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We found 10393 matches on Author, 5176 matches on Event Comments, 3072 matches on Performance Comments, 855 matches on Performance Title, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but the Prologue refers to The World in the Moon, suggesting a premiere during (or shortly after) the run of that opera. Since The Innocent Mistress was advertised in the Post Boy, 29-31 July 1697, this fact points also to a late June premiere. A song, When I languished and wished, set by John Eccles and sung by Mrs Hodgson, is in Wit and Mirth, Second Edition, 1707. Gildon, English Dramatick Poets, p. iii: This is a diverting Play, and met with good Success, tho' acted in the hot Season of the Year. A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1702), p. 20: Tho' the Title calls this Innocent, yet it deserves to be Damn'd for its Obscenity


Mainpiece Title: The Innocent Mistress

Event Comment: The United Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@147, p. 68: The King and Queene & a Box for ye Maydes of Honor at the Opera. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 350, and 1 Jan. 1684@5. The opera was certainly given on 3 June, probably on 10 June, and probably on 13 June, the day that the news of the Duke of Monmouth's landing reached London; as Downes states that it was acted six times, there were three additional performances between 3 and 13 June 1685. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 40): In Anno 1685. The Opera of Albion and Albanius was perform'd; wrote by Mr Dryden, and Compos'd by Monsieur Grabue: This being perform'd on a very Unlucky Day, being the Day the Duke of Monmouth, Landed in the West: The Nation being in a great Consternation, it was perform'd but Six times, which not Answering half the Charge they were at, Involv'd the Company very much in Debt. Roger North: The first full opera that was made and prepared for the stage, was the Albanio of Mr Grabue, in English, but of a French genius. It is printed in full score, but proved the ruin of the poor man, for the King's death supplanted all his hopes, and so it dyed (Roger North on Music, ed. John Wilson [London, 1959], p. 311). The Prologue and Epilogue, published separately, are reprinted in Wiley, Rare Prologues and Epilogues, pp. 244-46. The score and the libretto were published in 1687 (licensing date of 15 March 1686@7): Albion and Albanius; An Opera; Or, Representation in Musick. Set by Lewis Grabu, Esq; Master of His late Majesty's Musick


Mainpiece Title: Albion And Albanius

Event Comment: Rich's Company. The date of the first performance is uncertain, and the play has been sometimes assigned to December 1695. There are indications, however, that the play first appeared at a later time, but certainly not later than 14 March 1695@6, the date attached to the Dedication. The Epilogue has some allusions which suggest mid-February, for it refers to the "Fasting time" of Lent and to "Dancing at Drapers-Hall last Masquerade" (a masquerade ball was held there on 4 Feb. 1695@6). Dedication, Edition of 1696: This Play was given to my Care by a Friend: I promis'd him not to neglect it in the Difficulties it was to pass through. It has had hitherto but an unpleasant Journey; and I knew no better way to make Amends, than by taking up its Rest with you [Sir John Smith]; where I am assured its Reception will be the best a truly Noble and Generous Soul can give. I beg not your Protection, Sir, from those wide-mouth'd Curs, the Criticks: But since they have had their Ends in running it down, 'tis under the Shelter of your Name I desire a poor maim'd Thing, that did its best to shew them Sport, may lye secure from farther Danger....H. Horden. A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1702), p. 18: Damn'd


Mainpiece Title: Neglected Virtue; Or, The Unhappy Conquerors

Event Comment: Rosetta first time by Miss Sharp--a loud Voice a bad face and mean figure She had Applause--but it won't do (Hopkins Diary). [MacMillan's note from Kemble differs slightly and adds: Miss Sharpe was a Scholar of Mr Bates's--since married to Mr William Palmer, brother to Mr John and Mr Robert Palmer."] Rec'd the late Mr Powell's bond for #200 and 9 years interest in full #290; Stopages #11 18s. Paid Barrow and Co., Oil Bill #50 3s.; Powney, (stationer) #14 11s. 6d.; Tallow Chandler's third bill #47 12s. 4d.; Evans on Wardrobe acct #10 10s.; Grist on acct #6 6s.; Machin, Chorus 13 nights, #3 5s. Receipts: #116 13s. [Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Dance: II: The Savage Hunters, as17751118

