SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Opera House at Turin"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Opera House at Turin")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 3079 matches on Event Comments, 2569 matches on Performance Title, 271 matches on Performance Comments, 0 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: By Permission of the Lord Chamberlain. Benefit for The Literary Fund. [In this performance the male parts were acted chiefly by amateurs; the female parts were acted by professionals. Prologue and Epilogue by Thomas Morris (Morning Herald, 17 Apr.).] The Committee for the Management of the Literary Fund respectfully inform the Public that affecting instabces of Merit in distress exceed their power of relief by the ordinary Subscription; and that they wish to have recourse to every honourable expedient to increase that power. The Admission will be by Tickets, at the Opera Prices. Boxes and Pit 10s. 6d. 1st Gallery 5s. 2nd Gallery 3s. No more Company will be admitted than the House will hold with perfect convenience; and when the proper number of Tickets is issued, no means of admission can be obtained. The Doors to be opened at 6:00. To begin at 7:00 precisely. Registers: Thomas Dale, M. D.; Mr Deputy Nichols. Treasurers: Thomas Morris, Esq.; Mr E. Brooke. "In the course of the play we observed several restorations of Shakespeare's text, with some interpolations. The boldest of the latter was the introduction of Richard's son to him in the tent, the night befiredthedbefore the Battle of Bosworth field. This scene was borrowed, as we believe, from Thomas? Hull's Legendary Tale of Richard Plantagenet. It was well written, and produced a considerable degree of effect. The Ghosts were banished, and the start and stagger of Richard, heretofore the theatrical trick of the scene, necessarily omitted" (Diary, 17 Apr.)


Mainpiece Title: Richard Iii

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen

Event Comment: The Last Opera this Season. "La Bella Pescatrice terminated the season at this place, on Saturday last, before an audience which fully occupied the house in all parts. The stage overflowed with nobility" (Morning Herald, 11 June)


Mainpiece Title: La Bella Pescatrice

Dance: As17920607

Ballet: La Foire de Smirne. As17920607

Event Comment: Medonte announced, but Morning Chronicle, 17 Dec.: By the sudden indisposition of Madame Banti, there was no opera on Saturday night. Ibid, 18 Dec.: Bills were posted up all over London in the forenoon, and a respectful card sent to the house of each subscriber. Morning Herald, 18 Dec., carries a statement signed by Pere Elisee saying that "about two o'clock, Saturday morning last, I was called out of my bed by a message that Mrs Banti was taken dangerously ill," that she so continues, and that as her physician he is "of opinion it will not be safe for her to quit her sick bed for several days yet to come.


Mainpiece Title: None

Event Comment: "The bombardment of the fortv, at the conclusion of the Opera, went off better than on the preceding night. Of course, the thunder of guns and mortars, with the suffocating smoke, stench and vapour which pervaded every part of the house rouzed the audience from a state of lethargy and torpor...and the curtain dropped with less opposition and reprobation than on the preceding night" (Dramatic Censor, I, 350). Receipts: #342 11s. (267.17.6; 74.4.6; 0.9.0)


