SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Theatre Royal Bath"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Theatre Royal Bath")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 3416 matches on Event Comments, 808 matches on Performance Title, 483 matches on Performance Comments, 0 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: Benefit for Bencraft and Mrs Hale. Mainpiece: Not acted these 9 years. [See 4 Dec. 1740.] N.B.: A parcel of tickets having been lost, none sold at the doors of the theatre will be admitted. Tickets to be had and places taken of Page at the Stage Door of the Theatre. [Inserted in the General Advertiser this day is Buskin's Apology]: @Enur'd to ills of various kinds,@By ancestors undone;@The Author has severely paid@For failings not his own.@From Disappointments Buskin writes,@Confesses 'tis for gain@Yet scorns all profits which arise@From giving others pain.@No private character he sneers,@No venom taints his mind;@His sole ambition is to please,@Not satyrise Mankind.@ On Wednesday last the Tragedy of Othello was acted at Covent Garden towards the relief of the unhappy sufferers by the late Fire; and on Saturday the sum of #218 12s. 4d. was paid into the hands of Messrs Ironside and Belchier; the company of comedians and the band of musick having generously given their performances (General Advertiser)


Mainpiece Title: Wit Without Money

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne


Mainpiece Title: The Revenge

Performance Comment: Zanga By Particular desire-a Gentleman from the Theatre at Fort St. George, who never perform'd in England before.

Afterpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar, Comic Scenes

Song: Corbet; V: The Power of Gold- a song from the Fool in the Gazetteer, set by a Gentleman, and never performed before

Event Comment: Letter from John Potter, Proprietor of the New Theatre in the Haymarket, to the author of the General Advertiser: As the resentment of the Town for the disappointment of the performance advertised to be exhibited at my theatre on Monday last, shall fall entirely upon me, I hope I may be allowed to acquaint the public with the nature of my case. [Suggests he should not be to blame for misbehavior of any person who hired his house, that he had some apprehensions in this case, but that the Bottle Conjurer paid the rent in advance and agreed to have a House officer in the box office to return the money if the audience was displeased.] All the caution above mentioned was taken, and the money locked up in the office, guarded by persons of reputation, who would have returned it, and publicly on the stage told them, that if the person did not appear, their money should be return'd. But instead of complying with that offer, my House was pulled down, the Office broken open, the money taken out, and the servants oblig'd to fly to save their lives. I hope therefore this may be deem'd a sufficient justification in my behalf, and all that could be reasonably expected from me; and that those gentlemen who are conscious of having injured me, will be so generous as to make me a reasonable Satisfaction, considering the damage I have suffer'd, which in a moderate computation will amount to upwards of four thousand pounds. This day is Publish'd, at 1s. Lethe, a Dramatic Satire, by David Garrick as it is perform'd at Drury Lane. By Paul Vaillant, facing Southampton Street in the Strand. [A letter from Samuel Foote to the Author of the General Advertiser clears himself from any imputation of confederacy in the Bottle Conjuror fraud. See also my Introduction, note 103.] Receipts: #100 (Cross); #119 2s. 6d. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: The Double Dealer

Afterpiece Title: Lethe

Music: I: A Piece of Music-the Child

Dance: II: New Scotch Dance-Cooke, Ann Auretti

Event Comment: Benefit for Havard. [Stage arranged as on 7 March.] Tickets and places at Havard's House in Broad Court the upper end of Bow St., and of Hobson at the stage door. The manager of the Smock Alley theatre Dublin in order to support decayed players, has resolved to apply the whole receipts of one night every year towards raising a fund for the purpose, which is to be increased by the players allowing a small portion of their salaries to be deducted weekly. A scheme worthy the imitation of the managers and players of our theatres. -Gentleman's Magazine, March 1749, p. 238


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Afterpiece Title: Tit for Tat

Dance: SSavoyards, as17480920


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Performance Comment: Young Bevil-Delane; Myrtle-Ryan; Sir John-Bridgwater; Sealand-Sparkes; Cymberton-Arthur; Humphrey-Marten; Daniel-Collins; Tom-Dyer from the theatre in Dublin, his 1st appearance this stage; Lucinda-Mrs Barrington; Mrs Sealand-Mrs Bambridge; Indiana-Mrs Vincent; Phillis-Mrs Woffington.

Afterpiece Title: Merlin

Role: Chasseur Royal Actor: Lowe

Song: II: Lowe

Event Comment: This is to acquaint the Publick that the Famous Turk Carata, who has already had the honour to entertain the town with his surprising Exercises on the SLACK ROPE, is arrived with a numerous company of Turks, Men and Women, and that he is to perform Tuesday the 31st Instant, at the New Theatre in the Haymarket. There will be dancing and music after the Turkish manner (General Advertiser). [His charges were: Box, 5s.; Pit, 3s.; Gallery, 2s. See notes for 29 Sept., and 23 Dec.] Receipts: #90 8s. 6d


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: Hob

Event Comment: LLondon Post: We hear that the French Players will (barring Accidents) open at the Little theatre in the Haymarket next Saturday. 'Tis added that the Italian Company of Comic Strolers will exhibit the Week after next; but as they have lost three of their ablest performers, the Connoisseurs are in great Pain about those who are to supply their Places. Possibly some Foreigners may think, that the worst Dramatic Offals are good enough for the vitiated Palates of the E-sh No-y and Gen-ry. 'Tis further expected, that the Company of Gallo-English Players, who made the Town laugh so heartily last Winter, are preparing to entertain them this. Why all these unnatural Fooleries?...and for what Y-ke are we preparing? [Schedule of Nights on which the Turkish Dancer Caratha rented the Haymarket in the fall of 1749: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 16, 22, 23, November; 3 December. See Winston MS Calendar of the Haymarket, Harvard Theatre Collection.


Mainpiece Title: None

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Comedie in 5 Actes de Mr Baron. The alleged deposition of Wm Davison:...he on the 17th Day of November being the second Night of the French Strollers acting at the Theatre in the Haymarket, was at the Sign of the Globe, a Publick House about Nine of the Clock that Night, where this Deponent saw John Haines, one of the Waiters at the said Tavern, and several other Persons, to the Number of 16, dressed like Chairmen, each of which had a great Bludgeon in his Hand, which he put under his Coat, in order to hide the same, but in such a manner as this Deponent was capable of seeing said Bludgeons;...and was informed by several Persons of credit that they and others to the number of 30, were hired by Lord Trentham to protect the French Strollers from any Attempt that might be made to prevent their Acting [claims Haines had a list of their names and told them Lord Trentham would need them again on other nights] notarized before John Waple, 24 Nov. [Lord Trentham offered a fifty pound reward for the original copy of the above affidavit.] John Haynes...maketh Oath...that he...never had any Conversation directly or indirectly, with Lord Trentham, relating to the French Players, nor did the said Lord Trentham dine at the King's Arms on 17 Nov., nor did this Deponent see the said Lord Trentham on that Day, nor for several Days before, nor did the Deponent make use of the said Lord Trentham's name, in any conversation at the Globe Alehouse the said Lord Trentham was not in the least privy to this Deponent's going to the said little Theatre on the said 17th of Nov. with several Persons as mentioned in the affidavit or pretended affidavit of Wm Davison...Sworn the 26th Day of Nov., before me, H. Fielding. [This notice repeated in the General Advertiser for a week. The French players departed for France on 28 Dec.


Mainpiece Title: L'homme A Bonne Fortune

Afterpiece Title: La Chercheuse D'esprit

Event Comment: Benefit for Jones. A Serenata. Books of which may be had at the theatre. To begin at twelve o'clock promptly (General Advertiser). To the Publick: Walking in St James's Park the other day, I followed two young Gentlemen along the Mall, and overheard one of them say to the other, "shall we go and offer sacrifice to the Manes of Milton?" To which the other reply'd "with all my heart." I must own I had some curiosity to know in what this ceremony would consist, and determined to observe them. I accordingly followed them at some distance, into Dodsley the Bookseler's in Pall Mall; where to my great satisfaction I found that this most acceptable sacrifice was only an offering of Charity to the Granddaughter of Milton; who on account of her age, her poverty, and her relation to that great Man, is to have a Benefit at Drury Lane Theatre on Wednesday next. I willingly joined in their devotions, and rejoice with the Publick on their having an opportunity of shewing their gratitude and Veneration to a man whose Genius reflects a lustre on the British Literature, and whose sentiments have added strength to the British liberties; to an author whose works have been the delight of our Fathers, and will be the Admiration of our sons: latest posterity; to an Englishman who is not only the Glory of our Country, but the Honour to Human Nature. This fair Opportunity of paying a respect to his Memory (the last of the kind that can be offered to us, as Mrs Foster is the only surviving branch of his family) must certainly be embraced with Eagerness and pleasure; all who have any pretence to an Elegant Taste, all lovers of Liberty, and every friend of the Muses, will surely crowd to the house on this distinguish'd night, and give at once an instance of the politeness of their manners, and the goodness of their hearts, I am, &c. A Lover of Milton (General Advertiser)


Mainpiece Title: Solomon

Music: CConcerto on Violincello-Jones

Event Comment: Benefit for Master Mattocks and Mlle L'Contri. Paid Salary List #296 10s. 6d.; Mrs Hobson a bill 3s. (Treasurer's Book). [The George Garrick Treasurer's Book breaks off at this point. It records for 165 nights, a total income of #17,296 9s. as against a total outlay of #12,055 14s. 5d. Cross, who jots down receipts in round figures, and is almost always high, indicates the income from the 164th to the 174th and last night to be #1,446, but since all except one night (11 May) were benefits, the theatre probably received only about #800 (At #63 per benefit). Total income for this season is estimated to be, therefore, #18,096 9s. It is difficult to estimate end of season expenditures. At least #789 10s. 6d. went out in the three final pay days of the season and probably another #500 went out in bills before the books were closed at Midsummer. From this it appears that the profits to the managers that year came to about #4,600.] This day is Publish'd The Actor at 3s. In One Volume (dedicated to the Managers of the British Theatre. A treatise on the art of playing, interspersed with theatrical anecdotes, critical remarks on plays and occasional observations on audiences Printed for R. Griffiths (General Advertiser). Receipts: #120 (Cross). [Income missing from Treasurer's Book.


Mainpiece Title: The Careless Husband

Afterpiece Title: Lethe

Song: I: The Highland Lad (set by Master Arne)-Master Mattocks; III: Singing-Master Mattocks

Dance: II: La Sabotiere-Master Maltere, Miss Foulcade; IV: Les Fantasies de la Dance-Mlle DelaContri; End: Minuet-Mathews, Mlle Contri

Event Comment: We hear that some Gentlemen and Ladies who intended to act a private play for their own amusement, at the Little Theatre in the Haymarket; but having been much importuned by their friends and acquaintances for tickets, they found a larger house would be necessary. They applied therefore to the Author of the Masque now performing at Drury Lane, who, without hesitation, agreed that the run of Alfred should be interrupted for one night to oblige them. The tragedy of Othello, we are told is the play the Gentlemen have pitched on. The theatre being engaged to some Gentlemen and ladies for a private play tomorrow, the Masque of Alfred is oblig'd to be deferr'd till Saturday next. Some Persons, it seems, continue still under a Mistake that this Masque [Alfred] is the same with the first draught of one formerly written under the same title: they need only, to be undeceived, look into the advertisement prefixed to that performance just now printed for A. Miller, in the Strand. The Ladies and Gentlemen who distributed Tickets for the Play Othello which was to have been acted in the Haymarket, intend to perform it tomorrow at Drury Lane: No person will be admitted without a ticket, and no tickets will be taken at the stage door (General Advertiser)


Mainpiece Title: None

Event Comment: Benefit for Cross, Prompter, Mrs Cross, and Son. N.B. Mr Cross takes the liberty to inform the Ladies and Get&ntlemen who intend to honour him with their company, that his constant Attendance upon the Business of the theatre, will hinder him from applying to them in person, and therefore hopes to receive their commands at his house in Crown Court, Little Russel-Street, Covent Garden, or at the Stage Door of the theatre, where Tickets and Places are to be had for his benefit. Receipts: #156 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Afterpiece Title: A Duke and no Duke

Dance: II: A Provincial Dance, as17520314

Event Comment: Places for Boxes to be taken at the stage door of the theatre. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. First Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s. To begin exactly at 6 o'clock. [Customary notices repeated throughout the season.] Mr W. Giffard and Mrs Bland from the Theatre in Dublin, are arrived in London, and will shortly make their appearance at Covent Garden (General Advertiser 14 Sept.)


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Performance Comment: Ranger-Dyer; Strictland-Bridgwater; Frankly-Ryan; Bellamy-Ridout; Meggot-Cushing; Simon-Bransby; Tester-Collins; Buckle-Anderson; Lucetta-Miss Haughton; Mrs Strictland-Mrs Barrington; Jacyntha-Mrs Vincent; Clarinda-Mrs Bland from the Theatre in Dublin; New Country Dance-the characters of the play.

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances

Event Comment: For the Small Pox Hospital; Pit and Boxes 1!2 Guinea; a Treble Ticket at 26s., which admits a Gentleman and two Ladies to the Pit and Boxes, and the Gentleman to Dinner at Merchant Taylors Hall. First Gallery 5s. Upper Gallery 3s. 6d. No more Tickets will be disposed of than will conveniently fill the House, nor will any Money be taken at the Doors, or Collection at the Theatre. This being a Morning's Entertainment it is not expected that the Ladies come full-dressed. The most convenient way to the upper gallery at the Theatre, is through the King's Yard. To begin at 12 noon


Mainpiece Title: Alexander's Feast

Music: CConcerto-Stanley who is to conduct the performance

Event Comment: To begin exactly at 6:00 o'clock. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s. Places for the Boxes to be had of Mr Varney at the Stage door. [Repeated throughout the season.] Ye Naturalizing Bill having made some Noise against the Jews, some people call'd out for ye Merchant of Venice, & a Letter was thrown upon ye Stage desiring that play instead of the Opera, but we took no Notice of it, some little hissing but it dy'd away (Cross). [Sometime in the calendar year 1753, Lacy and Garrick drew up a mortgage on the Drury Lane property for #10,000, to be amortized to James Clutterbuck over a period of twenty-one years at the rate of #4 per acting night, and permission to grant free seats in any part of the theatre (except the stage, scenes and orchestra) to forty persons. These latter to be named and seats assigned ten days prior to the opening of any season. This thirteen-page document, which describes accurately the bounds of the 13,134 square feet of land on which the ten buildings comprising Drury Lane Theatre stood, contains protective clauses for Clutterbuck, to the effect that Garrick and Lacy will exhibit nowhere else in London without the #4 nightly payment and for Garrick and Lacy, to the effect that arrears in payment could be collected solely from Drury Lane property, and not from the individual incomes of the mortgagees. It was not signed, so apprently was not executed. (See Havard, Collection of Documents dealing with affairs of Drury Lane, No 2, fMS, Thr 12.)] Receipts: #150 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Event Comment: An Italian Comic Opera by some performers just arriv'd from Paris. Went off pretty well, -a Girl greatly admir'd (Cross). [The girl seems to have been Sga Spiletta.] She plays off with inexhaustible spirits all muscular evolutions of the face and brows; while in her eye wantons a studied archness, and pleasing malignity. Her voice has strength and scope sufficient; has neither too much of the feminine, nor an inclining to the male. Her gestures are ever varying; her transitions quick and easy. Some over-nice critics, forgetting, or not knowing the meaning of the word Burletta, cry that her manner is outre. Wou'd she not be faulty were it otherwise? The thing chargeable to her is (perhaps) too great a luxurience of comic tricks; which (an austere censor would say) border on unlaced lasciviousness, and extravagant petulance of action (Paul Hiffernan, The Tuner, No 1). [Spiletta was the name of the character to whom Sga Nicolina Giordani gave such life that the name stuck to her. See Saxe Wyndham, Annals of Covent Garden Theatre.] [A Comic Opera by G. Giordani, Music by G. Cocchi-Nicoll, English Drama, III, p. 349.] Nothing less than the full price will be taken during the Performance. Printed books of the opera sold at the theatre. Tomorrow, Venice Preserved. [Murphy commented in Gray's Inn Journal (22 Dec.): "A great deal of whatever humour this production may contain, is certainly lost to an English audience; and the manner of acting, being a burlesque upon what people here are not very well acquainted with, is not universally felt. But notwithstanding these disadvantages, there is one among them, Sga Nicolina Giordani, who displayed such lively traces of Humour in her countenance, and such pleasing variety of action, and such variety of graceful deportment, that she is generally acknowledged to be, in that Cast of playing, an excellent comic actress."


Mainpiece Title: L'amanti Gelosi

Dance: [Unspecified.]

Event Comment: Text--Goldoni; first performance in England. Music by Sg Vinceni Ciampi. Play a New Italian Burletta. Printed books of the opera will be sold at the theatre. Ladies send servants at half three. [The Epilogue (Larpent MS 117) suggests lovemaking in crowded theatres (see 8 Jan. 1755)]: @Close pack'd they sit and woo with secret squeeze,@Attracting elbows, sympathetic knees...


Mainpiece Title: La Famiglia De Bertholdi, Alla Corte Del Re Alboino

Dance: [Unspecified.]

Event Comment: At the New Theatre in the Haymarket (where Mr Foote lately appeared), an Orator's head will be dissected secundum artem. The Orators will be shewn lying in state with Heiroglyphicks and Monumental Inscriptions. The Question will be whether they will be allow'd Christian burial? If t'is granted, a funeral Oration will be pronounced by Martinus Scriblerus. Places for the Boxes to be taken at the theatre. Thus orator to orator succeeds@Another and another after him@and the last.


Mainpiece Title: A Course Of Comic Lectures

Event Comment: [The Public Advertiser for 15 Feb. noted the following concerning this night's performance: Whereas several complaints, by letter and otherwise, have been lately made to the Managers of Drury Lane Theatre, of the ill Behavior of some persons in the Upper Gallery, who throw down Apples, Potatoes, and other things into the Pit.: This is therefore to assure the Ladies and Gentlemen that the Managers will take all imaginable care to discover and prosecute any person or persons, who shall, disturb, or insult them for the future. If any person will discover who it was that flung a hard piece of cheese, of near half a Pound Weight, from one of the Galleries last Tuesday Night [11 Feb.] and greatly hurt a young Lady in the Pit, shall receive Ten Guineas from Mr Pritchard, the Treasurer of the Theatre."] Receipts: #190 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Barbarossa

Event Comment: Benefit for Cibber. To begin at 6:30 p.m. Pursuant to Act of Parliament. At the Desire of several Persons of Quality for the Benefit of Mr Cibber At the New Theatre in the Haymarket, on Wednesday next, the 14th instant, will be perform'd a Concert of Musick, the Particulars whereof will be express'd in the Bills of the Day. After which (by partiuclar Desire) will be given a Dissertation in two Parts on Patentees, on Theatres, on Acting, Publick Diversions, and address'd to the Town, by Mr Cibber (Daily Advertiser, 8 & 10 Jan.)


Mainpiece Title: A Dissertation

Event Comment: Benefit for Wood, Sub-Treasurer. Tickets deliver'd out for The Mistake will be taken (playbill). For ye Morocco Embassador, who, tho' unlearn'd in out Language, behav'd as if he understood nature -Mr Wood, the Subtreasurer had Tickets (Cross). [Mrs Frances Brooke, in The Old Maid, for 8 May 1756, gives the following eye-witness account of the evening: "I determined to watch the artless working of [the Ambassador's] surprise, and to catch, as well as I could his sentiments of the theatre, the Audience, the Play, and the performers. And shall give them to my readers, just as they appeared to me. On his first coming to the front of the Box, he was complimented with the Applause of the whole House, which seemed to give him great pleasure, and which he returned by two bows in the English, and afterwards by a reverence in the Moorish manner, which last I thought very graceful...tho' he is rather low of stature, yet his loose flowing robes, and his manner altogether gave him such an air of superiority, that I thought the Audience looked only like his attendants. "The House and Spectators attracted his notice so much for some time, that he seem'd very well entertained before the drawing up of the curtain. At the first scene between the Lords, I thought he looked disappointed, and after a transient view of the stage, directed his eyes again to the company; at the entrance of King Henry his attention was a little recover'd to the performance, but his majesty had not proceeded half way thru the scene, before he burst into a most immoderate fit, of apparently contemptuous laughter, which he repeated very often thro' the whole playing of the part. The manner in which this stranger was affected by it, amongst other considerations, fully convinces me that this character is most ridiculously burlesqued in the representation, and that both Shakespeare and the Monarch are very inhumanly sacrificed, to the polite taste, and elegant distinction of the upper gallery....I could point out many abuses of the like nature, which have increased upon us so much of late, that 'tis almost impossible to attend the theatres, with the expectation of receiving pleasure from some parts of the perfbrmance, without the certainty of suffering equal disgust from others; it was the case of many besides myself, at this of Henry, upon the absurdity of Winchester's brandishing his cane at Canterbury, upon the close of the Council Scene; and yet to give opportunity for this notable stage foolery, the Archbishop and Bishop are both made to walk out of their proper order, tho' in attendance upon the King....His character is drawn by Shakespeare very nearly as it stands in history, and in colours far different from the farcical ones, in which it is the present fashion to represent it. He is described indeed as imperious, but at the same time a great Monarch, and not withstanding his short interjections of anger, he is in my judgment upon every occasion a King. I wish this consideration may prevail with Mr Berry, when he plays this character for the future, to remember that tho' Harry as well as Jobson may be something rough and boistrous, yet the turbulency of a haughty prince, is a very different quality, and must therefore appear in avery different fashion, from the sawciness of an impudent cobbler. "Whatever neglect his Moorish Excellency might discover of this part, he paid great attention to that of Queen Catherine; but nothing seem'd to affect him so stronglyas Miss Young's singing, at which he appeared quite collected, and listened to her with all marks of rapturous admiration; his whole soul appeared touched, and at the end of the song, he joined the house in clapping, a mark of applause I did not observe him give at any other time. "I thought upon the King's kissing Anna Bullen, that he appeared surprized and offended, and looked about, to observe whether others were not affected in the same manner. "The procession was less marked by him than I had expected, but upon the Champion's entry on horseback, he burst into such an Immoderate fit of laughter, as to fall quite back in his seat. "At the end of the play he rose, as if to leave the House, but looked very well pleased upon being informed there was more entertainment to come; in the Pantomime he seem'd surprized and disgusted at the appearance of Harlequin, to whom he did not appear reconciled to the last; his wonder was still greater at the flying of the Genii cross the stage, and other parts of the machinery, which I thought he studied byt was puzzled to account for. He laughed heartily at the Clown, and admired Colombine not a little.... "I am jealous of the honour of my country in all respects. I would have this stranger leave it with as high opinion of our publick entertainments as possible, and could wish that at the Old House, he might see Mr Garrick in Richard or some equally striking part, and at the New, he may be present at plays, where rich dresses, magnificent show and graceful action, and uncommon personal perfections in the principal performers might contribute to give him a more elevated idea of our stage, than he can have receiv'd from King Harry."] Receipts: #210 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Viii

