SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "General Theophilus Cibber"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "General Theophilus Cibber")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 2731 matches on Author, 2199 matches on Performance Comments, 1019 matches on Event Comments, 62 matches on Performance Title, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: Admission as 7 Nov. 1722. Daily Post, 11 Feb.: On Saturday Night last a Disturbance happen'd at the Opera House...occasion'd by a Difference that arose between a Scotch Nobleman and an English Baronet, who were going to decide the same with the Point of the Sword; but the General of the Forces, who was near at hand, being made acquainted with it, very reasonably interposed and put them both under an Arrest by his Majesty's Command


Mainpiece Title: Otho

Event Comment: Their Habits were very rich, after the Roman Manner, and the performance of all the Parts was so just that it gave general Satisfaction, and gained the Applause of a very numerous Audience


Mainpiece Title: Cato

Event Comment: Written by Shakespear. Receipts: #67 4s. 6d. Daily Journal, 27 Sept.: The Gilding, Painting, Scenes and Columns of Pier Glass, rais'd for the better illuminating the Stage and other Parts of the House, gave a general Surprize and Satisfaction to the Spectators


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Event Comment: On this day and on several following days Mrs Violante offered tumbling, dancing and general entertainments, but no plays, at this theater


Event Comment: By His Majesty's Command. N.B. This being the first Time of Acting on Account of Subscriptions, the General Tickets will be sent to the Subscribers. [The King present.


Mainpiece Title: The Most Knowing, Least Understanding; Or, Harlequin's Metamorphosis; Viz

Afterpiece Title: The Pleasant Marriage; Concluding with The Singing Deities

Dance: Dancing and other Decorations proper to the Play , entirely new and diverting-

Event Comment: FFlying Post, 1 March: On Thursday Night last, the Village Opera was play'd the Fifth Time, but met with a most unaccountable Reception; however, tis presumed not from any Pique against the Author, but the Resentment of the town upon some later Proceedings. No sooner did poor Colin appear upon the Stage, but his Arrival was usher'd in with a Serenade of Cat Calls, Penny-Trumpets, Clubs, Canes, Hoarse Voices, whistling in Keys, Hells, Fists; and Vollies of whole Oranges; however, the Players went on with uncommon intrepidity, and like the truly great Men, seem'd greater by opposition. The Audience call'd out for any other Play, Farce or Entertainment, but the Peasants seem'd too intent upon what they were about, to give Ear to them. This so exasperated the Spectators, that they mustered up all the Artillery they could possibly lay hold and made such an Uproar, during the whole intended Entertainment, that it was scarce possible to hear a word the Actors said. As every Player came upon the Stage, they call'd upon him by his real, not fictitious Name, and Swore not a Man of them would come to his Benefit. When Mrs T@@@ appeared, they call'd out for a Quartern of Gin, to chear up her Spirits. The Word Constable being first mentioned in the Gallery, it ran round the House like Wild-fire; and immediately the general Cry was, No Constable, no Constable. At the Conclusion of the Play, a Fellow came upon the Stage, to put out the Lights with his long Pole, but a Gentleman broke it in two, and another taking a Candle from one of the Sockets of the Sconces, his Example was immediately followed by several others, who soon clear'd them of their Lights; when a new kind of Shower compos'd of Candles fell think as Hail on the Stage


Mainpiece Title: The Village Opera

Event Comment: At the particular Desire of the King of the Cherokees, the Prince, the four Generals, and the young Captain, lately arrived from South Carolina. At Common Prices


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: Vocal and Instrumental Music-

Event Comment: A New Ballad Opera, [By George Lillo.] Receipts: #91 9s. 6d. Daily Courant, 12 Nov.: On Tuesday Night...Sylvia...was perform'd for the first Time...where there appeared a Set of People, who seem'd inclined to damn the whole Performance (if it had been in their Power)by their continual Hissing and Cat-Calls; notwithstanding which, the same was perform'd with Applause, by the general Approbation of the Pit and Boxes


