SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Two American Princes"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Two American Princes")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 1796 matches on Event Comments, 1382 matches on Performance Title, 976 matches on Performance Comments, 402 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: Benefit Coe. For the Entertainment of Kausan Abon Assaf and Nassar Junes, two Princes just arriv'd from Mount Labano in Syria. Receipts: money #10 7s. 6d.; tickets #57 14s


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Dance: Lally, Pelling, Newhouse, Jones, Mrs Rogeir, Mrs Bullock, Miss Hutton; Hornpipe-Jones; Lads and Lasses-; Shepherd and Shepherdess-; Burgomaster and his Frow-

Event Comment: Benefit Mrs Oldfield. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. No Persons to be admitted into the Boxes, or behind the Scenes, but by printed tickets at 5s. Two Benches of the Pit to be rail'd in, at the Price of the Boxes. [The King and the Prince and Princess present.


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Dance: Shaw, Mrs Booth, Mrs Younger

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Not Acted these Ten Yeats. Written by the late Sir John Vanbrugh. Afterpiece: A Masque in Two Interludes. Receipts: #76 10s. Probable attendance: boxes, 74 paid and 17 by orders; balcony, 1 paid; pit, 218 paid and 20 by orders; slips, 11 paid and 14 by orders; first gallery, 161 paid and 7 by orders; second gallery, 101 paid. The Prince and Princess of Wales present


Mainpiece Title: The Mistake

Afterpiece Title: Pan and Syrinx

Dance: Dancing proper to the Masque-Nivelon, Salle, DuPre, Lally, Pelling, Newhouse, Lanyon, DuPre Jr, Mrs Laguerre, Mrs Bullock, Mrs Pelling, Mrs Ogden

Event Comment: By Command of His Royal Highness. Benefit Miss Holliday. Afterpiece: A New Pastoral Ballad Opera of one Act [Author unknown]. Receipts: money #47 16s.; tickets #123 13s. [Prince and two of three eldest Princesses present.] Gentleman's Magazine, I (1731), 216: Miss Holliday...received from the Royal Family, over and above the usual Present, a large Gold Medal, weighing about 50 Guineas, with the Bust of her Majesty as Electress of Hanover on each Side


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Afterpiece Title: The Judgment of Paris; or, The Triumph of Beauty

Dance: SShepherds and Shepherdesses by Nivelon-Nivelon, Newhouse, Pelling, Dupre Jr, Mrs Laguerre, Mrs Bullock, Mrs Ogden, Miss LaTour; Chacone-Dupre, Mrs Pelling

Event Comment: The Undertakers for the Opera have this Day finished the Fifty Representations for which they were engaged this Year, but not having been able to complete the like Number for the last Year, have therefore appointed Two more Representations...on which Days the several Subscribers for this and the last Year, will have Tickets delivered them at the Office Gratis, or at the Door. [Prince of Wales present.


Mainpiece Title: Rodelinda

Event Comment: [T$Their Majesties, Prince, and two eldest Princesses present.


Mainpiece Title: Sosarmes

Event Comment: [T$Their Majesties, Prince, and two eldest Princesses present.


Mainpiece Title: Coriolanus

Event Comment: As 16 Dec. Receipts: #104 17s. 6d. [The Prince, Duke, and two younger Princesses present.


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Dance: As17321219

Event Comment: Daily Advertiser, 8 Nov.: Last Night there were Bonfires and Illuminations in the City, on account of the Arrival of the Prince of Orange; at [GF] there was a Bonfire also, and Beer for the Populace; the Side of the Theatre was illuminated with a great Number of Candles, and two large Triumphal Arches raised, and likewise illuminated


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Mad Captain

Dance: Masquerade Dance (composed by Thurmond): Le Petit Maitre-D'Vallois; Mlle-Miss Wherrit


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Performance Comment: music . The Vocal Parts by Gentlemen, particularly a new Hampstead Song, compos'd by Mr Seedo, for two French Horns, Violins, Hautboys, &c. The Instrumental by the best Hands. The Violin Concertino by Capt Dupar, Scholar to the late celebrated Signor Corelli, and late Musick Master to his present Highness the Prince of Orange. With several Pieces of his own composing, for the Violin and Harpsichord. The Concert will consist of three Acts .
Event Comment: By Command of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales [who were present]. Pit and Boxes put together at half a guinea each. First Gallery 5s. Upper Gallery 2s. 6d. London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 8 Nov.: The Box in which their Royal Highnesses sat, was of white Sattin, beautifully Ornamented With Festons of flowers, in their proper Colours, and in Front was a flaming Heart, between two Hymeneal Torches, whose different Flames terminated in one Point, and were surmounted with a Label, on which were wrote, in Letters of Gold, these Words, Mutuus Ardor


Mainpiece Title: Alcina

Event Comment: Benefit Mrs Porter. By Command of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales. Written by the late Mr Congreve. The Pit and Front Boxes will be laid together at 5s. Servants may keep Places on the Stage, Side-Boxes, and the two Corner Front-Boxes on each Side of the Pit


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Event Comment: By Command of Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales [who were present]. Mainpiece: Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. Afterpiece: Written by the Author of the Toy Shop. [For a letter on the disputes between the footmen and the gentlemen, see Grub St. Journal, 17 March.] [There is in the Bennett Collection, I, 93, in the Birmingham Library, an exceptionally curious advance notice for a performance to be given at Drury Lane soon after Easter of The Conscious Lovers and The Devil to Pay, with no cast for either play in the bill. The announcement appears to refer to the spring of 1737 and presumably appeared around the middle of March. It is intended for the benefit of a Widow under Misfortunes and the bill bears the heading: Gift and Pleasure. According to the announcement, the widow has been left Italian pictures, antiqees, jewels, and precious stones; and she intends, for the encouragement of her benefactors, to make a gift of all the objects, which will be placed in three hundred parcels. Tickets for the performance are advertised at five shillings, and no one is to be admitted without a ticket. The pit and boxes are to be put together at two tickets for each person, and the first and second galleries are placed together at one ticket for each spectator. The tickets are not to be left with the door-keepers as usual, but only shewn and kept. On the day following the benefit a raffle will be held, by Mr Foubert's Patent Mathematical Machine, at Hickford's Great Room in Brewers Street, Golden Square, and only holders of tickets will be admitted to the raffle, After this entry was set, an advertisement was found in the Daily Advertiser, 18 April 1738, announcing this performance for 13 May 1738. The Daily Advertiser on 5 May 1738, however, announced that the proposed performance had been cancelled.


Mainpiece Title: The Scornful Lady

Afterpiece Title: The King and the Miller of Mansfield

Event Comment: [T$Their Majesties, Prince and Princess of Wales, Duke, and two eldest Princesses present.


Mainpiece Title: Sabrina

Event Comment: Mainpiece: By Particular Desire. My oath & Mrs Simson's appear'd in ye G: Advertiser, & Mr Fitzpatrick now swore (in ye Inspector) to what before he had given his Honour to--when Woodward appear'd in ye Pant: great Noise, he said gentlemen, if you think the two affidavids to-day not sufficient I will corroberate 'em on Monday with six or Seven more. quiet on Sunday Mr Fitz: waited on Lord Chamberlain, to complain of Woodward's Insolence, my Lord sent for Garrick who told ye whole Story; & upon Mr Fitz owing he threw an apple at him, my Lord said, that act put upon a Footing with ye lowest, & judg'd him the Agressor,--upon wch Fitz; desir'd all affidavids &c shoul'd cease & he wou'd drop his resentment. which was done (Cross). Receipts: #100 (Cross). [In the General Advertiser appeared (1) Letter to the Public from Woodward disclaiming any note of insolence, and accusing Fitzpatrick of having a bad memory; (2) an Affidavit from Cross that he was present and heard Woodward say distincly "Sir I thank you," without any air of menace. He heard this from his prompter's seat "next adjoining the Stage box call'd the Prince of Wale's box"; (3) an Affidavit from Mrs Elizabeth Simson, who was standing in the "First entrance next the stage door, on the Prompter's side," that she heard what Cross Heard and no more, and understood no air of Menace to be present. In the General Advertiser also appeared a letter from one T. C. explaining the approach of Birnam Wood to Dunsinane in Macbeth on the basis of a story told him by a Scots Laird of a nearby castle, to the effect that the Clans used to distinguish themselves in battle by sprays from different trees attached to their bonnets. From this T. C. developed a theory that Macbeth's experience was one of historical face rather tahn a figment of Shakespeare's imagination.


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Event Comment: Benefit for Wood, Sub-Treasurer. Tickets deliver'd out for The Mistake will be taken (playbill). For ye Morocco Embassador, who, tho' unlearn'd in out Language, behav'd as if he understood nature -Mr Wood, the Subtreasurer had Tickets (Cross). [Mrs Frances Brooke, in The Old Maid, for 8 May 1756, gives the following eye-witness account of the evening: "I determined to watch the artless working of [the Ambassador's] surprise, and to catch, as well as I could his sentiments of the theatre, the Audience, the Play, and the performers. And shall give them to my readers, just as they appeared to me. On his first coming to the front of the Box, he was complimented with the Applause of the whole House, which seemed to give him great pleasure, and which he returned by two bows in the English, and afterwards by a reverence in the Moorish manner, which last I thought very graceful...tho' he is rather low of stature, yet his loose flowing robes, and his manner altogether gave him such an air of superiority, that I thought the Audience looked only like his attendants. "The House and Spectators attracted his notice so much for some time, that he seem'd very well entertained before the drawing up of the curtain. At the first scene between the Lords, I thought he looked disappointed, and after a transient view of the stage, directed his eyes again to the company; at the entrance of King Henry his attention was a little recover'd to the performance, but his majesty had not proceeded half way thru the scene, before he burst into a most immoderate fit, of apparently contemptuous laughter, which he repeated very often thro' the whole playing of the part. The manner in which this stranger was affected by it, amongst other considerations, fully convinces me that this character is most ridiculously burlesqued in the representation, and that both Shakespeare and the Monarch are very inhumanly sacrificed, to the polite taste, and elegant distinction of the upper gallery....I could point out many abuses of the like nature, which have increased upon us so much of late, that 'tis almost impossible to attend the theatres, with the expectation of receiving pleasure from some parts of the perfbrmance, without the certainty of suffering equal disgust from others; it was the case of many besides myself, at this of Henry, upon the absurdity of Winchester's brandishing his cane at Canterbury, upon the close of the Council Scene; and yet to give opportunity for this notable stage foolery, the Archbishop and Bishop are both made to walk out of their proper order, tho' in attendance upon the King....His character is drawn by Shakespeare very nearly as it stands in history, and in colours far different from the farcical ones, in which it is the present fashion to represent it. He is described indeed as imperious, but at the same time a great Monarch, and not withstanding his short interjections of anger, he is in my judgment upon every occasion a King. I wish this consideration may prevail with Mr Berry, when he plays this character for the future, to remember that tho' Harry as well as Jobson may be something rough and boistrous, yet the turbulency of a haughty prince, is a very different quality, and must therefore appear in avery different fashion, from the sawciness of an impudent cobbler. "Whatever neglect his Moorish Excellency might discover of this part, he paid great attention to that of Queen Catherine; but nothing seem'd to affect him so stronglyas Miss Young's singing, at which he appeared quite collected, and listened to her with all marks of rapturous admiration; his whole soul appeared touched, and at the end of the song, he joined the house in clapping, a mark of applause I did not observe him give at any other time. "I thought upon the King's kissing Anna Bullen, that he appeared surprized and offended, and looked about, to observe whether others were not affected in the same manner. "The procession was less marked by him than I had expected, but upon the Champion's entry on horseback, he burst into such an Immoderate fit of laughter, as to fall quite back in his seat. "At the end of the play he rose, as if to leave the House, but looked very well pleased upon being informed there was more entertainment to come; in the Pantomime he seem'd surprized and disgusted at the appearance of Harlequin, to whom he did not appear reconciled to the last; his wonder was still greater at the flying of the Genii cross the stage, and other parts of the machinery, which I thought he studied byt was puzzled to account for. He laughed heartily at the Clown, and admired Colombine not a little.... "I am jealous of the honour of my country in all respects. I would have this stranger leave it with as high opinion of our publick entertainments as possible, and could wish that at the Old House, he might see Mr Garrick in Richard or some equally striking part, and at the New, he may be present at plays, where rich dresses, magnificent show and graceful action, and uncommon personal perfections in the principal performers might contribute to give him a more elevated idea of our stage, than he can have receiv'd from King Harry."] Receipts: #210 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Viii

Afterpiece Title: The Genii

Event Comment: [The playbill assigns the Dauphin to Barrymore but, "Benson performed the Dauphin instead of Barrymore" (Thespian Magazine, Nov. 1792, p. 125). It is not stated who acted Duke of Gloster; doubling these two parts is not likely.] Account-Book: Paid The Prince of Wales's Porter for Performances in Cymon [on 31 Dec. 1791, et seq.] #13 10s. Receipts: #169 9s. 6d. (118.6.6; 46.8.0; 4.15.0)


Mainpiece Title: At King's King Henry The Fifth; Or, The Conquest Of France

Performance Comment: King Henry-Kemble; Duke of Gloster-Benson?; Duke of Bedford-Dignum; Duke of Exeter-Aickin; E. of Westmoreland-Sedgwick; Archbp. of Canterbury-Maddocks; Bishop of Ely-Jones; Cambridge-Webb; Scroop-Cooke; Grey-Bland; Erpingham-Waldron; Gower-R. Palmer; Nym-Burton; Fluellen-Baddeley; Bardolph-Alfred; Boy-Master Gregson; Pistol-Suett; Williams-Whitfield; Bates-Banks; King of France-Packer; Dauphin-Benson; Duke of Burgundy-Phillimore; Constable-Fawcett; Governor-Hollingsworth; Montjoy-Caulfield; Queen of France-Mrs Ward; Princess Katharine-Miss Collins; Hostess-Mrs Booth.

Afterpiece Title: The Liar

Event Comment: Ode: In two Parts. Principal Instrumental Performers as 20 Feb., but omitted: Bridgtower, Archer, Mahon, Lavenu, Napier, Simpson. Mr Ashley is exceedingly concerned that he is under the necessity of informing the Public that the Anthem [The Anthem that will be performed at the Chapel Royal, St. James's, on the Nuptials oF his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and the Princess Caroline of Brunswick, composed by Handel, to conclude with the Hallelujah Chorus from The Messiah (advance playbill of 25 Feb.)] advertised for this Evening is necessarihy postponed until the Royal Marriage shall have taken place


Mainpiece Title: Alexander's Feast; Grand Selection 0

Afterpiece Title: A Grand Miscellaneous Act


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: I: Overture by Carbonell-; Cantata by Arrigoni-Arrigoni; Concerto by St.Martini-St.Martini; Solo on violoncello by St.Martini-Pasqualino; Concerto by Carbonell-; II: Two Songs-Arrigoni; Solo on Hautboy by St.Martini-St. Martini; Concerto on Lute by Arrigoni-Arrigoni; Solo on Violin by Carbonell-; Two Songs by Arrigoni-Arrigoni; Concerto, with two Hautboys and two French Horns, by Carbonell-Anthony, Rash

Performance Comment: Martini=-St.Martini; Solo on violoncello by St.Martini-Pasqualino; Concerto by Carbonell-; II: Two Songs-Arrigoni; Solo on Hautboy by St.Martini-St. Martini; Concerto on Lute by Arrigoni-Arrigoni; Solo on Violin by Carbonell-; Two Songs by Arrigoni-Arrigoni; Concerto, with two Hautboys and two French Horns, by Carbonell-Anthony, Rash.
Role: Two Songs Actor: Arrigoni
Role: Two Songs by Arrigoni Actor: Arrigoni
Event Comment: Benefit Author of Chrononhotonthologos. Note, the Author gives out no Tickets (a few Boxes excepted) depending intirely upon the Courtesy of the Town. Egmont, Diary, II, 40: After dinner I went to the Haymarket playhouse, where among other representations I saw the strong man show one of his feats. Two chairs were placed on the stage at such a distance as that laying himself along, his head and a small part of his shoulders rested on one, and his feet on the other, so that his body and legs were suspended in the air. Then six grown men (two of whom I observed to be remarkably tall) go up, and stood perpendicular upon his body, two on his chest, two on his body, and two on his legs. He bore them all a quarter of a minute, and bending his body downward till it almost touched the ground between the chairs, with a surprising spring and force raised his body with all that weight upon it, not only level as he lay at first, but higher in the air. The mob of the gallery not satisfied with this, hissed, whereupon he refused to show any other of his tricks


Mainpiece Title:

Entertainment: The strong Man from Islington (not in Defiance to Mynheer Cajanus) as was Yesterday improperly advertis'd, but out of good Will to the Author, and to oblige the Audience, for that Night only, will perform several surprizing proofs of Manly Strength, unequall'd yet by any

Event Comment: Robert Morris saw this play, but does not state where. It was later given, on 29 Sept., at HAY. See Beverly McAnear, "An American in London, 1735-1736," Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, LXIV (1940), 376


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Bottle

Event Comment: [Henry is identified in playbill of 15 Nov. He had been acting in America since 1767 (Dictionary of American Biography); and see 18 Apr. 1780.] "We cannot but object to [his] calling handkerchief hand-kercher, according to the old Saxon termination. Perhaps he may be justifiable [sic] on the strict rules of etymology, but singularity always looks like affectation" (Morning Chronicle, 18 Oct.). Receipts: #109 2s. 6d. (91.15.0; 17.2.0; 0.5.6)


Mainpiece Title: Othello

Afterpiece Title: The Elopement

Event Comment: Benefit for Miss Phillips. [As mainpiece the playbill announces The Fair American, but on the Kemble playbill it is deleted. Its substitute is listed in the Account-Book.] Receipts: #225 0s. 6d. (107/7/0; 19/9/0; 0/4/6; tickets: 98/0/0) (charge: #106 10s. 6d.)


Mainpiece Title: The Maid Of The Mill

Afterpiece Title: The Quaker

Dance: As17821214

Song: End of Act I of mainpiece Gramacbree Molly; End of mainpiece The Soldier tir'd of War's Alarms, both by Miss Phillips


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Afterpiece Title: The Enchanted Castle

Performance Comment: [Partial cast from score (Longman and Broderip 1787]), and Morning Chronicle, 27 Dec.: Magicians-Darley, Cubitt; Necromancer-Davies; Harlequin-Brown; Zany-Wewitzer; Ballad Singer-Gaudry (who sang "The American Ballad" [i.e. Yankee Doodle]); Hymen-Mrs Martyr; Colombine-Miss Wilkinson; [Larpent MS also lists: Genius of the Wood-; Animals-; Crier-; Shewman-; Master of the Quay-; Mayor-; Giants-; Judge-; Councillor-; Goaler-; Boatman-; Neptune-; Dr Graham-; Bailiff-; Bacchanal-; Nymphs-.


Mainpiece Title: The Cheats Of Scapin

Afterpiece Title: The Comical Rivals; or, The School Boy

Music: As17030423

Dance: The Devonshire Girl, being now upon her Return to the City of Exeter, will perform three several Dances, particularly her last New Entry in Imitation of Mademoiselle Subligni, Whip of Dunboyn by Mr Claxton, her Master-The Devonshire Girl; ...And at the desire of several Persons of Quality (hearing that Mr Pinkeman hath hired the two famous French Girls lately arriv'd from the Emperor's Court), They will perform several Dances on the Rope upon the Stage, being improv'd to that Degree, far exceeding all others in that Art.-two famous French Girls; Newest Humours of Harlequin , as perform'd by him before the Grand Signior at Constantinople-father of two famous French Girls; Also the Famous Mr Evans, lately arriv'd from Vienna, will shew you Wonders of another kind, Vaulting on the Manag'd Horse, being the greatest Master of that kind in the World-Mr Evans

Performance Comment: ..And at the desire of several Persons of Quality (hearing that Mr Pinkeman hath hired the two famous French Girls lately arriv'd from the Emperor's Court), They will perform several Dances on the Rope upon the Stage, being improv'd to that Degree, far exceeding all others in that Art.-two famous French Girls; Newest Humours of Harlequin , as perform'd by him before the Grand Signior at Constantinople-father of two famous French Girls; Also the Famous Mr Evans, lately arriv'd from Vienna, will shew you Wonders of another kind, Vaulting on the Manag'd Horse, being the greatest Master of that kind in the World-Mr Evans.