Event Comment: Having for a Series of Years received the greatest Obligations from the Nobility and Gentry of this Nation, I have always retained a deep Impression of their Goodness. As I perceived, that joining good
Sense and Significant Words of Musick, was the best Method of recommending this to an
English Audience; I have directed my Studies that way, and endeavour'd to shew, that the English Language, which is so expressive of the sublimest
Sentiments, is the best adapted of any to the full and solemn Kind of Musick. I have the Mortification now to find, that my Labours to please are become ineffectual, when my Expences are considerably greater. To what Cause I must impute the Loss of the Publick Favour, I am ignorant, but the Loss itself I shall always lament. In the mean time, I am assur'd that a Nation, whose Characteristic is good Nature, would be affected with the Ruin of any Man, which was owing to his Endeavours to entertain them. I am likewise persuaded, that I shall have the forgiveness of those noble Persons, who have honour'd me with their Patronage, and their Subscription this Winter, if I beg them Permission to stop short, before my Losses are too great to support, if I proceed no farther in my Undertaking; and if I intreat them to withdraw three Fourths of their Subscription, one Fourth part only of my Proposal having been perform'd. I am, etc.
G. F. Handel. Attendance will be given at Mr Handel's House in
Brook's St.,
Hanover Square, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next, in order to pay back the Subscription money. [Two poems in honor of Handel in the 21 Jan. issue of the
Daily Advertiser. A letter in the 25 Jan. issue indicates that the subscribers would not accept the proferred refund; Handel announced he would resume performances in view of this response.