SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Mrs Mills"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Mrs Mills")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 23460 matches on Performance Comments, 4433 matches on Performance Title, 4338 matches on Event Comments, 1635 matches on Roles/Actors, and 9 matches on Author.
Event Comment: The United Company. This play was apparently revived late in 1693, for a song, There's not a swain on the plain, not printed in the play, the words by N. Henley, sung by Mrs Hudson, is printed in the Gentleman's Journal, January-February 1694 (announced in the London Gazette, 8 March 1693@4). It is also in Joyful Cuckoldom, ca. 1695. See also Purcell's Works, Purcell Society, XXI (1917), xii


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Event Comment: The United Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@151, p. 369: ye Q a Box & a Box for ye Maids of Honr double dealer. [See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 352.] Cibber relates an incident which may pertain to this performance, Apology, I, 185-86: Queen Mary having commanded the Double Dealer to be acted, Kynaston happen'd to be so ill that he could not hope to be able next Day to perform his Part of the Lord Touchwood. In this Exigence, the Author, Mr Congreve, advis'd that it might be given to me, if at so short a Warning I would undertake it. The Flattery of being thus distinguish'd by so celebrated an Author, and the Honour to act before a Queen, you may be sure made me blind to whatever Difficulties might attend it. I accepted the Part, and was ready in it before I slept; next Day the Queen was presented at the Play, and was received with a new Prologue from the Author, spoken by Mrs Barry, humbly acknowledging the great Honour done to the Stage....After the Play, Mr Congreve made me the Compliment of saying, That I had not only answer'd, but had exceeded his Expectations, and that he would shew me he was sincere in his saying more of me to the Masters.--He was as good as his Word, and the next Pay-day I found my Sallary of fifteen was then advanced to twenty Shillings a Week


Mainpiece Title: The Double Dealer

Event Comment: In L. C. 151@p. 352, is an order, dated 16 April 1694, to pay Mrs Barry #25 for The Old Batchelor. The date of the performance is not specified


Event Comment: Luttrell, A Brief Relation, III, 336, 30 June 1694: A quarrel hapned at the play house on Thursday night between the duke of Richmond and one Mrs Leonard, whereupon they challenged each other


Event Comment: According to the testimony of Sir Thomas Skipwith, 10 Dec. 1694, the young actors played during the vacation nearly thirty days without Betterton, Williams, Bright, Kinaston, Sandford, or Mrs Betterton, and made sufficient money to keep them over the vacation. L. C. 7@3, 17 Dec. 1694, in Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 374


Event Comment: Christopher Rich's Company. The date of the resumption of playing is not certain, for Cibber (see below) beclouds the issue by referring to Easter-Monday in April, whereas the first Monday following Easter fell on 25 March 1694@5. Nevertheless, Monday 1 April 1695 seems the likely date of the resumption of playing, with Rich's Company ready to perform before the seceding company under Thomas Betterton was fully organized. A new song for Abdelazar, Lucinda is bewitching fair, the music by Henry Purcell and sung by "the Boy" (Jemmy? Bowen), is in Thesaurus Musicus, The Fourth Book, 1695. Cibber, Apology, I, 195: [The Patentees] were not able to take the Field till the Easter-Monday in April following. Their first Attempt was a reviv'd Play call'd Abdelazar, or the Moor's Revenge, poorly written, by Mrs Behn. The House was very full, but whether it was the Play or the Actors that were not approved, the next Day's Audience sunk to nothing. However, we assured that let the Audiences be never so low, our Masters would make good all Deficiencies, and so indeed they did, till towards the End of the Season, when Dues to Ballance came too think upon 'em. [See I, 195-96, for Cibber's account of his Prologue.] A Comparison Between the Two Stages, 1702, p. 7: But in my Opinion, 'twas strange that the general defection of the old Actors which left Drury-lane, and the fondness which the better sort shew'd for 'em at the opening of their Newhouse, and indeed the Novelty it self, had not quite destroy'd those few young ones that remain'd behind. The disproportion was so great at parting, that 'twas almost impossible, in Drury-lane, to muster up a sufficient number to take in all the Parts of any Play; and of them so few were tolerable, that a Play must of necessity be damn'd that had not extraordinary favour from the Audience: No fewer than Sixteen (most of the old standing) went away; and with them the very beauty and vigour of the Stage; they who were left behind being for the most part Learners, Boys and Girls, a very unequal match for them who revolted. According to a statement made in litigation, the company in Drury Lane acted 84 times between 25 March 1694@5 and 7 July 1695; and the Young Actors played 68 times from 6 July 1695 to 10 Oct. 1695 to 10 Oct. 1695. See Hotson, Commonwealth and Restoration Stage, p. 308


Mainpiece Title: Abdelazar; Or, The Moor's Revenge

Event Comment: See Cibber, Apology, I, 201-2, for his account of the mistake Betterton's Company made in not retaining Williams and Mrs Mountfort-Verbruggen, and of the problems of Rich's Company. In this passage Cibber implies that Hamlet, Othello, and Julius Caesar were acted at Drury Lane soon after the division of the companies


Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but the Epilogue refers to it as a summer production and the play was advertised in the London Gazette, No 3108, 22-26 Aug. 1695; hence, it appeared first not later than August. A song, Stretch'd in a dark and dismall grove, composed by John Eccles and sung by Mrs Hudson, is in Deliciae Musicae, The Third Book, 1696. A Comparison Between the Two Stages (p. 16): Sullen: Imprimis, Here's Pyrrhus King of Epire. Ramble: Whose is that? Sullen: Charles Hopkin's, an Irish Gentleman of good Sense, and an excellent Ovidian. Ramble: What was it's Fate? Sullen: Damn'd


Mainpiece Title: Pyrrhus King Of Epirus

Event Comment: It is not known in which theatre this revival occurred. It was witnessed by van Constantijn Huygens, Monday 19 Dec. 1695 N.S. [translation]: In the afternoon I was at the comedy with my wife and Mrs Creitsmar. They played an old show called: The Love in the Tubb (Publications of the Dutch Historical Society, New Series, XXV [Utrecht, 1877], 560)


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Tub

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. James Brydges, Diary: About 2. I came home to dinner, where I found Lady Hussy, & Cozzen Betty, & Mrs Howard, about 5. After dinner I went to Lord Pembroke's who being abroad, I went to Lord Arundell of Treryce, who not being at home, I went to Ld. Allinton's, but he not being within, I went to Mr Pitts, who being abroad, I went to ye Dean of Peterborough's but he being at church I went to ye playhouse in Lincolns inn fields, where I met Dr Davenant & Ld. Rumny (Huntington MS St 26)


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Event Comment: Post Boy, No 479, 28-31 May 1698: At the Request of several Persons of Quality, Mrs Cressea's Entertainment of Vocal and Instrumental Musick will be performed in York Buildings, on Wednesday next, the first of June


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: Elizabeth Barry to the Right Hon. Lady Lisburne, 5 Jan. 1698@9: As for the little affairs of our house I never knew a worse Winter only we have had pretty good success in the Opera of Rinaldo and Armida where the poet made me command the Sea the earth and Air but had I really that Authority I cou'd with joy forsake it all to wait on your Ladyship....Eliz: Barry. Lon: jan: ye 5th this monent Alexander is bespoke to entertain ye Bride I mentioned [the daughter of Lord Litchfield married to Lord Baltimore's son] & all their guest to-morrow (See M. A. Shaaber, A Letter from Mrs Barry, The Library Chronicle, The University of Pennsylvania, XVI [1950], 46)



Mainpiece Title: The Rival Queens; Or, The Death Of Alexander The Great

Performance Comment: Presumably Mrs Barry acted Roxana.
Event Comment: James Brydges, Diary: I set Mr Bullock down at ye Playhouse, & came home (Huntington MS St 26). John Dryden wrote to Mrs Steward on 23 Feb. [1699@1700, but possibly 1698@99, as the letter concerns theatrical affairs of the autumn and winter of 1698-99]: The Poem of The Confederates [see The Island Princess, November 1698] some think to be Mr Walsh: the copies are both lik'd. And there are really two factions of ladyes, for the two play-houses. If you do not understand the names of some persons mention'd I can help you to the knowledge of them. You know, Sir Tho. Skipwith is master of the play-house in Drury-Lane; and my Lord Scarsdale is the patron of Betterton's house, being in love with somebody there [presumably Anne Bracegirdle] (The Letters of John Dryden, p. 133)


Event Comment: Betterton's Company. John Dryden to Mrs Steward, 4 March 1698@9: This Day is playd a reviv'd Comedy of Mr Congreve's called the Double Dealer, which was never very takeing; in the play bill was printed, Written by Mr Congreve; with Severall Expressions omitted: What kind of Expressions those were you may easily ghess; if you have seen the Monday's Gazette, wherein is the King s Order, for the reformation of the Stage: but the printing an Authours name, in a Play bill, is a new manner of proceeding, at least in England (Letters of John Dryden, 112-13)


Mainpiece Title: The Double Dealer

Event Comment: Post Boy, 22-25 April 1699: In York-Buildings, on Friday next, being the 28th Instant, will be perform'd a Consort of new Vocal and Instrumental Musick, for the Benefit of Mrs Lyndsey, beginning at the usual Hour


