SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Theatre in the Haymarket"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Theatre in the Haymarket")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 2591 matches on Event Comments, 369 matches on Performance Comments, 53 matches on Performance Title, 0 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: A playbill [PRO, State Papers 29, Vol. 317, No. 187): At the Booth at Charing-Cross, every day in the Week will be presented variety of Farces Drolls, and Comical Entertainments by Mr Anthony Devo, His Majesties Servant. And this present Monday being the Eleventh of November, will be presented the Dutch cruelties at Amboyna, with the humours of the Valiant Welch-Man. Acted by Men and Women. Beginning exactly at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, and at Four. Vivat Rex. [This playbill is reproduced in Theatre Notebook, VI (1952), opposite page 36.] L. C. 5@140, p. 129 (Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 250): That Antonio diVoto Doe sett forth Exercise & Play all Drolls and Interludes, He not receiuing into his Company any person belonging to his Mates or Royal Highnesse Theatres Nor Act any Play usually acted at any of ye said Theatres Nor takes peeces or Sceenes out of ye Playes Acted at ye said Theatres


Mainpiece Title: The Dutch Cruelties At Amboyna; With The Humours Of The Valiant Welch-man

Event Comment: Benefit for Mr Norton Amber, formerly a Patentee, & Banker, now Pit Doorkeeper (Cross), late of the Strand (Winston MS 7). Tickets to be had at Mr Pierce's at the Castle Tavern, Corner of Henrietta Street, in Bedford Street, Covent Garden; Mr Frye's a Hosier, the Corner of James Street, Long Acre; King Street Coffee House, near Guild Hall; Batson's Coffee House, Cornhill; and at the Theatre. Places will be taken at the Stage Door of the theatre. This Day publish'd, Young Scarron, at 2s. 6d. sew'd, 3s. bound. Dedicated to the managers of both theatres. "The Stage reproves the follies of the age. For once we'll laugh at Follies of the Stage." Anon. Printed for T. Tyre, near Gray's Inn Holborn and W. Reeve in Fleet St. (General Advertiser). A comical and satirical account of summer strolling players: "When the time draws near that the Theatres Royal disband their troops, or rather grant their furloses till the next Campaign, each private Man becomes an Officer; and they who for nine months before submitted to Monarchical Government, now form themselves into several republicks for the remaining three. Then each Hero takes the path of his own ambition...The various whimsical disputes that arise from this kind of Emulation, are, in part the subject of the following sheets" (173 pp. Written by Thomas Mozeen, Biographia Dramatica). Receipts: #220 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Revenge

Related Works
Related Work: The Comical Revenge; or, Love in a Tub Author(s): Sir George Etherege

Afterpiece Title: Lethe

Dance: HHornpipe-Matthews, the Little Swiss; With Entertainments as will be express'd in the Great Bills

Song: I: Song-Beard

Event Comment: Paid half year's land tax for theatre due Mich. last #37 10s. Paid ditto for House in Bow Passage #2 1s. 8d., also 1!2 years tax for window light in theatre #4 18s. 3d. and for same in House in Bow Passage 15s. Paid half years scavenger's rate for theatre, #2 1s. 8d., and for Bow Passage House, 2s. 1d. Paid half year's Church rate for theatre #4 3s. 4d. and for Bow Passage House 4s. 2d. (Account Book). Receipts: #125 7s. 6d. (Account Book)


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Performance Comment: Tamerlane-Ross; Bajazet-Smith; Moneses-Dyer; Axalla-Perry; Dervise-Walker; Omar-Gardner; Hali-Davis; Prince of Tanais-Anderson; Zama-Redman; Stratocles-Cushing; Selima-Mrs Mattocks; Arpasia-Mrs Ward; Usual Prologue-Dyer; Original Song, To Thee O Gentle Sleep-Mrs Baker.

