SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1315, 1981, 2019, 2164, 2739, 6411, 7550, 7554, 7556, 7559, 7561, 7563, 7578, 7592, 7639, 8458, 11399, 11446, 12035, 12110, 12215, 12476, 12478, 12481, 12483, 12487, 12489, 12491, 12493, 12500, 12502, 12506, 12512, 12521, 12527, 12543, 12546, 12550, 12729, 12844, 12978, 13050, 13176, 13179, 13247, 13364, 13386, 13393, 13398, 13401, 13403, 13409, 13414, 13417, 13422, 13427, 13432, 13440, 13444, 13447, 13451, 13455, 13458, 13461, 13463, 13467, 13472, 13475, 13477, 13481, 13485, 13487, 13490, 13494, 13496, 13499, 13500, 13502, 13523, 13569, 13575, 13597, 13643, 13648, 13697, 13757, 13772, 13780, 13803, 13829, 13844, 13891, 14069, 14084, 14093, 14103, 14209, 14231, 14889, 14903, 14907, 14911, 15001, 15005, 15011, 15240, 15245, 15344, 15347, 15350, 15357, 15360, 15499, 15506, 15601, 15790, 15830, 15836, 15839, 15843, 15848, 15852, 15854, 15856, 15859, 15860, 15863, 15866, 15870, 15874, 15883, 15886, 15889, 15905, 15959, 15970, 15996, 16001, 16015, 16019, 16024, 16028, 16040, 16043, 16094, 16100, 16117, 16378, 16436, 16499, 16500, 16527, 16529, 16534, 16573, 16768, 16822, 16826, 16829, 16929, 16959, 17172, 17180, 17227, 17255, 17260, 17267, 17308, 17382, 17384, 17386, 17399, 17412, 17414, 17539, 17865, 17933, 17968, 18083, 18204, 18323, 18387, 18390, 18397, 18401, 18407, 18411, 18445, 18448, 18452, 18469, 18620, 18803, 18892, 18898, 18905, 18906, 18910, 18912, 18932, 18942, 18944, 18977, 18980, 19041, 19042, 19046, 19047, 19196, 19229, 19343, 19522, 19529, 19541, 19569, 19602, 19615, 19620, 19622, 19644, 19711, 19741, 19759, 19792, 19878, 19893, 19982, 20022, 20051, 20052, 20058, 20065, 20084, 20097, 20100, 20106, 20153, 20159, 20166, 20169, 20172, 20175, 20178, 20184, 20187, 20208, 20242, 20248, 20264, 20308, 20357, 20432, 20533, 20587, 20630, 21092, 21195, 21279, 21387, 21525, 21618, 21637, 21640, 21649, 21653, 21964, 21995, 22014, 22048, 22050, 22062, 22114, 22182, 22225, 22239, 22376, 22384, 22427, 22486, 22528, 22605, 22606, 22738, 22763, 22764, 22847, 22856, 22862, 22932, 22956, 22958, 22961, 23002, 23011, 23017, 23022, 23026, 23055, 23056, 23062, 23065, 23084, 23090, 23093, 23097, 23106, 23113, 23121, 23127, 23132, 23150, 23156, 23214, 23247, 23300, 23302, 23315, 23317, 23331, 23346, 23351, 23369, 23389, 23433, 23447, 23450, 23453, 23459, 23460, 23462, 23501, 23551, 23555, 23595, 23606, 23626, 23667, 23670, 23861, 23875, 23912, 23940, 23964, 24153, 24185, 24228, 24326, 24355, 24385, 24410, 24428, 24500, 24527, 24568, 24630, 24642, 24658, 24668, 24671, 24680, 24710, 24718, 24750, 24794, 24900, 24912, 24945, 24955, 24956, 24998, 25013, 25085, 25126, 25144, 25158, 25188, 25203, 25207, 25230, 25255, 25263, 25273, 25291, 25363, 25406, 25420, 25436, 25438, 25449, 25471, 25491, 25507, 25514, 25531, 25543, 25581, 25586, 25623, 25684, 25687, 25699, 25705, 25745, 25747, 25748, 25751, 25754, 25756, 25767, 25769, 25773, 25787, 25793, 25797, 25801, 25815, 25841, 25858, 25900, 25938, 25975, 26154, 26210, 26246, 26290, 26348, 26514, 26552, 26570, 26585, 26586, 26642, 26696, 26732, 26989, 27098, 27115, 27145, 27247, 27290, 27365, 27398, 27579, 27581, 27619, 27691, 27706, 27716, 27747, 27765, 27798, 27933, 28024, 28105, 28133, 28194, 28294, 28422, 28481, 28491, 28567, 28652, 28685, 28690, 28795, 28854, 28893, 28939, 28967, 28973, 29009, 29175, 29177, 29188, 29219, 29248, 29327, 29368, 29370, 29380, 29389, 29449, 29458, 29742, 29743, 29746, 29748, 29750, 29751, 29753, 29755, 29757, 29759, 29761, 29763, 29765, 29767, 29769, 29771, 29773, 29775, 29777, 29779, 29781, 29783, 29785, 29788, 29789, 29791, 29793, 29795, 29798, 29800, 29802, 29805, 29807, 29809, 29811, 29814, 29816, 29818, 29820, 29829, 29839, 29852, 29854, 29858, 29860, 29862, 29865, 29869, 29871, 29875, 29878, 29882, 29884, 29887, 29889, 29891, 29893, 29897, 29900, 29902, 29904, 29906, 29908, 29910, 29913, 29915, 29920, 29927, 29935, 29937, 29942, 29948, 29953, 29957, 29959, 29961, 29963, 29968, 29970, 29982, 29984, 29988, 29992, 29995, 29998, 30001, 30004, 30010, 30022, 30025, 30029, 30043, 30053, 30062, 30075, 30126, 30144, 30148, 30152, 30287, 30290, 30308, 30313, 30324, 30338, 30389, 30395, 30435, 30468, 30574, 30598, 30600, 30608, 30677, 30841, 30844, 30846, 30848, 30850, 30853, 30855, 30857, 30859, 30863, 30866, 30868, 30871, 30873, 30875, 30877, 30879, 30881, 30883, 30885, 30887, 30889, 30892, 31349, 31383, 31394, 31401, 31405, 31415, 31422, 31428, 31455, 31457, 31482, 31484, 31509, 31526, 31677, 31689, 31695, 31729, 32233, 32384, 32466, 32756, 32757, 32758, 32760, 32761, 32762, 32764, 32765, 32766, 32767, 32768, 32769, 32770, 32771, 32772, 32774, 32776, 32778, 32781, 32786, 32788, 32790, 32792, 32793, 32796, 32798, 32801, 32803, 32804, 33108, 33177, 33272, 33274, 33278, 33282, 33284, 33320, 33346, 33434, 33671, 33726, 33732, 33739, 33742, 33756, 33762, 33763, 33764, 33765, 33768, 33777, 33785, 33845, 34093, 34115, 34297, 34309, 34322, 34333, 34348, 34357, 34359, 34369, 34389, 34393, 34400, 34583, 34683, 34703, 34717, 34724, 34727, 34758, 34767, 34793, 34819, 34836, 34851, 34858, 34868, 34879, 34883, 34891, 34901, 34905, 35106, 35120, 35132, 35152, 35157, 35162, 35272, 35347, 35364, 35380, 35387, 35443, 35454, 35484, 35503, 35555, 35564, 35605, 35631, 35664, 35702, 35718, 35849, 35894, 35928, 35934, 35950, 35957, 35990, 35993, 36012, 36039, 36045, 36064, 36068, 36091, 36097, 36110, 36115, 36117, 36122, 36125, 36126, 36127, 36133, 36134, 36149, 36151, 36162, 36177, 36221, 36225, 36238, 36239, 36253, 36302, 36414, 36449, 36470, 36485, 36499, 36543, 36572, 36580, 36603, 36631, 36642, 36645, 36646, 36647, 36658, 36667, 36700, 36705, 36706, 36719, 36726, 36732, 36733, 36747, 36778, 36791, 36879, 36891, 36892, 36893, 36901, 36907, 36912, 36921, 36942, 36948, 36963, 37018, 37021, 37032, 37041, 37042, 37055, 37066, 37076, 37091, 37105, 37111, 37150, 37170, 37181, 37189, 37241, 37256, 37260, 37262, 37281, 37288, 37299, 37350, 37364, 37457, 37472, 37555, 37577, 37589, 37607, 37627, 37654, 37662, 37668, 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51976, 51978, 51983, 51984, 51986, 51989, 51993, 51994, 51996, 51997, 51999, 52000, 52001, 52002, 52005, 52007, 52008, 52009, 52010, 52012, 52015, 52017, 52018, 52022, 52023, 52025, 52028, 52029, 52030, 52042, 52044, 52046, 52047, 52049, 52050, 52051, 52053, 52054, 52060, 52072, 52091, 52101, 52126, 52128, 52129, 52182, 52203, 52282, 52391, 52396, 52400, 52410, 52415, 52427, 52434, 52437, 52471, 52473, 52506, 52529, 52534, 52540, 52551, 52552, 52553, 52555, 52556, 52558, 52559, 52560, 52561, 52563, 52564, 52566, 52568, 52569, 52572, 52575, 52579, 52581, 52582, 52584, 52585, 52591, 52594, 52601, 52604, 52611, 52612, 52613, 52614, 52615) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Trull Actor: Sarah Foxwell