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of the first performance is not certain, but the evidence points to this day as a strong Possibility. Downes, Roscius Anglicanus (p. 44) states that it was given thirteen days consecutively, and John Coke (see 16 March 1696@7) states that it was acted "till Saturday" (16 March 1696@7). If the tragedy was acted on Wednesdays but not Fridays, as was often the practice in Lent, and if the farce alluded to for Saturday, 16 March 1696@7, comprised the entire program, this day was probably the premiere. The following sequence of performances is based on these premises. Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, p. 44: The Mourning Bride...had such Success, that it continu'd Acting Uninterrupted 13 Days together. Gildon, English Dramatick Poets, p. 23: This Play had the greatest Success, not only of all Mr Congreve's, but indeed of all the Plays that ever I can remember on the English Stage, excepting some of the incomparable Otway's. Aston, A Brief Supplement (in Cibber, Apology, II, 302): His [Betterton's] Favourite, Mrs Barry, claims the next in Estimation. They were both never better pleas'd, than in Playing together.--Mrs Barry outshin'd Mrs Bracegirdle in the Character of Zara in the Mourning Bride, altho' Mr Congreve design'd Almeria for that Favour


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride


Mainpiece Title: Pompey The Great

Performance Comment: Edition of 1664: wo actors' names. Prologue At the House-; Epilogue at the House-; Epilogue to the King at Saint James's-; Epilogue To the Dutchess at Saint James's-; [One Epilogue was written by Sir Edward Deering.] [At the end: After which a grand Masque [is Danc'd before Caesar and Cleopatra[, made (as well as the other Dances and the Tunes to them) by Mr John Ogilby-.
Role: Mr John Ogilby Actor: .
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@142, p. 81: At the Man of Mode. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 348. Nell Gwyn also attended this performance. See VanLennep, Nell Gwyn's Playgoing, p. 407. It is uncertain whether this is the premiere, but the licensing date of 3 June 1676 suggests that the first production may have occurred at this time. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 36): This Comedy being well Cloath'd and well Acted, got a great deal of Money. One song, As Amoret with Phyllis sat, the words by Sir Car Scroope and the music by Nicholas Staggins, is in Choice Ayres and Songs, The Second Book, 1679; another, When first Amintas charmed my heart, the music by Staggins, is in the same collection, Fifth Book, 1684. John Dennis: I remember very well that upon the first acting this Comedy, it was generally believed to be an agreeable Representation of the Persons of Condition of both both Sexes, both in Court and Town; and that all the World was charm'd with Dorimont (A Defence of Sir Fopling Flutter, 1722, p. 18). For the full text of Dennis' discussion of this play, see The Critical Works of John Dennis, ed. E. N. Hooker (Baltimore, 1943), II, 241-50


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode; Or, Sir Fopling Flutter

Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but it followed The Gordian Knot Unty'd, which is mentioned in the Prologue. Edward III was advertised in the London Gazette, No. 2629, 19-22 Jan. 1690@1, and entered in the Term Catalogues, February 1690@1. The authorship is uncertain. The title page bears no author's name, but the Dedication is signed by Will. Mountfort. In addition, on 10 Oct. 1691 Mountfort received a grant of #10 when Edward III was played before the Queen (L. C. 5@150, p. 306, in Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 357). On tne other hand, the Gentleman's Journal, October 1692, stated that it was written by the author of Henry the Second, which has been attributed to John Bancroft. See Nicoll, Restoration Drama, pp. 388-89, for a summation of the evidence on this problem. Alfred Harbage, Elizabethan-Restoration Palimpsest, Modern Language Review, XXXV (1940), 319, thinks that this is a revision of Robert Davenport's The Politic Queen


Mainpiece Title: King Edward The Third; With The Fall Of Mortimer, Earl Of March

Performance Comment: [The author is not certain, but possibly the play was written by John Bancroft and William Mountfort.] Edition of 1691: Prologue-Mr Powell; Epilogue-Mrs Bracegirdle; King Edward the Third-Powell; Mortimer Earl of March-Williams; Lord Mountacute-Mountfort; Sir Tho. Delamore-Kynaston; Sir Robert Holland-Hodgson; Tarleton, Bishop of Hereford-Lee; Serjeant Eitherside-Nokes; Turrington-Bridges; Nevill-Freeman; Sly-Bright; Secret-Trafuse; Earl of Leicester-Bowman; Earl of Exeter-Sandford; Isabella-Mrs Barry; Maria-Mrs Bracegirdle.
Related Works
Related Work: King Edward the Third: With the Fall of Mortimer, Earl of March Author(s): John Bancroft
Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but the fact that the play was advertised in the London Gazette, No. 3151, 20-23 Jan. 1695@6, and entered in the Term Catalogues, February 1695@6, suggests that it was probably acted not later than December 1695. According to the Edition of 1696, the music was set by John Eccles: Come, Thyrsis, come was sung by Reading and Mrs Hodgson; the other songs in the edition lack the names of the singers. In addition, Rich mines of hot love are rooted here, sung by Bowman, was in Deliciae Musicae, The First Book of the Second Volume, 1696; and Let us revel and roar, set by John Eccles and sung by Curco and Reading, was published in Thesaurus Musicus, The Fifth Book, 1696. Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, p. 44: Lovers Luck, a Comedy, Wrote by Captain Dilks, which fill'd the House 6 Days together, and above 50# the 8th, the Day it was left off. A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1702), p. 20, lists it among the plays under the heading: Damn'd


Mainpiece Title: The Lover's Luck

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but the fact that the play was advertised in the Post Boy, 16-18 April 1700, suggests that the first production came before Easter, March 31. A song, Delia tired Strephon with her flame, with music by John Eccles and sung by Bowman, is in Wit and Mirth, 1706


Mainpiece Title: The Beau Defeated; Or, The Lucky Younger Brother

Performance Comment: Edition ca. 1700: Prologue-Mr Bowman; Epilogue-a Boy; Sir John Roverhead-Bowman; Elder Clerimont-Trout; Younger Clerimont-Verbruggen; Belvoir-Thurmond; Lady Landsworth-Mrs Bracegirdle; Mrs Rich-Mrs Barry; Mrs Clerimont-Mrs Bowman; Lady la Basset-Mrs Prince; Mrs Fidget-Mrs Willis.
Role: Sir John Roverhead Actor: Bowman


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan; Or, The Unhappy Marriage

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Performance Comment: Sir John-Beard, the second time of his appearing on that stage in any speaking character; Lady Loverule-Mrs Pritchard; Jobson-Harper; Nell-Mrs Clive.
Related Works
Related Work: The Devil to Pay; or, The Wives Metamorphos'd Author(s): John Mottley


Mainpiece Title: Edward The Black Prince; Or, The Battle Of Poictiers

Performance Comment: Edward-Garrick; Lord Ribemont-Barry; Cardinal Perigort-Berry; King John-Sowdon; Arnold-Havard; Duke of Athens-King; Charney-Winstone; Audley-Palmer; Chandos-Blakes; Warwick-Usher; Salisbury-Bridges; Dauphin-Simpson; Tourain-Marr; Louisa-Miss Murgatroyd; Mariana-Mrs Ward [from 1st edition but listed in the order in which the actors' names appear in General Advertiser]; Archbisop of Sens-Burton; Prologue-Havard; Epilogue-Mrs Clive [1st edition].1st edition].
Role: King John Actor: Sowdon


Mainpiece Title: The Country Lasses; Or, The Custom Of The Manor

Performance Comment: Freehold-Bridgwater; Moldy-Dyer; Heartwell-Ridout; Lurcher-Anderson; Double Jugg-Dunstall; Vulture-Cushing; Sir John English-Arthur; Carbuncle-Wignel; Sneak-Paddick; Timothy-Collins; Longbottom-Bencraft; Flora-Mrs Dyer; Aura-Mrs Vincent; With a Country Dance-incident to the play.
Role: Sir John English Actor: Arthur
Related Works
Related Work: The Country Lasses: or, The Custom of the Manor Author(s): Charles Johnson
Related Work: The Country Lasses Author(s): Charles Johnson
Related Work: The Farm House Author(s): Charles JohnsonJohn Philip Kemble

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Sorcerer

Dance: Grandchamps, Mlle Camargo


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Performance Comment: Young Bevil-Ross; Indiana-Mrs Cibber; Myrtle-Palmer; Tom-Woodward; Phillis-Mrs Clive; Lucinda-Miss Minors; Mrs Sealand-Mrs Cross; Isabella-Mrs Bennet; Sir John Bevil-Burton; Sealand-Berry; Cimberton-Taswell; Humphrey-Blakes; in ActII, Singing-Beard.
Role: Sir John Bevil Actor: Burton

Afterpiece Title: The Chaplet


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Related Works
Related Work: The Miser; or, Wagner and Abericock Author(s): John Thurmond

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Performance Comment: Sir John Loverule-Lowe; Jobson-Dunstall; Lady Loverule-Mrs Pitt; Nell-Mrs Green.
Role: Sir John Loverule Actor: Lowe
Related Works
Related Work: The Devil to Pay; or, The Wives Metamorphos'd Author(s): John Mottley


Mainpiece Title: The Dupe

Performance Comment: Characters-Yates, Havard, King, Packer, Watkins, Strange, Mrs Clive, Mrs Palmer, Mrs Lee, Mrs Pritchard Sir John Woodall-Yates; Sharply-King; Friendly-Havard; Wellford-Packer; Mrs Etherdown-Mrs Pritchard; Mrs Friendly-Mrs Clive; Emily-Mrs Palmer; Rose-Mrs Lee; Servants-Watkins, Strange; Prologue-Havard; Epilogue-Mrs Clive (Genest, V, 41).