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Event Comment: [The Young Gentleman who played Zaphna was Wroughton. "His real name was Rottan, but altered euphonia gratia. He was designed for a surgeon and served his apprenticeship at Bath. The following playbills show that he met with approbation on the stage. He remained with Covent Garden from this time till the end of the season 1785-86. He then played in Ireland one Winter, and was engag'd at Drury Lane Theatre in the beginning of the season 1787-88. This was the occasion of Mr Wroughton's leaving Covent Garden, I mean it was thus conjectured. Mr Lewis had been appointed manager of that theatre for Mr Harris. Mr Lewis and Mr Wroughton lived next door neighbors in Broad Court at the top of Bow Street, and were sworn friends:--they laughed together, lived together--In the season 1784-85 two new performers Mr Holman and Mr Pope, appeared on the Covent Garden Stage--these young men were great favorites with Mr Harris; Mr Holman, attracting at this time very crowded audiences, stood so particularly high in his regard, that his partiality made him guilty of some injustice to older and abler actors in the theatre. Mr Henderson had really cause to complain of neglect; and Mr Wroughton thought himself equally oppressed. At this time we had a Club and met every Wednesday fortnight during Lent at the Long Room in Hamstead at dinner. Our Club consisted of a certain number of us belonging indifferently to either theatre, and two or three other gentlemen who were not actors. Mr King, Mr Quick, Mr Farren, Mr Mattocks, myself, etc., etc. When the bottle had a little warmed Mr Wroughton he threw out some sarcasms on his Friend Mr Lewis's management; Mr Lewis retorted; Their tempers grew hot, their words grew aggravating; Mr Wroughton struck Mr Lewis; Mr Lewis returned the blow. They were parted; all the pleasures of the day were over, and the Club broke up in confusion. I was not present this day, but have related what Mr Siddons told me of this Quarrel, and I imagine that Mr Wroughton's attack on Mr Lewis sprang from a suspicion that he was too willing to execute Mr Harris's designs in favour of Mr Holman. Be this as it may, Mr Wroughton was discharged from cg at the expiration of his Articles with Mr Harris."--Hopkins MS Notes.] Receipts: #186 3s. (Account Book)


Mainpiece Title: Mahomet

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Dr Faustus

Performance Comment: Harlequin-Miles; Infernal Spirit-Legg; Shade of Helen-Mrs Baker; Furies-Fishar; Sir Epicure Relish-Wignell; Miller-Banks; Gambler-Quick; Faust's Man-Morgan; Miller's Wife-Miss Twist; Lady Relish-Mrs Dyer; The Dances-Arnauld, Miss Valois.
Role: The Dances Actor: Arnauld, Miss Valois.
Event Comment: [As afterpiece Public Advertiser announces The Rival Candidates, but see Hopkins Diary, 12 Oct.] The Managers met again to-day, but nothing settled. Hamlet was given out. I saw Mr Sheridan, he told me that Mr Lacy and he had agreed that no Play should be given out, nor any Bills put up, till they had settled this Affair, which was to be done to-Morrow at Mr Wallis's (the Attorney's) where they were all to dine. I waited on Mr Lacy, who agreed to the same, and no Bills or Paragraph were sent to the Papers. All the Business of the Theatre is at a Stand, and no Rehearsal called. Wed. 16th--Mr Sheridan, Dr Ford and Mr Linley dined today by Appointment with Mr Wallis where Mr Lacy was to have met them; about four o'clock he sent a verbal Message that he could not come to Dinner, but would wait upon them in the Evening, and about nine o'clock he came, and everything was settled to the Satisfaction (of them all) and a Paragraph sent to the Papers, and the Hypocrite and Christmas Tale was advertised for Friday, but no Play was to be done on Thursday--Covent Garden did not play on Friday (Hopkins Diary). Public Advertiser, 16 Oct., summarizes the proprietors' dispute: the Drury Lane patent had been purchased [in 1747] by David Garrick and James Lacy. On his death Lacy had devised his half-share to his son, Willoughby Lacy; on his retirement from the stage Garrick had sold his half-share to Sheridan, Ford and Linley. The original agreement between Garrick and Lacy, as recited in a document retained by the attorney Albany Wallis was that, in case of the sale of either share of the patent, or any part of either share, the seller was obligated to offer the first refusal to purchase to the other partner, and that this was to be done only when the theatre was closed for the summer. In selling one half of his share to Robert Langford and to Edward Thompson, Willoughby Lacy was--so argued his three partners--acting illegally: he had not offered to them the first refusal, and he was negotiating the sale at a time when the theatre was open. Public Advertiser, 17 Oct.. prints a statement from Lacy saying that he did not feel himself bound by the original agreement between his father and Garrick, but that, in the interest of the business of the theatre, he had asked Langford and Thompson to withdraw their claim to partnership, to which request they had acceded. Receipts: #130 9s. 6d


Mainpiece Title: The Committee; Or, The Faithful Irishman

Afterpiece Title: The Waterman

Event Comment: [Miss Cleland, who was from the Edinburgh theatre, is identified in Lysons, Collectanea. Cleland was a stage name; her real name was Buttery.] Afterpiece [1st time; P 2, by James Messink]: To conclude with an exact Representation of the Procession at an Eastern Marriage [based on sketches made in India by Tilly Kettle, the portrait painter (Theatre Notebook, VIII, 6)]. The Scenery by Richards, Carver, Hodgins, Cipriani, Catton and others. The Music composed by [Michael] Arne. The Pantomime by Messink. Books of the Songs to be had at the Theatre. Nothing under Full Price will be taken. Public Advertiser, 12 Jan. 1782: The Openings between every Scene and all internal parts of the Theatre are now so crouded by people absolutely necessary in one character or another that were they not judiciously arranged and marshalled, they would stand in each other's way, and create inextricable confusion. All that appears before an Audience as moving with the ease, regularity and promptitude of clock-work is the result of much Contrivance and many exertions of bodily Labour. Ibid, 16 Feb. 1782: This Day is published The Choice of Harlequin (1s.). Receipts: #270 19s. (265/15; 5/4)


