SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Theatres Royal London"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Theatres Royal London")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 3936 matches on Event Comments, 1330 matches on Performance Title, 826 matches on Performance Comments, 1 matches on Roles/Actors, and 0 matches on Author.


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Afterpiece Title: Fortune Tellers

Performance Comment: See17411112. [Afterpiece in Daily Advertiser, but not in London Daily Post and General Advertiser.]

Dance: LLes Matelotes, as17411110

Ballet: lso% Les Satires Puny. As17420106

Event Comment: RRehearsal deferred by Garrick's illness. London Daily Post and General Advertiser: Whereas it has been industriously reported to my prejudice, that I was at the Masquerade in the Habit of a Madman; this is to assure the Gentlemen or Ladies, who are offended at me, without Cause, I was not at either of the Masquerades this Season, as can be testify'd by several Gentlemen in whose Company I was. If any Person has a Mind to be further satisfy'd, I will fully convince them of the Truth of this Advertisement. David Garrick


Mainpiece Title: The Wonder

Afterpiece Title: Lethe

Dance: WWelchman's Triumph, as17420210

Event Comment: Benefit Neale and Desse. Tickets to be had of Neale, a Silk Dyer in David St., Moor's in the Playhouse Passage; and at Mr Desse'd, at Gresham's, Shoemaker, in York St., Covent Garden. London Daily Post and General Advertiser announced Chrononhotonthologos as afterpiece by Rylands has The King and Miller, Receipts: #140


Mainpiece Title: The Provoked Wife

Afterpiece Title: The King and Miller of Mansfield

Dance: I: By particular desire, a Chacone-Desse; III: Running Footman's Dance, as17420428

Song: IV: Song-Lowe

Event Comment: Benefit for a Citizen and Merchant of London, suffering under Great Losses


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Dance: LLes Boufons du Cour, as17421120; La Villageoise, as17421006; Les Jardiniers Suedois, as17421123


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Performance Comment: Hastings-Garrick, 1st time; Dumont-Delane; Belmour-Mills; Jane Shore-Mrs Pritchard; Alicia-Mrs Woffington (Daily Advertiser), Mrs Roberts (London Daily Post and General Advertiser); Duke of Gloster-Macklin; Catesby-Winstone; Ratcliff-Blakes.

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Song: IV: Beard

Event Comment: Benefit Shepard. Tickets of Hobson at the stage Door. Mr Shepard humbly hopes his friends will not be offended at the Alteration of the play, he being oblig'd to change it on account of the Indisposition of a Principal Performer. The Tickets deliver'd for Henry VIII will be taken this night (London Daily Post and General Advertiser). Shepard belonged for many years to the House. Fleetwood dismissed him. Let him have a benefit for the money accrued to him. Beard ill and did not act. (Winston MS. from Dyer MS.)


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Song: End of Farce:By Particular Desire, Bumper Squire Jones-Beard

Event Comment: Benefit Page (Housekeeper), Banks and Duck. See London Daily Post and General Advertiser for arrest and seizure of William Brown, notorious pick-pocket in cg playhouse passage


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmask'd

Dance: TThe Happy Lovers, as17421006; Characters of Dancing, as17421025; Grand Comic Ballet, as17430407

Event Comment: Benefit Maclelan, Boromeo and Sga Costanza. Mainpiece By Particular Desire. Tickets deliver'd by Baker, and for Comus will be taken. Lowe from this day sang Mornings in the Grand Concerts of Vocal and Instrumental Music at Ruckholt House, near Low-Layton, Essex.--Advertisement in London Daily Post and General Advertiser


Mainpiece Title: Love's Last Shift

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Song: I: a New song by Mr Boyce-Beard; III: Bumper Squire Jones-Beard, Lowe; V: A Cantata by Stanley-Lowe

Dance: II: Peasant Dance, as17420921; IV: The Hussar's Dance- , as17421211, but Checo, Chiaretta, Boromeo, Mlle Bonneval, Sga Costanza

Event Comment: YYeates, Warner, and Rosoman's Booth near the Pound, Tottenham Court...Noon to 10 p.m., from 4. Aug. to 16 Aug. [Repeated 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 Aug., in London Daily Post and General Advertiser.


Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Afterpiece Title: HHarlot's Progress

Event Comment: TTurbutt and Dove's Booth, end of Hosier Lane, West Smithfield, during the Time of the Fair. [London Daily Post and General Advertiser gives Kevenhuller-$Woodward. Repeated 24, 25, 26 Aug.] Ballance Master, just arriv'd from Paris


Mainpiece Title: The Glorious Queen Of Hungary

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Dissected; or, The Biter Bit

Event Comment: Sir, As there have been many reports to my prejudice, I desire you will publish the true and only Reason why I have not yet appear'd upon the stage this winter. Many of the Persons concerned in the late struggle with the Manager, might have been left destitute had I deserted them, therefore I thought it incumbent on me to endeavor at this reconciliation with my own, upon reasonable terms; this I have accomplish'd, and hope I am excusable for not playing 'til it is determin'd. Tho I am sensible my affairs are too inconsiderable to be laid before the Publick, yet as I am their servants, and have been so much favour'd with their Indulgence, I thought it my Duty to convince 'em that it is neither Obstinacy, or Exorbitancy, but a quite different motive, that detains me so long from doing my utmost to contribtte to their Entertainment. I am, Sir your Humble Servant, D. Garrick.--London Daily Post and General Advertiser



Mainpiece Title: She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not

Performance Comment: As17431116 [London Daily Post and General Advertiser.]

Afterpiece Title: The School Boy

Dance: SScotch Dance, as17431124

Event Comment: Tragedy reviv'd. As written by Shakespear. The Characters new Dress'd. [See G. W. Stone Jr., Garrick's Handling of Macbeth," pp. 609-28.] An Essay on Acting (London, 1744): In which will be Consider'd the Mimical Behaviour of a Certain Fashionable faulty Actor....A short criticism on His Acting Macbeth. [See especially first part, pp. 1-12, on Acting; second, pp. 12-27, on Garrick as Macbeth.


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: Columbine Courtezan

Event Comment: We hear the new Pantomime Entertainment that was perform'd last night at Drury Lane was receiv'd with great applause, the Scenes, Deceptions, and Decorations all being in an entire new taste.--Daily Advertiser. [This "puff" worded identically with that appearing the day before in the London Daily Post and General Advertiser.


Mainpiece Title: Cato

Afterpiece Title: The Amorous Goddess

Event Comment: Benefit Havard and Mrs Ridout. Tickets deliver'd for The Orphan will be taken....But if you are for a good sober piece, that has a great deal of good sense in it, and but few absurdities, pray read the play of Regulus. The run of the Town is against it, but whether it is the dulness of the poetry, or the nobleness of the sentiments that makes fine folks dislike it, I am unwilling to determine.--Series of Letters between Mrs Elizabeth Carter and Miss Catherine Talbot (London, 1808), I, 35


Mainpiece Title: Regulus

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Event Comment: Know all men by these presents, that Colley Cibber, Esq; of the Parish of St/James's in the County of Middlesex, for and in consideration of the sum of Eighty Pounds of lawful Mony of Great Britain to him in hand paid by John Watts of London, Stationer, he the said Colley Cibber, Esq; hath bargained, sold and assigned, and set over, and by these presents doth bargain, sell, assign and set over all that the full and sole right and title, of, in and to the copy of a Tragedy, intitled, Papal Tyranny in the Reign of King John, written by the said Colley Cibber, Esq; to have and to hold the said copy of the said tragedy unto the said John Watts, his heirs and assigns for ever, notwithstanding any act or law to the contrary: In witness whereof the said Colley Cibber, Esq; hath hereunto sett his hand and seal this twentieth day of February, 1744/5. [Signed] C. Cibber. [Witnesses] James Webster, John Mark Bimson. [Original Document in Folger Shakespeare Library, validated by three Sixpence stamps, and Cibber's seal. Case No. 993 among Cibber documents.


Mainpiece Title: Papal Tyranny

Event Comment: GGeneral Advertiser: Yesterday Morning a Colonel's Guard (by Order) Marched to the Playhouse in Lincoln's Inn Fields, where they are to Continue, in order to be ready to quell any Disturbances that may happen from the Adherents of the Pretender, and the enemies of our present Happy Establishment. The Penny London Post, 7-9 Oct.: On Sunday morning early a party of Guards were detached from Whitehall to the New Playhouse in Lincoln's Inn Fields, of which they took possession; and soon after it was rumored that his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State had received intelligence that a great quantity of amunition & arms were secreted there for the use of the Pretender and his adherents; but whether they were found we know not: however a company of the 2nd regiment went on duty there that night


Mainpiece Title: None

Event Comment: Yesterday being the Fast Day appointed by Authority the same was observed in the cities of London and Westminster with strict Solemnity


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Afterpiece Title: Orpheus and Eurydice

Event Comment: At the New Wells, London Spaw, Clerkenwell. A Concert, etc. [Customary concert notice repeated in all announcements of plays at this house.] A new Pastoral never perform'd before. [Author unknown; not printed.] Benefit Miss Lincoln. Boxes 2s. 6d. Pit or Gallery 1s. 6d. 5 p.m


