SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1315, 1981, 2019, 2164, 2739, 6411, 7550, 7554, 7556, 7559, 7561, 7563, 7578, 7592, 7639, 8458, 11399, 11446, 12035, 12110, 12215, 12476, 12478, 12481, 12483, 12487, 12489, 12491, 12493, 12500, 12502, 12506, 12512, 12521, 12527, 12543, 12546, 12550, 12729, 12844, 12978, 13050, 13176, 13179, 13247, 13364, 13386, 13393, 13398, 13401, 13403, 13409, 13414, 13417, 13422, 13427, 13432, 13440, 13444, 13447, 13451, 13455, 13458, 13461, 13463, 13467, 13472, 13475, 13477, 13481, 13485, 13487, 13490, 13494, 13496, 13499, 13500, 13502, 13523, 13569, 13575, 13597, 13643, 13648, 13697, 13757, 13772, 13780, 13803, 13829, 13844, 13891, 14069, 14084, 14093, 14103, 14209, 14231, 14889, 14903, 14907, 14911, 15001, 15005, 15011, 15240, 15245, 15344, 15347, 15350, 15357, 15360, 15499, 15506, 15601, 15790, 15830, 15836, 15839, 15843, 15848, 15852, 15854, 15856, 15859, 15860, 15863, 15866, 15870, 15874, 15883, 15886, 15889, 15905, 15959, 15970, 15996, 16001, 16015, 16019, 16024, 16028, 16040, 16043, 16094, 16100, 16117, 16378, 16436, 16499, 16500, 16527, 16529, 16534, 16573, 16768, 16822, 16826, 16829, 16929, 16959, 17172, 17180, 17227, 17255, 17260, 17267, 17308, 17382, 17384, 17386, 17399, 17412, 17414, 17539, 17865, 17933, 17968, 18083, 18204, 18323, 18387, 18390, 18397, 18401, 18407, 18411, 18445, 18448, 18452, 18469, 18620, 18803, 18892, 18898, 18905, 18906, 18910, 18912, 18932, 18942, 18944, 18977, 18980, 19041, 19042, 19046, 19047, 19196, 19229, 19343, 19522, 19529, 19541, 19569, 19602, 19615, 19620, 19622, 19644, 19711, 19741, 19759, 19792, 19878, 19893, 19982, 20022, 20051, 20052, 20058, 20065, 20084, 20097, 20100, 20106, 20153, 20159, 20166, 20169, 20172, 20175, 20178, 20184, 20187, 20208, 20242, 20248, 20264, 20308, 20357, 20432, 20533, 20587, 20630, 21092, 21195, 21279, 21387, 21525, 21618, 21637, 21640, 21649, 21653, 21964, 21995, 22014, 22048, 22050, 22062, 22114, 22182, 22225, 22239, 22376, 22384, 22427, 22486, 22528, 22605, 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Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Queen Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Queen Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Queen Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Queen Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart


Mainpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Queen Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Contrivance; or, The Plague of a Wanton Wife


Mainpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Contrivance; or, The Plague of a Wanton Wife

Song: Mrs Nokes


Mainpiece Title: The Second Part Of King Henry Iv, Part Ii: With The Humours Of Sir John Falstaff And Justice Shallow

Role: Doll Tearsheet Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: [The Strollers


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce; With The Pleasures Of The Town

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart


Mainpiece Title: The Beggars Wedding

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart


Mainpiece Title: The Coffee-house Politician; Or, The Justice Caught In His Own Trap

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart

Afterpiece Title: The Battle of the Poets; or, The Contention for the Laureat


Mainpiece Title: The False Count

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart

Afterpiece Title: The Battle of the Poets


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart

Afterpiece Title: The Battle of the Poets


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Wedding

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart

Afterpiece Title: The Battle of the Poets


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Afterpiece Title: The Battle of the Poets

Role: Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart


Mainpiece Title: The Generous Freemason

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Afterpiece Title: The Battle of the Poets

Role: Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart


Mainpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart

Afterpiece Title: The Battle of the Books

Afterpiece Title: The Jealous Taylor


Mainpiece Title: Cato

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Dollalolla Actor: Bullock


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Dollalolla Actor: Bullock

Song: As17310318


Mainpiece Title: The Tragedy Of Tragedies; Or, The Life And Death Of Tom Thumb The Great

Role: Queen Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart

Afterpiece Title: The Letter Writers; or, A New Way to Keep a Wife at Home


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Dollalolla Actor: Bullock


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Afterpiece Title: The Tragedy of Tragedies

Role: Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart.

Music: Concerto on Trumpet-Burk Thumoth; Concerto Grosso on Flute-Kytch; last act afterpiece: Song on Trumpet-


Mainpiece Title: Henry Iv, Part Ii

Role: Doll Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Jovial Crew

Music: Concerto by Sig Visconti-Charke, others

Song: II: As17310427

Dance: IV: English Maggot-Rainton, Mrs Walter; V: Gondolier and Courtezan-Young Lally, Miss Brett; End afterpiece: French Gardener and his Mistress-Rainton, Mrs Walter


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach Opera

Role: Doll Actor: Mrs Palmer.

Dance: III: Two Pierrots-Burney, Mrs Tollet

Music: II: Trumpet Concerto-Burk Thumoth; IV: Solo on German Flute-Thumouth; V: A Grand Lesson of Mr Handell's on the Harpsichord-Thumoth


Mainpiece Title: The Fond Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Tragedy of Tragedies

Role: Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Martin

Dance: TTwo Pierrots-Poitier, Pelling; Hornpipe-Jones, Mrs Ogden