Mainpiece Title: George Barnwell

Afterpiece Title: The Choice of Harlequin; or, The Indian Chief

Performance Comment: Cast not listed. [Cast from text (no pub., 1782) and Airs (T. Cadell, 1782): Harlequin-W. Bates; Old Lieutenant-Darley; Clown-Stevens; Midshipman-Mrs Kennedy; Bridewell-Keeper-Edwin; Irishman-Egan; Old Beau-Jones; Jailor-Webb; Bailiffs-Thompson, Fearon, &c.; Groom Porter-Doyle; Columbine-Miss Matthews; Her Mother-Mrs Pitt; Virtue-Mrs Martyr; Pleasure-Mrs Morton. Unassigned characters: Master of the Hotel, Waiters, Coachman, Chairmen, Masqueraders, Sailors, Mob, Birds, Beasts, Dancers, Ladies, &c]..

Song: As17811109

Event Comment: By Command of Her Majesty. [This was the first time that members of the royal family had appeared in public since the beginning of the King's illness (his first attack of insanity) in November 1788. See also 21, 24 Apr.] The drop curtain with the King's arms on it shown when the front curtain first rose was the "original curtain exhibited on the opening of Lincoln's Inn Fields theatre [in 1714]...It has lain by in the scene-room of Covent-Garden theatre nearly seventy years, but was rescued from oblivion, retouched, and the appropriate ornaments added for the occasion" (Public Advertiser, 16 Apr.). On the Queen's entrance "the house called for God save the King, and the theatre being prepared, the song was immediately sung by Bannister, Johnstone, and Darley, the house joining in the chorus. It was encored...At the end of the play [it] was again called for, and again sung twice. At the end of the pantomime it was again called for; and the theatre not sending forward the performers, the audience cheerfully sung it for themselves; and having sung, they encored themselves; so that altogether it was sung six times in the course of the evening. Her Majesty had a bandeau of black velvet, on which were set in diamonds the words 'Long live the king.' The princesses had bandeaus of white satin, and 'Long live the king' in gold" (Universal Magazine, Apr. 1789, p. 218). Receipts: #388 16s. 6d. (385.12.0; 3.4.6)


Mainpiece Title: He Wou'd Be A Soldier

Afterpiece Title: Aladin

Event Comment: This was a semi-private rehearsal, with Davide as Pirro. "Yesterday evening an act of Pyrrhus was rehearsed on the stage of this theatre' (London Chronicle, 24 Feb.). "The Theatre is not yet ready entirely for the Public" (Oracle, 24 Feb.) [see 26 Mar.]. On 22 Feb. the newspapers carried a statement from the theatre that "the rehearsal announced for Wednesday Evening is...deferred for a few days." But this deferment was set aside. The Lord Chamberlain having refused a license for the performance of opera at this theatre, Pirro was not publicly performed


Mainpiece Title: Pirro

Event Comment: Benefit for the Author [of mainpiece, who is named in the Account-Book, but not on the playbill]. "A considerable tumult prevailed last night among the audience of this Theatre, on account of the unavoidable substitution of Miss Chapman and Mrs Harlowe for Mrs Esten and Mrs Wells (who are both indisposed). It was not that the audience objected to the former two, but because the names of Mrs Esten and Mrs Wells were printed in the bills usually sold about the Theatre, though not in those properly issued from the House. [Mrs Esten's name, however (but not Mrs Wells'), is listed in the "House" playbill for this night.] The audience were very violent, and the actors, after having nearly finished the first Act twice, were obliged to begin the Comedy a third time, before it was suffered quietly to proceed" (Morning Herald, 9 Feb.). "The fracas at Covent-garden Theatre on Wednesday evening was occasioned by the dexterity of certain Lottery Office keepers, who, in order to give notoriety to their shops, daily cause spurious Dramatis Personae of the theatres to be circulated; and on the reverse of these bills is conspicuously held forth the advantages of the public paying their cash into their gambling treasuries" (Morning Herald, 10 Feb.). Receipts: #191 17s. 6d. (187.2.6; 4.15.0; tickets: none listed)


Mainpiece Title: Notoriety

Afterpiece Title: Three Weeks after Marriage

Dance: As17910912

Event Comment: Mainpiece: 27th time [i.e. in continuation of the reckoning for the 1793 hay season]. The Overture, Chorusses, and the new Music by Dr Arnold. The Scenery by Rooker. Books of the Songs to be had at the Theatre. Half-Price not being taken at this Theatre, the Prices will be as in the Summer. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. 1st Gallery 2s. 2nd Gallery 1s. The Doors to be opened at 5:30. To begin at 6:30 [same throughout season, but see 11 Nov.]. Places for the Boxes to be had of Rice at the Theatre. dl Account-Book, 23 Nov.: Received of Colman for 50 Nights Use of the Patent of Drury Lane Theatre at #15 a Nt. #750; 3 Dec.: for 10 nights Use of Patent #150 [Et seq. throughout season.


