SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "May"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "May")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 1809 matches on Event Comments, 175 matches on Performance Comments, 72 matches on Performance Title, 59 matches on Roles/Actors, and 1 matches on Author.
Event Comment: Benefit for Mrs Ward. Last time of performing Mainpiece this season. Tickets to be had of Mrs Ward, next door to the Chapel in Little Wild-Street, near Drury Lane; and at the Stage Door of the Theatre, where places for the boxes may be taken. Receipts: #130 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Much Ado About Nothing

Afterpiece Title: A Duke and no Duke

Event Comment: Benefit Mause, Madge. On Tuesday Evening several Performers by an order from the Lord Chamberlain were taken up for acting Plays, or Drolls, at Shepherd's Market, May Fair, and carried before a Magistrate who committed them to Prison on the Vagrant Act (General Advertiser)


Mainpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd

Event Comment: Benefit for Macklin. Afterpiece: A New Dramtic Satire in two acts. N.B. As several of the Town have prejudged the Pit the Boxes and Galleries acting their own parts themselves for their diversion, to be of the same species of the Lick at the Town last year; and that it can mean only the ordinary Approbation or Disapprobation of the Audience, Signor Pasquin thinks it incumbent on himself to assure to Publick that all those conjectures are groundless; And farther, he assures them that the Pit, &c. acting their parts has no other meaning than the common literal sense; and that the Audience are really interwoven in the piece; and are to be bona fide part of the Dramatis Personae; and he makes no doubt but that he shall make them perform their parts to a numerous and polite audience, and with universal Applause. But he begs that those Ladies and Gentlemen who intend to perform in the Pit and Galleries will be at the Theatre betimes, for particular reasons; and those who are to act in the Boxes are requested to send their servants to keep their places by three o'clock. Signor Pasquin has received the letters sent by the Town and the Village, and they may depend upon having Places kept for them upon the Stage. The Hiss concerning the Robin Hood Society will be complied with (General Advertiser). [The parts were: Pasquin, Marforio, Sir Eternal Grinn, Sir Conjecture Positive, Sir Roger Ringwood, Bob Smart, Soloman Common Sense; Count Hunt Bubble, Sir John Ketch, hic and Hac (Scribblers), Hydra, Lady Lucy Loveit, Miss Diana Singlelife, Miss Brilliant, Miss Bashfull (Larpent MS 96).


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: Covent Garden Theatre; or, Pasquin turn'd Drawcansir, Censor of Great Britain

Dance: GGrand Comic Ballet, as17511216

Event Comment: By Particular Desire of several Ladies of Quality. Positively the last Night. [Intended as satire on the Reverend John Henley's Oratory (eccentric preacher, 1692-1756) and as a puff for The Midwife or Old Woman's Magazine, edited by Christopher Smart and John Newberry, 1751-53. The Old Woman's Oratory written and produced by Smart. See the Gentleman's Magazine, 1752, p. 43; and Horace Walpole's letter to Montagu 12 May 1752, as follows: It appeared the lowest buffoonery in the world, even to me who am used to my uncle Horace. There is a bad oration to ridicule, what is too like, Orator Henley; all the rest is perverted music. There is a man who plays so nimbly on the kettle drums, that he has reduced that noisy instrument to be an object of sight; for if you don't see the tricks with his hands, it is no better than ordinary. Another play on a violin and trumpet together; another mimics a bagpipe with a German flute, and makes it full if disagreeable. There is an admired dulcimer, a favourite saltbox and a really curious Jew's Harp. Two or three men intend to persuade you that they play on a broomstick, which is drolly brought in, carefully shrouded in a case, so as to be mistaken for a bassoon or bass viol, but they succeed in nothing but the action. The last fellow imitates farting and curtseying to a French horn. There are twenty medley overtures, and a man who speaks a prologue and epilogue, in which he counterfeits all the actors and singers upon earth' (The Yale Edition of Horace Walpole's Correspondence, IX, p. 131). [See 3 Dec. 1751.


Mainpiece Title: The Old Woman's Oratory

Event Comment: Farce not performed for 5 years. [See 25 May 1748.] Receipts: #140 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Afterpiece Title: The Double Disappointment

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Not acted these 2 years. [See 8 May 1751.


Mainpiece Title: Lady Jane Gray

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances

Event Comment: great Nreat Noise--before the Entertainm[en]t began Mr Garrick went on & said--Gent: as we find the new Scene, tho' it pleases some, offends others & as we wou'd please all, we shall omit it after this Night--but I hope when the other House is merry with us, we may be merry with them--the Song was printed & thrown down from ye Slips--great Noise--great applause--some blows in the pit--some Gents insisted upon its being given out again, wch Mr Lacy did--the Inspector very Impudent to-day (14th) about Woodward for saying I thank you to Fitzpatrick who threw an Apple at him from ye Stage Box on Fryday last--the fool against us to-day (Cross). [Cross omits receipts this night.


