SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "May"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "May")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 1809 matches on Event Comments, 175 matches on Performance Comments, 72 matches on Performance Title, 59 matches on Roles/Actors, and 1 matches on Author.
Event Comment: Afterpiece: As 26 May. Benefit the Author of the Farce


Mainpiece Title: Pasquin

Afterpiece Title: The Rival Captains

Event Comment: By particular Desire. Afterpiece: As 26 May. 7 P.M


Mainpiece Title: Pasquin

Afterpiece Title: The Rival Captains

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Written by the Author of George Barnwell. Afterpiece: As 26 May


Mainpiece Title: Guilt Its Own Punishment

Afterpiece Title: The Rival Captains

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Written by the late Mr Congreve, London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 2 Oct.: Last Night in the Entertainment of Dr Faustus...when the Machine wherein were Harlequin, the Miller's Wife, the Miller and his the Miller's Man, was got up to the full Extent of its flying, one of the Wires which held up the hind part of the Car broke first, and then the other broke, and the Machine, and all the People in it fell down Upon the Stage; by which unhappy Accident the young Woman who personated the Miller's Wife had her Thigh broke, and her Kneepan shatter'd, and was otherways very much bruised, the Harlequin had his Head bruised, and his Wrist strained; the Miller broke his Arm; and the Miller's Man had his Scull so fractured that his Life in despaired of. Thomas Gray to Horace Walpole, 6 Oct.: Covent Garden has given me a sort of surfeit of Mr Rich and his cleverness, for I was at [cg] when the machine broke t'other night; the house was in amaze for above a minute, and I dare say a great many in the galleries thought it very desterously performed, and that they screamed as naturally as heart could wish, till they found it was no jest, by their calling for surgeons, of whom several luckily happened to be in the pit. I stayed to see the poor creatures brought out of the house, and pity poor Mrs Buchanan not a little, whom I saw put into a chair in such a fright that as she is big with child, I question whether it may not kill her.-Horace Walpole's Correspondence with Thomas Gray, I, 113-14


Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Event Comment: A New Opera. [Text by Xeno. Music by Broschi.] Lucy Wentworth, 8 Jan.: My mama has been so good to give me leave to goe to the Opera to night with Lady Anne. 'Tis to be a new one call'd Merophe, but the foolish Buffo's are to be left out which I am very glad of, but am sorry they are to have five hundred pound a piece for acting that silly stuf two nights if one may believe Mr Hamilton.The Opera is to be heard but once for he says 'tis the worst that ever was composed.-Wentworth Papers, p. 528. phay The Defeat of Apollo. Rehearsed. DDaily Advertiser, 11 Jan.: The Prologue to The Defeat of Apollo, which, in Compliment to some Gentlemen, was spoke last Saturday at the Rehearsal, encourages the Town to hope for what is new and entertaining. [For additional puffs, see Daily Advertiser, 11 and 12 Jan.


Mainpiece Title: Merope

Event Comment: See Daily Advertiser, 4 Feb., for a letter from Colley Cibber to the Gentlemen of the Inns of Court. Daily Advertiser, 4 Feb.: Whereas it is agreed on between several Gentlemen, to erect a New Theatre for the exhibiting of Plays, Farces, Pantomime, &c. all such Persons as are willing to undertake the said Building, are desir'd to bring their Plans for the same by the 2d of May next ensuing, in order to be laid before the said Gentlemen, the Time and Place of which Meeting will be advertis'd in this Paper on the last of April. Proportions of the Ground: The North Side 120 Feet; the West, square with the North, 130 Feet; the South 110 Feet; and the East on a Bevil, joining the Parallel. Note, There must be a Passage left to go round the Building, and the Stages to be 30 Feet wide at the First Scene; the Distance between Wall and Wall 80 Feet; and the Scene-Rooms, Green and Dressing Rooms, to be on the outside of the last mention'd Measure. The Stage to be either North or South


Mainpiece Title: The Double Dealer

Afterpiece Title: The King and the Miller of Mansfield

Event Comment: Benefit Mrs Porter. By Command of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales. Written by the late Mr Congreve. The Pit and Front Boxes will be laid together at 5s. Servants may keep Places on the Stage, Side-Boxes, and the two Corner Front-Boxes on each Side of the Pit


