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We found 3165 matches on Performance Comments, 768 matches on Performance Title, 750 matches on Author, 566 matches on Event Comments, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: Charles II to Madame, 10 Dec. 1663: I am just now going to see a new play (C. H. Hartmann, Charles II and Madame[1934], p. 89). The Duke's Company. W. J. Lawrence, in a review of Boswell, The Restoration Court Stage, in Modern Language Review, XXVIII (1933), 103, suggests that it was The Step-Mother which was given on this occasion. The edition of 1664 lists: The Prologue to the King at the Cockpit at White-Hall. The Epilogue to the King


Mainpiece Title: The Step Mother

Performance Comment: . Sylvanus-Sandford?; Filamor-Bettertun?; Adolph-Young?; Tetrick-Underhill?; Fromund-Price?; Crispus-Smith?; Capito-Metborn?; Gracchus-Lovell?; Sergius-Rob. Noke?; Pontia-Mrs Williams?; Caesarina-Mrs Bettertun?; Violinda-Mrs Davies?; Brianella-Mrs Long?; The Prologue to the King-; The Prologue to the Stage-; The Epilogue to the House-the Step-Mother?; The Epilogue to the King-; Instrumental Vocal Recitative Musick by Mr Lock-.
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. On Thursday 10 Dec. 1663, Pepys reported that this play was to be acted the following week, but the date of the first performance is uncertain. But--except for the holidays--it was probably acted on consecutive days until 1 Jan. 1663@4, when Pepys saw it. The play is also in Herbert, Dramatic Records, p. 138, as a "Revived Play." Pepys, Diary: I perceive the King and Duke and the Court was going to the Duke's playhouse to see Henry VIII. acted, which is said to be an admirable play. But, Lord! to see now near I was to have broken my oathe, or run the hazard of 20s. losse, so much my nature was hot to have gone thither; but I did not go. Downes (p.24): King Henry the 8th, This Play, by Order of Sir William Davenant, was all new Cloath'd in proper Habits: The King's was new, all the Lords, the Cardinals, the Bishops, the Doctors, Proctors, Lawyers, Tip-staves, new Scenes: The part of the King was so right and justly done by Mr Betterton, he being Instructed in it by Sir William, who had it from Old Mr Lowen, that had his Instructions from Mr Shakespear himself, that I dare and will aver, none can, or will come near him in this Age, in the performance of that part: Mr Harris's performance of Cardinal Wolsey, was little Inferior to that, he doing it with such just State, Port, and Mein, that I dare affirm, none hitherto has Equall'd him:...Every part by the great Care of Sir William, being exactly perform'd; it being all new Scenes; it continu'd Acting 15 Days together with general Applause


Mainpiece Title: Henry Viii

Performance Comment: Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p.24): King-Betterton; Wolsey-Harris; Duke of Buckingham-Smith; Norfolk-Nokes; Suffolk-Lilliston; Cardinal Campeius, Cranmur-Medburn; Bishop Gardiner-Underhill; Earl of Surry-Young; Lord Sands-Price; Queen Catherine-Mrs Betterton.
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Pepys does not indicate that this performance is the premiere, and Summers, The Playhouse of Pepys, p. 137, states, without offering his evidence, that the play first appeared on 11 Aug. 1664. The play also appears in Herbert, Dramatic Records, p. 138. If Pepys saw the premiere, the play was possibly given on 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24 Aug. Pepys, Diary: Mr Creed dining with me I got him to give my wife and me a play this afternoon, lending him money to do it, which is a fallacy that I have found now once, to avoyde my vowe with, but never to be more practised I swear, and to the new play, at the Duke's house, of Henry the Fifth; a most noule play, writ by my Lord Orrery; wherein Betterton, Harris, and Ianthe's parts are most incomparably wrote and done, and the whole play the most full of height and raptures of wit and sense, that ever I heard; having but one incongruity, or what did not please me in it, that is, that King Harry promises to plead for Tudor to their Mistresse, Princesse Katherine of France, more than when it comes to it he seems to do; and Tudor refused by her with some kind of indignity, not with a difficulty and honour that it ought to have been done in to him. Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, pp. 27-28: This Play was Splendidly Cloath'd: The King, in the Duke of York's Coronation Suit; Owen Tudor, in King Charle's: Duke of Burgundy, in the Lord of Oxford's, and the rest all New. It was Excellently Perform'd, and Acted 10 Days Successively


