SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (933, 1213, 1353, 1366, 1390, 1780, 2381, 2395, 3648, 3662, 4033, 6380, 6857, 6864, 6869, 7404, 7406, 7416, 7422, 7426, 7429, 8832, 9353, 9877, 9881, 9993, 10004, 10257, 10386, 10490, 11247, 12035, 12476, 12478, 12481, 12483, 12487, 12489, 12491, 12493, 12500, 12502, 12506, 12512, 12521, 12527, 12546, 13247, 13275, 13278, 13285, 13293, 13300, 13303, 13323, 13336, 13340, 13348, 13636, 13720, 13829, 13858, 13868, 13872, 13887, 14229, 14300, 14301, 15001, 15005, 15011, 15016, 15131, 15708, 15710, 15711, 15712, 15714, 15715, 15716, 15717, 15718, 15719, 15720, 15723, 15876, 15880, 15891, 15910, 16008, 16091, 16097, 16387, 16618, 16621, 16650, 16840, 16929, 16936, 16940, 16980, 17373, 17374, 17378, 17382, 17384, 17393, 17398, 17483, 17561, 17565, 17568, 17571, 17575, 17578, 17582, 17650, 17759, 17970, 18033, 18061, 18114, 18219, 18384, 18551, 18559, 18605, 18610, 18617, 19023, 19025, 19028, 19030, 19032, 19034, 19038, 19048, 19051, 19053, 19056, 19058, 19068, 19073, 19101, 19160, 19165, 19168, 19190, 19318, 19345, 19374, 19375, 19408, 19521, 19570, 19607, 19620, 19644, 19707, 19741, 19820, 19839, 19878, 19958, 20051, 20069, 20110, 20166, 20169, 20172, 20175, 20178, 20184, 20187, 20208, 20227, 20242, 20248, 20264, 20434, 20450, 20490, 20621, 20627, 20630, 21219, 21222, 21242, 21264, 21292, 21309, 22041, 22044, 22047, 22048, 22049, 22063, 22189, 22251, 22346, 22500, 22673, 22761, 22808, 22935, 22956, 22958, 22961, 23002, 23007, 23011, 23026, 23055, 23090, 23106, 23127, 23156, 23247, 23351, 23369, 23389, 23433, 23501, 23550, 23606, 23717, 23861, 23864, 23875, 23993, 23994, 23996, 24014, 24774, 24778, 25448, 25450, 25653, 26068, 26170, 26172, 26174, 26177, 26179, 26182, 26194, 26219, 26294, 26434, 26487, 26528, 26551, 26592, 26649, 26651, 26654, 26656, 26674, 26679, 26713, 26729, 26803, 26872, 26875, 26877, 26879, 26886, 26889, 26893, 26897, 27026, 27079, 27191, 27228, 27523, 27567, 27625, 27776, 27806, 27817, 27838, 28069, 28077, 28083, 28138, 28203, 28391, 28536, 28612, 28630, 28637, 28640, 28650, 28695, 28734, 28740, 28741, 28777, 28994, 29025, 29048, 29097, 29158, 29223, 29373, 29419, 29519, 29583, 29762, 30057, 30115, 30151, 30336, 30421, 30550, 30590, 30647, 30685, 30802, 30822, 30824, 30826, 30828, 30832, 30834, 30860, 30878, 33050, 33268, 33270, 33292, 33354, 33431, 33641, 33763, 33764, 33765, 33768, 34041, 34044, 34046, 34049, 34051, 34053, 34056, 34059, 34061, 34064, 34145, 34912, 34914, 34916, 34918, 34920, 34922, 34924, 34932, 34936, 34942, 34952, 34992, 35739, 35750, 35982, 36261, 36294, 36297, 36304, 36309, 36318, 36404, 36419, 36453, 36617, 36620, 36687, 36701, 36703, 36705, 36707, 36709, 36713, 36718, 36723, 36727, 36751, 36788, 36840, 36856, 36863, 36884, 36887, 36896, 36924, 36975, 37003, 37022, 37040, 37050, 37056, 37081, 37213, 37232, 37254, 37287, 37372, 37476, 37549, 37612, 37803, 37810, 37861, 37948, 37956, 38028, 38136, 38202, 38384, 38692, 38860, 38864, 38866, 38867, 38870, 38873, 38883, 38885, 38888, 38906, 38918, 38920, 38962, 38966, 39181, 39245, 39282, 39288, 39361, 39362, 39365, 39368, 39374, 39377, 39385, 39395, 39402, 39426, 39432, 39593, 39912, 39917, 39935, 39937, 39947, 39951, 39953, 39957, 39985, 39986, 39987, 39995, 40044, 40465, 40519, 40541, 40821, 40825, 40828, 40831, 40833, 40839, 40842, 40845, 40848, 40852, 40856, 40859, 40866, 40876, 40882, 40884, 40891, 40898, 40902, 40912, 40914, 40916, 40917, 40927, 40928, 40937, 40941, 40942, 40953, 40955, 40967, 40978, 40992, 41005, 41166, 41474, 41489, 41515, 41639, 41646, 41652, 41653, 41654, 41655, 41656, 41657, 41658, 41660, 41661, 41662, 41663, 41666, 41669, 41671, 41672, 41674, 41678, 41680, 41682, 41685, 41686, 41907, 42124, 42168, 42170, 42171, 42175, 42179, 42181, 42183, 42186, 42191, 42195, 42199, 42205, 42211, 42214, 42217, 42221, 42225, 42229, 42238, 42261, 42262, 42265, 42320, 42423, 42428, 42455, 42468, 42470, 42473, 42670, 42682, 42694, 42714, 42739, 42771, 42774, 42778, 42779, 42782, 42790, 42801, 42804, 42836, 42840, 42886, 42926, 43260, 43272, 43293, 43316, 43412, 43415, 43515, 43645, 43657, 43660, 43675, 43690, 43733, 43748, 43784, 43789, 43864, 44004, 44037, 44286, 44715, 44717, 44719, 44721, 44723, 44726, 44728, 44731, 44733, 44735, 44737, 44740, 44743, 44746, 44748, 44750, 44752, 44755, 44757, 44760, 44762, 44764, 44766, 44769, 44771, 44774, 44776, 44783, 44794, 44805, 44808, 44817, 44834, 44847, 44853, 44863, 44887, 44907, 44920, 44957, 44973, 44978, 44983, 45218, 45433, 45508, 45674, 45758, 45759, 45761, 45763, 45765, 45769, 45773, 45777, 45781, 45785, 45788, 45789, 45796, 45799, 45800, 45803, 45808, 45820, 45832, 45841, 45853, 45865, 45893, 45910, 45911, 45914, 45916, 45918, 45925, 45930, 45932, 45934, 45937, 45944, 45958, 45965, 45973, 45995, 46001, 46006, 46013, 46014, 46015, 46019, 46024, 46025, 46027, 46028, 46033, 46041, 46042, 46045, 46050, 46051, 46057, 46058, 46062, 46070, 46073, 46084, 46127, 46154, 46169, 46274, 46277, 46280, 46281, 46283, 46286, 46291, 46294, 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Mainpiece Title: Love In A Wood; Or, St James's Park

