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Mainpiece Title: Troilus And Cressida; Or, Truth Found Too Late

Role: The Epilogue Actor: Thersites.


Mainpiece Title: Caesar Borgia, Son Of Pope Alexander The Sixth

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Young King; Or, The Mistake

Role: The Epilogue Actor: Mrs Barry


Mainpiece Title: The Woman Captain

Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Barry.


Mainpiece Title: The Virtuous Wife; Or, Good Luck At Last

Role: Epilogue Actor: Mr Nokes


Mainpiece Title: The History And Fall Of Caius Marius

Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Barry


Mainpiece Title: The Loving Enemies

Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Barry.


Mainpiece Title: The Misery Of Civil-war

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan; Or, The Unhappy Marriage

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: Thyestes

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Souldiers Fortune

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Coronation Of Queen Elizabeth; With The Restauration Of The Protestant Religion; Or, The Downfal Of The Pope

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Princess Of Cleve

Role: The Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: Fatal Love; Or, The Forc'd Inconstancy

Role: Epilogue Actor: Lysandra


Mainpiece Title: Theodosius; Or, The Force Of Love

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Sicilian Usurper

Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Cook.


Mainpiece Title: Lucius Junius Brutus, Father Of His Country

Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Barrey.


Mainpiece Title: The Second Part Of The Rover

Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Barry.


Mainpiece Title: The History Of King Lear

Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Barry.


Mainpiece Title: Henry The Sixth: The First Part; With The Murder Of Humphrey Duke Of Glocester

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Lancashire Witches And Tegue O Divelly The Irish Priest

Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Barry, Tegue.


Mainpiece Title: Sir Barnaby Whigg; Or, No Wit Like A Womans

Role: Epilogue Actor: a New Actress.


Mainpiece Title: The False Count; Or, A New Way To Play An Old Game


Mainpiece Title: The Roundheads; Or, The Good Old Cause

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Ingratitude Of A Common-wealth; Or, The Fall Of Caius Martius Coriolanus

Role: Epilogue Actor: Valeria.