Mainpiece Title: The Mountaineers

Performance Comment: Characters-Kemble, Barrymore, Johnstone, Aickin, Bannister, Dignum, Bland, Caulfield, Parsons, Barrett, Palmer Jun., Waldron, Waldron Jun., Bensley, Benson, Suett, Lyons, Usher, Cooke, Bannister Jun., Miss Heard, Mrs Goodall, Miss DeCamp; Vocal Parts-Kenrick, Walker, Dorion, Dorion Jun., Miss Menage, Mrs Bramwell, Mrs Edwin, Mrs Gaudry. [Cast adjusted from text (J. Debrett, 1795): Octavian-Kemble; Virolet-Barrymore; Kilmallock-Johnstone; Roque-Aickin; Muleteers-Bannister, Dignum, BlaBland, Caulfield; Lope Tocho-Parsons; Goatherds-Barrett, Palmer Jun., Waldron, Waldron Jun.; Bulcazin Muley-Bensley; Ganem-Benson; Pacha-Suett; Ali Beg-Lyons; Moors-Usher, Cooke; Sadi-Bannister Jun.; Zorayda-Miss Heard; Floranthe-Mrs Goodall; Agnes-Miss DeCamp.]
Role: Goatherds Actor: Barrett, Palmer Jun., Waldron, Waldron Jun.
Role: Floranthe Actor: Mrs Goodall
Related Works
Related Work: The Mountaineers Author(s): George Colman, the younger

Afterpiece Title: Who's the Dupe

Event Comment: A new Comic Opera; the music by Cimarosa, under the direction of Federici. The music of both dances by Miller. With entirely new Dresses, Scenes and Decorations, both in the Theatre itself, and in the Representations. Pit 10s. 6d. 1st Gallery 5s. 2nd Gallery 3s. No Money to be returned. The Subscribers are respectfully entreated to observe that they are to produce their Tickets at the doors. The Doors to be opened at 6:30. To begin at 7:30 [same throughout season, except on 15 May). The Ladies at the Head of the Boxes arc respectfully reminded that such Boxes as shall not be paid for at the opening of the Theatre become then vacant, and may be claimed by any of the old Subscribers. No one to be admitted behind the scenes. For the greater Safety of the Company in coming and going out of the Theatre Mr Townsend has taken charge of the Peace Officers, and will himself attend every night of Performance. [Morning Herald, 12 Jan., notes than the original gallery is now divided into two, a lower and an upper, and that the chief colors used in the repainting of the auditorium are blue, white and gold. Ibid, 13 Jan.: The scenes [in the opera], which were entirely new, have never been exceeded in splendour of general effect...One, representing the hall of an Italian villa, shews a ceiling designed like that of the theatre itself [which the same newspaper, 4 Jan., describes as being Apollo and the Muses, in a cove enriched with allegorical figures, flowers, and medals, in chiaroscuro].]


Mainpiece Title: Il Matrimonio Segreto

Dance: End of Act I a new Divertisement, composed by Noverre [performers not listed]; End of Act II a new Pantomimic Ballet, composed by Noverre, Adelaide; ou, La Bergere des Alpes, by Aumer, Gentili, Mme Del Caro, Mlle Hilligsberg, Mme M. L. Hilligsberg Sen

Event Comment: 1st piece [1st time; PREL I, by Thomas Holcroft, based on The Covent Garden Tragedy, by Henry Fielding. Larpent MS 1039; not published; synopsis of plot in Morning Herald, 16 Sept.]. "The two Queens are represented by Munden and Fawcett, who are dressed up fantastically, wearing as Crowns Models of the two Theatres" (Morning Chronicle, 16 Sept.). Covent-Garden was crowned with a triangular representation of the Piazza; Drury-Lane with her own Theatre, surmounted by Apollo" (Morning Herald, 16 Sept.). [This was Burton's 1st appearance in London; he was from the Norwich theatre. Miss Cornelys was from the Dublin theatre.] No Money to be returned. Boxes 6s. Second Price 3s. Pit 3s. 6d. Second Price 2s. Gallery 2s. Second Price 1s. Upper Gallery 1s. Places for the Boxes to be taken of Brandon at the Office in Hart-street. The Doors to be opened at 5:30. To begin at 6:30 [see 30 Oct.]. Receipts: #305 1s. 6d. (296.10.6; 8.11.0)


Mainpiece Title: The Rival Queens; Or, Drury-lane And Covent-garden

Performance Comment: Characters by Lewis, Johnstone, Munden, Fawcett, Harley, Powel, Farley, Claremont, Thompson, Mrs Fawcett. Cast from London Chronicle, 16 Sept., and Larpent MS: Tim Half@Price-Lewis; Mr O'Flannagan-Johnstone; Mr Town-Harley; Empress Drury Lane-Mr Fawcett; Queen Covent Garden-Mr Munden; Mrs Town-Mrs Fawcett; unassigned-Powel, Farley, Claremont, Thompson ; they acted the four unassigned parts in Larpent MS: Drury Lane Man, Covent Garden Man, Drury Lane Messenger, Stage Man. they acted the four unassigned parts in Larpent MS: Drury Lane Man, Covent Garden Man, Drury Lane Messenger, Stage Man.

Afterpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Afterpiece Title: Sprigs of Laurel

Event Comment: Boxes 6s. Second Price 3s. Pit 3s. 6d. Second Price 2s. Gallery 2s. Second Price 1s. Upper Gallery 1s. Second Price 6d. No Money to be returned. Places for the Boxes to be taken of Fosbrook at the office in Russel Street. The Doors t be opened at 5:30. To begin at 6:30 [see 4 Dec.]. Printed by C. Lowndes next the Stage-door. The Public are respectfully informed that the Entrances to the Pit are now removed from Bridges Street to Russel Street and Wooburn Street. In Wooburn Street the Lower Saloon is opened for the accomodation of the Frequenters of the Pit, previous to Opening the office Doors of admission. Many complaints having been made by the Frequenters of this Theatre respecting the application of the Box and office keepers and other Servants of the Theatre for Benefit Tickets, Christmas Boxes, &c., the Public are respectfully informed that a full compensation being made by the Proprzetors to all the said Persons in lieu of all such emoluments, no Benefit, Gift, or Perquistite will in future be permitted to the servants of this Theatre on any pretence whatever. [On Kemble playbill Kemble has written, "See June 14th and 15th for the Benefit of the Boxkeepers, and the perpetuating of this Ruse, if it is one at all."] Afterpiece: By permission of the Proprietor of the Theatre Royal, Hay-Market. Receipts: #324 8s. 6d. (227.19.0; 94.13.6; 1.16.0)


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Performance Comment: Sir Peter Teazle-King; Sir Oliver Surface-Aickin; Sir Benjamin Backbite-R. Palmer; Joseph Surface-Palmer; Charles Surface-Wroughton; Crabtree-Suett; Careless-C. Kemble; Snake-Wathen; Rowley-Packer; Moses-Wewitzer; Trip-Trueman; Lady Teazle-Mrs Jordan; Lady Sneerwell-Mrs Goodall; Mrs Candour-Miss Pope; Maria-Miss Miller.
Role: Snake Actor: Wathen

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood

Song: In III: a song-Dignum

Event Comment: The opening of the season was originally announced for 21 Dec. 1799, but on that day the Morning Chronicle carried the following notice: "The Nobility and Gentry, Subscribers to the Opera, and the Public, are most respectfully informed that the opening of this Theatre is unavoidably postponed to Saturday next, the 28th instant, on account of the indisposition of one of the principal Performers." But on the 28th the opening was again postponed to 4 Jan. On 6 Jan. a notice appeared in the Morning Herald, as follows: "King's Theatre, Saturday Evening, January 4, 1800. The Directors beg leave respectfully to inform the Nobility and Gentry (Subscribers) and the Public in general that the Theatre was advertised to be opened This Evening, with the concurrence and approbation of the Trustees, and it was not until this afternoon that they heard of an unforeseen difficulty having arisen with respect to issuing the License. It was then too late to advertise by means of the Public Newspapers the necessary postponement of the opening; but every effort was made on the part of the Direction to apprise the Subscribers, by sending to their respective houses, and by distributing a hand-bill in all the principal streets; notwithstanding which, they lament to find that many Ladies and Gentlemen were disappointed. The Directors humbly hope that on this statement of the fact they shall stand acquitted of all disrespect to the Subscribers and the Public, who shall have the earliest notice of the conclusion of all the arrangements for the immediate opening of the Theatre and performance of Operas for the season." See 11 Jan. A copy of the hand-bill referred to above, making mention of the "unforeseen circumstances," is attached to the Kemble playbill of dl, 4 Jan.


Mainpiece Title: None

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This date marks the opening of the new theatre in Dorset Garden. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 31): The new Theatre in Dorset-Garden being Finish'd, and our Company after Sir William's Death, being under the Rule and Dominion of his Widow the Lady Davenant, Mr Betterton and Mr Harris, (Mr Charles Davenant her Son Acting for her) they remov'd from Lincolns-Inn-Fields thither. And on the Ninth Day of November 1671, they open'd their new Theatre with Sir Martin Marral, which continu'd Acting 3 Days together, with a full Audience each Day; notwithstanding it had been Acted 30 Days before in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, and above 4 times at court. [This play is also on the L. C. lists at Harvard. See VanLennep, "Plays on the English Stage", p. 18: Sir Martin.


Mainpiece Title: Feign'd Innocence; Or, Sir Martin Marall

Performance Comment: For a previous cast, see16670815. A Prologue by Sir George Etherege is in A Collection of Poems (1701), p. 293-.
Event Comment: A disturbance occurred at this theatre on this day. Newdigate newsletters (Folger Shakespeare Library), 21 March 1673@4: His Maty has also been pleased to Order ye Recorder of London to examine ye Disorders & disturbances on Tuesday last at ye Dukes Theatre by some persons in drink (John Harold Wilson, Theatre Notes, p. 79). See also CSPD, 1673-1675, p. 231


Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The Prologue and Epilogue, separately printed, bear Luttrell's date of acquisition, 21 April 1682 (Huntington Library), and have been reprinted in Wiley, Rare Prologues and Epilogues, pp. 102-05. The Prologue and Epilogue were advertised in The Observator, 27 April 1682, with the statement: Recommended to All Men of Sense and Loyalty


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserv'd

Performance Comment: See16820209, but Prologue To His Royal Highness Upon His first appearance at the Duke's Theatre since his Return from Scotland. Written by Mr Dryden-Mr Smith; The Epilogue Written by Mr Otway to his Play call'd Venice Preserv'd; or a Plot Discover'd; Spoken upon his Royal Highness the Duke of York's coming to the Theatre, Friday, April 21, 1682-. The Epilogue Written by Mr Otway to his Play call'd Venice Preserv'd; or a Plot Discover'd; Spoken upon his Royal Highness the Duke of York's coming to the Theatre, Friday, April 21, 1682-.
Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of this performance, which coincides with the opening of the playhouse in Lincoln's Inn Fields by Betterton's Company, is established by Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, pp. 43-44: [Betterton, Mrs Bracegirdle, Mrs Barry, and others] set up a new Company, calling it the New Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields; and the House being fitted up from a Tennis-Court, they Open'd it the last Day of April 1695, with a new Comedy: Call'd, Love for Love....This Comedy being Extraordinary well Acted, chiefly the Part of Ben the Sailor, it took 13 Days Successively. Three songs in the play were published separately: I tell thee, Charmion, the music by Finger, sung by Pate and Reading, is in Thesaurus Musicus, 1696, The Fifth Book. A Nymph and a Swain, the music by John Eccles and sung by Pate; and A Soldier and a Saylour, the music by John Eccles, and sung by Dogget, are in Thesaurus Musicus, The Fourth Book, 1695. Cibber, Apology, I, 196-97: After we had stolen some few Days March upon them, the Forces of Betterton came up with us in terrible Order: In about three Weeks following, the new Theatre was open'd against us with veteran Company and a new Train of Artillery; or in plainer English, the old Actors in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields began with a new Comedy of Mr Congreve's, call'd Love for Love, which ran on with such extraordinary Success that they had seldom occasion to act any other Play 'till the End of the Season. This valuable Play had a narrow Escape from falling into the Hands of the Patentees; for before the Division of the Company it had been read and accepted of at the Theatre-Royal: But while the Articles of Agreement for it were preparing, the Rupture in the Theatrical State was so far advanced that the Author took time to pause before he sign'd them; when finding that all Hopes of Accomodation were impracticable, he thought it advisable to let it takes its Fortune with those Actors for whom he had first intended the Parts. A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1702), p. 10: Ramble: You know the New-house opened with an extraordinary good Comedy, the like has scarce been heard of. Critick: I allow that Play contributed not a little to their Reputation and Profit; it was the Work of a popular Author; but that was not all, the Town was ingag'd in its favour, and in favour of the Actors long before the Play was Acted. Sullen: I've heard as much; and I don't grudge 'em that happy beginning, to compensate some part of their Expence and Toil: But the assistance they receiv'd from some Noble Persons did 'em eminent Credit; and their appearance in the Boxes, gave the House as much Advantage as their Contributions. Ramble: Faith if their Boxes had not been well crowded, their Galleries wou'd ha' fallen down on their Heads. Sullen: The good Humour those Noble Patrons were in, gave that Comedy such infinite Applause; and what the Quality approve, the lower sort take upon trust. Gildon, The Lives and Characters (ca. 1698), p. 22: This Play, tho' a very good Comedy in it self, had this Advantage, that it was Acted at the Opening of the New House, when the Town was so prepossess'd in Favour of the very Actors, that before a Word was spoke, each Actor was clapt for a considerable Time. And yet all this got it not more Applause than it really deserv'd. An Essay on Acting (London, 1744), p. 10: The late celebrated Mr Dogget, before he perform'd the Character of Ben in Love for Love, took Lodgings in Wapping, and gather'd thence a Nosegay for the whole Town