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Event Comment: Founded on Shakespear's Much Ado About Nothing. By the Author of the Man of Taste. Daily Advertiser, 8 March: As the late tumultuous and riotous Behaviour of the Footmen at [dl] is become a Topick of Publick Discourse, a true and exact Account of the Disturbances they have made will be publish'd in this Paper: In the mean time we have the Pleasure to inform the Town, all proper Care being taken, every thing was very quiet last Night, and 'tis believ'd will continue so. The Director of the aforesaid Theatre having receiv'd a threatening Letter last Saturday in the Afternoon from the Footmen, a true Copy of it will be published in Tomorrow's Paper, with a Reward to those who shall discover the Author or Authors, so that he or they may be brought to Justice


Mainpiece Title: The Universal Passion

Dance: Denoyer, Mlle Roland, Muilment, Philips, Villeneuve, Mrs Walter

Event Comment: DDaily Advertiser, 10 March: Last Night the Representation of the Rehearsal of Kings was disappointed by some Persons taking clandestinely Possession of the Hay-Market Playhouse, who were about Eight o'Clock committed to Bridewell for the same. On this Account several hundred Persons were turn'd away. We are assur'd that the Publick may depend on the aforesaid Play's being acted, as writ, Tomorrow


Event Comment: Benefit Essex. Tickets at Essex's Lodgings, at Mrs Holt's near the Playhouse Passage in Bow Street. Note, As many of my Friends may not appris'd of the hurt I receiv'd in my Performance on the Stage at the beginning of this Season, which still continues


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Dance: II: Turkish Dance-Muilment; IV: Serious Dance-Muilment; V: Russian Sailor-Denoyer

Event Comment: LLondon Daily Post and General Advertiser, 28 April: This is to inform the Publick, That the new Tragi-Comedy, entitled, The Free Thinker, or the Fox Uncased, which was to have been play'd on this Day, is oblig'd to be again deferr'd till Friday Se'nnight, being the 6th of May, when it will certainly be play'd [in yb], Pen. Aubin. [See also 14 April.


Event Comment: Benefit Lacy. Afterpiece: A new Satyrical, Allegorical, Political, Philosophical Farce, [Apparently by Lacy.] Daily Advertiser, 30 April: Yesterday I accidentally call'd in at the Theatre in the Hay-Market, and saw the Rehearsal of a new Farce call'd Fame...Which is to be acted there on Wednesday next...for the Benefit of Mr Lacy the Author. As I am neither acquainted with him, nor the Master of the Playhouse, I cannot be accus'd of Partiality, in affirming, that I think this the best Farce this Age has produc'd. It seems to be writ in Imitation of Shakespear, and entirely calculated for the present Taste. The Characters are strong, lively, majestic, and just; the incidents natural and moving; the Conduct regular; the Distresses extremely affecting; the Stile sublime; the Sentiments grand, full of Patriotism; and the Catastrophe so masterly wrought up, that, I am persuaded, no Farce whatsoever, now acting, will draw more Tears than this. But what affected me beyond all, was, the Zeal, the exemplary Zeal of a worthy Magistrate, who so strictly adheres to the very Letter of the Law, as to send a rich and honest Merchant, and Freeholder, to the House of Correction, as a sturdy Beggar, or Loiterer. I could enlarg in its Praise, but fear I may do the Author wrong, in raising your Expectations too high. See it, and I am convinc'd you will entertain the same Sentiments of it, as does Your Humble Servant, James Lacy. Alias Fustian, alias Sour-Wit, alias--But hold:--If I should be arraign'd for the Murder of this Farce, so many Alias's will half condemn me before I am heard


Mainpiece Title: Pasquin

Afterpiece Title: Fame; or, Queen Elizabeth's Trumpets; or, Never plead's Hopes of being a Lord Chancellor; or, The Lover turn'd Philosopher; or, The Miser's Resolve upon the Lowering of Interest

Event Comment: Benefit a Family in Distress. London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 5 May: To be Sold: The Interest of the Theatre and Materials in Goodman's Fields. Inquire of Mr Giffard at his House in Grange-Court, in Cary-Street


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Afterpiece Title: The Honest Yorkshireman

Dance: I: Clown-Vallois; V: Two Pierrots-Vallois, Delagarde

Song: IV: Singing in Italian-Mrs Chambers

Event Comment: DDaily Advertiser, 11 May: Yesterday there was a publick Rehearsal of...the Dragon of Wantley, now getting a numerous and polite Company, who express'd uncommon Satisfaction at the Music and Performers


Mainpiece Title: The Dragon Of Wantley


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Lawyer

Performance Comment: As17370310(cast from London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 11 May).