Mainpiece Title: The History Of Henry The Fifth

Performance Comment: Edition of 1669: King Henry the Fifth-Harris; Duke of Bedford-Underhill; Duke of Exeter-Cogan; Earl of Warwick-Aingel; Bishop of Canterbury-Lylinston [Lilleston]; Owen Tudor-Betterton; The Dauphin-Young; Duke of Burgundy-Smith; Earl of Chareloys-Cadiman; Constable of France-James Noke; De Chastel-Norris; Bishop of Arras-Samford; Count of Blamount-Medborne; Monsieur Colemore-Floyd; Queen of France-Mrs Long; Princess Katherine-Mrs Betterton; Princess Anne-Mrs Davis; Countess of La Marr-Mrs Norris.
Event Comment: Pepys, Diary: Sir W. Pen and my wife and Mercer and I to Polichinelly, but were there horribly frighted to see Young Killigrew come in with a great many more young sparks; but we hid ourselves, so as we think they did not see us. By and by they went away, and then we were at rest again; and so, the play being done


Mainpiece Title: Puppetry

Event Comment: The King's Company. In L. C. 5@139, p. 129, the play is given on one list as The Silent Woman on another list for the same day, The Scornful Lady. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 343


Mainpiece Title: The Scornful Lady

Performance Comment: . the cast may be that in Downes (p. 6): Elder Loveless-Burt; Younger Loveless-Kynaston; Welford-Hart; Sir Roger-Lacy; The Lady-Mrs Rebecca? Marshal; Martha-Mrs Rutter; Abigail-Mrs Corey.
Role: Younger Loveless Actor: Kynaston
Role: The Lady Actor: Mrs Rebecca? Marshal
Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: And my wife, and by coach to the King's playhouse, and meeting Creed took him up, and there saw The Scornfull Lady well acted; Doll Common [Mrs Corey] doing Abigail most excellently, and Knipp the widow very well, and will be an excellent actor, I think. In other parts the play not so well done as used to be, by the old actors. Anon to White Hall by coach, thinking to have seen a play there to-night, but found it a mistake, so back again


Mainpiece Title: The Scornful Lady

Performance Comment: See16661210 l666 Elder Loveless-Burt?; Younger Loveless-Kynaston?; Welford-Hart?; Sir Roger-Lacy?; The Lady-Mrs Rebecca? Marshal?; Martha-Mrs Rutter?; Abigail-Mrs Cory; Widow-Mrs Knipp.
Role: Younger Loveless Actor: Kynaston?
Role: The Lady Actor: Mrs Rebecca? Marshal?
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. It is not certain this is the first performance, but it may well have been. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@139, p. 125. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 346. Pepys, Diary: Sir W. Pen and I to the Duke's house, where a new play. The King and Court there: the house full, and an act begun. And so went to the King's. Downes (p. 28): Sir Martin Marral, The Duke of New-Castle, giving Mr Dryden a bare translation of it, out of a Comedy of the Famous French Poet Monseur Moleire: He adapted the Part purposely for the Mouth of Mr Nokes, and curiously Polishing the whole....All the Parts being very Just and Exactly perform'd, specially Sir Martin and his Man, Mr Smith, and several others since have come very near him, but none Equall'd, nor yet Mr Nokes in Sir Martin: This Comedy was Crown'd with an Excellent Entry. In the Last Act at the Mask, by Mr Priest and Madam Davies; This, and Love in a Tub, got the Company more Money than any preceding Comedy