Mainpiece Title: The Egyptian Festival

Afterpiece Title: The Wedding Day

Event Comment: Benefit for ye widow of Capt. James Spencer, an Officer &c., and her small Children (Cross). An Old Officer who had been in His Majesty's Service 46 years, but dying when upon half-pay has left the Widow without pension and with several small children in greatest distress. N.B. Part of the Pit will be rail'd into the boxes and servants will be allowed to keep places on the Stage. Tickets to be had of Mrs Spencer, the uppermost house in Prince's Court, by Storey's Gate; the Bedford Coffee House, Covent Garden; the Tiltyard Coffee House; St James Coffee House; Sweet's Coffee House, Bukingham Court; Bridge Street Coffee House; The Rainbow Coffee House, Ludgate Hill; the Temple Exchange, Fleet St.; the Rainbow, Cornhill; and at the Stage Door of the theatre where places may be taken. Mr Norton Amber, humbly hopes this general acknowledgment of the favour which his friends were pleas'd to confer on him by their generous appearance last Night at Drury Lane, will be accepted, instead of a more particular application, which his constant employment prevents; and begs leave to assure them, that he shall ever retain a most grateful sense of their indulgent assistance. Receipts: #252 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Event Comment: For the Benefit of the Wid. Kraus & her children whose Husband was murder'd by Robbers near Chelsea (Cross). Tickets to be had at White's Chocolate House, and the St James Coffee House, St James St.; at Allmack's Coffee House, Halfmoon St.; The Mount Coffee House, Grosvenor St.; Sam's Coffee House and The Jerusalem Coffee House, Exchange Alley; of Mrs Kraus, at her house in Halfmoon St., Picadilly, and of Mr Varney at the stage Door, where places may be taken. Receipts: #200 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: To the King's playhouse...and there saw The Faithfull Shepherdesse. But, Lord! what an empty house, there not being, as I could tell the people, so many as to make up above #10 in the whole house! The being of a new play at the other house, I suppose, being the cause, though it be so silly a play that I wonder how there should be enough people to go thither two days together, and not leave more to fill this house. The emptiness of the house took away our pleasure a great deal, though I liked it the better; for that I plainly discern the musick is the better, by how much the house the emptier


Mainpiece Title: The Faithful Shepherdess

Event Comment: By Authority. By the French Company of Comedians. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. Victor, History of the Theatres, I, 54-60: People went early to the Theatre, as a crouded House was certain. I was there, in the Centre of the Pit; where I soon perceived that we were visited by two Westminster Justices, Deveil and Manning. The Leaders, that had the Conduct of the Opposition, were known to be there; one of whom called aloud for the Song in Praise of English Roast Beef, which was accordingly sung in the Gallery by a Person prepared for that Purpose; and the whole House besides joining in the Chorus, saluted the Close with three Huzzas! This, Justice Deveil was pleased to say, was a Riot; upon which Disputes commenced directly, which were carried on with some Degree of Decency on both Sides. The Justice at first informed us, 'That he was come there as a Magistrate to maintain the King's Authority; that Colonel Pulteney, with a full Company of the Guards, were without, to support him in the Execution of his Office; that it was the King's Command the Play should be acted; and that the obstructing it was opposing the King's Authority; and if that was done, he must read the Proclamation; after which all Offenders would be secured directly by the Guards in waiting.' To all these most arbitrary Threatnings, this Abuse of his Majesty's Name, the Reply was to the following Effect:-'That the Audience had a legal Right to shew their Dislike to any Play or Actor; that the common Laws of the Land were nothing but common Custom, and the antient Usuage of the People; that the Judicature of the Pit had been acknowledged and acquiesced to, Time immemorial; and as the present Set of Actors were to take their Fate from the Public, they were free to receive them as they Pleased.' By this Time the Hour of Six drew near; and the French and Spanish Embassadors, with their Ladies; the late Lord and Lady Gage, and Sir T@R@, a Commissioner of the Excise, all appeared in the Stage Boxes together! At that Instant the Curtain drew up, and discovered the Actors standing between two Files of Grenadiers, with their Bayonets fixed, and resting on their Firelocks. There was a Sight! enough to animate the coldest Briton. At this the whole Pit rose, and unanimously turned to the Justices, who sat in the Middle of it, to demand the Reason of such arbitary Proceedings? The Justices either knew nothing of the Soldiers being placed there, or thought it safest to declare so. At that Declaratinn, they demanded of Justice Deveil (who had owned himself the commanding Officer in the Affair) to order them off the Stage. He did so immediately, and they disappeared. Then began the Serenade; not only Catcalls, but all the various portable Instruments, that could make a disagreeable Noise, were brought up on this Occasion, which were continually tuning in all Parts of the House; and as an Attempt to speaking was ridiculous, the Actors retired, and they opened with a grand Dance of twelve Men and twelve Woman; but even that was prepared for; and they were directly saluted with a Bushel or two of Peas, which made their Capering very unsafe. After this they attempted to open the Comedy; but had the Actor the voice of Thunder, it would have been lost in the confused Sounds from a thousand Various Instruments. Here, at the waving Deviel's Hand, all was silent, and (standing up on his Seat) he made a Proposal to the House to this Effect:-'That if they persisted in the Opposition, he must read the Proclamation; that if they would permit the Play to go on, and to be acted through that Night, he would promise, (on his Honour) to lay their Dislikes, and Resentment to the Actors, before the King, and he doubted not but a speedy End would be put to their acting.' The Answer to this Proposal was very short, and very expressive. 'No Treaties, No Treaties!' At this the Justice called for Candles to read the Proclamation, and ordered the Guards to be in Readiness; but a Gentleman seizing Mr Deveil's Hand, stretched out for the Candle, begged of him to consider what he was going to do, for his own Sake, for ours, for the King's! that he saw the unanimous Resolution of the House; and that the Appearance of Soldiers in the Pit would throw us all into a Tumult, which must end with the Lives of many. This earnest Remostrance made the Justice turn pale and passive. At this Pause the Actors made a second Attempt to go on, and the Uproar revived; which continuing some Time, the Embassadors and their Ladies left their Box, which occasioned a universal. Huzza from the whole House! and after calling out some Time for the Falling of the Curtain, down it fell. [For other accounts of this evening, see Daily Advertiser, 9 and 10 Oct.; London Evening Post, 12 Oct.; Gentleman's Magazine, VIII (1938), 545; Historical Register, XXIII, 278-87.