Dance: I: Serious Dance, with Minuet-Misses Scott; II: Comic Dance-Nivelon, Mrs LeBrun; IV: Peasant-Lalauze, Desse, Dupre, Richardson, Baudouin, Mrs Moreau, Mrs Delorme, Miss Norman, Mrs Ogden; V: Nivelon, Misses Scott

Song: II: A Song originally Designed for the play by Sir Richard Steele, -Beard; III: Leveridge; V: Roberts

Event Comment: Mainpiece: a new Farce of Two Acts. [Author not known. Apparently not printed.]Afterpiece: (by a Company of Singers just imported) A new Musical Burlesque of two Acts, in a Grand Oratorio. [By Henry Carey.] The Musical Connoisseurs are desir'd do take Notice, that the Company keeps up strictly to the Italian Taste, the Notes being full of Grandeur and Harmony, and the Words full of low Nonsense; and as a further Indication of his Attachment, it is so contriv'd, that two powerful Parties are already form'd to support the two beautiful Rivals, Mauxalinda and Margeria; but which of them will carry their Point, Time alone must determine. It will be deem'd a lasting Obligation to any Chronologer, in what University soever presiding, if he will communicate the precise Century Moore of Moore-Hall liv'd in, so that the Hero may be dress'd in Character; but if the Recherche should prove too laborious, it is resolv'd he shall come as near the Figure of the Divine Farinello as possible. N.B. The Dragon was intended to have charm'd the City at Stationer's Hall; but from a Punctilio very common to Singers, he insisted on exerting his Musical Faculty at the Hay-Market. Admission: 5s., 3s., 2s. 7 p.m


Mainpiece Title: The Lordly Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley

Event Comment: Benefit Penkethman. At the Desire of several Persons of Distinction. [This bill from London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 16 May.


Mainpiece Title: The Wife's Relief

Afterpiece Title: The Lovers Opera

Song: II: A Purcell Dialogue-Masters Hamilton; III: The Early Horn Salutes the Morn-Miss Jones

Dance: V: Clown-Vallois

Event Comment: As 16 May, but No After-Money will be taken


Mainpiece Title: The Historical Register

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley

Event Comment: As 17 May. The Usefulness of the Stage (1738) stated (p. 18) that The Dragon of Wantley was acted at hay with little success and that the audience was dismissed on the third night [this night, presumably]


Mainpiece Title: The Historical Register

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley

Event Comment: As 17 May


Mainpiece Title: The Historical Register

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley

Event Comment: Benefit Mrs Haywood the Muse, Author of Love in Excess, and many other entertaining Pieces. 6:30 p.m. Daily Advertiser, 23 May: We hear that her Grace the Dutchess Dowager of Marlborough will be at the Theatre in the Hay-Market this Night


Mainpiece Title: The Historical Register

Afterpiece Title: Eurydice Hiss'd

Event Comment: The hay advertised for 30 May and later two plays which never got staged: Macheath turn'd Pyrate; or, Polly in India. An Opera. Very much taken, if not improv'd from the famous Sequel of the late celebrated Mr Gay. With a New Prologue, proper to the Occasion. And after the Run of that, the Town will be entertain'd with a new Farce of two Acts, call'd The King and Titi; or, The Medlars. Taken from the History of Prince Titi, Originally written in French, and lately translated into English


Event Comment: TThe Craftsman, 28 May, has an essay the proposed Licensing Act


Event Comment: Additional Orations on 16, 23, 28, 30 April; 12, 14, 21 May


Mainpiece Title: The New Oratory

Event Comment: Benefit Bullock. N.B. Mr Bullock hopes his great Age, upwards of Threescore and Twelve, will plead his Excuse, that he cannot pay his Duty to his Acquaintances and Friends, whose Good Nature may engage them to assist him in this Decline of Life, in order to make the Remainder of his Days easy and comfortable to him


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar

Song: Leveridge, Salway, Roberts

Dance: Richardson, Miss Cantrel; Scots Dance-Mrs Bullock; Comic Dance-Villeneuve, Miss Oates, Thompson, Richardson, Miss Cantrel, Mrs LeBrun