Afterpiece Title: The Genii

Event Comment: On Monday Next Douglas a Tragedy. [The Public Advertiser includes a full column extract from David Hume's Letter to Rev John? Home concerning Douglas: "I have the Ambition to be the first who shall in public express his Admiration of your Noble tragedy of Douglas; one of the most interesting and pathetic Pieces, that was ever exhibited upon any theatre. Should I give it preference to the Merope of Maffei, and to that of Voltaire which it resembles in its subject; should I affirm that it contained more Fire and Spirit than the former and more Tenderness and Simplicity that the latter; I might be accused of partiality....But the unfeighned tears which flowed from every eye, in the numerous representations which were made of it on this theatre; the unparalleled command which you appeared to have over every affection of the human breast; these are incontestable proofs that you possess the true Theatric Genius of Shakespear and Otway, refined from the unhappy Brabarism of the one, and Licentiousness of the other." The reference was to earlier performances in Edinburg.


Mainpiece Title: The Refusal

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Sorcerer


Mainpiece Title: A Medley Concert And Auction

Performance Comment: As17570817, but Address-_; The Wheelbarrow-_; Comic Medley overture-_; A Scotch Song-Lauder; Oration A@la@Mode de Theatre-Dorothy Midnight.

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Maggot

Song: Lauder; Lecture-Cibber

Dance: Joly, Mlle Dulisse

Event Comment: PPublic Advertiser: Mr Vanneschi begs leave to inform the Nobility and Gentry, that a Licence being granted to him from the Lord Chamberlain's office, with his Majesty's most gracious Approbation, for exhibiting Italian operas at the King's Theatre in the Haymarket, Subscriptions for the ensuing Season will be taken in by Mess. Drummond and Co., Bankers at Charing Cross. He humbly desires his Protectors and Subscribers, to oblige him with an early Payment of their Subscription Money, in order that he may be able to give the necessary Securities to Sga Colomba Mattei, and to Sg Pasquale Potenza, as also to the Rest of his Singers and Dancers. It being given out that Mr Vanneschi hath not engaged the Use of the Opera House for the ensuing Season of Operas, it is hereby certified, that the Proprietor thereof hath agreed with Mr Vanneschi for the same. Sign'd by order of the Proprietor. Peter Crawford, Treasurer of said Theatre