Dance: III: The Irish Lilt, as17630922


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Iv, Part Ii

Performance Comment: Falstaff-Love; King-Powell, first time; Prince of Wales-Holland; Archbishop of York-Havard; Shallow-Yates; Pistol-King; Hostess-Mrs Bradshaw; Dol Tearsheet-Mrs Lee; Poins-Jackson; Justice Silence-Rooker; Gloster-Miss Plym; Davy-Weston; Prince John-Lee; Clarence-Mas. Burton; Chief Justice-Bransby; Westmorland-Burton; Page-Miss Rogers; Hastings-Ackman; Mowbray-Stevens; Feeble-Vaughan; Shadow-Parsons; Mouldy-Moody.
Role: Prince John Actor: Lee
Related Works
Related Work: The Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus Vespasian, Part II Author(s): John Crowne
Related Work: The Destruction of Jerusalem, Part II Author(s): John Crowne
Related Work: Aesop, Part II Author(s): John Vanbrugh
Related Work: The Conquest of Granada by the Spaniards, Part II Author(s): John Dryden

Afterpiece Title: The Rites of Hecate


Mainpiece Title: Much Ado About Nothing

Performance Comment: Benedict-Garrick; Dogberry-Parsons; Verges-Hartry; Conrade-Strange; Sexton-Clough; Leonato-Aickin; Claudio-Cautherly; Don John-Bransby; Pedro-Packer; Balthazar-Vernon; Antonio-Hurst; Borachio-Ackman; Town Clerk-Baddeley; Margaret-Mrs Bradshaw; Ursula-Mrs Hippisley; Hero-Mrs Baddeley; Beatrice-Miss Pope;in Act II, a Masquerade Dance proper to the Play,-Grimaldi; to conclude with a Country Dance-.
Role: Don John Actor: Bransby
Related Works
Related Work: Much Ado about Nothing Author(s): John Philip Kemble

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion

Role: Mrs Trumbel Actor: Johnston
Role: Mrs Harslet Actor: Mrs Johnston


Mainpiece Title: A Word To The Wise

Performance Comment: Parts-King, Reddish, Palmer, Aickin, Wrighten, Watkins, Cautherly, Miss Younge, Miss Platt, Mrs Baddeley, Mrs Jeffries, Mrs Barry. Prologue-King; Epilogue-Mrs Barry; Capt. Dormer-Palmer; Sir George Hastings-King; Sir John Dormer-Reddish; Willoughby-Aickin; Villars-Cautherly; Miss Montague-Mrs Barry; Miss Dormer-Miss Younge; Miss Willoughby-Mrs Baddeley; Mrs Willoughby-Mrs Jeffries; Footmen-Wrighten, Watkins; Lucy-Miss Platt; Jenny-Mrs Smith (Genest, V, 232).
Role: Sir John Dormer Actor: Reddish

Afterpiece Title: Hob in the Well

Related Works
Related Work: Hob's Wedding Author(s): John Leigh
Related Work: Hob's Opera Author(s): John Hippisley
Related Work: Sequel to the Opera of Flora; or, Hob's Wedding Author(s): John Hippisley


Mainpiece Title: The Clandestine Marriage

Performance Comment: As17721116, but Sir John-Aickin.
Role: Sir John Actor: Aickin.
Role: Sir John Melville Actor: J. Aickin

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion


Mainpiece Title: All In The Wrong

Performance Comment: Sir John Restless-King; Beverly-Cautherly; Sir William Belmont-Wright; Blandford-Bransby; Belmont-Packer; Robert-Waldron; Brush-Burton; Lady Restless-Mrs Hopkins; Clarissa-Miss Ambrose; Tippet-Mrs Millidge; Tattle-Mrs Bradshaw; Belinda-Mrs Abington.
Role: Sir John Restless Actor: King

Afterpiece Title: The Wedding Ring


Mainpiece Title: The Clandestine Marriage

Performance Comment: Lord Ogleby-King; Sir John Melvil-Brereton; Flower-Bransby; Sterling-Parsons, first time; Lovewell-Cautherly; Traverse-Keen; Trueman-Fawcett; Canton-Baddeley; Brush-Palmer; Betty-Mrs Love; Chambermaid-Mrs Davies; Mrs Heidelberg-Mrs Hopkins; Fanny-Mrs Baddeley, first time in three years in that character; Miss Sterling-Miss Pope.
Role: Sir John Melvil Actor: Brereton

