SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "John Webster"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "John Webster")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 9825 matches on Author, 1723 matches on Performance Comments, 1145 matches on Event Comments, 323 matches on Performance Title, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: Mainpiece: At the Desire of Several Persons of Quality. Benefit John Hippisley. [Receipts: #72 17s. 6d. plus #93 1s. from tickets without Stage (Account Books, Egerton 2268)]. Receipts: #165 18s. 6d. We hear Mr Hippisley is so far recover'd from his late illness, that, tho' considerably alter'd in his physiognomy, and lower'd in spirits, he persuades himself a crowded house on Thursday next, at the Stratagem for his benefit, will create a smile on his countenance, raise his spirits, and make him appear as much a Scrub as ever


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Event Comment: Afterpiece: Being the most tragical tragedy that ever was tragedized by a company of tragedians. At the Particular Desire of Several Persons of Quality (General Advertiser). [The following unsigned statement of the financial condition of the theatre on 11 April is in the Harvard Collection of Documents dealing with affairs of Drury Lane, folio MS Thr. 12. This itemizes the outstanding liabilities to the amount of #8,808 14s. including #1,275 of arrears in actors' salaries]: I told Mr- the intended purchaser that the whole would not amount to #12,000. He said if it was more it should rest on me, for that was the utmost shilling he would give. But upon strict enquiry I find it will amount to #12,808 14s. This difference is not altogether owing to an error in calculation, but has been likewise heightened by a falling off of business, nor is it possible to ascertain the debt of a theatre for a day, it is of so fluctuating a nature. Q: whether this loss ought to light upon me, who have endeavored to get a purchaser & increased the value of the Estate to the utmost of my power? Errors excepted. [James Lacy or John Powel are the most likely authors of this statement. Whatever the authority, it is clear that settlement had not yet been made for transfer of ownership. For Powel, see G. W. Stone, Jr., The Authorship of Tit for Tat," Theatre Notebook, X (1955), 22-28.


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Afterpiece Title: Chrononhotonthologos

Dance: Salomon, Sga Padouana

Related Works
Related Work: Sir Salomon; or, The Cautious Coxcomb Author(s): John Caryll
Event Comment: A Concert etc. Pit and Upp?r Boxes 2s. Gallery 1s. 6 p.m. Afterpiece: The new farce now performingG in Dublin, [by John Cunningham]


Mainpiece Title: The True And Tragical History Of George Barnwell

Afterpiece Title: Love in a Mist

Event Comment: [Benefit for Berry and Mrs Green. Stage form'd into Front and Side Boxes. Tickets of Hobson at stage door; or Berry at his lodgings in Little Bridges St., Covent Garden; and Mrs Green at her Lodgings at the Green Canister in Great Shier Lane, Carey St., Lincolns Inn. [This day one B. B. (presumably Macklin) inserted a letter to the author of the General Advertiser in that paper framing the historical background for the Lover's Melancholy, to be performed as benefit for his wife on 22 April. It gave a short account of the author (John Ford), his works in general, and of that dramatic piece in particular, and sought to align Ford as an intimate and profess'd admirer of Shakespeare. See comment for 23 April]. Receipts: #207 (Cross); house charges, #63 N.B.: Mr Berry paid, but at the rate o 60 pounds for his benefit, therefore I must make a draw back of #1 10s. for his half (Powel); cash, #88 9s. tickets, #118 12s. (Clay MS)


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Afterpiece Title: [The Virgin Unmask'd

Dance: [II: Savoyards, as17471215; V: Gondoliers-Cooke

Event Comment: Benefit for Mrs Macklin. Mainpiece [by John Ford]: Reviv'd not acted these Hundred years. Afterpiece: A New Farce never acted before by Charles Macklin. Note: Tickets deliver'd out for 22 April will be taken. Tickets to be had of Mrs Macklin in Bow St., and of Hobson at the Stage door. Cross: The play lik'd--farce not. Receipts: #93 (Cross); house charges, #60 (Powel); cash, #80 19s. 6d.; tickets, #12 15s. (Clay MS)


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Melancholy

Afterpiece Title: The Club of Fortune Hunters; or, The Widow Bewitch'd

Related Works
Related Work: The Widow Bewitch'd Author(s): John Mottley

Dance: III: Savoyards, as17471215; V: Pastoral Dance, as17480326

Event Comment: Adapted to the stage, as alter'd [by Dr John Dalton] from Milton's Masque at Ludlow Castle


Mainpiece Title: Comus

Related Works
Related Work: Comus Author(s): John DaltonJohn Milton
Event Comment: [G$Garrick] promised me the Part of Tressel; when the Play was given out, and I prepar'd for it, I saw in the Bills next Morn, another Person's Name [Blakes].-Charles Adams to John Gilbert-Cooper, quodet in Theatre Notebook, XI (1957) p. 136. Receipts: #180 (Cross); #182 9s. 6d. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Not acted these 10 Years. Afterpiece: Not acted these 20 years. Music, Dances and Other Decorations for afterpiece entirely new. [In a letter to John Gilbert-Cooper, the actor Charles Adams states that "the Prompter gave me a little Part in the Emperor of the Moon...I appear'd in it thrice." He was "paid Twenty Shilling Pr Week." See Theatre Notebook, XI (1957), p. 136. The only male parts left were Baliardo's servant Peter and the figures in the tableau of the final scene.] Receipts: #160 (Cross); #158 11s. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Emperour of the Moon

Music: A Piece of Music-the Child

Dance: TThe Sailors Revels-Mathews

Event Comment: To be seen a Person who performs the most surprizing Things...he presents you with a common Wine bottle, which any of the Spectators may first examine; this Bottle is plac'd on a Table in the Middle of the Stage, and he (without any Equivocation) goes into it in Sight of all the Spectators, and sings in it; during his Stay in the Bottle, any Person may handle it, and see plainly that it does not exceed a common Tavern Bottle. The Performance continues about Two Hours and a Half. These Performances have been seen by most of the Crowned Heads of Asia, Africa, and Europe, and never appear'd anywhere Public but once. Stage 7s. 6d. where Masks may be worn. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. [The famous Bottle Conjurer hoax.] Theatre was five o'clock; at seven the house was lighted up [but not music]...a Person came before the Curtain, and, bowing, promis'd if Mr Conjurer did not arrive in half an Hour, their Money should be return'd...after near an Hour...a Gentleman in the Box snatch'd a Candle lighted, and in Violence threw it on the Stage; this was the Signal for the Onset of Battle...the Boxes, Seats, Glasses, Scenes, Chairs, Machinery, and all the Furniture of the Play House, were in less than ten Minutes carried into the excellent Bonfire was made of Mr Foote's Auction may put a [pe]riod to the Auction, till the Theatre can be refitted.--Charles Adams to John Gilbert-Cooper, Theatre Notebook, XI (1957) p. 139. [Potter was still owner of this theatre.] Those opposed to a recent late book would have been gratified had the Conjurer jumped into the bottle and proved that miracles had not yet ceased."--Daily Advertiser, 17 Jan. Last Night a numerous Audience, among whom were several Persons of Quality, was at the New Theatre in the Haymarket, in wonderful Expectation of seeing the Miraculous Man creep into a Bottle, and do several other Miracles; but the only one he perform'd was, that he render'd himself invisible (without any Equivocation) to the no small Disappointment of the gaping Multitude; who, being told from behind the Curtain that the Performer had not yet appear'd, but that if they would stay until the next Night, instead of a Quart Bottle he should creep into a Pint, immediately grew outrageous, and in a Quarter of an Hour's Time broke to Pieces all the Boxes, Benches, Scenes, and everything that was in their power to destroy, leaving only the Shell of the House remaining. Surely this will deter anyone from venturing to impose on the public in the like manner for the future.--General Advertiser, 17 Jan. [See also dl Comment 18, 19, 20, 27 Jan.


