SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Mr Hen"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Mr Hen")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 4227 matches on Event Comments, 1138 matches on Performance Comments, 528 matches on Performance Title, 18 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: A Duke and no Duke

Dance: I: Fingalian Dance-McNeil; II: Black Joke-the Little Swiss, Miss Foulcade; III: Grand Scotch Dance, as17491031; IV: Hornpipe-Mathews; End of Play: Minuet-Mathews, Mad DeLaContri


Mainpiece Title: Gil Blas


Mainpiece Title: Alfred, A Masque

Related Works
Related Work: An Impromptu Revel Masque; On the Joyous Occasion of the Royal Nuptials Author(s): Henry Carey
Related Work: Love in Several Masques Author(s): Henry Fielding
Related Work: Harlequin Doctor Faustus Author(s): Henry Carey


Mainpiece Title: None


Mainpiece Title: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Chaplet


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery

Related Works
Related Work: The Lottery Author(s): Henry Fielding


Mainpiece Title: Twelfth Night

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Ranger

Related Works
Related Work: Harlequin Ranger Author(s): Henry Woodward


Mainpiece Title: Eugenia

Event Comment: Benefit for Mrs James and Miss Minors. No building on stage. Tickets of Mrs James at her lodgings at Mr Saunder's Carpenter, in Little Wild St., Lincoln's Inn Fields; Miss Minors' at Mr Nicholl, a Baker in Catherine St., and at stage door. An Information was given to Henry Fielding, Esq; that a Set of Barber's apprentices, journeymen staymakers, maid-servants, &c. had taken a large Room at the Black Horse in the Strand, to act the tragedy of The Orphan; the Price of Admittance One Shilling. About eight o'clock the said Justice issued his warrant, directed to Mr Welch, High Constable, who apprehended the said actors, and brought them before the said Justice, who, out of compassion to their youth, only bound them over to their good behavior. They were all conducted through the streets in their Tragedy Dresses, to the no small Diversion of the Populace. (General Advertiser). Receipts: #138 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Dance: IV: Sg Piettro, Janeton Auretti, Master Piettro


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Ranger

Related Works
Related Work: Harlequin Ranger Author(s): Henry Woodward

Dance: II: L'Entree de Flore, as17521106, but Piettro, Miss +Rayner, Mad Auretti; III: A +Hornpipe-Mathews

Event Comment: Mainpiece: By Particular Desire. My oath & Mrs Simson's appear'd in ye G: Advertiser, & Mr Fitzpatrick now swore (in ye Inspector) to what before he had given his Honour to--when Woodward appear'd in ye Pant: great Noise, he said gentlemen, if you think the two affidavids to-day not sufficient I will corroberate 'em on Monday with six or Seven more. quiet on Sunday Mr Fitz: waited on Lord Chamberlain, to complain of Woodward's Insolence, my Lord sent for Garrick who told ye whole Story; & upon Mr Fitz owing he threw an apple at him, my Lord said, that act put upon a Footing with ye lowest, & judg'd him the Agressor,--upon wch Fitz; desir'd all affidavids &c shoul'd cease & he wou'd drop his resentment. which was done (Cross). Receipts: #100 (Cross). [In the General Advertiser appeared (1) Letter to the Public from Woodward disclaiming any note of insolence, and accusing Fitzpatrick of having a bad memory; (2) an Affidavit from Cross that he was present and heard Woodward say distincly "Sir I thank you," without any air of menace. He heard this from his prompter's seat "next adjoining the Stage box call'd the Prince of Wale's box"; (3) an Affidavit from Mrs Elizabeth Simson, who was standing in the "First entrance next the stage door, on the Prompter's side," that she heard what Cross Heard and no more, and understood no air of Menace to be present. In the General Advertiser also appeared a letter from one T. C. explaining the approach of Birnam Wood to Dunsinane in Macbeth on the basis of a story told him by a Scots Laird of a nearby castle, to the effect that the Clans used to distinguish themselves in battle by sprays from different trees attached to their bonnets. From this T. C. developed a theory that Macbeth's experience was one of historical face rather tahn a figment of Shakespeare's imagination.


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Related Works
Related Work: Queen Mab Author(s): Henry Woodward
Event Comment: A great Noise when they appear'd occasion'd, I believe, by a Paragraph in the Papers, saying, a piece of Machinery, of Fountain will soon come out at Covent Garden--so it was concluded we had stole ye design from Mr Rich--but not true, for they were design'd & made by Mr Johnson Property maker to our House--during ye Storm one Mr Bramstone, being Drunk ran cross the stage twice--fell down, & was taken off, like a dead Hero.--however the Pantomine ended quiet (Cross). Receipts: #120 (Cross). [See note to cg 13 Jan. 1753.


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Ranger

Related Works
Related Work: Harlequin Ranger Author(s): Henry Woodward

Dance: I: Le Matelot Basque, as17521005


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Dance: LL'Entree de Flore, as17521122

Event Comment: Play never acted before. [This new tragedy by MacNamara Morgan is mercilessly scourged by Paul Hiffernan in Tuner No 1, (21 Jan.), pp. 41-61]: To Tune it in Lilliputian Score : @Such sighing@Such Billing@Such Flashing@Such Heeling@And Dying@And Killing@And Dashing@And Kneeling@Such Rizing@Surprizing!@Such Falling@And Bawling@Such Attitudes@And Flattitudes@Were ne'er exhibited before.@ In the representation Mr Barry spared no pains; Miss Nossiter and Mr Smith strained hard-Mrs Bland, as far as her part exposed itself, did it with alacrity, but vanished abruptly in a storm of Lust. Mrs Vincent put as good a face on wanton barbarity as possible-and Mr Sparks who can do justice to a more spirited character, supported his Arcadian Kingship with becoming equanimity...It is a Romance crush'd together without choice, unconnected and full of Exidents not Incidents. Musidorus and Pamela , are duplicates to Pyrocles and Philoclea , which lengthen by so much the play, with repetition of the same dull nauseous tale of love, stirr'd up now and then by a bounce and a cracker-many persons come on we know not why, and disappear we know not wherefore....This new piece is an outlaw from all rules of Criticism; the Unities of Time, Place, and Action are unobserv'd; Plot, Moral, Verisimilitude, or even Probability unknown: many scenes bid defiance to possibility....Mr Rich stopp'd at no expence as to the Dresses and Decorations, and reprieving the play's duration to the utmost extent of Managerian clemency


Mainpiece Title: Philoclea


Mainpiece Title: Alfred

Music: Will be introduceda Solemn Dirge-in honour of the Heroes who died in the service of their country; After I: a Violin Concerto-DeGiardino, who will lead the performance; II: Duetto on the Hautboys-the two Pla's


