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Mainpiece Title: The Widow Of Malabar

Afterpiece Title: The Little Hunchback

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: End 3rd piece: As17910112


Mainpiece Title: The Widow Of Malabar

Afterpiece Title: The Author

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17910114


Mainpiece Title: The Widow Of Malabar

Afterpiece Title: The Deaf Lover

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement


Mainpiece Title: The Widow Of Malabar

Afterpiece Title: The Upholsterer

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement


Mainpiece Title: The Widow Of Malabar

Afterpiece Title: The Deaf Lover

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement


Mainpiece Title: The Widow Of Malabar

Afterpiece Title: Two Strings to Your Bow

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17901123


Mainpiece Title: Isabella

Afterpiece Title: Two Strings to Your Bow

Dance: As17901204

Song: As17910211


Mainpiece Title: The Belle's Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: Two Strings to Your Bow


Mainpiece Title: The Widow Of Malabar

Afterpiece Title: Two Strings to Your Bow

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17901123


Mainpiece Title: The Woodman

Afterpiece Title: Two Strings to Your Bow


Mainpiece Title: The Woodman

Afterpiece Title: The Little Hunchback


Mainpiece Title: The Woodman

Afterpiece Title: Two Strings to Your Bow


Mainpiece Title: Lorenzo

Afterpiece Title: Two Strings to Your Bow


Mainpiece Title: Lorenzo

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17901123


Mainpiece Title: Wild Oats

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17901123


Mainpiece Title: The Castle Of Andalusia

Afterpiece Title: The Deaf Lover

Dance: As17910507


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Afterpiece Title: Hob in the Well

Afterpiece Title: Tippoo Saib

Song: End II: Black Eyed Susan-Incledon; In 3rd piece: as in 2nd piece, 6 June Poor Orra tink on Yanco dear, as17910606 The Gallant Soldier born to Arms, as17910606 Indian War Song, as17910606 The Tobacco Box, as17910606


Mainpiece Title: The Woodman

Afterpiece Title: Tippoo Saib

Afterpiece Title: Two Strings to Your Bow

Song: In 2nd Piece:as in 3rd piece, 10 June Poor Orra tink on Yanco dear-Mrs Mountain; The Gallant Soldier born to Arms-Incledon


Mainpiece Title: The Death Of Captain Cook

Afterpiece Title: Wild Oats

Afterpiece Title: Hob in the Well

Entertainment: Monologue. End 2nd piece: a New Epilogue (in Honour of the Fund,)-Mrs Wells; with an Imitation-


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17931123

Song: Johnstone, Incledon, Marshall, Rock, Blurton, Letteney, Lee, Mrs Mountain, Mrs Warrell, Miss Stuart, Mrs Watts, Mrs Byrne, Mrs Davenett, Mrs Powell, Miss Francis, Miss Lefevre, Mrs Cross, Mrs Gray, Mrs Masters, Mrs Martyr


Mainpiece Title: Florizel And Perdita

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17931123


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17931123


Mainpiece Title: The Toy; Or, Hampton Court Frolics

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17931123


Mainpiece Title: The World In A Village

Afterpiece Title: THE FLITCH OF BACON

Dance: As17931015


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Afterpiece Title: Mago and Dago; or, Harlequin the Hero