Mainpiece Title: None

Event Comment: By particular Desire. ["We have in Rehearsal a new Tragedy call'd Irene--Author, as yet, unknown."--Charles Adams to John Gilbert-Cooper, Theatre Notebook, XI (1957), pp. 138-39.] Receipts: #130 (Cross); #143 16s. 6d. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Dance: IV: Dutch Dance, as17481203

Event Comment: Letter from John Potter, Proprietor of the New Theatre in the Haymarket, to the author of the General Advertiser: As the resentment of the Town for the disappointment of the performance advertised to be exhibited at my theatre on Monday last, shall fall entirely upon me, I hope I may be allowed to acquaint the public with the nature of my case. [Suggests he should not be to blame for misbehavior of any person who hired his house, that he had some apprehensions in this case, but that the Bottle Conjurer paid the rent in advance and agreed to have a House officer in the box office to return the money if the audience was displeased.] All the caution above mentioned was taken, and the money locked up in the office, guarded by persons of reputation, who would have returned it, and publicly on the stage told them, that if the person did not appear, their money should be return'd. But instead of complying with that offer, my House was pulled down, the Office broken open, the money taken out, and the servants oblig'd to fly to save their lives. I hope therefore this may be deem'd a sufficient justification in my behalf, and all that could be reasonably expected from me; and that those gentlemen who are conscious of having injured me, will be so generous as to make me a reasonable Satisfaction, considering the damage I have suffer'd, which in a moderate computation will amount to upwards of four thousand pounds. This day is Publish'd, at 1s. Lethe, a Dramatic Satire, by David Garrick as it is perform'd at Drury Lane. By Paul Vaillant, facing Southampton Street in the Strand. [A letter from Samuel Foote to the Author of the General Advertiser clears himself from any imputation of confederacy in the Bottle Conjuror fraud. See also my Introduction, note 103.] Receipts: #100 (Cross); #119 2s. 6d. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: The Double Dealer

Afterpiece Title: Lethe

Music: I: A Piece of Music-the Child

Dance: II: New Scotch Dance-Cooke, Ann Auretti

Event Comment: Benefit for Leveridge. Play Written by Sir John Vanbrugh


Mainpiece Title: The City Wives Confederacy

Song: I: a Cantata call'd The Lover's Lesson-Miss Falkner; II: an Anacreontic-Leveridge; III: If Love's a Sweet Passion set by Baildon-Lowe; IV: The Truly Happy Man-Leveridge; End: Epilogue of Thanks-Leveridge

Dance: As17510117

Event Comment: MMr Garrick did Richard (Cross). This day is publish'd, Dedicated to the Right Honorable John, Earl of Orrery, Sejanus a Tragedy, as it was intended for the stage, with a Preface; wherein the Manager's reasons for refusing it are set forth. By Mr Gentleman. Printed for R. Manby and H. S. Cox on Ludgate Hill. [Garrick turned it down and Gentleman accepted his judgment without animosity.] Receipts: #210 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Afterpiece Title: The Shepherd's Lottery

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Written by Sir John Vanbrugh. Not acted these seven years. [See 19 Nov. 1746.


Mainpiece Title: The Mistake; Or, The Lover's Quarrel

Related Works
Related Work: Lovers' Quarrels Author(s): John Vanbrugh
Related Work: The Mistake Author(s): John Vanbrugh
Related Work: Like Master Like Man Author(s): John Vanbrugh
Related Work: The Wrangling Lovers Author(s): John Vanbrugh

