, and (standing up on his Seat) he made a Proposal to the House to this Effect:-'That if they persisted in the Opposition, he must read the Proclamation; that if they would permit the Play to go on, and to be acted through that Night, he would promise, (on his Honour) to lay their Dislikes, and Resentment to the Actors, before the King, and he doubted not but a speedy End would be put to their acting.' The Answer to this Proposal was very short, and very expressive. 'No Treaties, No Treaties!' At this the Justice called for Candles to read the Proclamation, and ordered the Guards to be in Readiness; but a Gentleman seizing Mr Deveil's Hand, stretched out for the Candle, begged of him to consider what he was going to do, for his own Sake, for ours, for the King's! that he saw the unanimous Resolution of the House; and that the Appearance of Soldiers in the Pit would throw us all into a Tumult, which must end with the Lives of many. This earnest Remostrance made the Justice turn pale and passive. At this Pause the Actors made a second Attempt to go on, and the Uproar revived; which continuing some Time, the Embassadors and their Ladies left their Box, which occasioned a universal. Huzza from the whole House! and after calling out some Time for the Falling of the Curtain, down it fell. [For other accounts of this evening, see Daily Advertiser, 9 and 10 Oct.; London Evening Post, 12 Oct.; Gentleman's Magazine, VIII (1938), 545; Historical Register, XXIII, 278-87.


Mainpiece Title: Lembaras Des Richesses

Afterpiece Title: Arlequin Poli Par L'Amour

Dance: Paquorel, Mlle Chateauneuf, LeFevre, Madem LeFevre


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Performance Comment: Young Wouldbe-Sparks; Teague-Barrington, both from the Theatre in Dublin; Elder Wouldbe-Ryan; Trueman-Chapman; Richmore-Hale; Alderman-Hippisley; Subtleman-Rosco; Steward-Arthur; Fairbank-Roberts; Balderdash-Marten; Comic-James; Constance-Mrs Vincent; Aurelia-Mrs Bellamy; Mrs Mandrake-Stoppelaer.

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace