SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Theatres Royal London"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Theatres Royal London")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 3936 matches on Event Comments, 1330 matches on Performance Title, 826 matches on Performance Comments, 1 matches on Roles/Actors, and 0 matches on Author.


Mainpiece Title: The Separate Maintenance

Afterpiece Title: GRETNA GREEN

Music: Books of the Songs to be had at the Theatre

Song: As17830613


Mainpiece Title: Inkle And Yarico

Afterpiece Title: The Little Hunchback

Dance: End II: As17891013; End: The Guardian Outwitted (1st time at this theatre)-Byrne, Boyce, Ratchford, the two Miss Simonets. [This was 1st performed at the king's, 11 Jan. 1783, as Le Tuteur Trompe.


Mainpiece Title: He Wou'd Be A Soldier

Afterpiece Title: Love in a Camp

Song: End IV: The Group of Lovers; or, Beauty at her Levee (1st time at this theatre)-Munden; End: The Pleasures of the Chace-Incledon; after which Say Bonny Lass will you lie in a Garrat-, being a Parody on Say Bonny Lass, will you lie in a Barrack; Timothy Staytape-Munden; Miss Tippet-Mrs Martyr


Mainpiece Title: The Woodman

Afterpiece Title: The Frolics of an Hour

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Faustus

Song: In the course of the EveningOld Towler-Incledon

Entertainment: In the course of the Performances: Imitations of the principal Performers of both Theatres-Townsend


Mainpiece Title: Mahmoud

Afterpiece Title: A Dramatic Cento

Afterpiece Title: The Sultan

Dance: End I: (by permission of the Proprietor of the king's Theatre) the new favorite Ballet, in the Scots' Stile, Little Peggy's Love- The Pantomime, Principal Steps by Didelot; the Principal Characters the Dancers of the Opera House: Didelot, Gentili, Ms Vidi, Ms Bossi, Ms Barre, Ms Parisot, Ms Hilligsberg, Ms Rose

Song: End 3rd piece: the Finale to The Iron Chest, Harmony Harmony- being the last Composition of Storace

Event Comment: The Last Time of Performing in This Theatre. Kemble Mem.: Sheridan wrote the Address [not listed on playbill; see Gazetteer, 6 June], Palmer delivered it. Universal Magazine, June 1791, p. 438: On Saturday night, of a gradual decay, and in the 117th year of her age, died old Madam Drury, who lived through six reigns, and saw many generations pass in review before her...She had a rout of near 2000 people at her house the very night of her death; and the old lady found herself in so much spirits, that she said she would give them 'No Supper' without a 'Song'; which being complied with, she fell back gently in her chair, and expired without a groan. Dr Palmer, one of her family physicians, attended her in her last moments, and announced her dissolution to the company. [This was written by George Colman, ynger.] Gazetteer, 6 June: Samuel Johnson was powerfully and pathetically shewn the universal horror which men feel of the last even towards things indifferent, or sometimes unpleasant; and there seemed to be some apprehension of this sort of pain on Saturday, for a very few attended to take their leave of the scene where they have been so often regaled with fictitious sorrow and gladness. [This theatre was first opened on 26 March 1674. It has been altered and redecorated on several occasions, notably by the architects Robert and James Adam in the summer of 1775, for which see illustration in The London Stage, Part IV, Vol. III, 1650. The new theatre was not in readiness until April, 1794. The principal reason for the delay was that the patent had lapsed, and "it being necessary to obtain one previous to the payment of their respective sums on the part of the subscribers, application was made to Mr Harris, of Covent Garden Theatre, who possessed a dormant patent." The price set was #15,000, and the patent was sent to a banker for inspection. A Mr George White, who had married a daughter of William Powell, one of the former patentees, and had thereby a financial interest, objected to this price, and "obtained a prohibition in the Court of Chancery which obliged the banker to restore the patent to the Manager of Covent Garden Theatre." The subscribers to the new Drury Lane thereupon refused to pay their subscriptions, and work on the demolition of the old theatre was halted (London Chronicle, 30 July 1792). Sheridan finally offered #20,000: #15,000 to Harris and #5,000 to White, which was accepted, and work on the theatre was resumed, the cornerstone being laid on 4 Sept. 1792 (Morning Chronicle, 6 Sept.; London Chronicle, 12 Sept. 1792). The Actual sum eventually paid to Harris was #11,667.] Paid in lieu of Benefits: Kelly #100; Miss Farren #300; Aickin #60; Williames #42. Received from Their Majesties for Season #78. Paid Renters #20 apiece (Account-Book). Receipts: #105 5s. 6d. (74.7.0; 24.0.6; 6.18.0)