Mainpiece Title: Lembaras Des Richesses

Afterpiece Title: Arlequin Poli Par L'Amour

Dance: Paquorel, Mlle Chateauneuf, LeFevre, Madem LeFevre

Event Comment: Pepys, Diary: At Wotton's, the shoemaker's, who tells me the reason of Harris's going form Sir Wm. Davenant's house, that he grew very Proud and demanded #20 for himself extraordinary, more than Betterton or any body else, upon every new play, and #10 upon every revive; which with other things Sir W. Davenant would not give him, and so he swore he would never act there more, in expectation of being received in the other House; but the King will not suffer it, upon Sir W. Davenant's desire that he would not, for then he might shut up house, and that is true. He tells me that his going is at present a great loss to the House, and that he fears he hath a stipend from the other House privately. He tells me that the fellow grew very proud of late, the King and every body else crying him up so high, and that above Betterton, he being a more ayery man, as he is indeed. But yet Betterton, he says, they say do act some parts that none but himself can do


Event Comment: The King's Company. For an edition of this play from the MS prompt copy, see The Change of Crownes, ed. F. S. Boas (Oxford University Press, 1949). For the consequences of Lacy's ad libbing, see 16, 20, and 22 April, and 1 May. Pepys, Diary: I to the King's house by chance, where a new play: so full as I never saw it; I forced to stand all the while close to the very till I took cold, and many people went away for want of room. The King and Queene, and Duke of York and Duchesse of York there, and all the Court, and Sir W. Coventry. The play called The Change of Crownes; a play of Ned Howard's the best that ever I saw at that house, being a great play and serious; only Lacy did act the country-gentleman come up to Court, who do abuse the Court with all the imaginable wit and plainness about selling of places, and doing every thing for money. The play took very much.... Gervase Jaquis to the Earl of Huntington, 16 April: Here is another play house erected in Hatton buildings called the Duke of Cambridgs play-house, and yester-day his Matie the Duke & many more were at the King's Playe house to see some new thing Acted (Hastings MSS, HA 7654, Huntington Library)


Mainpiece Title: The Change Of Crowns

Event Comment: Pepys, Diary: With my wife to the King's house, but there found the bill torn down and no play acted.... Here [at lif; see below] met with Mr Rolt, who tells me the reason of no play to-day at the King's house. That Lacy had been committed to the porter's lodge for his acting his part in the late new play [see 15 April], and that being thence released he come to the King's house, there met with Ned Howard, the poet of the play, who congratulated his release; upon which Lacy cursed him as that it was the fault of his nonsensical play that was the cause of his ill usage. Mr Howard did give him some reply, to which Lacy [answered] him, that he was more a fool than a poet; upon which Howard did give him a blow on the face with his glove; on which Lacy, having a cane in his hand, did give him a blow over the pate. Here Rolt and others that discoursed of it in the pit this afternoon did wonder that Howard did not run him through, he being too mean a fellow to fight with. But Howard did not do any thing but complain to the King of it; so the whole house is silenced, and the gentry seem to rejoice much at it, the house being become too insolent


Event Comment: Benefit Dr Clancy. "The Day returns, but not to me returns," Milton. This Gentleman being deprived of the Advantages of following his profession; and as the writing he had produced for the stage could not be brought out this season, the Master of the Playhouse has been so kind as to favour him with a Benefit Night: It is therefore hoped, that as this will be the first instance of any person laboring under so heavy a deprivation, performing on the stage, the Novelty, as well as the Unhappyness of his case, will engage the favour and protection of a British Audience. Note: Tickets to be had at the Temple-Exchange Coffee House in Fleet Street; Tom's Coffee House in Cornhill; St. James Coffee House, St. James's Street; Child's Coffee House, St. Paul's Churchyard and the Chapter Coffee House in Paternoster Row. Places for Boxes to be Taken at the Stage Door of the Theatre. [General Advertiser, 4 April, publish'd a fifty-six Prologue (licensed) Intended for Oedipus, acted for the Benefit of the Very Ingenious Dr Clancy, written by Mr Lockman.


Mainpiece Title: Oedipus, King Of Thebes

Afterpiece Title: The School Boy

Event Comment: By Particular Desire. On Thursday 6 Dec. 1750 a Benefit for a Citizen's Widow with 8 Children, As You Like It, and Miss in her Teens. Tickets to be had at Moorgate Coffee House; Rainbow, Sam's and Janeway's Coffee Houses in Cornhill; Paul's Head, Carter Lane; Peele's and Nandoe's in Fleet Street; Mr Law's, Confectioner, at the Eagle and Child, Fleet St.; Charing Cross; Bethell's Hatter and Hosier, the corner of Pall Mall; Thatched House Tavern, St James St.; Mr Jones, Bookseller, the corner of Staples Inn, and Seagoe's Coffee House, Holborn; the Aldersgate Coffee House, Aldersgate Street; and Ship Tavern, Ratcliff cross. This day is publish'd The Rosciad: a Poem (at 1s.) in which the excellencies and imperfections of the three present principal ornaments of the British Stage are illustrated, and conspicuously represented; with observations on theatrical performances. Printed for J. Robinson. Receipts: #100 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Dance: II: Comic Dance, as17501117

Ballet: V: The Birdcatchers. As17501127

Event Comment: Benefit for a family in Distress (Cross). Tickets to be had at the Sword-Blade Coffee House, Birchin Lane, Lombard St.; Prince of Orange Coffee House in the Haymarket; Joe's Coffee House, Mitre Court, Fleet St.; Smyrna Coffee House, Pall Mall; the Swan Tavern, Grafton St.; Warwick-St. Coffee House near Golden Square; the Feather's Tavern, opposite St Clement's Church in the Strand; and of Mr Varney at the stage door. Receipts: #212 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Dance: II: New Dutch Dance, as17531117; V: Gipsey Tambourine, as17531012

Event Comment: Benefit for Wood, Sub-Treasurer. Tickets deliver'd out for The Mistake will be taken (playbill). For ye Morocco Embassador, who, tho' unlearn'd in out Language, behav'd as if he understood nature -Mr Wood, the Subtreasurer had Tickets (Cross). [Mrs Frances Brooke, in The Old Maid, for 8 May 1756, gives the following eye-witness account of the evening: "I determined to watch the artless working of [the Ambassador's] surprise, and to catch, as well as I could his sentiments of the theatre, the Audience, the Play, and the performers. And shall give them to my readers, just as they appeared to me. On his first coming to the front of the Box, he was complimented with the Applause of the whole House, which seemed to give him great pleasure, and which he returned by two bows in the English, and afterwards by a reverence in the Moorish manner, which last I thought very graceful...tho' he is rather low of stature, yet his loose flowing robes, and his manner altogether gave him such an air of superiority, that I thought the Audience looked only like his attendants. "The House and Spectators attracted his notice so much for some time, that he seem'd very well entertained before the drawing up of the curtain. At the first scene between the Lords, I thought he looked disappointed, and after a transient view of the stage, directed his eyes again to the company; at the entrance of King Henry his attention was a little recover'd to the performance, but his majesty had not proceeded half way thru the scene, before he burst into a most immoderate fit, of apparently contemptuous laughter, which he repeated very often thro' the whole playing of the part. The manner in which this stranger was affected by it, amongst other considerations, fully convinces me that this character is most ridiculously burlesqued in the representation, and that both Shakespeare and the Monarch are very inhumanly sacrificed, to the polite taste, and elegant distinction of the upper gallery....I could point out many abuses of the like nature, which have increased upon us so much of late, that 'tis almost impossible to attend the theatres, with the expectation of receiving pleasure from some parts of the perfbrmance, without the certainty of suffering equal disgust from others; it was the case of many besides myself, at this of Henry, upon the absurdity of Winchester's brandishing his cane at Canterbury, upon the close of the Council Scene; and yet to give opportunity for this notable stage foolery, the Archbishop and Bishop are both made to walk out of their proper order, tho' in attendance upon the King....His character is drawn by Shakespeare very nearly as it stands in history, and in colours far different from the farcical ones, in which it is the present fashion to represent it. He is described indeed as imperious, but at the same time a great Monarch, and not withstanding his short interjections of anger, he is in my judgment upon every occasion a King. I wish this consideration may prevail with Mr Berry, when he plays this character for the future, to remember that tho' Harry as well as Jobson may be something rough and boistrous, yet the turbulency of a haughty prince, is a very different quality, and must therefore appear in avery different fashion, from the sawciness of an impudent cobbler. "Whatever neglect his Moorish Excellency might discover of this part, he paid great attention to that of Queen Catherine; but nothing seem'd to affect him so stronglyas Miss Young's singing, at which he appeared quite collected, and listened to her with all marks of rapturous admiration; his whole soul appeared touched, and at the end of the song, he joined the house in clapping, a mark of applause I did not observe him give at any other time. "I thought upon the King's kissing Anna Bullen, that he appeared surprized and offended, and looked about, to observe whether others were not affected in the same manner. "The procession was less marked by him than I had expected, but upon the Champion's entry on horseback, he burst into such an Immoderate fit of laughter, as to fall quite back in his seat. "At the end of the play he rose, as if to leave the House, but looked very well pleased upon being informed there was more entertainment to come; in the Pantomime he seem'd surprized and disgusted at the appearance of Harlequin, to whom he did not appear reconciled to the last; his wonder was still greater at the flying of the Genii cross the stage, and other parts of the machinery, which I thought he studied byt was puzzled to account for. He laughed heartily at the Clown, and admired Colombine not a little.... "I am jealous of the honour of my country in all respects. I would have this stranger leave it with as high opinion of our publick entertainments as possible, and could wish that at the Old House, he might see Mr Garrick in Richard or some equally striking part, and at the New, he may be present at plays, where rich dresses, magnificent show and graceful action, and uncommon personal perfections in the principal performers might contribute to give him a more elevated idea of our stage, than he can have receiv'd from King Harry."] Receipts: #210 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Viii

Afterpiece Title: The Genii

Event Comment: [T$Theophilus Cibber opened the theatre this one night. Mainpiece, a Mock Tragedy by Joseph Reed. Afterpiece, anonymous.] Tickets to be had at the Swan, Westminster Bridge; Forest's Coffee House and Cannon Tavern, Charing Cross; the Tuns in the Borough, Southwark; the Rainbow Coffee House, near the Royal Exchange; and the Bedford Coffee House, Covent Garden. N.B. Tickets for the Author to be had at Mr Briscall's at Parliament-Street Coffee House; the Bedford Head, Southampton St.; Mr Wells at the Crown and W in Russel Court, Covent Garden; Mr Long's in Little Britain; the Union Coffee House in Cornhill; the White Lion in Talbot Court; and the Sun Tavern, Shadwell