Mainpiece Title: Much Ado About Nothing

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Ranger

Event Comment: [Benefit] for 3 orphan Daughters of a Cit of London (Cross). Tickets to be had at Will's and the Union Coffee House in Cornhill; Grigsby's behind the Royal Exchange; Seagoes in Holborn; the Bedford in Covent Garden; George's in the Haymarket, and at the Stage Door of the Theatre, where places for the Boxes may be taken. Receipts: #264 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Song: II: Beard

Event Comment: On Friday the 22nd a Benefit for Mrs Allen, Daughter of the late Thomas Allen, Barrister at Law, and Niece to the late Col. James Allen, who has for many years lost the use of her limbs by Palsy,--The Suspicious Husband, with entertainment as will be express'd in the Bill of the Day. Tickets to be had at Searle's Coffee House, Lincoln's Inn; at the Rolls, Chancery Lane; at George's Temple Bar; at Grigsby's behind the Change; at the Southsea Coffee House, Bishopsgate St.; and at the stage door, where places may be taken


Mainpiece Title: Zara

Afterpiece Title: Flora

Dance: As17521028

Event Comment: Any Person of whatever Party, Perswasion, Countenance, or Country, who is able to entertain the Publick in a singular and agreeable Manner, may enter into present Pay and good Quarters, with Mrs Midnight's Band of Originals, by applying to her at the Theatre in the Haymarket, any evening at five 'oclock. [Notice repeated.] Sixteenth Day


Mainpiece Title: The Old Woman's Oratory

Afterpiece Title: Animal Pantomime

Event Comment: Comedy not performed in 2 years (Winston MS 8). [See 4 May 1751. No Public Advertiser this day.] Receipts: #200 [Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Afterpiece Title: The Genii

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Not acted these 5 years. [See 2 May 1750.


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant; Or, The Sick Lady's Cure

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Sorcerer

Event Comment: Benefit for the Author. [For tickets see 9 Feb., add tickets delivered for the third and sixth nights will be taken.] This Tragedy may be had at R. Francklin's in Covent Garden. Receipts: #170 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Gamester

Event Comment: Benefit for the Author. Tickets to be had at Dodsley's, Bookseller and at the King's Arms Tavern, in Pall Mall and at the Stage Door where Places for the Boxes may be taken


Mainpiece Title: The Earl Of Essex

Event Comment: Benefit for Macklin. Afterpiece: A Comedy in 2 acts written by Foote, with Prologue and Epilogue by him. Miss Macklin did Calista and a part in the farce,-all went well (Cross). A Comedy in answer to the French Farce A Frenchman in London, with a Dialogue Prologue, spoken by Macklin & his wife. Epilogue spoken by Miss Macklin. All by Foote. Part of Pit laid into the boxes, with an amphitheatre on stage, all at 5s. Full Prices (Winston MS 8). The Englishman at Paris has been better recev'd that I expected. Garrick, &c., &c....say kinder things of it than modesty will permit me to repeat. Upon the whole it was damnably acted, Macklin miserably imperfect in the words and in the character (a stain to Comedy). You might have seen what I meant,--an English Buck, by the power of dulness instantaneously transformed into an Irish chairman. Miss Roach, accompany'd by some frippery French woman occupy'd, to the no small scandal of the whole house, the Prince's box, whilst the duchess of Bedford &c., &c. were oblig'd to take up with seats upon the stage. The piece will be printed the 25th instant, which I will enclose to you (Samuel Foote to Mr Delaval, MS in Folger Shakespeare Library, written either 24 March, or, perhaps more likely, 24 April, since Foote states later in the letter he is leaving for foreign parts the first of May)


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Event Comment: Benefit for Arthur. The Ladies may be assured there will not be any Building on the Stage


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Afterpiece Title: Flora

Dance: GGrand Scots Ballet, as17521216

Event Comment: Benefit for Miss Macklin. Miss Macklin did Monimia (Cross). Afterpiece: For last time this season. With a New Prologue. To prevent mistakes, those Gentlemen and Ladies who send for Places, are desired to send for Tickets; which may be had of Miss Macklin, in Bow St.; and of Mr Crudge at the stage door


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Dance: II: Grand Scots Ballet, as17521216

Event Comment: For the Benefit and Increase of a Fund established for the support of Decayed Musicians, or their Families. Boxes and Pit put together at Half a Guinea. Gallery 5s. To begin at 6:30 p.m. Tickets delivered to Subscribers to this Charity will admit one Person to any part of the House. Subscribers tickets may be had of Richard Dawson, near Henry the Seventh's Chapel, Westminster, who is empower'd by the Society to deliver them and receive Subscriptions. Tickets for the Performance are delivered by Mr Rash at the Prince of Orange Coffee-House, in the Haymarket. The tickets delivered for the 17th will be taken. (General Advertiser, 28 April, advance notice)


Mainpiece Title: Entertainment Of Vocal And Instrumental Music

Event Comment: At the Foundling Hospital. To begin at 12 noon. Price half a guinea each. [Above 800 coaches and chairs and tickets amounted to 925 guineas (London Magazine, May 1753). Tickets brought #706 3s. 10d., Deutsch, Handel, from Minutes of Fondling Hospital.


