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Mainpiece Title: Don Quixote

Role: Duke Actor: Hulet


Mainpiece Title: The Chances

Role: Duke Actor: Thurmond

Afterpiece Title: The What D'ye Call It


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Vth; Or, The Conquest Of France By The English

Role: Duke of Exeter Actor: Mills
Role: Duke of York Actor: Cory
Role: Duke of Bourbon Actor: Bridgwater
Role: Duke of Orleans Actor: Watson


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Vth

Role: Duke of Exeter Actor: Mills
Role: Duke of York Actor: Cory
Role: Duke of Bourbon Actor: Bridgwater
Role: Duke of Orleans Actor: Watson


Mainpiece Title: Don Quixote

Role: Duke Actor: Hulet

Dance: Dupre, F. Nivelon, L. Nivelon, Glover, Mrs Wall, Mrs Bullock; Particularly The Wooden Shoe Dance-


Mainpiece Title: The Chances

Role: Duke Actor: Thurmond

Afterpiece Title: The What D'ye Call It

Song: As17240201


Mainpiece Title: Measure For Measure

Role: Duke Actor: Quin

Afterpiece Title: The Beau Demolished

Dance: Nivelons

Song: Mrs Barbier


Mainpiece Title: The Chances

Role: Duke Actor: Bridgwater.

Afterpiece Title: The School Boy; or, The Comical Rivals

Music: Concerto on Little Flute-Baston

Song: A Song on the Death of a Stag , Words by Shakespear, Musick by Henry Carey-Ray; accompany'd with French Horns-

Dance: Foresters-Shaw, Thurmond, Topham, Boval, Topham Jr; Passacaile-Shaw, Mrs Younger; Scotch Dance-Mrs Bullock; Comick Dance-Miss Tenoe


Mainpiece Title: Measure For Measure

Role: Duke Actor: Quin

Dance: End I: Country Girl-Mrs Brett; II: Tollet's Grounds-Newhouse, Mrs Rogier; III: Louvre-Mrs Wall; IV: A new Pastoral-Glover, Mrs Rogier


Mainpiece Title: Duke And No Duke; Or, Trapolin Suppos'd A Prince

Role: Duke Actor: Bridgwater

Afterpiece Title: Hob; or, The Country Wake

Song: A Quaker's Song-Mrs Willis

Dance: Highland Lilt-Mrs Willis; Running Footman-Houghton; Union Dance-Houghton, Mrs Willis


Mainpiece Title: Merlin The British Enchanter; Or, The Child Has Found His Father

Role: Duke of Gloster Actor: Corey

Song: Mrs Boman


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Role: Duke Actor: Watson

Afterpiece Title: The What D'ye Call It

Dance: Mrs Booth, Thurmond, Topham, Boval, Miss Tenoe, Mrs Walter, Miss Robinson, Young Rainton; Myrtillo-


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Role: Duke Actor: Watson

Music: Between Acts: Select Pieces-

Dance: Thurmond, Mrs Booth, Boval, Miss Tenoe, Young Rainton, Miss Robinson; Hussars


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Role: Duke Actor: Watson

Afterpiece Title: Hob; or, The Country Wake

Dance: LLe Badinage Champetre, Polonese-Young Rainton, Miss Robinson


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Role: Duke Actor: Watson

Afterpiece Title: Hob

Dance: Thurmond, Miss Tenoe, Boval, Mrs Brett, Young Rainton, Miss Robinson


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Role: Duke Actor: Watson

Dance: Thurmond, Roger, Boval, Miss Tenoe, Mrs Brett, Miss Robinson, Young Rainton


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Role: Duke Actor: Watson

Afterpiece Title: The Strolers

Dance: Lally, Boval, Young Rainton, Mrs Booth, Miss Tenoe, Mrs Walter, Mrs Robinson; particularly Myrtillo-


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Role: Duke Actor: Watson

Music: Between the Acts: Music-

Dance: LLe Badinage Champetre-


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Role: Duke Actor: Watson


Mainpiece Title: Double Falshood; Or, The Distrest Lovers

Role: Duke Angelo Actor: Corey


Mainpiece Title: Double Falshood

Role: Duke Angelo Actor: Corey


Mainpiece Title: Double Falshood

Role: Duke Angelo Actor: Corey


Mainpiece Title: Double Falshood

Role: Duke Angelo Actor: Corey


Mainpiece Title: Double Falshood

Role: Duke Angelo Actor: Corey


Mainpiece Title: Double Falshood

Role: Duke Angelo Actor: Corey