Role: A Throw with the dice Actor: Seven's the Main-Win her and wear her. XVIII. A Gardenv. Dago's Triumph-Friends are faithless-The Picture reversed. XIX. Temple of Fortunev. A new Game of Gards-the odd Trick-Fortune's a Jilt-a Visit from her eldest Daughter, Miss Fortune, with a Song in Character- XX. A Landscapev. A Puzzle for the Pursuers-Jack in the Green-Mirth in full Measure-the Cream of the Jest-the Devil in the Milk Pails. XXI. The Outside of a Cottagev. Not at Home-the Clown in the Pig-stye-Miss in the Dumps-Papa in a Passion-all in a Blaze. XXII. A Street with Apothecary's Shopv. Medical Feeling, or the pluckt Apothecary-how to kick up a Dust, and how to come off with flying Colors. XXIII. Inside of the Apothecary's Shopv. Dr Wormwood in full Practice-the Remedy worse than the Disease-Dago's Vengeance-the Dissection of Harlequin-all Alive and Leaping. XXIV. A Dreary Dell and Hermitagev. Harlequin Triumphant-The Recovery of the Talisman-Dago in Durance. XXV. Mago's Hall in the Chrystal Rockv. Beauty the Reward of Virtue-Forget and Forgive-the Reconciliation, All's Well that Ends Well.
Role: Seven's the Main Actor: Win her and wear her. XVIII. A Gardenv. Dago's Triumph-Friends are faithless-The Picture reversed. XIX. Temple of Fortunev. A new Game of Gards-the odd Trick-Fortune's a Jilt-a Visit from her eldest Daughter, Miss Fortune, with a Song in Character- XX. A Landscapev. A Puzzle for the Pursuers-Jack in the Green-Mirth in full Measure-the Cream of the Jest-the Devil in the Milk Pails. XXI. The Outside of a Cottagev. Not at Home-the Clown in the Pig-stye-Miss in the Dumps-Papa in a Passion-all in a Blaze. XXII. A Street with Apothecary's Shopv. Medical Feeling, or the pluckt Apothecary-how to kick up a Dust, and how to come off with flying Colors. XXIII. Inside of the Apothecary's Shopv. Dr Wormwood in full Practice-the Remedy worse than the Disease-Dago's Vengeance-the Dissection of Harlequin-all Alive and Leaping. XXIV. A Dreary Dell and Hermitagev. Harlequin Triumphant-The Recovery of the Talisman-Dago in Durance. XXV. Mago's Hall in the Chrystal Rockv. Beauty the Reward of Virtue-Forget and Forgive-the Reconciliation, All's Well that Ends Well.
Role: Dago's Triumph Actor: Friends are faithless-The Picture reversed. XIX. Temple of Fortunev. A new Game of Gards-the odd Trick-Fortune's a Jilt-a Visit from her eldest Daughter, Miss Fortune, with a Song in Character- XX. A Landscapev. A Puzzle for the Pursuers-Jack in the Green-Mirth in full Measure-the Cream of the Jest-the Devil in the Milk Pails. XXI. The Outside of a Cottagev. Not at Home-the Clown in the Pig-stye-Miss in the Dumps-Papa in a Passion-all in a Blaze. XXII. A Street with Apothecary's Shopv. Medical Feeling, or the pluckt Apothecary-how to kick up a Dust, and how to come off with flying Colors. XXIII. Inside of the Apothecary's Shopv. Dr Wormwood in full Practice-the Remedy worse than the Disease-Dago's Vengeance-the Dissection of Harlequin-all Alive and Leaping. XXIV. A Dreary Dell and Hermitagev. Harlequin Triumphant-The Recovery of the Talisman-Dago in Durance. XXV. Mago's Hall in the Chrystal Rockv. Beauty the Reward of Virtue-Forget and Forgive-the Reconciliation, All's Well that Ends Well.
Role: Friends are faithless Actor: The Picture reversed. XIX. Temple of Fortunev. A new Game of Gards-the odd Trick-Fortune's a Jilt-a Visit from her eldest Daughter, Miss Fortune, with a Song in Character- XX. A Landscapev. A Puzzle for the Pursuers-Jack in the Green-Mirth in full Measure-the Cream of the Jest-the Devil in the Milk Pails. XXI. The Outside of a Cottagev. Not at Home-the Clown in the Pig-stye-Miss in the Dumps-Papa in a Passion-all in a Blaze. XXII. A Street with Apothecary's Shopv. Medical Feeling, or the pluckt Apothecary-how to kick up a Dust, and how to come off with flying Colors. XXIII. Inside of the Apothecary's Shopv. Dr Wormwood in full Practice-the Remedy worse than the Disease-Dago's Vengeance-the Dissection of Harlequin-all Alive and Leaping. XXIV. A Dreary Dell and Hermitagev. Harlequin Triumphant-The Recovery of the Talisman-Dago in Durance. XXV. Mago's Hall in the Chrystal Rockv. Beauty the Reward of Virtue-Forget and Forgive-the Reconciliation, All's Well that Ends Well.
