SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Richard Patrick"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Richard Patrick")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 1991 matches on Author, 813 matches on Performance Comments, 730 matches on Performance Title, 485 matches on Event Comments, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: At Oxford in the morning A Mad World My Masters was played; in the afternoon, The Merry Milkmaids of Islington. According to Richard Walden (Io Ruminans, 1662) Anne Gibbs played Harebrain's Wife in the former, A Lady in the latter


Mainpiece Title: The Siege Of Rhodes, Part I

Event Comment: At Oxford the players gave The Young Admiral in the morning, The Rape of Lucrece in the afternoon. According to Richard Walden (Io Ruminans, 1662) Anne Gibbs played Rosinda in the former, Lucretia in the latter


Mainpiece Title: The Siege Of Rhodes, Part I

Event Comment: See Calendar of the Middle Temple Records, ed. Hopwood, p. 169, for a fee of #20 paid to Sir William Davenant's@company, the receipt being signed by Richard Baddeley; and for #1 5s. for baize to cover the stage and scenes. The play may well have been Love and Honour


Mainpiece Title: Love And Honour

Event Comment: See Herbert, Dramatic Records, p. 118, where this play appears under date of 6 July, a Sunday in 1662; it is the second of the plays on this list to fall on Sunday in 1662 (see 2 June 1662). Following The Brothers on Herbert's list is Antipodes (by Richard Brome), without a date, between 6 and 23 July


Mainpiece Title: The Brothers

Related Works
Related Work: The Brothers Author(s): Richard Cumberland
Event Comment: The Duke's Company, the receipts for #20 being signed by Richard Baddeley (A Calendar of the Middle Temple Records, ed. Hopwood, p. 170). W. J. Lawrence (Review of English Studies, IX (1933), 221) suggests The Adventures of Five Hours as a possibility. Pepys, Diary: I met Madam Turner...she and her daughter having been at the play to-day at the Temple, it being a revelling time with them


Mainpiece Title: An Unidentified Play

Event Comment: Diary of Richard Boyle, Volume III, in the Duke of Devonshire's Library in Chatsworth: the new play caled the Indian Queen. [I am indebted to Professor Kathleen Lynch for this notice.


Mainpiece Title: The Indian Queen

Event Comment: This performance was attended by Richard Boyle (Diary, Vol. III, Chatsworth, through the courtesy of Professor Kathleen Lynch)


Mainpiece Title: Henry Viii

Event Comment: The Duke's Company, presumably. Richard Legh, writing to his wife, 3 Jan. 1667@7, stated that he had seen The Valiant Cid but he did not indicate on what day he saw the play. See Lady Newton, The House of Lyme (London, 1917), p. 240


Mainpiece Title: The Valiant Cid

Event Comment: The King's Company. Richard Legh, writing to his wife, 3 Jan. 1667@7, reported to her concerning this play: which is so damn'd bawdy that the Ladyes flung their peares and fruites at the Actors (Lady Newton, The House of Lyme, p. 240). Pepys, Diary: Alone to the King's House, and there saw The Custome of the Country, the second time of its beind acted, wherein Knipp does the Widow well; but, of all the plays that ever I did see, the worst--having neither plot, language, nor anything in the earth that is acceptable; only Knipp sings a little song admirably. But fully the worst play that ever I saw or I believe shall see


Mainpiece Title: The Custom Of The Country

Event Comment: The Journal of Sir Richard Bulstrode (p. 19): This evening is repeated in the great Hall by foure persons of quality the Indian Emper, but the Company is made very private, soe as few attempt to gett in. Jean Chappuzeau, Le Theatre Francois (Paris, 1675), p. 55, states that in 1668 he saw a revival of The Indian Emperor in London. Pepys, Diary: 14 Jan.: They fell to discourse of last night's work at court, where the ladies and Duke of Monmouth and others acted The IndianEmperour; wherein they told me these things most remarkable: that not any woman but the Duchesse of Monmouth and Mrs Cornwallis did any thing but like fools and stocks, but that these two did do most extraordinary well: that not any man did any thing well but Captain O'Bryan, who spoke and did well, but, above all things, did dance most incomparably. That she did sit near the players of the Duke's house; among the rest, Mis Davis, who is the most impertinent slut, she says, in the world; and the more, now the King do show her countenance; and is reckoned his mistress, even to the scorne of the whole world; the King gazing on her, and my Lady Castlemayne being melancholy and out of humour, all the play, not smiling once. The King, it seems, hath given her a ring of #700, which she shews to every body, and owns that the King did give it her; and he hath furnished a house for her in Suffolke Street most richly, which is a most infinite shame. It seems she is bastard of Colonell Howard, my Lord Berkshire, and that he do pimp to her for the King, and hath got her for him; but Pierce says that she is a most homely jade as ever she saw, though she dances beyond any thing in the world


Mainpiece Title: The Indian Emperour

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. list at Harvard. See VanLennep, "Plays on the English Stage," p. 13. Diary of Richard Boyle, Earl of Burlington: Heer dined with mee my lord of Canterbury my ld Sandwich and my brother and sister Orrery, and in the afternoone wee all went but his Grace to see my brothers new play cald Tryphon which was much applauded (Volume IV, in the Library at Chatsworth. This excerpt supplied by Kathleen Lynch). Pepys, Diary: My wife tells me of my Lord Orrery's new play "Tryphon," at the Duke of York's house...and [we] went thither, where, with much ado, at half-past one, we got into a blind hole in the 18d. place, above stairs, where we could not hear well, but the house infinite full, but the prologue most silly, and the play, though admirable, yet no pleasure almost in it, because just the very same design, and words, and sense, and plot, as every one of his plays have, any one of which alone would be held admirable, whereas so many of the same design and fancy do but dull one another; and this, I preceive, is the sense of every body else, as well as myself, who therefore showed but little pleasure in it


Mainpiece Title: Tryphon

Event Comment: In L. C. 5@12, p. 212, is a list of plays formerly acted at Blackfriars and now allowed (ca. 12 Jan. 1668@9) to the King's Company: Everyman in his Humour. Everyman out of his Humour. Cyntheas Revells. Sejanus. The ffox. The Silent Weoman. The Alchymist. Catilin. Bartholomew ffayre. Staple of Newes. The Devills an Asse. Magnitick Lady [The Humours Reconciled]. Tale of a Tubb. New Inn [or The Light of Heart]. Beggers Bush [by John Fletcher, with Philip Massinger?]. Bonduca. Custome of ye Country. The Captaine. The Chances. The Coxcombe. The Double Marriage. The ffrench Lawyer. The ffalse One. The fayre Mayd of ye Inn. The Humorous Leivt. The Island Princes. The Knights of Malta. Nathan Field. The Loyall Subject. The Lawes of Candye. Loves Progresse [The Lover's Progress; or, The Wandering Lovers. The Winters Tale. King John. Richard the Second. Loues Cure [or The Martial Maid]. Loues Pilgrimage. The Noble Gentlemen. The Nice Valour [or, The Passionate Madman]. The Prophetesse. The Marshall Mayd [see Love's Cure]. The Pilgrim. The Queene of Corinth. The Spanish Curate. The Sea Voyage. Valentinian. The Weomans Prize [or, The Tamer Tamed]. A Wife for a Moneth. The Wyd Goose-Chase. The Elder Brother. The ffaythfull Shepherdesse. A King & noe King. The Maydes Tragedie. Phylaster. Rollo Duke of Normandy [or, The Bloody Brother]. The Scornefull Lady. Thiery & Theodorat. Rule a Wife. The Gentlemen of Verona. The Merry Wives of Windsor. The Comoedy of Errors. Loves Labour Lost. Midsomer Nights Dreame. The Merchant of Venice. As you like it. The Tameing of ye Shrew. Alls well yt ends well. Henry ye fourth. The Second part Henry IV. The Royall Slaue


Event Comment: Newsletter, 7 April: Last evening their Majesties were diverted with a comedy acted at St James's by the little young ladies of the Court, who appeared extraordinarily glorious and covered with jewels (HMC, Fleming MSS. 12th Report, VII, 70). This may have been a performance of The Faithful Shepherdess which was entered by Richard Boyle, Earl of Burlington, in his diary, 2 April 1670 [error for 6 April (?)]: I saw Lady Mary, daughter of the Duke of York, and many young ladies act the Faithful Shepherdess very finely (Diary, Volume V, in Chatsworth. I owe this entry to Professor Kathleen Lynch). In Covent Garden Drollery, 1672 (ed. G. Thorn-Drury), p. 68, is an Epilogue spoken by the Lady Mary Mordaunt, before the King and Queen at court, to the Faithful Shepherdess. As Lady Mary was then about twelve, this Epilogue seems to confirm the possibility that the play was The Faithful Shepherdess acted by amateurs


Event Comment: On this day and on Friday the 20th the Duke's players gave The Impertinents; or, The Sullen Lovers or Sir Salomon. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 29) lists these as the two plays presented by the Duke's Company, but no contemporary statement indicates for certain which play was given on each day. The Journal of Sir Richard Bulstrode: Yesterday [19] at five of ye clocke, the Court were entertained with a comedy acted by the Duke's player (The Bulstrode Papers, 1879, I, 139). Saturday 28 May 1670: The absence of the court which continues at Dover till Wensday next makes us very barren of news. There is the greatest gallantry and mirth imaginable. The Dukes players have beene there all the time past came up yesterday and the kings goe downe this day (Aston Papers, Vol. XVI, Add. Mss. 36916, folio 182)


Event Comment: Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 8) gives a cast for Julius Caesar [by William Shakespeare] which includes Richard Bell, who died in the Drury Lane fire at the end of this month. It is not known when a performance of this play occurred, but a Prologue to Julius Caesar is in Covent Garden Drollery, 1672. Downes lists: Julius Caesar-$Bell; Cassius-$Major Mohun; Brutus-$Hart; Anthony-$Kynaston; Calphurnia-$Mrs Marshal. [Downes adds Portia-$Mrs Corbet, but this probably refers to a later performance.



Mainpiece Title: The Duchess Of Malfy

Performance Comment: [An edition of 1678 has a cast partially pertaining to this time (see also 31 Jan. 1672): Ferdinand-$Harris; Cardinal-$Young; Antonio-$Smith; Delio-$Midburn; Bosola-$Betterton; Castruchio-$Richards; Sylvio-$Cademan probably not acting now]; Pescara-$Norris; Malateste-$Price (not living in 1676); Roderigo-$Cogun (not living in 1676); Grisolan-$Percival; Dutchess of Malfey-$Mrs Betterton; Cariola-$Mrs Norris; Old Lady-$Mrs Osborn; Julia-$Mrs Shadwell.
Role: Castruchio Actor: Richards
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but the fact that play was licensed for printing on 23 Feb. 1676@7 suggests a first performance about this time. The play was entered in the Term Catalogues, May 1677. Langbaine (English Dramatick Poets, p. 36) refers to this play as altered from Richard Brome's The Mad Couple


Mainpiece Title: The Debauchee; Or, The Credulous Cuckold

Event Comment: The King's Company. Newdigate newsletters (Folger Shakespeare Library), 15 Nov. 1681: This being ye Q.s birthday ye K.s players acted Alexdr ye great after wch was a ball & entertainment given to ye Ct. (Wilson, Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 80). Luttrell, 15 Nov. 1681: The 15th, being the birth day of her majestie, was kept with ringing of bells, bonefires, &c.; and at night there was a play acted at Whitehall before the king and queen, where the court appeared in great splendor (A Brief Relation, I, 144). The Earl of Arran to Ormond, 15 Nov. 1681: I am going to a play at court (HMC, Ormonde MSS., New Series, VI, 230). L. C. 5@144, p. 246, 22 Nov. 1681: Whereas Jeoffrey Ayleworth, Thomas ffarmer, Thomas ffinall & Richard Tomlinson foure of his Mates Musitians have neglected their dury in attending at ye play acted before his Mate at Whitehall on Tuesday night last for which I have suspended them (L. C. to the Treasurer of the Chamber, in Boswell, Restoration Court Stage, p. 100)