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Performance Comment: Edition of 1695: A Prologue for the opening of the New Play-House-Mrs Bracegirdle in Man's Cloaths; Sent from an unknown Hand; Prologue Spoken at the opening of the New House-Mr Betterton; Epilogue Spoken at the opening of the New House-Mrs Bracegirdle; Sir Sampson Legend-Underhill; Valentine-Betterton; Scandal-Smith; Tattle-Boman; Ben-Dogget; Foresight-Sanford; Jeremy-Bowen; Trapland-Triffusis; Buckram-Freeman; Angelica-Mrs Bracegirdle; Mrs Foresight-Mrs Bowman; Mrs Frail-Mrs Barry; Miss Prue-Mrs Ayliff; Nurse-Mrs Leigh; Jenny-Mrs Lawson.
Event Comment: According to the Flying Post, 18-20 Oct. 1698: On Tuesday October 18, 1698, the Penny Lottery began at the Theatre Royal in Dorset Garden with the first draw. [On 28 Sept. 1698 James Brydges, Diary reported that he had gone into dg to see the "engine" for the lottery.] The Post Boy, 18-20 Oct. 1698: There is now Acting at the Theatre Royal in Dorset Garden a Tragy-Comedy called The Wheel of Fortune, or The Fools Expectation. And 'tis thought the Author will have a good Sixth Day. According to the Post Boy, 20-22 Oct. 1698: On Monday next will be publish'd, a Comical and Satirical Prologue and Epilogue, intended to be spoken at the Acting of the new Invented Farce, call'd, the Wheel of Fortune, or the Fools Expectation. [The Prologue and Epilogue are reprinted in Wiley, Rare Prologues and Epilogues, pp. 305-10.] It seems probable that the lottery was dignified, for satiric purposes, by being given the title of a play, with a satirical Prologue and Epilogue. Post Man, 20-22 Oct. 1698: The Entertainment performed at the Theatre Royal in Dorset Garden, at drawing the Lottery, called the Wheel of Fortune; being the Speeches addrest to the Spectators, as Prologues and Epilogues. During a Symphony of Musick the Curtain rises slowly, and discovers two wheels upon the Stage; then two Figures, representing Fortunev and Astraea the Goddess of Justicev, descend over each Wheel, in two rich Chariots gilt with Gold


Mainpiece Title: Entertainments

Event Comment: Benefit Delane. Mainpiece: As written by Shakespear. Tickets deliver'd for Monday the 9th will be taken. Tickets to be had of Delane at his lodgings at the Unicorn in New Exchange Row in the Strand. Places of Hobson at the stage door. There is now in rehearsal at the Theatre Royal [dl] and speedily will be acted, a new Petit Piece in imitation of that species of writing on the French Theatre call'd The Suspicious Husband Criticiz'd; or the Plague of Envy (General Advertiser). [A Folger edition of 1750 entitled Chorus for Shakespear's Tragedy of King John lists songs by Sullivan, Mrs Lampe, Mrs Storer, and Mrs Mozeen; the play had no other performance at a London theatre in the interim between 1747 and 1750.


Mainpiece Title: King John

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley

Dance: As17470314

Event Comment: Afterpiece: Being the most tragical tragedy that ever was tragedized by a company of tragedians. At the Particular Desire of Several Persons of Quality (General Advertiser). [The following unsigned statement of the financial condition of the theatre on 11 April is in the Harvard Collection of Documents dealing with affairs of Drury Lane, folio MS Thr. 12. This itemizes the outstanding liabilities to the amount of #8,808 14s. including #1,275 of arrears in actors' salaries]: I told Mr- the intended purchaser that the whole would not amount to #12,000. He said if it was more it should rest on me, for that was the utmost shilling he would give. But upon strict enquiry I find it will amount to #12,808 14s. This difference is not altogether owing to an error in calculation, but has been likewise heightened by a falling off of business, nor is it possible to ascertain the debt of a theatre for a day, it is of so fluctuating a nature. Q: whether this loss ought to light upon me, who have endeavored to get a purchaser & increased the value of the Estate to the utmost of my power? Errors excepted. [James Lacy or John Powel are the most likely authors of this statement. Whatever the authority, it is clear that settlement had not yet been made for transfer of ownership. For Powel, see G. W. Stone, Jr., The Authorship of Tit for Tat," Theatre Notebook, X (1955), 22-28.