Mainpiece Title: Sylvia; Or, The Country Burial

Event Comment: Preface to edition of 1734: The Fourth Night a Set of about eight or ten young Fellows went to the Bedford Coffee-House ... and declared publickly that they came purposely to damn the Play, and would not leave the Play-House till they had compassed their Ends. . . . Accordingly Mr Ryan coming on to speak the Prologue, they began their Uproar, but were soon silenced, and the Prologue was heard with Applause. The Play beginning, they began again, and were so loud that Mr Ryan acquainted them, that as he could not imagine there was anything in the Play they could except against, he was apprehensive he had the Misfortune to displease them. Mr Quin then came on, and told them he found the House was divided, and as the Majority was for hearing the Play, he hop'd those who were not, would go out. The House on that were unanimous, and cry'd, Turn them out, Turn them out, but they saved the Audience the Trouble of doing it, and retired under the general Hiss of every Person then present


Mainpiece Title: The Lady's Revenge

Dance: By Malter and Mlle Salle

Event Comment: London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 4 Nov.: We are informed, that when Mr Handel waited on their Majesties with his New Opera of Ariodante, his Majesty . . . was graciously pleased to subscribe 1000/. towards carrying on the Opera [at CG. No confirmation of this point is known]


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Event Comment: London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 30 Nov.: Last Night there was a Rehearsal of a new Opera before his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales at his House in Pall-Mall, in which Farinelli and Senesino each of them perform'd a Part


Mainpiece Title: Othello, Moor Of Venice

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Written by Shakespear. London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 12 Dec: Whereas, on Saturday last, the Audience . . . was greatly incens'd at their Disappointment in Mr Poitier and Madem Roland's not Dancing, as their Names were in the Bills for the Day; and Mr Quin, seeing no way to appease the Resentment then shewn, but by relating the real Messages sent from the Theatre, to know the Reasons why they did not come to perform, and the Answers return'd: And whereas there were two Advertisements in the Daily Post of Tuesday last, insinuating that Mr Quin had with Malice falsely accus'd the said Mr Poitier and Madem Roland, I therefore think it (in Justice to Mr Quin) incumbent on me to assure the Publick, that Mr Quin has conducted himself in this Point towards the Abovemention'd with the strictest regard to Truth and Justice; and as Mr Quin has acted in this Affair in my Behalf, I think myself oblig'd to return him Thanks for so doing. Charles Fletewood


Mainpiece Title: The Merry Wives Of Windsor

Role: Slender Actor: Cibber

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Dance: By Poitier and Mlle Roland


Mainpiece Title: Arlequin Et Sa Troupe Comediens Esclaves; Or, Harlequin And His Company Of Comedians Slaves

Performance Comment: Compos'd of three Different Plays, representing an Idiom of the French Stage, in General, beginning with a Prologue: The First Piece call'd Arcacambis, a Tragedy. The Second L'Ecole des Maris, a Comedy in Three Acts, written by Moliere. The Third Harlequin Always Harlequin, of the Italian Theatre. Cast not listed .


Event Comment: By particular Desire. London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 4 Jan.: The kind Reception which Mr Poitier met with in his Performance on Wednesday last . . . lays him under the greatest Obligation to the Publick; and if he has lost the good Opinion of anyone, by the late unhappy Disturbance [see 7 Dec. 1734], he hopes his future constant Endeavours to oblige, will both be accepted, and regain their Favour


Mainpiece Title: The Mother-in-law

Role: Headpiece Actor: Cibber

Afterpiece Title: Colombine Courtezan

Event Comment: GF had advertised The Mistake and Jupiter and Io, but advertises in London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 23 Jan.: Upon the Practice of the Entertainment last Night, by Accident the principal Machine was considerably Damag'd


Mainpiece Title:

Event Comment: Afterpiece: A New Farce of one Act. [By Robert Dodsley.] Prompter, 18 Feb.: This little Performance, without any Theatrical Merit whatsoever, received the loudest Applauses that I have heard this long while, only on Account of its General and Well-Adapted Satire on the Follies of Mankind


Mainpiece Title: The Drummer

Afterpiece Title: The Toy-Shop

Dance: Scot's Dance by Glover, Miss Rogers, Le Sac, Miss Baston, De la Garde, Mrs De l'Orme. Tambourine by Miss Rogers. The Medley by S. Lally, de la Garde, Miss Baston

Event Comment: As 5 March. London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 13 March: Last Night their Majesties and the Princess Caroline . . . heard Esther, an Oratorio; and Mr Handel's two new inimitable Concertos on the Organ. [Egmont also present.]