Mainpiece Title: Feign'd Innocence; Or, Sir Martin Marall

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Downes (p. 29): It took well, but Inferior to Love in a Tub. Pepys, Diary: I to the Duke of York's playhouse; where a new play of Etherige's called She Would if she Could; and though I was there by two o'clock, there was 1000 people put back that could not have room in the pit: and I at last, because my wife was there, made shift to get into the 18d. box, and there saw; but, Lord! how full was the house, and how silly the play, there being nothing in the world good in it, and few people pleased in it. The King was there; but I sat mightily behind, and could see but little, and hear not all. The play being was the Duke of Buckingham to-day openly sat in the pit; and there I found him with my Lord Buckhurst, and Sidly, and Etherige, the poet; the last of whom I did hear mightily find fault with the actors, that they were out of humour, and had not their parts perfect, and that Harris did do nothing, nor could so much as sing a ketch in it; and so was mightily concerned: while all the rest did, through the whole pit, blame the play as a silly, dull thing, though there was something very roguish and witty; but the design of the play, and end, mighty insipid. Thomas Shadwell, Preface to The Humorists (1671): The last (viz.) imperfect Action, had like to have destroy'd She Would if she could, which I think (and I have the Authority of some of the best Judges in England for't) is the best Comedy that has been written since the Restauration of the Stage: And even that, for the imperfect representation of it at first, received such prejudice, that, had it not ben for the favour of the Court, in all probability it had never got up again; and it suffers for it, in a great measure, to this very day


Mainpiece Title: She Would If She Could

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This play is on the L. C. list, 5@139, p. 125. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 347. Pepys, Diary, 31 May: At the play at court the other night, Mrs Davis was there; and when she was to come to dance her jigg, the Queene would not stay to see it, which people do think it was out of displeasure at her being the King's whore, that she could not bear it


Mainpiece Title: She Would If She Could

Event Comment: The King's Company. See 3 March 1668@9 for another play acted(on a Wednesday in Lent by the young players. Langbaine, (English Dramatick Poets, p. 208): Coxcomb, a Comedy, which was reviv'd at the Theatre-Royal, the Prologue being spoken by Jo. Haines. Pepys, Diary: To the King's playhouse, and there saw The Coxcomb, the first time acted, but an old play, and a silly one, being acted only by the young people


Mainpiece Title: The Coxcomb

Event Comment: Newsletter, 7 April: Last evening their Majesties were diverted with a comedy acted at St James's by the little young ladies of the Court, who appeared extraordinarily glorious and covered with jewels (HMC, Fleming MSS. 12th Report, VII, 70). This may have been a performance of The Faithful Shepherdess which was entered by Richard Boyle, Earl of Burlington, in his diary, 2 April 1670 [error for 6 April (?)]: I saw Lady Mary, daughter of the Duke of York, and many young ladies act the Faithful Shepherdess very finely (Diary, Volume V, in Chatsworth. I owe this entry to Professor Kathleen Lynch). In Covent Garden Drollery, 1672 (ed. G. Thorn-Drury), p. 68, is an Epilogue spoken by the Lady Mary Mordaunt, before the King and Queen at court, to the Faithful Shepherdess. As Lady Mary was then about twelve, this Epilogue seems to confirm the possibility that the play was The Faithful Shepherdess acted by amateurs


Event Comment: The King's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but, as the companies were probably silenced to at least the end of July, and the play was entered in the Stationers' Register, 12 Sept. 1670, it was probably acted in August 1670. The Dedication tends to confirm this with the statement: in spight of a dead Vacation


Mainpiece Title: The Roman Empress

Performance Comment: Edition of 1671: Valentius-Mohun; Florus-Kynaston; Honorius-Bell; Statilius-Lyddel; Macrinus-Beeston; Servilius-Harris; Carbo-Littlewood; Fulvia-The young Mrs Rebecca? Marshall; Antonia-Mrs Kneap; Hostilius-Watson; Arsenius-Cartwright; Aurelia-Mrs Boutell; Sophonia-Mrs Cory.
Role: Fulvia Actor: The young Mrs Rebecca? Marshall
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. lists at Harvard. See VanLennep, "Plays on the English Stage", p. 16. Whether this is the premiere is not known. A song, Amintas that true-hearted swain, with music by John Bannister, is in Choice Ayres, Songs, and Dialogues, 2d. Ed., 1675. Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, p. 34: The Jealous Bridegroom, Wrote by Mrs Bhen, a good Play and lasted six Days; but this made its Exit too, to give Room for a greater. The Tempest. Note, In this Play, Mr Otway the Poet having an Inclination to turn Actor; Mrs Bhen gave him the King in the Play, for a Probation Part, but he being not us'd to the Stage; the full House put him to such a Sweat and Tremendous, Agony, being dash't, spoilt him for an Actor