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Afterpiece Title: Chrononhotonthologos

Dance: Salomon, Sga Padouana

Event Comment: [For the King (Cross). With New Music, Scenes, Machines, Habits, and other Decorations. Compos'd by Mr Noverre. All our Dancers appear. A good deal of hissing & Clapping & some Cries of No french Dancers; a great clapping too-the Dance is fine-(Mr Delaistre is a good Dancer) (Cross). [See for details of preparation, importation of dancers, especially of M Delaistre, The Chevalier Noverre, Father of Modern Ballet, Deryck Lynham (London, 1950), pp. 26-40. See also advertisement in Public Advertiser: 'Mr Noverre, whose entertainments of Dancing have been celebrated in almost all the courts of Europe, exhibits this evening his Chinese Festival at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, in pursuance of a contract made above a year ago with the managers of the said theatre: The Insinuation that at this time, an extraordinary number of French dancers are engaged, is groundless, there being at Drury Lane at present as few of that nation, as any other theatre now has, or perhaps ever had. Mr Noverre and his brothers are Swiss, of a protestant family in the Canton of Berne, his wife and her sisters Germans; there are above sixty performers concerned in the entertainment; more than forty of which are English, assisted only be a few French (five men and four women) to complete the Ballet as usual. As the intention of the Managers on this occasion is to give Variety to Entertainments of the town, it is not doubted it will meet with public approbation.'] Receipts: #210 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker Of Deal

Afterpiece Title: New Grand EntertainmentThe Chinese Festival

Performance Comment: Parts-Mons Delaistre, Sg Baletti, Lauchery, Noverre Jun, Dennison, StLeger, Shawford, Mathews, Pochee, L'Clert, Harrison, Granier, Hust, Sarny, Walker, Mrs Vernon, Miss Noverre, Morris, Rooker, Sturt, Atkins, Ackman, Walker, Sga Pietro, Mrs Addison, Mrs Noverre, Robinson, Mrs Gibbons, Mlle Charon, Mlle Rousselet, Mrs Preston, Mlle Rouend, Mrs Philips, Mrs Lawson, Little Pietro, Master Simson, Master Pope, Master Blagden, Master Hust, Master Spilsbury, Miss Bride, Miss Popling, Miss Simson, Miss Heath, Scrase, Jefferson, Burton, Marr, Vaughan, Chamness, Bullbrick, Clough, Allen, Gray, Mrs Bradshaw, Mrs Hippisley, Mrs Mathews, Mrs Simson, Miss Mills.
Event Comment: Books of the Opera to be sold at the Theatre. Nothing under FULL PRICE can be taken. Opera not perform'd this season. [A riot this night in which the benches were torn up. Led by Fitzpatrick against the abolishment of the custom of admitting at half-price after the third act. See previous disturbance at Drury Lane. No more plays at cg until 3 March 1763 while repairs were being made to theatre. See Gentleman's Magazine, Feb. 1763, Historical Chronicle, Th. 24: A riot happened at Covent Garden theatre occasioned by a demand being made for full prices at the opera Artaxerxes. The mischief done was the greatest ever known on any occasion of the like kind; all the benches of the boxes and Pit being entirely tore up, the glasses and chandeliers broken, and the linings of the Boxes cut to pieces. The rashness of the rioters was so great, that they cut aWay the wooden pillars between the Boxes, so that if the inside of them had not been iron, they would have brought down the Galleries upon their heads. The damages done amount to at least #2000. Four persons concern'd in the riot have been committed to the gatehouse. The Beauties of All Magazines Selected, for March 1763 (p. 142) reprinted from the Ledger a humorous account of this riot as told by a sailor in fabricated seaman's language: As soon as the foresheet was clewed up...As to my 5s., why the owners are welcome to it towards repair, for you stripp'd plank, timbers, and scantlings,-you gutted her; she look'd like a French prize, after a yard-arm engagement."


Mainpiece Title: Artaxerxes

Dance: I: A New Comic Dance-Granier, Miss Valois; II: La Provenciale-Sga Manesiere

Event Comment: Author's Day. Books of the Comedy to be had at the Theatre. N.B. The Author has generously given the profits of this day to a Fund, lately establish'd, by the Performers of the above Theatre, for the Maintenance of Decayed Actors and their Families. Public Advertiser, 3 Feb. 1766: The Performers of Covent Garden Theatre return their sincere thanks to Mr Cumberland for his generous donation of the profits of the 9th performance of The Summer's Tale, amounting to #74, for use of the newly established Theatrical Fund


Mainpiece Title: The Summer's Tale

Role: Sir Anthony Withers Actor: Shuter

Afterpiece Title: The Upholsterer

Dance: I: Rural Love, as17651115; II: The Garland, as17651003

Event Comment: Benefit for Squibb. Mainpiece: By Particular Desire. Charges #65 2s. [Profit to Squibb #13 10s. plus #85 10s. from tickets (Box 137; Pit 205; Gallery 205).] Paid half year's land tax for theatre #37 10s., and for House in Bow Passage #2 1s. 8d.; Paid half year's window lights tax for theatre #6 10s., for House in Bow Passage 15s.; half year's Scavanger's rate for theatre #2 1s. 8d., for House, 2s. 1d. (Account Book). Receipts: #78 12s. (Account Book)


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Upholsterer

Dance: II: The Female Archer, as17661215

Song: End: two favourite songs in the Italian Manner-Squibb