Mainpiece Title: The Rival Queens; Or, Alexander The Great

Event Comment: The United Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@147, p. 361: The King at ye Mistress. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 351. There is no indication as to whether this performance was the premiere. As the play was licensed on 24 May 1687, the premiere may have been as late as 12 May, but possibly was earlier. Sir George Etherege to Will Richards, 19 May 1687: I have heard of the success of The Eunuch, and am very glad the town has so good a taste to give the same just applause to Sir Charles Sedley's writing, which his friends have always done to his conversation (Letterbook, ed. Rosenfeld, p. 212). Sir George Etherege to Middleton, 2O June 1687: I saw a play about ten years ago Called the Eunuch, so heavy a lump the players durst not charge themselves with the dead weight, but it seems Sir Charles Sedley has animated the mighty mass and now it treads the stage lightly (ibid., p. 227). [See also 26 March 1687 and season of 1676-77.] Thomas Shadwell, The Tenth Satyr of Juvenal (licensed, 25 May 1687.) Dedication to Sir Charles Sedley: Your late great obligation in giving me the advantage [presumably the third day's gain] of your comedy, call'd Bellamira, or the Mistress, has given me a fresh subject for my Thanks; and my Publishing this Translation affords me a new opportunity of owning to the world my grateful resentments to you. I am heartily glad that your Comedy (as I never doubted) found such success, that I never met with any Man of Sence but applauded it: And that there is abundance of Wit in it, your Enemies have been forced to confess....For the Judgment of some Ladies upon it that it is obscene, I must needs say they are Ladies of a very quick apprehension, and did not find their thoughts lye very much that way, they could not find more obscenity in that than there is in every other Comedy. A song, Thyrsis unjustly you complain, headed A Song in Bellamira, or, the Mistress. Set by Mr Tho. Shadwell, is in Vinculum Societatis, 1687 (licensed 8 June 1687)


Mainpiece Title: Bellamira; Or, The Mistress

Related Works
Related Work: Vice Reclaim'd: or, The Passionate Mistress Author(s): Richard Wilkinson
Event Comment: James Brydges, Diary: I went to ye Playhouse, where I met my Brother Frank, Sr. Richard Sanford, & Ld Huntinton, I staid about an act (Huntington Library MS St 26)



Mainpiece Title: The Triumphs Of London

Performance Comment: For the Inauguration of the Right Honourable Sir Richard Levett, Kt. Lord Mayor of the City of London. Containing a Description of the Pageants, together with the Publick Speaches, and the whole Solemnity of the Day. Perform'd on Monday the 30th day of October, Anno 1699. All set forth at the proper cost and charges of the Honourable Company of Haberdashers. [By Elkanah Settle.]
Event Comment: Benefit Richard Elford. At the Desire of several Persons of Quality. At 7 p.m. Tickets 5s


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: Vocal and Instrumental Music-; Several new Songs-Mrs Hudson, Mr Elford accompany'd with the Lute; Also particular Performances-Mr Paisible, Mr Banister; concluding with a Song made upon St. Cecilia's Day, but never yet perform'd-

Event Comment: [By Richard Wilkinson. Premiere.


Mainpiece Title: Vice Reclaim'd; Or, The Passionate Mistress

Related Works
Related Work: Vice Reclaim'd: or, The Passionate Mistress Author(s): Richard Wilkinson
Event Comment: Being obliged at the Desire of several Persons of Quality. With some Scenes Reviv'd. [In Daily Courant, 30 March, Richard III had been announced for this day.


Mainpiece Title: Aesop

Song: As17050104

Dance: duRuel, Cherrier, Mrs duRuel, Mrs Bicknell

Event Comment: Benefit Leveridge. Afterpiece: [By Richard Leveridge.] A Comic Masque, compos'd in the high Style of Italy. N.B. The Books of the Masque are just printed for W. Mears...and sold by him, and at Mr Leveridge's in Tavistock-street. Receipts: #37 10s. 6d. and tickets #75 4s


Mainpiece Title: The Island Princess

Afterpiece Title: Pyramus and Thisbe, Lyon, Moonshine, and Wall

Related Works
Related Work: Pyramus and Thisbe Author(s): Richard Leveridge
Related Work: The Comickal Masque of Pyramus and Thisbe Author(s): Richard Leveridge

Music: With all New Musick (for that Night) both Vocal and Instrumental Musick-