Mainpiece Title: Madrigal And Truletta

Afterpiece Title: Sir ThomasCallico; or, The Mock Nabob


Mainpiece Title: Speculation

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Treasure 0; or, Jewels New Set

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Treasure 1

Performance Comment: Part I. A View of the Desarts of Arabia , with the passing of the Caravan.; The Banditti- (from The Magic Cavern) painted by Richards, the music by Shield.; A Garden-; song-Mrs Clendining composed by Shield.; The Hotel-; (from The Choice of Harlequin) with the Views of the Temple of Virtue and Pleasure painted by Richards, Dall, and Smirk; the music by Michael Arne; The Hazard Club (from The Choice of Harlequin)-; Come pass the Box composed by M. Arne,-Bowden, Townsend, Richardson, Haymes, Linton, Street, Spofforth, Williamson, Holland; The Building Scene and Falling Scaffold- (from The Sorcerer) invented by Rich. The Outside of Pantaloon's House-the Mandarine-the Inside-the Magic Candles-; Harlequin from the Tea Urn-, invented by Messink and Martinelli.; The Dog Kennel and Pigeon House- invented by Rich.; Outside of Bagnio- (from The Choice of Harlequin); -The Jew-the Quaker-the Sailor-the Miser. Omnia Vincet Amor! The Inside of the Bagnio-the Change to the Prison-the Punishment of Vice-; with a Hornpipe in Fetters-Byrn.

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Treasure 2

Performance Comment: Part II. An exact Representation of the Telegraphe-, in which is shewn the Manner of conveying Intelligence, demanding Questions, and receiving Answers.; A View of Dover, with the Fleet prepared for Sea-The arrival of an Express from the Admiralty by the Telegraphe-the Sailing of the Fleet; new song by Spofforth-Haymes; Park Wall changes to a Public House; The Trick Tea Chest; Harlequin's Leap and Transformation; The Kitchen Scene- by Messink.; Harlequin changes to a Lobster.; A Landscape-; painted by Lambert.; A new Drinking Song and Chorus by Spofforth-Bowden; The Wash@House Scene- (from The Sorcerer) invented by Rich. Pantaloon's House and Garden Wall-a Venetian Window changes to a Ladder-with the Clown's Disaster in the Horse Trough. Outside of Pantaloon's House-the art of making Punch-the Transformation of Punch to a Wheel-Barrow invented by Rich.; The Statuary Yard- invented by Messink-the formation of the Stone Figure invented by Delpini.; A Dark Wood-;Harlequin and Columbine, guarded by Virtue, are shewn the Cavern of Vice, in which are personified Intemperance, Deceit, Avarice, Gaming, Drunkenness, Lust, and Murder. This is succeeded by the Temple of Virtue, in which the Vices give place to Prudence, Justice, Temperance, Fortitude, Faith, Hope, and Charity. Harlequin and Columbine are united at the Altar by Hymen, and the Piece concludes with a Finale-; Grand Dance-Byrn, Holland, Mlle St.Amand.
Event Comment: Rich's Company. That this day was the premiere is implied by the Post Boy, 6-9 July 1700: This Day at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, will be presented a New Comedy, never Acted before, called Courtship Alamode. Preface, Edition of 1700: This Play was so long expected e're it came into the World, that I'm oblig'd in Justice to my self, to excuse its appearance at at time when there were scarce Witnesses in Town of its Birth. It was enter'd in the other House [lif], where Mr Betterton did me all the Justice I cou'd indeed reasonably hope for. But that Example he gave, was not it seems to be follow'd by the whole Company, since 'tis known that Mr Bowman (I mention his Name to keep the reflection from other sharers) kept the first Character of my Play six weeks, and then cou'd hardly read six lines on't. How far that Way of management makes of late for the Interest and Honour of that House, is easie to be judg'd. Some who valu'd their reputations more, were indeed rarely or never absent. To these I gave my thanks; but finding that six or seven people cou'd not perform what was design'd for fifteen, I was oblig'd to remove it after so many sham Rehearsals, and in two days it got footing upon the other Stage [dl]. Where twas immediately cast to the best Advantage, and Plaid in less than twenty days. [In the Dedication Penkethman states that he saw the play into print after its being received well by the town.] A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1700), pp. 104-5: Ramble: Courtship Alamode, the Author, one Crawford, a Caledonian. Sullen: I remember it, and its Adventures; it was enter'd into the New-House, at the Recommendation of a certain Scotch Lord, and sojourning there six Months to no purpose, it travell'd afterwards to the Old-House, where it was with much ado Acted. Ramble: And Damn'd-there I was in with you


Mainpiece Title: Courtship A La Mode

Event Comment: Preface to edition of 1734: The Fourth Night a Set of about eight or ten young Fellows went to the Bedford Coffee-House ... and declared publickly that they came purposely to damn the Play, and would not leave the Play-House till they had compassed their Ends. . . . Accordingly Mr Ryan coming on to speak the Prologue, they began their Uproar, but were soon silenced, and the Prologue was heard with Applause. The Play beginning, they began again, and were so loud that Mr Ryan acquainted them, that as he could not imagine there was anything in the Play they could except against, he was apprehensive he had the Misfortune to displease them. Mr Quin then came on, and told them he found the House was divided, and as the Majority was for hearing the Play, he hop'd those who were not, would go out. The House on that were unanimous, and cry'd, Turn them out, Turn them out, but they saved the Audience the Trouble of doing it, and retired under the general Hiss of every Person then present


Mainpiece Title: The Lady's Revenge

Dance: By Malter and Mlle Salle

Event Comment: Benefit for the Widow Jona and her Five Children. Tickets to be had at Arthur's Chocolate House, St James's St.; Prince of Orange's Coffee House, Haymarket; Forrest's Coffee House, Charing Cross; the Rainbow Coffee House in Cornhill; and Places for Boxes to be taken of Mrs Jona in Little Warwick St., Charing Cross, and of Mr Crudge at the stage Door


Mainpiece Title: The Double Dealer

Afterpiece Title: A Duke and no Duke

Dance: As17561023

Event Comment: The Profits of this Performance will be given to a Public Charity. Pit and Boxes 10s. 6d. First Gallery 5s. Upper Gallery 3s. 6d. The Ladies are desired for their own conveniency to come without Hoops, and to send servants by 3 o'clock to keep places. Tickets to be had at Arthur's Chocolate House and the St James Coffee House in St James's Street; The Mount Coffee-House in Grosvenor St.; the Cocoa-Tree in Pall Mall; George's facing the Haymarket; Tom's and the Bedford Coffee Houses in Covent Garden; and of Varney at the Stage Door, where Places may be taken


Mainpiece Title: Concerto Spirituale

Event Comment: Paid half year's land tax for theatre due Mich. last #37 10s. Paid ditto for House in Bow Passage #2 1s. 8d., also 1!2 years tax for window light in theatre #4 18s. 3d. and for same in House in Bow Passage 15s. Paid half years scavenger's rate for theatre, #2 1s. 8d., and for Bow Passage House, 2s. 1d. Paid half year's Church rate for theatre #4 3s. 4d. and for Bow Passage House 4s. 2d. (Account Book). Receipts: #125 7s. 6d. (Account Book)


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Event Comment: Benefit for T. Smith, Furkins, Roffe [sic], Miss Stede, Mrs Hartle. Tickets deliver'd by Morgan, Stephenson, Claridge, Bagg, Wilkinson, Whatley, Pullin, Miss Brown, Mrs Griffiths, and Mrs Walters will be taken. No charges. House received 1!2 value of Tickets and the Receipts. @Tickets Box Pit Gallery Value 1!2 Value @T. Smith 10 48 75 #17 4s. #8 12s. @Furkins 10 20 24 #7 18s. #3 19s. @Rose 27 48 29 #6 17s. #8 8s. 6d. @Miss Stede 6 13 50 #8 9s. #4 4s. 6d. @Morgan 3 10 35 #5 15s. #2 17s. 6d. @Mrs Hartle 40 69 104 #30 15s. #15 7s. 6d. @Stephenson 21 66 129 #28 1s. #14 6d. @Claridge 15 16 19 #8 1s. #4 6d. @Bagg 3 4 9 #2 5s. #1 2s. 6d. @Wilkinson 30 13 5 #9 19s. #4 19s. 6d. @Whatley -- 4 33 #3 18s. #1 19s. @Pullen 2 41 64 #13 1s. #6 10s. 6d. @Miss Brown 11 37 31 #11 8s. #5 14s. @Mrs Griffiths -- 25 21 #5 17s. #2 18s. 6d. @Mrs Walters 2 19 83 #11 13s. #5 16s. 6d. @Money Value #48 5s. 6d. @Box 180 Pit 433 Gallery 711 Total House Value #229 6s. 6d. 1!2 Value #90 10s. 6d.@ [The house made no charges, but received the half value from each beneficiary as listed above (Account Book). About 1,324 Tickets given out. Capacity of the house must have been about 1,700 at this time. See 14 April.


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Dr Faustus

Dance: III: A Hornpipe-Miss Stede, scholar to Fishar

Event Comment: The date of the first performance is not certainly known, but Pepys, on 2 July, saw Part II, stating that 2 July was the premiere of Part I and the opening of the Duke's Company's new theatre in Lincoln's Inn Fields. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, pp. 20-21): His [Davenant's] Company Rehears'd the First and Second Part of the Siege of Pothecaries-Hall: And in Spring 1662 [1661], Open'd his House with the said Plays, having new Scenes and Decorations, being the first that e're were Introduc'd in England....All Parts being Justly and Excellently Perform'd; it continu'd Acting 12 Days without Interruption with great Applause. Downes, p. 34: I must not forget my self, being Listed for an Acotr in Sir William Davenant's Company in Lincolns-Inn-Fields: The very first Day of opening the House there, with the Siege of Rhodes, being to Act Haly; (The King, Duke of York, and all the Nobility in the House, and the first time the King was in a Publick Theatre). The sight of that August presence, spoil'd me for an Actor too. HMC, 10th Report, Appendix, Part IV, p. 21: @For the Siege of Rhodes all say@It is an everlasting play@Though they wonder now Roxalana is gon@What shift it makes to hold out so long@For when the second part took, butt for Bully@The first did not satisfie so fully.@ [Presumably this verse was written after Mrs Davenport left the stage, in 1662(?).


Mainpiece Title: The Siege Of Rhodes, Part I

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. See also 15 and 23 Dec. 1662. Pepys, Diary: There being the famous new play acted the first time to-day, which is called The Adventures of Five Hours, at the Duke's house, being, they say, made or translated by Colonel Tuke, I did long to see it; and so made my wife to get her ready, though we were forced to send for a smith, to break open her trunk...and though early, were forced to sit almost out of sight, at the end of one of the lower forms, so full was the house. And the play, in one word, is the best, for the variety and the most excellent continuance of the plot to the very end, that ever I saw, or think ever shall, and all possible, not only to be done in the time, but in most other respects very admittable, and without one word of ribaldry; and the house, by its frequent plaudits, did show their sufficient approbation. Evelyn, Diary: I went to see Sir S: Tuke (my kinsmans) Comedy acted at the Dukes Theater, which so universaly tooke as it was acted for some weekes every day, & was belived would be worth the Comedians 4 or 5000 pounds: Indeede the plot was incomparable but the language stiffe & formall. Downes (pp 22-23): Wrote by the Earl of Bristol, and Sir Samuel Tuke: This Play being Cloath'd so Excellently Fine in proper Habits, and Acted so justly well....It took Successively 13 Days together, no other Play Intervening. Lady Anglesey to her husband, 10 Jan. 1663: Lord Bristol has made a play which is much commended (CSPD 1663-64, p. 8)


Mainpiece Title: The Adventures Of Five Hours