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: Alice Baxter, September 1699: I believe shall be on Munday at a ball at St. James, where, as they tell me, ther is a famose new danser to apere, which is to charme us all, but not make amends for ye loss of Mrs Ibbings (Evans?) who danced at Lincolns Inn Field and is lately dead (Hatton Correspondence, Camden Society, XXIII [1878], 240)


Event Comment: John Dryden to Mrs Steward, 26 Nov. 1699: If you come up next Week, you will be entertaind with a New Tragedy; which the Author of it, one Mr Dennis, cryes up at an Excessive rate, & Colonel Codrington, who has seen it, prepares the world to give it loud Applauses. Tis calld Iphigenia, & Imitated from Eurypides, an old Greek poet. This is to be Acted at Betterton's House, & another play of the same name, is very shortly to come on the stage in Drury Lane (The Letters of John Dryden, p. 129)


Event Comment: Rich's Company. Lady Morley attended this performance: Lady Morley and three in the Box at Marryage hater. 16s. See Hotson, Commonwealth and Restoration Stage, p. 378. John Dryden to Mrs Steward, 14 Dec. 1699: Both the Iphigenias have been played with bad Success; & being both acted, one against the other, in the same week, clashed together, like two rotten ships, which cou'd not endure the shock; & sunk to rights (The Letters of John Dryden, p. 131)


Mainpiece Title: The Marriage Hater Matched

Event Comment: Alice Hatton, writing on (possibly) 20 Jan. 1699@1700: I was last night (with Lady Longuevil and Lady Arundel) at ye Princess's, and Lady Long: was so kind to offer to carry me to ye Oppera to day with her and Lady Portland; but I was so unfortunate as to be engaged to go to Lady Denbighs to see ye famous Mrs Binges dance, or else I should have bin glad to have waited on Lady Long: tho I had seen it before and think it very silly. Mr Abel is to have a fine musicke meeting to morrow, and ye tickets are guineas a piece, wch is a little to much for me to throw away; so I shall not be there, and I find so many yt can afford it better of my mind, yt I fancy, if he had lower rates, he would have got more (Hatton Correspondence, Camden Society, XXIII [1878], 245). It is difficult to assign a proper date to this letter. It is unlikely that it was written on Saturday 20 Jan., as Abell was not likely to offer a concert on Sunday at which admission would be charged. It is possible that the opera referred to is The Grove, which is known to have been performed on 19 Feb. 1700, but the fact that this opera was unsuccessful makes it unlikely that it had its premiere in mid-January and was played again in mid-February. Perhaps the letter should be dated mid-February


Event Comment: Lady Marow to Arthur Kay, 12 March 1699@1700: The Way of the World, Congreve's new play doth not answer expectation, there being no plot in it but many witty things to ridicule the Chocolate House, and the fantastical part of the world (HMC, 15th Report, Appendix, Dartmouth MSS., Part I, p. 145). John Dryden to Mrs Steward, 12 March: Congreves New Play has had but moderate success; though it deserves much better (Letters of John Dryden, p. 134)


Event Comment: Post Man, 16-19 March 1700: For the benefit of Mrs Hudson and Mr Williams, to morrow being Wednesday the 20th instant, in the Great Room in York Buildings, will be performed an extraordinary entertainment of Vocal and Instrumental Musick. At the desire of several Ladies of Quality, with a new Prologue to be performed by Jo. Haines


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: John Dryden to Mrs Steward, 11 April 1700: Within this Moneth there will be played for my Profit, an old play of Fletcher s, called the Pilgrim, corrected by my good friend Mr Vanbrook; to which I have added A New Masque, & am to write a New Prologue & Epilogue. Southern s tragedy, called the Revolt of Capoua, will be played At Bettertons House within this fortnight. I am out with that Company, & therefore if I can help it, will not read it before tis Acted; though the Authour much disires I shou'd (The Letters of John Dryden, p. 136)


Event Comment: Rich's Company. Post Boy, No. 818, 4-6 July 1700: For the Benefit of Mrs Oldfield. This day at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, will be presented, a Comedy call'd, The Pilgrim. Revis'd with Large Alterations, and a Secular Masque. With the Dialogue between the 2 mad Lovers. Being Acted this time at the desire of several Persons of Quality. And Entertainments of Singing and Dancing between the Acts and in particular, a new Entry Compos'd by the late Mr Eaglesfield, and perform'd by Mr Weaver, Mr Cottin, and Miss Campion. A Scotch Song with the Dancing of the Bonny Highlander; never done but once before on the English Stage


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Event Comment: Benefit Mrs Hodgson and Signior Baptist. The Musick will begin between 8 and 9 at night


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: Vocal and Instrumental Music-the best Masters; also several new Songs set for that occasion-; and a particular performance of instrumental Musick-Signior Volumner