Mainpiece Title: The Forc'd Marriage; Or, The Jealous Bridegroom

Performance Comment: Edition of 1671: Prologue-; Epilogue-a Woman; King-Westwood [ThomasOtway, however, played it the first night]; Philander-Smith; Alcippus-Betterton; Orgulious?-Norris; Alcander-Young; Pisaro-Cademan; Fallatius-Angel; Cleontius-Crosby; Gallatea-Mrs Jennings; Erminia-Mrs Betterton; Aminta-Mrs Wright; Olinda-Mrs Lee; Isilia-Mrs Clough.
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but the play was entered in the Stationers' Register, 18 Nov. 1670, and was probably performed not long before that date. Preface: The misfortune it had in having some of the Parts ill and imperfectly performed, as also the laying down of it, the sixth day of its being presented, when the Audience was very near as considerable, as the first day it was Acted, as also an intermission hitherto occasioned by the long absence of some principal Actresses, could not but prejudice the esteem it gain'd


Mainpiece Title: The Women's Conquest

Performance Comment: Edition of 1671: The First Prologue. Enter-Angel, Underhill, . Enter Noakes; The Second Prologue-personated like Ben Johnson rising from below.; The Third Prologue-; Tysamnes-Harris; Bassanes-Young; Foscaris-William? Smith; Andrages-Crosby; Toxaris-Standford; Alvanes-Cademan; Araxis-Norris; Draxanes-Adams; Eumenes-Westwood; Parisatis-Mrs Betterton; Mandana-Mrs Long; Statyra-Mrs Johnson; Clarina-Mrs Shadwell; Melvissa-Mrs Dixon; Doranthe-Mrs Lee; Cydanene-Mrs Lilborne; Renone-Mrs Wright; Epilogue-the Queen of Amazons.
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. lists at Harvard. See VanLennep, "Plays on the English Stage", p. 18: The New Utopia. There is no indication as to whether this performance was the premiere. The Preface refers to malice against the plays, and the edition of 1671 has a poem: To the Author of the New Utopia. On the Miscarriage of his Play in Acting


Mainpiece Title: The Six Days' Adventure; Or, The New Utopia

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. lists at Harvard. See VanLennep, "Plays on the English Stage", p. 17. There is no indication as to whether this is the premiere. The play was licensed 6 March 1670 [1671]. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 27) refers to it as being the first "new Play" acted at Dorset Garden in 1666, an error as to both place and time of presentation. Downes adds: All the other Parts, being perfectly well Acted, Succeeded six Days with a full Audience. It seems unlikely that Cambyses was given six days consecutively at this time. A performance of The Forc'd Marriage on Monday 9 Jan. 1670@1 and one of The Humorists on Saturday 14 Jan. 1670@1 do not permit six uninterrupted days for Cambyses at this time


Mainpiece Title: Cambyses, King Of Persia

Performance Comment: Edition of 1671 Cambyses-Betterton; Prexaspes-Harris; Otanes-Crosby; Darius-Smith; Artaban-Norris; Osiris-Mrs Long; Smerdis-Medbourne; Parasithes-Sandford; Theramnes-Young; Phedima-Mrs Jennings; Orinda-Mrs Dixon; Mandana-Mrs Betterton; Prologue-; Epilogue-.
Role: Parasithes Actor: Sandford
Role: Theramnes Actor: Young
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but the Preface suggests that it was given first in the summer; the fact that part of the Duke's Company was at Oxford in July makes June a probable time. Preface: It had the misfortune to be brought into the world in a time, when the Dog-star was near his Reign, and my Judges sat in a hot Bath, rather than a Theatre, and were doubly persecuted by the heat of the weather, and the Impertinence of the Poet; and which was the worst mishap, when the most candid, as well as the most Illustrious Judges (I mean the Court) were absent. A song, Lo behold a sea of tears, with music by John Bannister, for this play, is Choice Ayres and Songs, The First Book, 1673