Role: A new Game of Gards Actor: the odd Trick-Fortune's a Jilt-a Visit from her eldest Daughter, Miss Fortune, with a Song in Character- XX. A Landscapev. A Puzzle for the Pursuers-Jack in the Green-Mirth in full Measure-the Cream of the Jest-the Devil in the Milk Pails. XXI. The Outside of a Cottagev. Not at Home-the Clown in the Pig-stye-Miss in the Dumps-Papa in a Passion-all in a Blaze. XXII. A Street with Apothecary's Shopv. Medical Feeling, or the pluckt Apothecary-how to kick up a Dust, and how to come off with flying Colors. XXIII. Inside of the Apothecary's Shopv. Dr Wormwood in full Practice-the Remedy worse than the Disease-Dago's Vengeance-the Dissection of Harlequin-all Alive and Leaping. XXIV. A Dreary Dell and Hermitagev. Harlequin Triumphant-The Recovery of the Talisman-Dago in Durance. XXV. Mago's Hall in the Chrystal Rockv. Beauty the Reward of Virtue-Forget and Forgive-the Reconciliation, All's Well that Ends Well.
Role: the odd Trick Actor: Fortune's a Jilt-a Visit from her eldest Daughter, Miss Fortune, with a Song in Character- XX. A Landscapev. A Puzzle for the Pursuers-Jack in the Green-Mirth in full Measure-the Cream of the Jest-the Devil in the Milk Pails. XXI. The Outside of a Cottagev. Not at Home-the Clown in the Pig-stye-Miss in the Dumps-Papa in a Passion-all in a Blaze. XXII. A Street with Apothecary's Shopv. Medical Feeling, or the pluckt Apothecary-how to kick up a Dust, and how to come off with flying Colors. XXIII. Inside of the Apothecary's Shopv. Dr Wormwood in full Practice-the Remedy worse than the Disease-Dago's Vengeance-the Dissection of Harlequin-all Alive and Leaping. XXIV. A Dreary Dell and Hermitagev. Harlequin Triumphant-The Recovery of the Talisman-Dago in Durance. XXV. Mago's Hall in the Chrystal Rockv. Beauty the Reward of Virtue-Forget and Forgive-the Reconciliation, All's Well that Ends Well.
Role: Fortune's a Jilt Actor: a Visit from her eldest Daughter, Miss Fortune, with a Song in Character- XX. A Landscapev. A Puzzle for the Pursuers-Jack in the Green-Mirth in full Measure-the Cream of the Jest-the Devil in the Milk Pails. XXI. The Outside of a Cottagev. Not at Home-the Clown in the Pig-stye-Miss in the Dumps-Papa in a Passion-all in a Blaze. XXII. A Street with Apothecary's Shopv. Medical Feeling, or the pluckt Apothecary-how to kick up a Dust, and how to come off with flying Colors. XXIII. Inside of the Apothecary's Shopv. Dr Wormwood in full Practice-the Remedy worse than the Disease-Dago's Vengeance-the Dissection of Harlequin-all Alive and Leaping. XXIV. A Dreary Dell and Hermitagev. Harlequin Triumphant-The Recovery of the Talisman-Dago in Durance. XXV. Mago's Hall in the Chrystal Rockv. Beauty the Reward of Virtue-Forget and Forgive-the Reconciliation, All's Well that Ends Well.
Role: with a Song in Character Actor: XX. A Landscapev. A Puzzle for the Pursuers-Jack in the Green-Mirth in full Measure-the Cream of the Jest-the Devil in the Milk Pails. XXI. The Outside of a Cottagev. Not at Home-the Clown in the Pig-stye-Miss in the Dumps-Papa in a Passion-all in a Blaze. XXII. A Street with Apothecary's Shopv. Medical Feeling, or the pluckt Apothecary-how to kick up a Dust, and how to come off with flying Colors. XXIII. Inside of the Apothecary's Shopv. Dr Wormwood in full Practice-the Remedy worse than the Disease-Dago's Vengeance-the Dissection of Harlequin-all Alive and Leaping. XXIV. A Dreary Dell and Hermitagev. Harlequin Triumphant-The Recovery of the Talisman-Dago in Durance. XXV. Mago's Hall in the Chrystal Rockv. Beauty the Reward of Virtue-Forget and Forgive-the Reconciliation, All's Well that Ends Well.
Role: A Puzzle for the Pursuers Actor: Jack in the Green-Mirth in full Measure-the Cream of the Jest-the Devil in the Milk Pails. XXI. The Outside of a Cottagev. Not at Home-the Clown in the Pig-stye-Miss in the Dumps-Papa in a Passion-all in a Blaze. XXII. A Street with Apothecary's Shopv. Medical Feeling, or the pluckt Apothecary-how to kick up a Dust, and how to come off with flying Colors. XXIII. Inside of the Apothecary's Shopv. Dr Wormwood in full Practice-the Remedy worse than the Disease-Dago's Vengeance-the Dissection of Harlequin-all Alive and Leaping. XXIV. A Dreary Dell and Hermitagev. Harlequin Triumphant-The Recovery of the Talisman-Dago in Durance. XXV. Mago's Hall in the Chrystal Rockv. Beauty the Reward of Virtue-Forget and Forgive-the Reconciliation, All's Well that Ends Well.