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Sorcerer

Event Comment: Benefit for Macklin. Afterpiece: A New Dramtic Satire in two acts. N.B. As several of the Town have prejudged the Pit the Boxes and Galleries acting their own parts themselves for their diversion, to be of the same species of the Lick at the Town last year; and that it can mean only the ordinary Approbation or Disapprobation of the Audience, Signor Pasquin thinks it incumbent on himself to assure to Publick that all those conjectures are groundless; And farther, he assures them that the Pit, &c. acting their parts has no other meaning than the common literal sense; and that the Audience are really interwoven in the piece; and are to be bona fide part of the Dramatis Personae; and he makes no doubt but that he shall make them perform their parts to a numerous and polite audience, and with universal Applause. But he begs that those Ladies and Gentlemen who intend to perform in the Pit and Galleries will be at the Theatre betimes, for particular reasons; and those who are to act in the Boxes are requested to send their servants to keep their places by three o'clock. Signor Pasquin has received the letters sent by the Town and the Village, and they may depend upon having Places kept for them upon the Stage. The Hiss concerning the Robin Hood Society will be complied with (General Advertiser). [The parts were: Pasquin, Marforio, Sir Eternal Grinn, Sir Conjecture Positive, Sir Roger Ringwood, Bob Smart, Soloman Common Sense; Count Hunt Bubble, Sir John Ketch, hic and Hac (Scribblers), Hydra, Lady Lucy Loveit, Miss Diana Singlelife, Miss Brilliant, Miss Bashfull (Larpent MS 96).


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Related Works
Related Work: The Provok'd Husband; or, A Journey to London Author(s): John Vanbrugh

Afterpiece Title: Covent Garden Theatre; or, Pasquin turn'd Drawcansir, Censor of Great Britain

Dance: GGrand Comic Ballet, as17511216

Event Comment: [N.B. There is no playbill for this date.] This Week will be publish'd A Letter from Henry Woodward, Comedian, the meanest of all characters [see Inspector N. 524] to Dr John Hill, Inspector General of Great Britain, the greatest of all Characters [see all the Inspectors]. "I do remember an Apothecary...whom late I noted In Tatter'd Weeds;.. .Culling of simples..." Shakespeare. Printed and publish'd by M. Cooper in Pater Noster Row. Receipts: #100 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Dance: TThe Hungarian Peasants, as17521125, but A Dutch Dance-_; Comic Dance, as17521125

Event Comment: [L+Letter from Henry Woodward, Comedian, The Meanest of all Characters To Dr John Hill, Inspector-General of Great Britain, the greatest of all characters completely damns Hill as unsuccessful player, apothecary, doctor, scholar, writer, and gentleman. It ran to three editions in the year.] We hear great interest is being made to succeed Mr Serjeant Shore, deceased, as Serjeant Trumpet to his Majesty, which is in the gift of his Grace the Duke of Grafton as Lord Chamberlain; and that the contest lies chiefly between that excellent performer, Mr. Valentine Snow, Trumpet to the First Troop of Horseguards; Mr. Debourg, the violin; and Mr Beard, of the theatre Royal in Drury Lane (Public Advertiser). Receipts: #150 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Viii

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Dance: AA Dutch Dance, as17521125


Mainpiece Title: Much Ado About Nothing

Performance Comment: As17530104, but Sexton-_; Margaret-_; Conrade-_; Fryar-_; Town Clerk-_; Don John-_; Dogberry-_; Ursula-_; Antonio-_; Verges-_; Borachio-_.
Related Works
Related Work: Much Ado about Nothing Author(s): John Philip Kemble

Afterpiece Title: The Genii

Event Comment: This day publish'd at 3s. Printed on Five sheets of superfine paper, Five Principal Scenes in Romeo and Juliet, designed, drawn, and engraved by Mr Ant. Walker. Printed and sold by John Tinney, at the Golden Lion in Fleet St. The drawing and Engraving of the three following Plays of Shakespeare are in great forwardness, and the scenes of each play will be sold at a time: 1 Henry IV, 2 Henry IV, Merry Wives. These plates will serve for Mr Pope's edition of Shakespeare in quarto, Sir Thomas Hanmer's edn. 6 Vol. quarto, or for any of the Folio editions. And may be framed and glazed for furniture. There will be a few sets neatly coloured for Gentlemen and Ladies who chuse them so (Public Advertiser). [A set of these prints is available in the Folger Shakespeare Library. The Five Principal Scenes were: The scene in Capulet's Housev where Romeo kisses Juliet 's hand; the Balcony Scenev ; the scene in which Friar Lawrence hurries the young couple off to be married; the Apothecary scenev ; and the death scenev . If, as may be, these scenes were taken from--as they were certainly stimulated by--the Barry-Nossiter production, they may present a good likness of Maria Isabella Nossiter, who so captivated London that season. If, also, they were taken from the theatre production, they give evidence that Barry used a balcony, not only a window.


