SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Haymarket"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Haymarket")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 211 matches on Event Comments, 11 matches on Performance Comments, 4 matches on Roles/Actors, 2 matches on Performance Title, and 0 matches on Author.
Event Comment: Benefit a Brave Soldier, who suffer'd extremely at the Battle of Dettingen [Thomas Brown]. A Concert, et. 4s., 2s. 6d., 1s. 6d. Tickets at Pinchbeck's shop facing the Haymarket


Mainpiece Title: Othello

Song: A Gentleman who never appeared on any stage before

Entertainment: A new Quack Doctor's speech-, in character, by a noted Humorist

Event Comment: The New Theatre in the Haymarket will be open'd next Week, for the Summer Season, with the Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark....The Company have several old Plays in Rehearsal which they intend to revive, and entertain the Town with twice a Week. Particular Care will be taken to have the House made cool and commodious


Event Comment: The New Theatre in the Haymarket will speedily be open'd with Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, by Permission, according to Act of Parliament. This Piece, it's said, has not been played these hundred years. The character of Juliet is to be acted by Miss Jenny Cibber, a young daughter of Mr Cibber, by his first wife....A new Comedy, call'd the Prodigal; or, Recruits for the Queen of Hungary, will soon after be brought on that Stage.-Daily Advertiser


Event Comment: The First Night. By Subscription. An Oratorio [Sung in English (Dean p. 238)]...with a Concerto on the Organ. Pit and Boxes to be put together and no Persons admitted without Tickets, which will be delivered this Day, at the Opera House in the Haymarket, at Half a Guinea each. Gallery 5s. The Gallery will be open'd at Four o'Clock, Pit and Boxes at Five. To begin at 6 p.m. Tickets are delivered to Subscribers at Mr Handel's House in Brooke St., near Hanover Square; at Mr Walsh's in Catherine St., in the Strand; and at White's Chocolate House in St. James St. [Repeated substantially in each ensuing bill.


Mainpiece Title: Deborah

Event Comment: Benefit Mills. A Concert both Serious and Comic; Consisting of the most favourite Airs, taken from the most favourite Operas and Oratorios, by the best Masters. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. 6 p.m. To the Publick. Gentlemen and Ladies: I humbly beg Pardon for troubling you in this Manner, but being Unfortunately excluded (I don't know for what Reason) from both the Theatres, and consequently deprived of getting my Living by my Profession, the Favour of your Company at a Concert which I take for my Benefit on Tuesday the 11th instant, at the Little House in the Haymarket, will be a very great Obligation to Your most faithful and devoted humble Servant, William Mills. Tickets to be had of Mr Mills at his House in Nassau St., near Soho. Note: After the Concert will be perform'd (gratis) a Comedy call'd The Careless Husband


Mainpiece Title: The Careless Husband

Song: Lowe, Miss Edwards

Event Comment: We hear, that the company of Dutch/Children that are to perform to Tuesday next at the new theatre in the Haymarket, joyn'd with English, German, and Italian amount to above 25, and most of them excel either in Vocal or Instrumental Musick, Dancing Exercises, and playing of Pantomimes


Event Comment: The Company of Children that are to perform next Tuesday at the New Theatre in the Haymarket, we hear excel anything of that sort ever seen here, for their great abilities in all sorts of exercises, Dancing, Music and Pantomimes, and are to perform but a few nights, they being oblig'd to return before Easter


Mainpiece Title: L'incostanza Deluza

Event Comment: A New Comedy never acted Before. [By John Stevens.] Formula as 15 April. Prices 2s., 1s. [Published in 1745 by John Stevens, with the announcement As it was acted Gratis, at the New Theatre at the Haymarket, By a Company of Gentlemen for Diversion. No record of such a production has been found.


Mainpiece Title: The Modern Wife; Or, The Virgin Her Own Rival

Dance: As17450415

Event Comment: [Whereas, from various accidents and disappointments the Undertaking an opera for the next year was resolv'd upon too late in the season to permit of solliciting the Subscriptions in the Usual Manner; and as the Proposals for the ensuing year are of a different nature, and, as it is presumed, much more to the Advantage of the Subscribers than any hitherto offered, it has been thought proper to take this method of informing the Publick, that attendance will be given at the Opera-Office in the Haymarket, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, from ten o'clock in the Morning till three in the afternoon, in order to shew the Proposals, take in subscriptions, and deliver our proper receipts.