Mainpiece Title: Cast Not Listed, But See 5 March

Event Comment: Benefit Ryan. At the Desire of several Persons of Quality. Afterpiece: A Farce, never performed before. Taken from Moliere. [Author unknown. Apparently not printed. See London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 19, 20, and 21 March, for expressions of good will to Ryan, including a gift often guineas from the Prince of Wales.]


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Related Works
Related Work: The Provok'd Husband; or, A Journey to London Author(s): Colley Cibber

Afterpiece Title: A School for Women

Dance: La Coquette Francoise by Lally, S. Lally, Mlle Salle. Scot's Dance, as17350315

Song: By Leveridge and Mrs Wright

Event Comment: Benefit a Gentleman under Misfortunes. [In London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 24 March, Ryan thanks the public for assistance at his benefit and adds that Sir William Saunderson engaged for Ryan "near a fourth Part of his Audience."]


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Afterpiece Title: The Toy Shop

Music: Solo on Violin by a Youth of 13 Years, who never performed in public before, a scholar of Signor Catanio

Dance: Scot's Dance, as17350311 By Lally, S. Lally, Mlle Salle

Event Comment: Ijmdon Daily Post and General Advertiser, 27 March: We hear . . . that to perfect the Performance, Mr Handel designs to introduce, to-morrow Night (in the Oratorio of Deborah) a large new Organ, which is remarkable for its Variety of curious Stops; being a new Invention, and a great Improvement of that Instrument


Mainpiece Title: Deborah

Afterpiece Title: the two Concertos in the Oratorio of Esther

Event Comment: London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 31 March, contains a long article outlining opposition to silencing the theatre in Goodman's Fields


Mainpiece Title:

Event Comment: Benefit the Author of the Farce. [R. Fabian.] By Their Majesties Command. Afterpiece: a Farce of Two Acts. Intermix'd with Songs. London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 13 May: On Saturday Night last, during the Play time, one Mr Mechlin (alias Macloughlin) who lately belong'd to [DL], having had a Dispute with Mr Hallam, of the same Theatre, about a particular Wig, which the latter had from the Wardrobe, to wear in his Part that Night, in the Farce, and which he resign'd to Mr Mechlin; but reproved him for his Behaviour, and ill Language. Some time after Mr Mechlin, thrust a Crabtree Stick that was in his Hand, at the Face of Mr Hallam, which enter'd at his Left Eye, and penetrated into his brain, of which Wound he languish'd till Sunday Night 6 o'clock, when he died


Mainpiece Title: Cato

Afterpiece Title: Trick for Trick

Dance: Amorous Swain, as17350327

Event Comment: London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 16 May: We hear that Mr Mechlin has sent a Letter to a principal Persons belonging to Drury-Lane Theatre, signifying his great Sorrow, and his Intention to surrender himself next Sessions at the Old Bailey


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Taste

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Orpheus

Event Comment: The Tragedy of Zara, Made English [by Aaron Hill]. Applauded Thirty-Six Nights running at Paris. The Characters, by a Sett of Gentlemen and Gentlewomen, who never acted before. None will be admitted but by Tickets into the Room that Night, which (by Reason of the Smallness of the Place) will be all commodiously made into Boxes, for the easy Reception of those many Great Personages, who have read and perus'd this Play with Approbation, and desir'd a long Time to see it acted; and charitably agreed to favour and encourage this Design, for the Benefit of [Mr William Bond, the Proprietor], who brings it on at a great Expence (tho' all that act in it, are so good to appear Gratis for him) who has lain ill of the Gout, and Rheumatism, upwards of Four Years. [This bill, in the London Daily Post and General Advertiser, differs considerably in phraseology, though not in basic fact, from that in the Daily Advertiser.]


Mainpiece Title: Zara

Event Comment: London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 30 June: On Tuesday last died at Islington, in the 21st Year of his Age, Mr Samuel Lally, a very pretty Dance at [CG]


Mainpiece Title: