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We found 2591 matches on Event Comments, 369 matches on Performance Comments, 53 matches on Performance Title, 0 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: L. C. 5@140, p. 263: It is his Mates pleasure that there shall not bee acted any playes at the Theatre in Lincolnes Inn ffeilds after Midsummer day next ensuring untill further order (see Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 322). The cause of this order is not known


Event Comment: A quarrel occurred at the King's Theatre on this day (apparently) between Ravenscroft and Sir George Hewitt. See Letters Adressed from London to Sir Joseph Williamson, Camden Society, VIII (1874), 87


Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 216. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 348. There is considerable uncertainty as to when the first performance occurred, but it appears to have been acted first at court. See Boswell, Restoration Court Stage, pp. 131-34. The first Prologue, written by Lord Mulgrove, and the second, written by Lord Rochester, are in A Collection of Poems Written upon several Occasions by several Persons (1673). Roger North: And now we turne to the Publik theatres. It had bin strange if they had not observed this promiscuous tendency to musick, and not have taken it into their scenes and profited by it. The first proffer of theirs, as I take it, was in a play of the thick-sculd-poetaster Elkanah Settle, called The Empress of Morocco; which had a sort of masque poem of Orfeus and Euridice, set by Mr M. Lock, but scandalously performed. It begins The Groans of Ghosts, &c. and may be had in print (Roger North on Music, ed. John Wilson [London, 1959], p. 306)


Mainpiece Title: The Empress Of Morocco

Performance Comment: Edition of 1673: The first Prologue at Court-Lady Elizabeth Howard; The second Prologue at Court-Lady Elizabeth Howard; Prologue at the Play House-; Muly Labas-Harris; Muly Hamet-Smith; Grimalhaz-Batterton; Hametalhaz-Medbourne; Abdelcador-Crosby; Laula-Mrs Batterton; Mariamne-Mrs Mary Lee; Morena-Mrs Johnson; Epilogue-.
Event Comment: Robert Hooke was at the Duke's Theatre but did not name the play (The Diary of Robert Hooke. p. 54)


Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This play is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 216. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 348. The date on the list seems to be "3," but as this is a Sunday, it is more likely "9." This performance may well be the one to which Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 31) refers: Note, Mr Cademan in this Play [The Man's the Master], not long after our Company began in Dorset-Garden; his Part being to Fight with Mr Harris, was Unfortunately, with a sharp Foil pierc'd near the Eye, which so Maim'd both the Hand and his Speech, that he can make little use of either; for which Mischance, he has receiv'd a Pension ever since 1673, being 35 Years a goe. [For a discussion of this accident, see William VanLennep, Henry Harris, Actor, Friend of Pepys, Studies in English Theatre History (London, 1952), p. 16, and the entry under 20 Aug. 1673.


Mainpiece Title: The Man's The Master

Event Comment: Robert Hooke attended the Duke's Theatre, but again did not name the play (The Diary of Robert Hooke, 21 Aug. 1673)


Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 216, the original being in the Harvard Theatre Collection. See VanLennep, Plays on the English Stage, p. 12, and Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 348


Mainpiece Title: Epsom Wells

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. See Duffett's burlesque, above. The Diary of Robert Hooke, 6 Dec. 1673: Saw Empress of Morocco at Duke's Theatre. 1s. 6d. Dutchess of York? there


Mainpiece Title: The Empress Of Morocco

Event Comment: The King's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but John Harold Wilson, Six Restoration Play-Dates, Notes and Queries, June 1962, p. 221, has argued, primarily on references in the Epilogue, that the play was probably produced before the opening of the new Theatre Royal in Drury Lane and following two unsuccessful plays: The Mall and The Amorous Old Woman. The Prologue is in New Songs and Poems a la Mode, 1677. Preface to the edition of 1675: This play was left in Mr Dryden's hands many years since. The Author of it was unknown to him, and return'd not to claim it


Mainpiece Title: The Mistaken Husband

Performance Comment: The author is not known, but the Preface suggests that one scene was written by John Dryden. Edition of 1675: The Prologue-; The Epilogue-.
Role: The Prologue Actor:
Role: The Epilogue Actor: .
Event Comment: The King's Company. This performance, which marks the opening of the new Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 73. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 345. The Prologue and Epilogue were printed in Miscellany Poems, 1684. That the Prologue was spoken by Mohun is indicated in BM Sloane MSS. 4445