Mainpiece Title: Juliana; Or, The Princess Of Poland

Performance Comment: Edition of 1671: Cardinal-Harris; Ladislaus-Betterton; Demetrius-Young; Sharnofsky-Smith; Ossolinsky-Bamfield; Cassonofsky-Sandford; Colimsky-Norris; Landlord-Angel; Theodore-Metburn; Alexey-Crosby; Battista-Westwood; Juliana-Mrs Betterton; Paulina-Mrs Long; Joanna-Mrs Shadwel; The Prologue-; The Epilogue-Paulina, Landlord.
Role: Theodore Actor: Metburn
Role: The Prologue Actor:
Role: The Epilogue Actor: Paulina, Landlord.
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 32) states: The first new Play Acted there, was King Charles the VIII. of France; it was all new Cloath'd, yet lasted but 6 Days together, but 'twas Acted now and then afterwards. Two songs for this play, Too justly alas, set by James Hart, and O love if e'er thou'lt ease a heart, set by Pelham Humphrey, are in Choice Songs and Ayres, First Book, 1673


Mainpiece Title: The History Of Charles The Eighth Of France; Or, The Invasion Of Naples Of The French

Performance Comment: Edition of 1672: The Prologue-; Alphonso-Metbourn; Ferdinand-Harris; Prince of Salerne-Smith; Ascanio-Young; Trivultio-Sandford; Gonsalvo-Burford; Ghost-Cademan; Charles the Eighth-Batterton; Lewis-Crosby; Mompensier-Norris; Isabella-Mrs Batterton; Cornelia-Mrs Slaughter; Irene-Mrs Shadwell; Julia-Mrs Dixon; Epilogue-.
Role: The Prologue Actor:
Role: Charles the Eighth Actor: Batterton
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. lists at Harvard. See VanLennep, Plays on the English Stage, p. 19


Mainpiece Title: The Duchess Of Malfi

Performance Comment: The edition of 1678 contains a cast which corresponds to the Duke's Company at this time: Ferdinand-Harris; Cardinal-Young; Antonio-Smith; Delio-Midburn [Medbourne]; Bosola-Betterton; Castruchio-Richards; Sylvio-Cademan; Pescara-Norris; Malateste-Price; Roderigo-Cogun; Grisolan-Percival; Dutchess of Malfey-Mrs Betterton; Cariola-Mrs Norris; Old Lady-Mrs Osborn; Julia-Mrs Shadwell.
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 2. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 347. There is no certainty that this is the premiere. A song, A heart in love's empire, with music by Robert Smith, and another, Let's drink dear friends, set by Thomas? Farmer, are in Choice Songs and Ayres, The First Book, 1673. The Dedication in the edition of 1672 is to Prince Rupert and states: tho' of thirty times it has been acted, you seldom fail'd to honour it with your presence. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 32): The next new Comedy [at dg] was the Mamamouchi, or the Citizen turn'd Gentleman, Wrote by Mr Ravenscroft [cast as in edition of 1672 except French Tutor and Singing Master, by Mr Haines: (He having Affronted Mr Hart, he gave him a Discharge and then came into our House)]; This Comedy was look[ed] upon by the Criticks for a Foolish Play; yet it continu'd Acting 9 Days with a full House; upon the Sixth the House being very full: The Poet added 2 more Lines to his Epilogue, viz. @The Criticks came to Hiss, and Dam this Play,@Yet spite of themselves they can't keep away.@ However, Mr Nokes in performing the Mamomouchi pleas'd the King and Court, next Sir Martin, above all Plays


Mainpiece Title: The Citizen Turned Gentleman

Performance Comment: Edition of 1672: Mr Jorden-Nokes; Young Jorden-Cademan; Mr Cleverwit-Crosby; Sir Simon Softhead-Underhil; Trickmore-Harris; Cureal-Sandford; Maistre Jaques-Angel; Lucia-Mrs Bitterton; Marina-Mrs Burroughs; Betty Trickmore-Mrs Leigh; Prologue-; Epilogue-. See also below.
Role: Sir Simon Softhead Actor: Underhil
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. There is no certainty that this date represents the premiere. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 2. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 347. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, pp. 33-34): Loves Jealousy, and The Morning Ramble. Written by Mr Nevil Pain. Both were very well Acted, but after their first run, were laid aside, to make Room for others; the Company having then plenty of new Poets. Two songs, Ah Corydon in vain you boast and Some happy soul come down and tell, both set by Robert Smith, are in Choice Songs and Ayres, The First Book, 1673