Mainpiece Title: Lo Studente A La Moda

Dance: As17540118

Event Comment: An Apology in ye Bills for deferring K. John on Account of Mr Garrick's Indisposition (Cross). Receipts: #100 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Twelfth Night

Afterpiece Title: Fortunatus

Event Comment: By Particular Desire. Benefit for Cibber. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s. To begin at 6:30 p.m. To prevent any interruption in the Performance, there will be no Building on the Stage. Afterpiece: The Dramatick Piece of Two taken from the inimitable comic Scenes of Shakespeare, which contain the Humours of Antient Pistol, Justice Shallow, Sir John Falstaff, Justice Silence, the Hostess Doll Tearsheet, and the Recruits, etc. (Daily Advertiser). On Tuesday the 2d of July Mr The: Cibber had a play at Drury Lane, ye Busy Body, & farce from ye 2d pt of Henry 4th. & had 140 pounds in Money & 66 in Tickss (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Afterpiece Title: The Humourists

Performance Comment: Pistol-Cibber; Shallow-Shuter; Falstaff-Phillips; Silence-Stoppelaer; Bardolph-Clough; Mouldy-W. Vaughan; Feeble-Blakey; Shadow-Slim; Prince-Cross; Poins-Young Cross; Davy-H. Vaughan; Wart-Johnson; Dame Quickly-Mrs Cross; Doll Tearsheet-Miss Bradshaw; After which (by Desire) The Drunken Peasant-Phillips (his first Appearance on that Stage these Ten Years); Epilogue-Nobody.
Role: Wart Actor: Johnson

Dance: Devisse, Mme Lussant

Event Comment: Both pieces by His Majesty's command. [John Pringle wrote to Blayney Townley on 14 Nov.: Great are the disputes at present between the rival theatres, vieing with each other in different characters which afford unusual entertainment to all frequenting the stage. His Majesty on Saturday night paid his first visit to Covent Garden in perference to the opera at Drury Lane, when Lady Townley by Pegg Woffington gave him great pleasure, with the addition of unusual huzzas in a part of the Miller of Mansfield." -Historical MS Commission, 10th Report, Appendix, Part IV (London 1887), p. 257.


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Related Works
Related Work: The Provok'd Husband; or, A Journey to London Author(s): John Vanbrugh

Afterpiece Title: The King and Miller

Event Comment: Afterpiece went off but Indiff' scenes like'd but not the action (Cross). [Full Prices. Ladies asked to send servants at half past three.] N.B. It is hop'd no Gentleman will take it ill that they cannot possibly be admitted behind the Scenes. The Scenes painted by Mr John Oram. [This note occurs on all subsequent bill for Proteus this season.


Mainpiece Title: The Drummer

Afterpiece Title: Proteus; or, Harlequin in China

Event Comment: Mainpiece: By Beaumont and Fletcher, acted but once these 15 years. Afterpiece: At the particular Desire of several persons of Quality. Benefit for my Self & Wife (Cross). [See The Spouter; or, The Triple Revenge, farce in two acts attributed to Mr Murphy, satirizing John Hill, Theophilus Cibber, Samuel Foote. Discussed by Genest, IV, 459-61.] Receipts: #214 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife

Related Works
Related Work: Rule a Wife and Have a Wife Author(s): John Fletcher

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Dance: NNew Sailor's Dance, as17560217

Event Comment: Afterpiece: By Desire. This Night when Brisk (Mr Woodward) was reading the Verses with Lady Froth (Mrs Clive) instead of observing, with the Author, that her Ladyship's Coachman, John, had a red Face, said because Yr. Ladyship has a red face, & as Mrs Clive is of that Complexion the Audience burst into a loud roar, to her no small Mortification; but she behav'd well & took no Notice of it--Mr Foote brings sad houses (Cross). Receipts: #80 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Double Dealer

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Dance: Gardiner, Mrs Vernon.,As17561021