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Bush

Performance Comment: Prologue at the Opening of the New House by John Dryden-Mohun; Epilogue at the Opening of the New House by John Dryden-.
Event Comment: The King's Company. This performance (entitled The French Opera) is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 73. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 345. The edition of 1674 (appearing in both an English and a French version) states: An Opera, or, a Vocal Representation. First Compos'd by Monsieur P. P. Now put into Musick by Monsieur Grabut, Master of His Majesties Musick. And Acted by the Royall Academy of Musick, At the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. The names of the singers for this production are not known, but it is possible that some of the French singers who appeared in Calisto in the following season, 1674-75, were in London for this production. See Boswell, Restoration Court Stage, pp. 201, 222, and W. J. Lawrence, Early French Players in England, The Elizabethan Playhouse and Other Studies, p. 145. French dancers in the opera were Pecurr [Preux], LeTemps, Shenan, D'muraile. See L. C. 5@140, p. 472, in Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 355


Mainpiece Title: Ariadne; Or, The Marriage Of Bacchus

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 216: K: & Q:. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 348. Nell Gwyn also attended this performance. See VanLennep, Nell Gwyn's Playgoing, p. 406. BM Add. Mss. 27, 962v, f. 312 (a transcript of a newsletter by Salvetti), 14 Dec. 1674 (translation): On last Wednesday all the royal family were present at the theatre to hear the tragedy of Hamlet, which, for their greater entertainment, was adorned and embellished with very curious dances between the acts. [I am indebted to Professor George Hilton Jones, Kansas State University, for this item.


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Event Comment: Evelyn, Diary: Saw a Comedie at night, at court, acted by the Ladys onely, viz: The Lady Mary & Ann his R. Highnesses two Daughters, & my deare friend Mrs Blagg, who having the principal part, perform'd it to admiration: They were all covered with Jewels. [It seems likely that Evelyn saw a rehearsal or was in error concerning the date of performance.] Newdigate newsletters (Folger Shakespeare Library): On Twelfe day the principallest abt ye Court divert their Matys with a Play & Opera where in ye Splendor & Grandeur of the English Monarchy will be seen (Wilson, Theatre Notes, p. 79). See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, pp. 357-58, for an order of this date, L. C. 5@141, p. 83, concerning habits for the opera


Mainpiece Title: Calisto

Event Comment: A letter, written in January 1674@5, mentions the hissing Admiral Van Tromp received when "he was conducted over the stage to get to his place" at a performance of "a new play" at one of the London theatres. See Lady Newton, The House of Lyme (London, 1917), p. 271


Event Comment: [Newdigate newsletters (Folger Shakespeare Library), 4 Feb. 1674@5: Tuesday night after Counsell their Maties & Court were present at the Rehearsal of the great Maske wch is to be publiquely acted on Shrove Tuesday; by wch tyme her Royall Highness will be able to be present at it, being already very well after her Lying in, as is also ye young princess (Wilson, Theatre Notes, p. 79). The Bulstrode Papers (1, 277): 8 Feb. 1674@5: On Wed night after Councell their Maties and Royal Highnesses were present at the rehearsall of the Great Maske wch will be publiquely acted on Tuesday 7 night next. [The two sources agree on the intended date of the performance but disagree upon the date of the rehearsal.


Mainpiece Title: A Rehearsal Of Calisto

Event Comment: On this date the masque was certainly acted, and the possible performance on 15 Feb. 1674@5 may have been a final rehearsal. Newdigate newsletters (Folger Shakespeare Library): This day the great maske at court is publiquely acted wch is intended to exceed all others of that Nature, the 2 young Princesses, the Duke of Monmouth & all ye principall persons of quality abt ye Court having parts in it (Wilson, Theatre Notes, p. 79). The Bulstrode Papers (1, 277): 15 Feb. 1674@5: To-morrow the great mask at Court is to be publickly acted in all its bravery and pompe, the like of whch was never yett seene, all the greatest persons of quality about Court having pts in it


Mainpiece Title: Calisto

Afterpiece Title: Calisto's Additional performers

Event Comment: Newdigate newsletters (Folger Shakespeare Library), 23 Feb. 1674@5: Last night ye mask at Court was publiquely acted in ye presence of their Maties, R:11 Hsess & ye whole Court & will be once more acted before his Matie goes to Newmarket (Wilson, Theatre Notes, pp. 79-80). [Wilson points out that this performance is nowhere else mentioned.


Mainpiece Title: Calisto

Afterpiece Title: Calisto's Additional performers

Event Comment: The Bulstrode Papers (I, 302): There is arrived Scaramouchy, ye famous Italien comedian with his crew, to act againe, & are to have ye King's Theatre in Whitehall for their use during their stay, and all people are allowed to come there & see them, playing as they doe at other houses, so yt now a Papist may come to Court for halfe a crowne. This is not much lik'd by our other players, for it will half break both our houses. [See also a Treasury warrant for the importing of their belongings, Calendar of Treasury Books, 1672-1675, p. 757, in Boswell, Restoration Court Stage, p. 121.


Event Comment: The King's Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but the fact that the play was entered in the Term Catalogues, 22 Nov. 1676, suggests that it was first acted not much later than September 1676. The Dedication: I know it is a triffle that by the meaness of the stile, the want of good design, and the ill representation at the Theatre, being play'd to the worst advantage, has got little credit with the World


Mainpiece Title: The Siege Of Memphis; Or, The Ambitious Queen

Event Comment: The King's Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 359. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 346. See the headnote to the 1674-75 season for an Epilogue to this play


Mainpiece Title: A Shoemaker A Gent

Performance Comment: A Prologue to this play is in New Songs and Poems a la Mode Both at Court and Theatres, 1677.
Event Comment: In L. C. 5@141, p. 528, is an order for altering the stage in the theatre in Whitehall for the French comedians. See Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 380


Event Comment: L. C. 5@142, p. 38 (see also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 355): Order to Mr Staggins, Master of his Majesty's Musick, and in his absence to Mr Lock, who officiates for him:--That all His Majesty's musitians doe attend to practise in the theatre at Whitehall at such tymes as Madam Le Roch and Mr Paisible shall appoint for ye practiceing of such musick as is to be in ye French comedy to be acted before His Matie [the 29 May]


Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The date of the first production is not known, but the licensing of the play on 13 Aug. 1677 suggests a production not later than July 1677. Dedication to edition of 1678: But having...suffer'd so much through the defects of setting off, when it came on the Stage, it dares not now reject any Accomdation the Press cane give it. For (with the Theatres good leave to speak Truth,) it cannot receive greater Disadvantage in the Reading, than it met in the Presenting, The chief Parts Acted by Women; and, for their Ease, and somewhat of decorum, as was pretended, whole scenes left out, and scarcely any one Speech unmangled and entire. As for Adornments, in Habit, Musick, and Scene-Work it was Vacation-time, and the Company would not venture the Charge


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Nymph; Or, The Rambling Shepheard

Event Comment: In November 1678 the Duke of Modena sent his troupe of comedians to London. They remained there until mid-February 1678@9 but apparently played only six times in three months. For an account of this troupe, see A. L. Bader, The Modena Troupe in England, Modern Language Notes, L (1935), 367-69, and I. K. Fletcher, Italian Comedians in England in the 17th Century, Theatre Notebook, VIII (1954), 86-91. See also Calendar of Treasury Books, 1676-1679, pp. 1160, 1230, and Boswell, Restoration Court Stage, p. 124


Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The date of the first production is uncertain. The fact that the Epilogue suggests that it followed Settle's The Female Prelate is not a factor in the dating, as the Newdigate newsletters--see Wilson, Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 80--show that Settle's play was first acted on 31 May 1680, whereas Caesar Borgia was entered in the Term Catalogues, November 1679. Although the reference in the Epilogue to burning the Pope's Effigies" has been argued as referring to the Pope-burning procession of 17 Nov. 1679, the references in the Epilogue to Father Lewis, who was tried and convicted at York, 28 March 1679, suggest that it was written before his execution, 27 Aug. 1679. Hence the play may have been acted first some time in the late spring or the summer. A song, Blush not redder than the Morning, with music by Thomas Farmer, is in Choice Ayres and Songs, The Third Book, 1681


Mainpiece Title: Caesar Borgia, Son Of Pope Alexander The Sixth