Mainpiece Title: The Country Girl

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper

Event Comment: Benefit R. Williams. Mainpiece: Not Acted these Twenty Years. On this day the Lord Mayor and the Court of Aldermen of the City presented a petition to the King seeking the suppression of the theatre in Goodman's Fields. Thomas Odell, Master of the Theatre, also appeared before His Majesty and sought royal leave to continue acting.--See Grub St. Journal, 7 May, for a summary of the events, but see also Weekly Journal or British Gazetteer and London Journal, 2 May


Mainpiece Title: The Man's Bewitch'd; Or, The Devil To Do About Her

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Turn'd Dancing-Master

Dance: TThe White Joke (new)-Eaton

Event Comment: Benefit for the London Hospital. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. 1st Gallery 2s. 2nd Gallery 1s. Places for the Boxes to be taken at the Stage Door of the Theatre; the Doors of which will be opened at 5:30, and the Performance to begin precisely at 6:30. No Money to be returned after the Curtain is drawn up, nor will any Person be admitted behind the Scenes. [Master Braham is identified in Grove. Address by Arthur Murphy (Town and Country Magazine, July 1787, p. 324).] This was the opening night of this theatre, which had been built by and was under the management of John Palmer. Following the afterpiece he explained to the audience the objections of the proprietors of dl, cg and hay to his opening the theatre. He said that he had from the Lieutenant of the Tower of London what he considered to be sufficient permission, but that he would nevertheless close the theatre temporarily. Palmer's difficulty was that he had no really legal permission from anybody for the performance of actual plays. See 3 July, and for further details the head-note to this season. World, 18 July, prints an official accoudting for this night from the theatre's treasurer: Receipts were #273 12s.; paid for music, advertisements, servants, &c. #37 10s.; lost in bad silver #1 19s.; paid the London Hospital #234 4s.; the players acted without salary


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Afterpiece Title: Miss in her Teens

Song: Between acts: The Soldier tired of War's Alarms-a little boy [Master Braham]

Entertainment: Monologue Preceding: Occasional Address-Palmer

Event Comment: Receipts: #200 7s. 6d. (Account Book). Mainpiece: With New Dresses and Decorations. [The first of a series of five performances (the last, Merchant of Venice, 18 Nov.) which got Macklin dismissed from the theatre until 1775, when his lawsuit against six persons whom he claimed formed a conspiracy to hiss him from the stage and ruin his livlihood was concluded favorably for him. His performance of Macbeth was favorably treated but with certain misgivings in the Morning Chronicle (25 Oct.), but he was mercilessly criticized in the London Evening Post and St James Chronicle: "In Act II, Sc. i, Shakespeare has made Macbeth murder Duncan; Now Mr Macklin, being determined to copy from no man, reversed this incident, and in the very first act, scene the second, murdered Macbeth." The favorable review (Morning Chronicle) thought he did well in first and last acts, but gave way to stage rant and "vehemence of energetic expression" wanting any variation in tone in between. It also pointed out a certain faulty memory of his lines. His novel stage effects came in for a paragraph of comment: The alterations in the jeux de theatre respecting the representation of this tragedy do Mr Macklin great credit. His change of the scenery is peculiarly characteristical. The Quadrangle of Macbeth's castle, and the door which is supposed to lead to Duncan's apartment (both of which are entirely new) are additions of consequence to the exhibition of the play. The door also through which Macbeth comes to the Weird Sisters, in the 4th act, is a better and more probable entrance than through the common stage portal. The dresses are new, elegant, and of a sort hitherto unknown to a London audience, but exceedingly proper. The Banquet was superbly set out, and it must be confessed that the managers seem to have spared neither cost nor assiduity to ornament and add to the effect of the representation." A favorable letter from a correspondent to the London Evening Post adds: "I must observe, Mr Printer, that from the graceful and characteristic manner in which Macbeth was introduced by the martial music and military procession, from the manner of M. Macklin's acting, from his judicious alteration of the dresses, the disposition of the scene where the King is killed, the cave of the witches in the 4th act, from the improvement of Mrs Hartley's thinking in Lady Macbeth and from her manner of speaking, which seemed plainly to be the effects of some intelligence she had received from Mr Macklin...I thought Mr Macklin deserv'd great praise." See the newspaper comments all gathered and reprinted in an Apology for the Conduct of Charles Macklin, (London, 1773). See also note to 30 Oct. See also London Chronicle, Oct. 23-26 (cf. Odell, I, 453). The Westminster Magazine suggests the performance was pitiable. "Macklin knew what he ought to do, but could not do it." The Scenemen's pay this week was about double the normal cost. (Account Book).] Verse Squibs from St James Chronicle (Oct. 1773) against Macklin: @Macbeth@"Eight Kings appear and pass over in order, and Banquo the last"@Old Quin, ere Fate suppressed his lab'ring breath@In studied accents grumbled out Macbeth:--@Next Garrick came, whose utt'rance truth impressed,@While ev'ry look the tyrant's guilt confess'd:--@Then the cold Sheridan half froze the part,@Yet what he lost by nature sav'd by art.@Tall Barry now advanc'd toward Birnam Woodv@Nor ill performed the scenes--he understood--@Grave Mossop next to Foris shaped his march@His words were minute guns, his action starch.@Rough Holland too--but pass his errors o'er@Nor blame the actor when the man's no more.@Then heavy Ross, assay'd the tragic frown,@But beef and pudding kept all meaning down:--@Next careless Smith, try'd on the Murd'rer's mask,@While o'er his tongue light tripp'd the hurried task:--@Hard Macklin, late, guilt's feelings strove to speak,@While sweats infernal drench'd his iron cheek;@Like Fielding's Kings [in Tom Thumb] his fancy'd triumphs past,@And all be boasts is, that he falls the last.@ Also from St James Chronicle:@The Witches, while living deluded Macbeth@And the Devil laid hold of his soul after death;@But to punish the Tyrant this would not content him,@So Macklin he sent on the stage to present him.


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: Thomasand Sally

Event Comment: Daily Journal, 15 April: Paris April 2. The Company belonging to the Italian Opera at London are to come and Act here during the Month of July, and to oblige the Publick with 12 several Representations at the Theatre of the Palace Royal: In Consideration of which 35000 Livres will be given to the five Principal Actors and their Charges defray's


Mainpiece Title: Erminia

Event Comment: Mainpiece: By Command of their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and Princess of Wales. This day is Publish'd The Case of Mrs Clive Submitted to the Publick. [This is Mrs Clive's 22-page complaint against the 'opression' of the managers of both patent theatres, who, it seems, formed a cartel to drive down actors' salaries, and caused by Mrs Clive's unemployment. She was dropped from Covent Garden without due notice and not for cause. She was not applied to by the Manager of Drury Lane, although he knew her to be unemployed, because he still owed her #160 12s. Her case seemed doubly hard to her since she had equipped herself with a fine wardrobe for theatrical use, had acted diligently in main and afterpiece, often on the same night to the prejudice of her health; had been at great expense in Masters for singing, for which article alone the managers now give #6 a week." Concludes by pleading for publick support of her Case. She returned to cg to play Lappet in the Miser, 30 Nov. She states that the published list of salaries in the London Daily Post of 15 Oct. 1734 is incorrect.


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Dance: LLe Gondalier, as17441010; Scotch Dance-Villeneuve, Mrs Delagarde

Event Comment: [Benefit] for 3 orphan Daughters of a Cit of London (Cross). Tickets to be had at Will's and the Union Coffee House in Cornhill; Grigsby's behind the Royal Exchange; Seagoes in Holborn; the Bedford in Covent Garden; George's in the Haymarket, and at the Stage Door of the Theatre, where places for the Boxes may be taken. Receipts: #264 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Song: II: Beard


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserv'd

Performance Comment: See16820209, but Prologue To His Royal Highness Upon His first appearance at the Duke's Theatre since his Return from Scotland. Written by Mr Dryden-Mr Smith; The Epilogue Written by Mr Otway to his Play call'd Venice Preserv'd; or a Plot Discover'd; Spoken upon his Royal Highness the Duke of York's coming to the Theatre, Friday, April 21, 1682-. The Epilogue Written by Mr Otway to his Play call'd Venice Preserv'd; or a Plot Discover'd; Spoken upon his Royal Highness the Duke of York's coming to the Theatre, Friday, April 21, 1682-.
Event Comment: No Performance. Theatre clos'd for royal death of the Duke of Cumberland. Love for Love & The Royal Chace listed next day. [Opened again 11 Nov.]*c1765 11 01 cg No Performance. Theatre clos'd for royal death of the Duke of Cumberland. Love for Love & The Royal Chace listed next day. [Opened again 11 Nov.


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Dance: II: The Garland?-as17651003

Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the premiere is not certain, but the fact that a song in the play, composed by Henry Purcell and sung by Mrs Hudson, is in the Gentleman's Journal, January@February 1693@4 (advertised in the London Gazette, No 2955, 5-8 Marcn 1693@4) suggests that the play had its premiere in February. The play was advertised in the London Gazette, No 2959, 19-22 March 1693@4. The music for additional songs was composed by Henry Purcell: The danger is over, sung by Mrs Hudson, is in Joyful Cuckoldom, ca. 1695; I sighed and owned my love, sung by Mrs Ayliff, is in Thesaurus Musicus, Book III, 1695. See also Purcell's Works, Purcell Society, XX (1916), i-iii. Two songs were composed by John Eccles: Still, I'm grieving, sung by Mrs Bracegirdle; and Give then royal maid your sorrows o're, sung by Mrs Cibber, are in Thesaurus Musicus, 1695. Gentleman's Journal, March 1694 (advertised in London Gazette, No 2964,5-9 April 1694): Mr Southern's new Play call'd The Fatal Marriage; or, The Innocent Adultery, has been so kindly receiv'd, that you are by this time no stranger to its merit. As the world has done it justice, and it is above my praise, I need not expatiate on that subject. [See also 22 March 1693@4.


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Marriage; Or, The Innocent Adultery

Event Comment: This work is advertised in The Loyal Protestant 22, 27, and 29 Aug. 1682: at Mrs Saffry's, a Dutch Woman's booth, over against the Greyhound Inne in West Smithfield. [Her first announcement calls the company "By an Approved Company"; the other two notices refer to it as "the first New-market Company." See Rosenfeld, The Theatre of the London Fairs, p. 6.] John Coysh paid #6 for a booth at the Fair (Rosenfeld, The Theatre of the London Fairs, p. 6). See also Morley, Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair, p. 222, for notice of the Indian Water Worksv. In Wit and Drollery (1682), p. 304, are verses on the Fair: @Here's the Whore of Babylon the Devil and the Pope,@The Girl is just agoing on the Rope@Here's Dives and Lazarus and the World's Creation,@Here's the Tall Dutch Woman the like's not in the Nation,@Here is the Booth where the High-Dutch Made is@Hear are the Bears that dance like any Ladies,@Tat, tat, tat, tat, tat says the little penny Trumpet@Here's Jacob Hall, that does so jump it, jump it.@Sound Trumpet Sound, for Silver Spoon and Fork,@Come here's your dainty Pit and Pork.@ [See also August 1680.


Mainpiece Title: The Irish Evidence, The Humours Of Tiege; Or, The Mercenary Whore

Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but it very probably occurred not later than May 1691, as the play was advertised in the London Gazette, 4-8 June 1691. For discussions of it, see E. W. White, Early Performances of Purcell's Operas, Theatre Notebook, XIII (1958-59), 44-45, and R. E. Moore, Henry Purcell and the Restoration Theatre, Chapter III. Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, p. 42: King Arthur an Opera, wrote by Mr Dryden: it was Excellently Adorn'd with Scenes and Machines: The Musical Part set by Famous Mr Henry Purcel; and Dances made by Mr Jo. Priest: The Play and Musick pleas'd the Court and City, and being well perform'd, twas very Gainful to the Company. Roger North: I remember in Purcell's excellent opera of King Arthur, when Mrs Butler, in the person of Cupid, was to call up Genius, she had the liberty to turne her face to the scean, and ner back to the theater. She was in no concerne for her face, but sang a recitativo of calling towards the place where Genius was to rise, and performed it admirably, even beyond any thing I ever heard upon the English stage....And I could ascribe it to nothing so much as the liberty she had of concealing her face, which she could not endure should be so contorted as is necessary to sound well, before her gallants, or at least her envious sex. There was so much of admirable musick in that opera, that it's no wonder it's lost; for the English have no care of what's good, and therefore deserve it not (Roger North on Music, ed. John Wilson [London, 1959], p. 217-18)


Mainpiece Title: King Arthur; Or, The British Worthy

Event Comment: By Permission of the Lord Chamberlain. Benefit for the Author. Play [1st time; T 5]: Written by the Rev. [Thomas] Stratford. The Doors to be opened at 6:00. To begin at 7:00. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. 1st Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s. Tickets to be had of Dr Stratford, No. 5, Cecil-street, Strand, and of Fosbrook at the Theatre. Dr Stratford, in the overflowing of a grateful heart, is happy indeed in returning thanks to the Ladies and Gentlemen who, with equal benignity and humanity, have so generously exerted themselves in bringing forward his tragedy of Russel. Above the mean manoeuvres that have been practised by persons he had the least reason to expect such a conduct from, and which have detained him almost three years in London, at a ruinous expense, he went with a party of his friends, on Wednesday last, to the Hay-market, in support of the other Lord Russel, penned by superior genius. As he never injured an individual, he trusts every intention to defeat the success of his play will be disappointed by a generous London audience who, he still presumes to hope, will be actuated by the same noble spirit and principle that first induced the Lady and Gentleman to undertake so arduous a task as appearing on a public theatre. As many parts of the play will be expunged and altered, he begs leave to mention that it cannot be again represented till Wednesday next, when the characters of Lord Howard and Hubert will be performed by two other Gentlemen, who have generously undertaken their parts, and an entire new address will be spoken by the Gentleman who performs Lord Russel, wrote by himself. "The performers ... rendered the Doctor's Tragedy one of the most laughable farces at which we were ever present. [It] has much Calimanco in it, and where we could hear a sentence compleat (which was seldom indeed) it abounded with Fustian" (Public Advertiser, 21 Aug.)


Mainpiece Title: Lord Russel

Event Comment: [This is the only occasion in the 18th century when a play was acted in London on this date. "The performance at the Haymarket on the 30th of January has been noticed by his Majesty in a manner which is still a topic of conversation in the higher circles...There will be no more theatrical performances on the 30th of January" (London Chronicle, 28 Feb.). On 3 Feb. the Lord Chamberlain wrote to Sheridan as follows: "Sir--Information has been received at this Office that Theatrical Entertainments were exhibited at the Theatre, under your direction, in St. James's Haymarket on the 30th of Last Month, contrary to all precedent, and repugnant to Decency, being the Anniversary of the Martyrdom of King Charles the First. I do not know by what Authority such a Step was taken but, as Chamberlain of His Majesty's Household, think it my Duty to desire that you will be pleased to Cause the Practice to be discontinued in future. I am, Sir, Your Obedient, Humble Servant, Salisbury" (MS Letters to Sheridan from Various Correspondents,II, 64, in Harvard Theatre Collection). The Morning Chronicle on 31 Jan. offered another opinion: "It gave us infinite pleasure that last night we happily broke through one of the most absurd fasts in the calendar. The Managers of Drury Lane, with proper regard to the public, rescued them from the common dullness of a 30th of January." But the absurd fast remained in force until 1843.] Receipts: #339 18s. (291.4; 40.0; 8.11; ticket not come in: 0.3)