Event Comment: The Subscribers to the Opera are desired to take notice, that upon Saturday Morning Next, there will be a general Rehearsal of the New Opera call'd Anibale in Capua, upon the stage of the king's Theatre in the Hay Market, agreeable to the printed proposals. The Doors will be open'd at Ten, and the Rehearsal will begin at eleven precisely. No person whatever to be admitted without a subscriber's ticket. Attendance will be given this and every Day 'till the Operas begin, at the Office in the Haymarket, from ten in the Morning, till three in the Afternoon, in order to take in Subscriptions, and deliver out tickets.--General Advertiser


Event Comment: Attendance will be given this and every Day from Ten in the Morning 'till Three in the Afternoon, at the Opera House in the Haymarket, in order to take in Subscriptions for the Second Subscription to Operas; and whereas the number of Representations for the first Subscription has not been compleated; This is to give notice to the Subscribers, that by sending to the Office, they will have the Money for the deficient Number of Representations returned them; or if they please to go on with the Second Subscription, the Deficiency of the first which ends this Night will be made up to them in the Price of the Tickets for the Second Subscription


Mainpiece Title: Annibale In Capua


Event Comment: At the Desire of Several Ladies of Quality. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 1s. 6d. [Usual concert formula. See letter to today's Daily Advertiser wherein Foote is threatened with being horsewhipped if he puts on his Diversions. This is part of Foote's publicity program.] Several of Miss Cymber's Friends [at the Play Jane Shore] mistaking the House for the Theatre in James St., are desir'd to observe this is facing the Opera House in the Haymarket.--General Advertiser


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Event Comment: FFoote a Fool. Whoever attacks my Reputation or Livelihood, is a mad Bull to me, and ought to be knocked down, prosecuted, etc. I hear I am to be hung up on Wednesday, at the Haymarket, by one Foote, a Fool. [The orator Henley, who usually advertised in the Daily Advertiser, placed this notice in the General Advertiser today.


Event Comment: PPrince &c. (Cross). Lost on Wednesday Night the 21st Instant at Drury Lane Playhouse. A Steel and Gold Sword, with a Silver Gripe, the maker's name Fleaureau. Whoever has taken it up, and will bring it to Mr Fleaureau, Swordcutler in the Haymarket, shall have a Guinea and a half reward, and no Questions asked. N. B.: No greater reward will be offered (General Advertiser). Receipts: #190 (Cross); #176 5s. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmask'd

Dance: DDance-Cooke

Event Comment: We hear from the King's Theatre in the Haymarket, that as the Celebrated Opera Dido, wrote by Abbat Metastasio, and set to Musick by Sig Hasse, cannot be got ready for Representation till almost a fortnight, the Opera Lucius Verus (consisting of chosen Airs from the Compositions of Mr Handel) will be performed next Saturday (Daily Advertiser)


Event Comment: The Fourth Day. We hear, there will be an Execution this Day at the Puppet Show in Panton Street near the Haymarket [Mlle delaNash]; and as Mr Foote hath thought proper , instead of Tea to give Punch, Mr Punch will give Foote (General Advertiser)


Mainpiece Title: Auction Of Pictures

Event Comment: By Subscription. A Burletta, or Comic Opera...being the first of this Species of Musical Drama ever exhibited in England. [But see Burney, II, 248, on both cast and music.] Pit and Boxes Half a guinea. Gallery 5s. To begin at 6 p.m. Last Wednesday arrived in London, from Italy, Signor Croza, with his New Company of Italian Performers, who are to entertain the Town the approaching Season, at the King's Theatre in the Haymarket, with Operas of a new kind, call'd Burlettas (General Advertiser, 23 Sept.)


Mainpiece Title: La Comedia In Comedia

Dance: GGrand Dance (compos'd by Poitier)-Mlle Poitier, Master Charles, Miss Jenny Poitier

Music: Rinaldo da Capua

Event Comment: By Desire, at his Auction Room, late the New Theatre in the Haymarket, Mr Foote will exhibit a Choice Collection of Pictures, all warranted Originals, with some entire new Lots. Places for boxes to be taken at the Auction Room. The Thirty-ninth Day. The auction to begin at exactly half an hour after six


Mainpiece Title: Auction Of Pictures

Music: A Piece of Musick-the Child between the parts of the Auction

Event Comment: Published at 1s. 6d. Romeo and Juliet, revised by Theo. Cibber, first rev[ived] in Sept. 1744 at the Theatre in the Haymarket. Now acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. Great objects only strike the Gen'rous Heart@Praise the Sublime, o'er look the Mortal Part@Be there your judgment, Here your Candor shown@Small is our Portion-and we wish 'Twere none.-Prologue to Comus alter'd, &c. To which is added a Serio-Comic Apology for part of the life of Theophilus Cibber, Comedian, written by himself. Interspers'd with Memoirs and Anecdotes relating to the Stage managements, Theatrical Resolutions, &c., also Cursory Observations on some Pribcipal players. Particularly, Mr Quin, Ryan, Delane, Mrs Woffington, Mrs Ward, Miss Bellamy, Mr Garrick, Barry, Mrs Cibber, Mrs Clive, Mrs Pritchard and others. Likewise Original Letters that passed between the late Sir Thomas deVeil and Mr Theophilus Cibber relating to the Stage Act. "Each Puny Critic can Objections raise@The Greatest still is Knowing when to praise,"-Buckingham. Concluding with a Copy of Verses called The Contrite Comedian's Confession. Printed for C. Corbett &c. (General Advertiser). [This pamphlet details Cibber's troubles with Fleetwood during the years 1743-46.] Receipts: #160 (Cross); #151 11s. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Event Comment: Rout at ye Haymarket (Cross). Receipts: #90 (Cross); #118 16s. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Event Comment: To be seen a Person who performs the most surprizing Things...he presents you with a common Wine bottle, which any of the Spectators may first examine; this Bottle is plac'd on a Table in the Middle of the Stage, and he (without any Equivocation) goes into it in Sight of all the Spectators, and sings in it; during his Stay in the Bottle, any Person may handle it, and see plainly that it does not exceed a common Tavern Bottle. The Performance continues about Two Hours and a Half. These Performances have been seen by most of the Crowned Heads of Asia, Africa, and Europe, and never appear'd anywhere Public but once. Stage 7s. 6d. where Masks may be worn. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. [The famous Bottle Conjurer hoax.] Theatre was five o'clock; at seven the house was lighted up [but not music]...a Person came before the Curtain, and, bowing, promis'd if Mr Conjurer did not arrive in half an Hour, their Money should be return'd...after near an Hour...a Gentleman in the Box snatch'd a Candle lighted, and in Violence threw it on the Stage; this was the Signal for the Onset of Battle...the Boxes, Seats, Glasses, Scenes, Chairs, Machinery, and all the Furniture of the Play House, were in less than ten Minutes carried into the excellent Bonfire was made of Mr Foote's Auction may put a [pe]riod to the Auction, till the Theatre can be refitted.--Charles Adams to John Gilbert-Cooper, Theatre Notebook, XI (1957) p. 139. [Potter was still owner of this theatre.] Those opposed to a recent late book would have been gratified had the Conjurer jumped into the bottle and proved that miracles had not yet ceased."--Daily Advertiser, 17 Jan. Last Night a numerous Audience, among whom were several Persons of Quality, was at the New Theatre in the Haymarket, in wonderful Expectation of seeing the Miraculous Man creep into a Bottle, and do several other Miracles; but the only one he perform'd was, that he render'd himself invisible (without any Equivocation) to the no small Disappointment of the gaping Multitude; who, being told from behind the Curtain that the Performer had not yet appear'd, but that if they would stay until the next Night, instead of a Quart Bottle he should creep into a Pint, immediately grew outrageous, and in a Quarter of an Hour's Time broke to Pieces all the Boxes, Benches, Scenes, and everything that was in their power to destroy, leaving only the Shell of the House remaining. Surely this will deter anyone from venturing to impose on the public in the like manner for the future.--General Advertiser, 17 Jan. [See also dl Comment 18, 19, 20, 27 Jan.


Mainpiece Title: None

Event Comment: Letter from John Potter, Proprietor of the New Theatre in the Haymarket, to the author of the General Advertiser: As the resentment of the Town for the disappointment of the performance advertised to be exhibited at my theatre on Monday last, shall fall entirely upon me, I hope I may be allowed to acquaint the public with the nature of my case. [Suggests he should not be to blame for misbehavior of any person who hired his house, that he had some apprehensions in this case, but that the Bottle Conjurer paid the rent in advance and agreed to have a House officer in the box office to return the money if the audience was displeased.] All the caution above mentioned was taken, and the money locked up in the office, guarded by persons of reputation, who would have returned it, and publicly on the stage told them, that if the person did not appear, their money should be return'd. But instead of complying with that offer, my House was pulled down, the Office broken open, the money taken out, and the servants oblig'd to fly to save their lives. I hope therefore this may be deem'd a sufficient justification in my behalf, and all that could be reasonably expected from me; and that those gentlemen who are conscious of having injured me, will be so generous as to make me a reasonable Satisfaction, considering the damage I have suffer'd, which in a moderate computation will amount to upwards of four thousand pounds. This day is Publish'd, at 1s. Lethe, a Dramatic Satire, by David Garrick as it is perform'd at Drury Lane. By Paul Vaillant, facing Southampton Street in the Strand. [A letter from Samuel Foote to the Author of the General Advertiser clears himself from any imputation of confederacy in the Bottle Conjuror fraud. See also my Introduction, note 103.] Receipts: #100 (Cross); #119 2s. 6d. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: The Double Dealer

Afterpiece Title: Lethe

Music: I: A Piece of Music-the Child

Dance: II: New Scotch Dance-Cooke, Ann Auretti

Event Comment: MMr Foote is so exceedingly Hoarse, that the Benefit intended this evening at the Haymarket must be deferr'd till some day next week


Mainpiece Title: None

Event Comment: GGeneral Advertiser, 13 March: Don Jumpedo, who lately was to have performed at the Little Theatre in the Haymarket, appeared on Saturday last, at the Theatre in Covent-Garden, in the Character of Harlequin in the Royal Chace; in which he made his first Essay of Jumping down his own Throat, and was universally applauded


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Iv, Part Ii

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Event Comment: Benefit of Sga Frasi. The breakfasting in the Haymarket is deferred till Saturday morning on account of the [benefit for] Sga Frasi; and Mr Foote has promised to give his first entertainment tomorrow at Covent Garden for the Benefit of Mr Bencraft and Mrs Hale


Mainpiece Title: Concert