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Trull Actor: Sarah Foxwell


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Trull Actor: Sarah Foxwell


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Trull Actor: Sarah Foxwell


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Trull Actor: Sarah Foxwell


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Trull Actor: Sarah Foxwell


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Trull Actor: Sarah Foxwell


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Trull Actor: Sarah Foxwell


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Trull Actor: Sarah Foxwell


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Trull Actor: Sarah Foxwell


Mainpiece Title: The Alchymist

Role: Doll Actor: Mrs Wetherilt

Afterpiece Title: Perseus and Andromeda


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Trull Actor: Sarah Foxwell


Mainpiece Title: The Village Opera

Role: Dolly Actor: Mrs Mills


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Ivth, Part Ii

Role: Doll Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Strolers

Dance: Miss Brett; Gondolier and Courtezan-Master Lally, Miss Brett


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, Part Ii: With The Humours Of Sir John Falstaff And Justice Shallow

Role: Doll Tearsheet Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Beggar's Wedding


Mainpiece Title: The Alchymist

Role: Doll Actor: Mrs Wetherilt



Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, Part Ii

Role: Doll Tearsheet Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: Phebe; or, The Beggar's Wedding


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Afterpiece Title: The Chambermaid

Role: Dolly Actor: Mrs Grace.


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, Part Ii

Role: Doll Tearsheet Actor: Mrs Shireburn


Mainpiece Title: The Metamorphosis Of The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Actor: Hicks

Afterpiece Title: Damon and Phillida


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Queen Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Queen Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Queen Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Queen Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Queen Dollalolla Actor: Mrs Mullart