Role: Mrs Crossbite Actor: Mrs Rutter


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode; Or, Sir Fopling Flutter

Role: Sir Car Scroope Baronet Actor:


Mainpiece Title: The Tragedy Of Sertorius

Role: Mr Ravenscroft Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Virtuous Wife; Or, Good Luck At Last

Role: Crotchett Actor: Bowman


Mainpiece Title: The Conspiracy; Or, The Change Of Government

Role: Ravenscroft Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: Love For Money; Or, The Boarding School

Role: Crowstich Actor: Mrs Cory


Mainpiece Title: The Jew Of Venice

Role: arise Crown'd with Lawrel Actor:


Mainpiece Title: The Unhappy Penitent

Role: Du Croy Actor: Toms


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Eighth; With The Fall Of Cardinal Wolsey

Role: Cromwell Actor: Husbands


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Eighth

Role: Cromwell Actor: Husbands


Mainpiece Title: The Debauchee; Or, A New Way To Pay Old Debts

Role: Crostill Actor: Mrs Finch


Mainpiece Title: The Island Princess

Afterpiece Title: Pyramus and Thisbe, Lyon, Moonshine, and Wall

Role: Crotchet Actor: H. Bullock

Music: With all New Musick (for that Night) both Vocal and Instrumental Musick-


Mainpiece Title: The Humorous Lieutenant

Afterpiece Title: The Shipwreck; or, Perseus and Andromeda

Role: Monster Crocodile Actor: Wade


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode

Afterpiece Title: The Shipwreck

Role: Monster Crocodile Actor: Wade


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Afterpiece Title: The Shipwreck

Role: Monster Crocodile Actor: Wade

Dance: A new Comic Dance-Mrs Bicknell, Shaw being the first Time of his Performance on this Stage


Mainpiece Title: Love For Money; Or, The Boarding School

Role: Crowstitch Actor: Mrs Hunt.

Dance: Green Sleeves-Miss Lindar


Mainpiece Title: Love For Money

Role: Crowstitch Actor: Mrs Hunt.

Dance: As17180711


Mainpiece Title: Love For Money

Role: Crowstitch Actor: Mrs Hunt.

Dance: As17180711


Mainpiece Title: Love For Money

Role: Crowstitch Actor: Mrs Hunt.

Dance: As17180711


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Wood; Or, St

Role: Mrs Crossbite Actor: Mrs Willis


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Wood

Role: Mrs Crossbite Actor: Mrs Willis


Mainpiece Title: The Injur'd General; Or, The Blind Beggar Of Bednal-green; With The Comical Humours Of Squire Sousecrown And His Man Gudgeon

Role: Sousecrown Actor: Miller

Song: Mrs Willis

Dance: Mrs Willis


Mainpiece Title: Richmond Wells; Or, Good Luck At Last

Role: Tony Souscrown Actor: Miller

Song: Drunken Man-Harper

Dance: Drunken Man-Harper


Mainpiece Title: The Blind Beggar Of Bednal Green; Or, The Woman Never Vex'd: With The Comical Humour Of Squire Souse Crown And His Man Gudgeon

Role: Souse Crown Actor: Norris

Dance: Dutch Skipper-Monsieur De Long Dens, Monsieur De Long Dens'@Two@Children , just arrived from Paris


Mainpiece Title: The Blind Beggar Of Bednal Green

Role: Souse Crown Actor: Egleton

Afterpiece Title: Hob

Entertainment: Tumbling-