Mainpiece Title: Cymon

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris


Mainpiece Title: The Schoole Of Complements

Performance Comment: [Love Tricks, by James Shirley.] Edition of 1667: The Prologue-; [No actors' names. Epilogue-. [As it is now Acted by His Royal Highnesse the Duke of York's Servants at the Theatre in Little Lincolns Inn Fields.As it is now Acted by His Royal Highnesse the Duke of York's Servants at the Theatre in Little Lincolns Inn Fields.
Event Comment: This was a semi-private rehearsal, with Davide as Pirro. "Yesterday evening an act of Pyrrhus was rehearsed on the stage of this theatre' (London Chronicle, 24 Feb.). "The Theatre is not yet ready entirely for the Public" (Oracle, 24 Feb.) [see 26 Mar.]. On 22 Feb. the newspapers carried a statement from the theatre that "the rehearsal announced for Wednesday Evening is...deferred for a few days." But this deferment was set aside. The Lord Chamberlain having refused a license for the performance of opera at this theatre, Pirro was not publicly performed


Mainpiece Title: Pirro

Event Comment: Daily Advertiser, 18 March: And on Friday [Giffard] invited the whole Company to a very grand Entertainment, prepar'd for 'em in the Play-house, where their Majesties, his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the Prince and Princess of Orange, the Royal Family, Success to Trade, Prosperity to the City of London, and many other Loyal Healths were drank; during which time the Arches were again illuminated, Fireworks play'd off, and the Night concluded with a Ball


Mainpiece Title:

Event Comment: By Command of His Royal Highness the Duke, and their Highnesses the Princesses Caroline, Mary, and Louisa [who were present]. London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 28 Feb.: The Author perceiving from the Behaviour of some Persons, a determin'd Resolution, notwithstanding the Presence of part of the Royal Family, to breed a Disturbance, to the Prejudice of the Play, occasion'd, as 'tis supposed, from an invidious Letter inserted in Thursday's Grubstreet Journal, has chose to withdraw his Play, rather than give them an Opportunity of gratifying their Malice, by a Repetition of such Disturbances as must necessarily prevent the Audience from hearing the Performance in Peace. Receipts: #112 14s


Mainpiece Title: The Double Deceit

Dance: Tambourine by Glover and Miss Rogers. Comic Ballet by Lalauze, Mlle d'Hervigni, &c. French Peasant by Tench and Miss Rogers. Scot's Dance by Glover, Miss Rogers, Desse, Mrs Ogden, Tench, Mlle Delorme

Event Comment: By Command of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales [who were present]. Pit and Boxes put together at half a guinea each. First Gallery 5s. Upper Gallery 2s. 6d. London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 8 Nov.: The Box in which their Royal Highnesses sat, was of white Sattin, beautifully Ornamented With Festons of flowers, in their proper Colours, and in Front was a flaming Heart, between two Hymeneal Torches, whose different Flames terminated in one Point, and were surmounted with a Label, on which were wrote, in Letters of Gold, these Words, Mutuus Ardor


Mainpiece Title: Alcina

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Written by the late Mr Gay. London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 20 Nov.: We hear that Mr Giffard...last Night, upon the happy Occasion of her Royal Highness' s Birth-Day, entertained his Company with an elegant Supper and a Concert of Musick, where the Healths of their Majesties, the Prince and Princess of Wales, and the rest of the Royal Family were drank with universal Demonstrations of Joy


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd