15 August 1723

Event Information
Theatre: Charterhouse
Theatrical Season: 1722-1723
Volume: 2
Comments: Their Habits were very rich, after the Roman Manner, and the performance of all the Parts was so just that it gave general Satisfaction, and gained the Applause of a very numerous Audience

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p`?ch Cato. The Charterhouse Scholars. *c`?ch Their Habits were very rich, after the <i>Roman Manner</i>, and the performance of all the Parts was so just that it gave general Satisfaction, and gained the Applause of a very numerous Audience.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1723 08 15 ch Cato. The Charterhouse Scholars.*c1723 08 15 ch Their Habits were very rich, after the <i>Roman Manner</i>, and the performance of all the Parts was so just that it gave general Satisfaction, and gained the Applause of a very numerous Audience.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 9873 | 17230815 | ch | Their Habits were very rich, after the <i>Roman Manner</i>, and the performance of all the Parts was so just that it gave general Satisfaction, and gained the Applause of a very numerous Audience
    Performance: 16157 | 9873 | p | Cato | The Charterhouse Scholars.


Title: Cato
The Charterhouse Scholars.
None Listed

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