Afterpiece Title: The Meeting of the Company

Afterpiece Title: The Padlock


Mainpiece Title: Matilda

Afterpiece Title: The Theatrical Candidates

Afterpiece Title: Loves Metamorphoses

Performance Comment: Parts by King, Packer, Davies, Everard, Vernon, Mrs Siddons and Mrs Wrighten. Young Dormer-King; Moody-Vernon; Sir John Murray-Packer; Col. Murrary-Davies; Maria-Mrs Siddons; Feather-Mrs Wrighten (Genest, V, 494); Prologue-King; a Cantata Epilogue-Vernon, Mrs Wrighten.
Role: Sir John Murray Actor: Packer

Dance: End: A Comic Dance-the two Miss Stagledoirs, scholars to M. LaRiviere


Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Role: Duchess of York Actor: Mrs Johnston

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Performance Comment: As17751205, but Sir John Loverule-Vernon.
Related Works
Related Work: The Devil to Pay; or, The Wives Metamorphos'd Author(s): John Mottley


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Related Works
Related Work: Oroonoko Author(s): John Hawkesworth

Afterpiece Title: Merry Sherwood; or, Harlequin Forester

Performance Comment: Principal Vocal Characters-Incledon, Johnstone, Munden, Fawcett, Bowden, Knight, Townsend, Richardson, Haymes, Gray, Street, Linton, Spofforth, Tett, Mrs Serres, Mrs Mountain, Mrs Clendining, Mrs Martyr; Principal Pantomimic Characters: Robin Hood-Follett; Arthur of Bradley-Farley; Little John-Simmons; Will Scarlet-Cranfield; Will Stukely-Williamson; Locksley-Gray; Midge the Miller-Street; Clerk-Rees; Parson of Barnsdale-Platt; Sheriff of Nottingham-Thompson; Prince of Arragon-Holland; Two Giants-; Price, Stevens; Harlequin-Simpson; Maid Marian-Mlle St.Amand; Part I. Scene I. A View in Sherwood Forest, Robin Hood's Well; Principal Archer (with In Merry Sherwood)-Bowden; Dialogue Ballad-Robin Hood, the Tanner; The Witch of Sherwood-Mrs Martyr; Scene II. A View of the Suburbs of Nottingham; The Bellman's Chaunt-Fawcett; Scene III. A Hall in the Sheriff's House; Scene IV. A View of the Town Hall of Nottingham; Scene V. A Country Alehouse; Tinker's Song-Knight; Scene VI. The Pinfold of Wakefield Town; Scene VII. Robin Hood's Bower; Scene VIII. View in Plumpton Park; Song by Allen o'Dale-Incledon; Scene IX. Pollard Wood; Song by the Damsel-Mrs Clendining; Scene X. Song by the Earl's Daughter-Mrs Serres; The Defeat of the Two Giants. The Princess's Marriage with Will Scarlet. A Grand Dance of Warriors-in the Field of Combat. Part II. Scene I. A View of Fountain Dale; Song by Curtal Fryar-Bowden; Scene II. Fountain Abbey Wall; Scene III. A View of Nottingham Castle; Beggar's Ballad-Townsend; Scene IV. Nottingham Market Place; Robin's rescue of Will Stukely from the Sheriff of Nottingham. Song by Irish Pilgrim-Johnstone; Scene V. View in Barnsdale; Song by Allen o'Dale-Incledon; Scene VI. Barnsdale Church Yard; Song by the Old Knight-Munden; Scene VII, VIII and IX. Scarborough Cliffs; A View at Sea; A Plough Field; Scene X. A Forest View in Yorkshire; Song by Martha-Mrs Mountain; Scene XI. Birksley Monastery; Robin Hood's Death. Epitaph and Revival. Song by the Witch-; The Piece to conclude with a Grand Scene, representing the Triumphs of Archery. Order of the Procession: Banner, "Fabulous Archery." Apollo-Hercules-Diana-Orion-and Cupid-Four Satyrs drawing a moving Group of Figures, representing Penelope's Suitors trying to bend Ulysses' Bow. Banner, "Antient Archery," succeeded by Archers of the following nations: Persians-Parthian-Scythian-Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into Britain." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the Battle of Hastings. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a Grand Dance of Archers-Byrn; Finale, Chorus-.