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Jealousie

Performance Comment: Edition of 1673: Don Antonio-Smith; Don Gerardo-Medburn; Don Francisco-Young; Don Sebastian-Crosby; Jasper-Sandford; Pedro-Burford; Servant-Norris; Captain of the Watch-Nath. Leigh; Caelia-Mrs Shadwel; Eugenia-Mrs Betterton; Flora-Mrs Osborn; Nurse-Nokes; Witch-Mrs Norris; Prologue-Smith; Epilogue-Harris.
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@142, p. 81: At the Man of Mode. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 348. Nell Gwyn also attended this performance. See VanLennep, Nell Gwyn's Playgoing, p. 407. It is uncertain whether this is the premiere, but the licensing date of 3 June 1676 suggests that the first production may have occurred at this time. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 36): This Comedy being well Cloath'd and well Acted, got a great deal of Money. One song, As Amoret with Phyllis sat, the words by Sir Car Scroope and the music by Nicholas Staggins, is in Choice Ayres and Songs, The Second Book, 1679; another, When first Amintas charmed my heart, the music by Staggins, is in the same collection, Fifth Book, 1684. John Dennis: I remember very well that upon the first acting this Comedy, it was generally believed to be an agreeable Representation of the Persons of Condition of both both Sexes, both in Court and Town; and that all the World was charm'd with Dorimont (A Defence of Sir Fopling Flutter, 1722, p. 18). For the full text of Dennis' discussion of this play, see The Critical Works of John Dennis, ed. E. N. Hooker (Baltimore, 1943), II, 241-50


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode; Or, Sir Fopling Flutter

Performance Comment: Edition of 1676: Prologue [by Sir Car Scroope Baronet-; Epilogue [by Mr Dryden-; [Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 36): Dorimant-Betterton; Medly-Harris; Sir Fopling-Smith; Old Bellair-Leigh; Young Bellair-Jevon; Mrs Loveit-Mrs Barry [possibly she did not play this role at the premiere but succeeded another actress, such as Mrs Mary Lee]; Bellinda-Mrs Betterton; Lady Woodvill-Mrs Leigh; Emilia-Mrs Twiford.
Related Works
Related Work: The Man of Mode; or, Sir Fopling Flutter Author(s): Sir George Etherege
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@143, p. 162; on a similar list (L. C. 5@145, p. 120) the date is given as 25 May, but the second list may have been compiled from the first one and subject to error. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 349. There is no indication that this is the first production, but the Epilogue refers to the shortly expected "long Vacation," a suggestion that the premiere came in May. The play was not licensed until 29 Aug. 1678


Mainpiece Title: The Counterfeits

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The date of the first production is not known, but the fact that Narcissus Luttrell purchased a copy on 22 March 1679@80 suggests that the premiere occurred not later than February. A copy, with Luttrell's date of purchase, is in the Ohio State University Library. (I am indebted to Professor J. H. Wilson for this information.


Mainpiece Title: The Misery Of Civil-war

Performance Comment: Edition of 1680: Prologue-; King Henry the Sixth-Joseph Williams; Richard Plantagenet-David Williams; Edward-Smith; George, Duke of Clarence-Bowman; Richard-Gillow; Earl of Warwick-Batterton; Old Lord Clifford-Percival; Young Clifford-Wiltshire; Queen Margaret-Mrs Leigh [Mrs Mary Lee]; Lady Grey-Mrs Batterton; Lady Eleanor Butler-Mrs Currer; Epilogue-.
Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but the play was licensed 6 April 1687 in the Stationers' Register, 24 May 1687. The play was probably given first in March, as the Prologue refers to the speaking head, which was mentioned in the Newdigate newsletters (Folger Shakespeare Library), 26 March 1687: A Country man haveing invented a head & soe contrived it that whatever language or tune you speak in the Mouth of it it Repeated distinctly and Audibly. [I owe this reference to Professor John Harold Wilson]


Mainpiece Title: The Emperour Of The Moon