Mainpiece Title: Zara

Afterpiece Title: Lethe

Song: Beard


Mainpiece Title: Eliza


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest


Mainpiece Title: The Universal Prayer


Mainpiece Title: Lecture

Event Comment: Benefit for Wood, Sub-Treasurer. Tickets deliver'd out for The Mistake will be taken (playbill). For ye Morocco Embassador, who, tho' unlearn'd in out Language, behav'd as if he understood nature -Mr Wood, the Subtreasurer had Tickets (Cross). [Mrs Frances Brooke, in The Old Maid, for 8 May 1756, gives the following eye-witness account of the evening: "I determined to watch the artless working of [the Ambassador's] surprise, and to catch, as well as I could his sentiments of the theatre, the Audience, the Play, and the performers. And shall give them to my readers, just as they appeared to me. On his first coming to the front of the Box, he was complimented with the Applause of the whole House, which seemed to give him great pleasure, and which he returned by two bows in the English, and afterwards by a reverence in the Moorish manner, which last I thought very graceful...tho' he is rather low of stature, yet his loose flowing robes, and his manner altogether gave him such an air of superiority, that I thought the Audience looked only like his attendants. "The House and Spectators attracted his notice so much for some time, that he seem'd very well entertained before the drawing up of the curtain. At the first scene between the Lords, I thought he looked disappointed, and after a transient view of the stage, directed his eyes again to the company; at the entrance of King Henry his attention was a little recover'd to the performance, but his majesty had not proceeded half way thru the scene, before he burst into a most immoderate fit, of apparently contemptuous laughter, which he repeated very often thro' the whole playing of the part. The manner in which this stranger was affected by it, amongst other considerations, fully convinces me that this character is most ridiculously burlesqued in the representation, and that both Shakespeare and the Monarch are very inhumanly sacrificed, to the polite taste, and elegant distinction of the upper gallery....I could point out many abuses of the like nature, which have increased upon us so much of late, that 'tis almost impossible to attend the theatres, with the expectation of receiving pleasure from some parts of the perfbrmance, without the certainty of suffering equal disgust from others; it was the case of many besides myself, at this of Henry, upon the absurdity of Winchester's brandishing his cane at Canterbury, upon the close of the Council Scene; and yet to give opportunity for this notable stage foolery, the Archbishop and Bishop are both made to walk out of their proper order, tho' in attendance upon the King....His character is drawn by Shakespeare very nearly as it stands in history, and in colours far different from the farcical ones, in which it is the present fashion to represent it. He is described indeed as imperious, but at the same time a great Monarch, and not withstanding his short interjections of anger, he is in my judgment upon every occasion a King. I wish this consideration may prevail with Mr Berry, when he plays this character for the future, to remember that tho' Harry as well as Jobson may be something rough and boistrous, yet the turbulency of a haughty prince, is a very different quality, and must therefore appear in avery different fashion, from the sawciness of an impudent cobbler. "Whatever neglect his Moorish Excellency might discover of this part, he paid great attention to that of Queen Catherine; but nothing seem'd to affect him so stronglyas Miss Young's singing, at which he appeared quite collected, and listened to her with all marks of rapturous admiration; his whole soul appeared touched, and at the end of the song, he joined the house in clapping, a mark of applause I did not observe him give at any other time. "I thought upon the King's kissing Anna Bullen, that he appeared surprized and offended, and looked about, to observe whether others were not affected in the same manner. "The procession was less marked by him than I had expected, but upon the Champion's entry on horseback, he burst into such an Immoderate fit of laughter, as to fall quite back in his seat. "At the end of the play he rose, as if to leave the House, but looked very well pleased upon being informed there was more entertainment to come; in the Pantomime he seem'd surprized and disgusted at the appearance of Harlequin, to whom he did not appear reconciled to the last; his wonder was still greater at the flying of the Genii cross the stage, and other parts of the machinery, which I thought he studied byt was puzzled to account for. He laughed heartily at the Clown, and admired Colombine not a little.... "I am jealous of the honour of my country in all respects. I would have this stranger leave it with as high opinion of our publick entertainments as possible, and could wish that at the Old House, he might see Mr Garrick in Richard or some equally striking part, and at the New, he may be present at plays, where rich dresses, magnificent show and graceful action, and uncommon personal perfections in the principal performers might contribute to give him a more elevated idea of our stage, than he can have receiv'd from King Harry."] Receipts: #210 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Viii

Role: King Henry Actor: Berry

Afterpiece Title: The Genii

Related Works
Related Work: The Genii, Arabian Night's Entertainment Author(s): Henry Woodward


Mainpiece Title: A Medley Concert

Performance Comment: As17570902, but Introduction-_; Mr Lauder_; Blind Man's Buff-_; When all the Attic Fire was fled-_; a Voluntary on the Cymbalo-Mr Noel Sr; Favourite English Song-Miss Gaudry.

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Frolic