Mainpiece Title: The Messiah

Event Comment: Benefit for White (Treasurer). Mainpiece: Not acted these 3 years. [See 1 May 1751.


Mainpiece Title: Julius Caesar; With The Deaths Of Brutus And Cassius

Afterpiece Title: The Lover His Own Rival

Dance: GGrand Scots Ballet, as17521216

Event Comment: Benefit for Dunstall and Mrs Dunstall. Mainpiece: Acted but once these 14 years [see 4 May 1748]


Mainpiece Title: Wit Without Money

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: LLes Charboniers, as17521028

Event Comment: An Italian Comic Opera by some performers just arriv'd from Paris. Went off pretty well, -a Girl greatly admir'd (Cross). [The girl seems to have been Sga Spiletta.] She plays off with inexhaustible spirits all muscular evolutions of the face and brows; while in her eye wantons a studied archness, and pleasing malignity. Her voice has strength and scope sufficient; has neither too much of the feminine, nor an inclining to the male. Her gestures are ever varying; her transitions quick and easy. Some over-nice critics, forgetting, or not knowing the meaning of the word Burletta, cry that her manner is outre. Wou'd she not be faulty were it otherwise? The thing chargeable to her is (perhaps) too great a luxurience of comic tricks; which (an austere censor would say) border on unlaced lasciviousness, and extravagant petulance of action (Paul Hiffernan, The Tuner, No 1). [Spiletta was the name of the character to whom Sga Nicolina Giordani gave such life that the name stuck to her. See Saxe Wyndham, Annals of Covent Garden Theatre.] [A Comic Opera by G. Giordani, Music by G. Cocchi-Nicoll, English Drama, III, p. 349.] Nothing less than the full price will be taken during the Performance. Printed books of the opera sold at the theatre. Tomorrow, Venice Preserved. [Murphy commented in Gray's Inn Journal (22 Dec.): "A great deal of whatever humour this production may contain, is certainly lost to an English audience; and the manner of acting, being a burlesque upon what people here are not very well acquainted with, is not universally felt. But notwithstanding these disadvantages, there is one among them, Sga Nicolina Giordani, who displayed such lively traces of Humour in her countenance, and such pleasing variety of action, and such variety of graceful deportment, that she is generally acknowledged to be, in that Cast of playing, an excellent comic actress."


Mainpiece Title: L'amanti Gelosi

Dance: [Unspecified.]

Event Comment: FFoote play'd Ben , Miss Macklin Miss Prue , Mrs Clive Mrs Frail . Foote cou'd not sing ye Song in Ben, so said two or three times, I can't do it & upon a little Hissing, said, Gentlemen I have no talents for singing-ye whole play Hum (Cross). [Opposed to Cross's summary of the effect of the performance appeared in Gray's Inn Journal the Murphy account (19 Jan.): The excellent Comedy of Love for Love has been revived here this week, the humorous and diverting Part of Ben, the sailor, was performed with great pleasantry by Mr Foote, who showed by his manner and his looks, that he had entered into the secret of the character, tho' twas visible at the same time, that his powers were greatly suppressed by his solicitude for his first appearance in a new character. It may be said of Miss Macklin, tho perhaps better qualified for spirited genteel comedy, that she acquitted herself with great applause in a part in which Mrs Clive has displayed so many inimitable strokes of humour."] Receipts: #160 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Afterpiece Title: The Chaplet

Dance: III: A Hornpipe-Granier

Event Comment: Printed books of the opera will be sold at the theatre. Published this day at 1s. Lo Studente A La Moda, dramma comicogiocoso, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. With an English Translation. Sold by H. Woodfall...Where may be had Gli Amanti Gelosi, with an English translation. [Opera in there acts in Italian and French. Larpent MS 103. Altered from A. Polomba La Violante. Music by G. B. Pergolesi. Rich applied to the Duke of Grafton (9 Jan.) for license to perform it.


Mainpiece Title: Lo Studente A La Moda

Dance: Entertainment-[unspecified]

Event Comment: On Tuesday next a New Tragedy called Philoclea. On Monday 28 January will be a Benefit for Sga Nicolina Giordani, A comic Opera with dances. Tickets and places for the Boxes may be had at Sg Giordani's Lodging, at Mr Milbourn's Grocer, in James St. Covent Garden. To the Young Gentlewoman who has performed Hermione [see 19 Jan.]: @Great was th' Applause you met, great your desert,@You charm'd the Eye, the Ear, the Head, the Heart.@Amaz'd we saw you at the first appear,@Ev'n in the hardest part, a perfect play'r.@Your person, your deportment set to view,@The youthful princess that the poet drew.@All was propriety, and all was grace,@We read the author's meaning in your face.@Your elocution was both just and strong,@Mix'd with due ease, and not an accent wrong,@Such varied Musick in your voice we heard,@That in the Tones both Taste and Sense appear'd.@Love, Jealousy, and Rage so well expres't@Engag'd our souls, nor knew we which was best,@'Twas Nature all-she form'd you for the stage,@Follow her steps, and glad th' Admiring Age.-Public Advertiser@


Mainpiece Title: The Distrest Mother

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Skeleton