Mainpiece Title: Strephon And Delia

Afterpiece Title: As You Like It; or, Harlequin's Whim

Music: HHercules and Omphale-

Event Comment: New Scenes, Dresses and Decorations for the dances. [No after money.] The New Grand Ballet, call'd the Turkish Pirate, and the Comic Entertainment of Dancing, the Laundress's Visiting Day were perform'd last Monday at Drury Lane, with uncommon applause. The Scenery was well contriv'd, the habits very elegant, and the dance in a taste particularly agreeable. The comic entertainment is a fine piece of low humour, the various characters were well represented and afforded a great deal of Mirth; Sig Salomon especially, in the character of the woman's taylor, show'd a great deal of a good comedian as well as an excellent dancer, and the whole was greatly approv'd of.--London Courant; or New Advertiser, 31 Dec


Mainpiece Title: Love's Last Shift; Or, The Fool In Fashion

Dance: New Grand Dance call'd The Turkish Pirate; or a descent on the Grecian Coast-Salomon, Mlle Violette, Sig Padouana, M. Mechel, Salomon's Son; Also a New Entertainment call'd the Laundress's Visiting Day-Sg Salomon, Mlle Violette, Sga Padouana, M. Mechel, Salomon's Son

Event Comment: CCatherine Talbot to Elizabeth Carter, 18 April: These oratorios of Handel's are certainly (next to the hooting of owls) the most solemly striking music one can hear....In this last oratorio he has literally introduced guns, and they have a good effect.--Deutsch, Handel, p. 640, who identifies the guns as kettle-drums. But Winton Dean, Handel's Dramatic Oratorios, p. 471, identifies them as the outsize drums from the Tower of London. See Sheridan's The Critic on off-stage gun shots: This hint I took from Handel. Recced of Mr Handell for rent of his 10 Oratorio's #210.--Account Books, Egerton 2268. [Actually there were twelve nights of oratorios.


Mainpiece Title: Judas Macchabaeus

Event Comment: Benefit for Pritchard (Treasurer). Tickets delivered for the London Merchant will be taken. On April 12 that play was advertised for this evening--the part of George Barnwell to be performed (by particular desire) by Mrs Pritchard, Millwood by Mrs Furnival, and Lucy by Mrs Clive. Tickets to be had of Pritchard at his House in Duke's late Earl's Court, Bow St., Covent Garden; and of Hobson at the stage door. Tomorrow Lover's Melancholy, and a New Farce call'd The Club of Fortune Hunters for the Benefit of Mrs Macklin. Receipts: #180 (Cross); house charges, #63 (Powel); cash #85 6s. 6d.; tickets, #81 9s. (Clay MS)


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Dance: V: Savoyards, as17471215

Event Comment: To the Author of the General Advertiser. Sir: When I read the letter in your paper [see 7 Nov.] concerning Tom Harbin's intention of having a Benefit at Covent Garden, I own I was much pleas'd, as it would give me the opportunity of making him merry, who has often made me so: But I have since been in some concern to hear he was to perform himself--I would not have him appear in an Ill-Light; and as it is easy to conceive what confusion a Man unus'd to the stage must be in, to appear on it, I would in Friendship advise him to desist from that design.-If he does it from an opinion of his Capacity, I am sorry for him: but if it is only to draw people together, I think he need not have any Apprehensions on that Account:--For there ever was and ever will be in London, a number of Persons of Fortune and Generosity, sufficient to do what he wants, whenever they have an Inclination to serve a man they like.--And as he is Generally allow'd to be what is call'd a Fiddle in Company, and plays as often as anybody, it would be but right to keep him in tune: For my part I shall use my interest in his Favour and wish him success with his Acquaintance. I am &c. T. Meanwell. Lloyd's Coffee House, 14 Nov. [See 14 Dec.


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne

Event Comment: At the New Wells near the London Spa Clerkenwell. By Desire. For one night only. Benefit for Yeates Jun. A Concert, etc. Prices: 2s., 1s. 6d., 1s. To begin exactly at 6 p.m. There will be fires in proper Places to keep the Wells warm. It will be moonlight. Mr Yeates entreats the favor of those Gentlemen and Ladies who intend to honour him...that they will please to come at the time prefix'd on account of the length of the Performances; and they may depend on the whole being conducted with the utmost Decorum (General Advertiser)


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Event Comment: At the New Wells, London Spaw, Clerkenwell. Benefit for Mrs Yeates. By Desire of some Gentlemen and Ladies. Particular care is taken to have the House warm. To begin at half an hour after six


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmasked