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We found 2636 matches on Performance Title, 2610 matches on Performance Comments, 1691 matches on Event Comments, 23 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: The Diary and Will of Elias Ashmole, ed. Gunter, pp. 70-71: 13 Dec. 1660: The King going to a Play at the new Theatre this afternoon, had his coach (the leathers whereby the coach hung broke and so the coach fell from the wheels) overturned over against the new Exchange, but (blessed be God) had no hurt. Sir Francis Floyd passing by took him in his arms and carried him to his coach. The Earl of Latherdale and my Lord of Ossory being with the King in his coach


Event Comment: The King's Company. See Herbert (Dramatic Records, p. 117), where are listed The Loyall Subject, Mad Louer, The Wildgoose Chase following this play but preceding April 1661. Pepys, Diary: I went by coach to the play-house at the Theatre, our coach in King Street breaking, and so took another. Here we saw Argalus and Parthenia, which I lately saw, but though pleasant for the dancing and singing, I do not find good for any wit or design therein


Mainpiece Title: Argalus And Parthenia

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: After dinner I went to the theatre, and there saw Love's Mistress done by them, which I do not like it some things so well as their acting in Salsbury Court. [Although Pepys saw this play on 2 March 1660@1 at Salisbury Court, done by the Duke's Company, here he appears to indicate a rival performance of it by the King's Company in Vere St.]


Mainpiece Title: Love's Mistress

Event Comment: The date of the first performance is not certainly known, but Pepys, on 2 July, saw Part II, stating that 2 July was the premiere of Part I and the opening of the Duke's Company's new theatre in Lincoln's Inn Fields. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, pp. 20-21): His [Davenant's] Company Rehears'd the First and Second Part of the Siege of Pothecaries-Hall: And in Spring 1662 [1661], Open'd his House with the said Plays, having new Scenes and Decorations, being the first that e're were Introduc'd in England....All Parts being Justly and Excellently Perform'd; it continu'd Acting 12 Days without Interruption with great Applause. Downes, p. 34: I must not forget my self, being Listed for an Acotr in Sir William Davenant's Company in Lincolns-Inn-Fields: The very first Day of opening the House there, with the Siege of Rhodes, being to Act Haly; (The King, Duke of York, and all the Nobility in the House, and the first time the King was in a Publick Theatre). The sight of that August presence, spoil'd me for an Actor too. HMC, 10th Report, Appendix, Part IV, p. 21: @For the Siege of Rhodes all say@It is an everlasting play@Though they wonder now Roxalana is gon@What shift it makes to hold out so long@For when the second part took, butt for Bully@The first did not satisfie so fully.@ [Presumably this verse was written after Mrs Davenport left the stage, in 1662(?).


Mainpiece Title: The Siege Of Rhodes, Part I

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Pepys, Diary: To Sir William Davenant's Opera; this being the fourth day that it hath begun, and the first that I have seen it. To-day was acted the second part of The Siege of Rhodes. We staid a very great while for the King and the Queen of Bohemia. And by the breaking of a board over our heads, we had a great deal of dust fell into the ladies' necks and the men's hair, which made good sport. The King being come, the scene opened; which indeed is very fine and magnificent, and well acted, all but the Eunuch, who was so much out tha he was hissed off the stage


Mainpiece Title: The Siege Of Rhodes, Part Ii

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: To the Theatre, and saw Brenoralt, I never saw before. It seemed a good play, but ill acted; only I sat before Mrs Palmer, the King's mistress, and filled my eyes with her, which much pleased me


Mainpiece Title: Brenoralt [or, the Discontented Colonel]


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Performance Comment: Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 21): Hamlet-Betterton; Horatio-Harris; King-Lilliston; Ghost-Richards; Polonius-Lovel; Rosencrans-Dixon; Guilderstern-Price; 1st Gravemaker-Underhill; 2d Gravemaker-Dacres; Queen-Mrs Davenport; Ophelia-Mrs Sanderson.
Role: King Actor: Lilliston
Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: Hence my wife and I to the Theatre, and there saw The Joviall Crew, where the King, Duke and Duchess, and Madame Palmer, were; and my wife, to her great content, had a full sight of them all the while. The play full of mirth


Mainpiece Title: The Jovial Crew

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: My wife and I to the Theatre...where the King came to-day, and there was The Traytor most admirably acted; and a most excellent play it is


Mainpiece Title: The Traytor

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: Sir W. Pen, my wife and I to the Theatre, and there saw The Country Captain, the first time it hath been acted this twenty-five years, a play of my Lord Newcastle's, but so silly a play as in all my life I never saw, and the first that ever I was weary of in my life. Herbert (Dramatic Records, p. 118) lists Love's Mistress for this date for Vere St., but the item is out of the normal order of the entries. To move it to 26 Oct. 1662 would place it on a Sunday. The play had been given previously (2 March 1661, 11 March 1661, 25 March 1661) by both the Duke's Company and King's Company. Possibly Herbert entered it on the wrong day. On Herbert's list, following Love's Mistress, are two plays, The Contented Collinell [Brenoralt] and Love at First Sight, each listed without a date. The former, under the title Brenoralt, had been acted at Vere St. on 23 July 1661; the second was soon to be acted there on 29 Nov. 1661


Mainpiece Title: The Country Captain

Event Comment: [The edition of 1662 suggests that this was a ballet, the text offering description or synopses of the entries. Edition of 1662: Being part of that Magnificent Entertainment by the Noble Prince, DelaGrange, Lord Lieutenant of Lincolns Inn. Presented to the High and Mighty Charles II, Monarch of Great Britain, France and Ireland. On Friday 3 of January 1662. Evelyn, Diary: After Prayers I went to Lond: invited to the solemn foolerie of the Prince de la Grange at Lincolne Inn: where came also the King, Duke, &c.: beginning with a grand Masquev and a formal Pleading before the mock-princes (Grandes), Nobles & Knights of the Sunn: He had his L. Chancelor, Chamberlaine, Treasurer, & other royal officers gloriously clad & attended, which ended in a magnificent Banquet: one Mr John? Lort, being the young spark, who maintained the Pageantrie. Pepys, Diary: While I was there, comes by the King's life-guard, he being gone to Lincoln's Inn this afternoon to see the Revells there; there being, according to an old custom, a prince and all his nobles and other matters of sport and charge. John Ward (notebooks, 6 Jan.): I saw a Leopard and the same day as strange a sight which was the mock prince of Lincolnes' Inne his Nobels his Knights of the Garter and his other officers (Shakespeare Quarterly, XI [1960], 494)


Mainpiece Title: Greek Words Universal Motion

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: To the King's Theatre, where we saw Midsummer's Night's Dream, which I had never seen before, nor shall ever again, for it is the most inspid ridiculous play that ever I saw in my life. I saw, I confess, some good dancing and some handsome women, which was all my Pleasure


Mainpiece Title: A Midsummer Night's Dream


Mainpiece Title: Ignoramus; Or, The Academical Lawyer

Performance Comment: MS in Library of Duke of Westminster: Theodorus-Lilliston?; Antonius-Smyth; Ignoramus-Underhill; Dulman-Williams; Pecus-Will Peer?; Musaeus-R. Nokes; Torcal-Norris; Rosabella-Mrs? Jennings; Surda-Mrs Margaret Rutter?; Trico-Medbourne?; Banacar-Crosby; Cupes-Sandford; Polla-Mrs Norris; Cola-R. James? Nokes; Pyropus-Angell; Dorothea-Mrs Brown; Vince-Boy; Nell-Pegg; Richardus?-Revet; Prologue to the King-Alexander Read. Translated from George Ruggle's Ignoramus.
Event Comment: This was probably acted by the King's Company, which acted the play several times in 1660-61. Pepys, Diary: At White Hall by appointment, Mr Creed carried my wife and I to the Cockpitt, and we had excellent places, and saw the King, Queen, Duke of Monmouth, his son, and my Lady Castlemaine, and all the fine ladies; and The Scornfull Lady, well performed. They had done by eleven o'clock


Mainpiece Title: The Scornful Lady

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: To the King's Playhouse, where we saw but part of Witt without mony, which I do not like much, but coming late put me out of tune, and it costing me four half-crowns for myself and company


Mainpiece Title: Wit Without Money

Event Comment: Pepys, Diary: And there took up my wife and Ashwell to the Theatre Royall, being the second day of its being opened. The house is made with extraordinary good contrivance, and yet hath some faults, as the narrowness of the passages in and out of the pitt, and the distance from the stage to the boxes, which I am confident cannot hear; but for all other things it is well, only, above all, the musique being below, and most of it sounding under the very stage, there is no hearing of the bases at all, nor very well of the trebles, which sure must be mended. The play was The Humerous Lieutenant, a play that hath little good in it, nor much in the very part which, by the King's command, Lacy now acts instead of Clun. In the dance, the tall devil's actions was very pretty....I am resolved to deny myself the liberty of two plays at court, which are in arreare to me for the months of March and April, which will more than countervail this excess, so that this month of May is the first that I must claim a liberty of going to a Court play according to my oath


Mainpiece Title: The Humorous Lieutenant

Role: King Actor: Wintersel
Event Comment: Pepys, Diary: At Wotton's, the shoemaker's, who tells me the reason of Harris's going form Sir Wm. Davenant's house, that he grew very Proud and demanded #20 for himself extraordinary, more than Betterton or any body else, upon every new play, and #10 upon every revive; which with other things Sir W. Davenant would not give him, and so he swore he would never act there more, in expectation of being received in the other House; but the King will not suffer it, upon Sir W. Davenant's desire that he would not, for then he might shut up house, and that is true. He tells me that his going is at present a great loss to the House, and that he fears he hath a stipend from the other House privately. He tells me that the fellow grew very proud of late, the King and every body else crying him up so high, and that above Betterton, he being a more ayery man, as he is indeed. But yet Betterton, he says, they say do act some parts that none but himself can do



Mainpiece Title: Pompey The Great

Performance Comment: Edition of 1664: wo actors' names. Prologue At the House-; Epilogue at the House-; Epilogue to the King at Saint James's-; Epilogue To the Dutchess at Saint James's-; [One Epilogue was written by Sir Edward Deering.] [At the end: After which a grand Masque [is Danc'd before Caesar and Cleopatra[, made (as well as the other Dances and the Tunes to them) by Mr John Ogilby-.
Event Comment: The King's Company. There is no indication as to whether this is the first performance of the play. Pepys, Diary: I took my wife out, for I do find that I am not able to conquer myself as to going to plays till I come to some new vowe concerning it, and that I am now come, that is to say, that I will not see above one in a month at any of the publique theatres till the sum of 50s. be spent, and then none before New Year's day next, unless that I do become worth #1,000 sooner than then, and then am free fo come to some other terms.... to the King's house, and there met Mr Nicholson, my old colleague, and saw The Usurper, which is no good play, though better than what I saw yesterday. However, we rose unsatisfied


Mainpiece Title: The Usurper

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: [Mrs Pepys] and I to the King's house, and saw The Silent Woman; but methought not so well done or so good a play as I formerly thought it to be, or else I am now-a-days out of humour. Before the play was done, it fell such a storm of hayle, that we in the middle of the pit were fain to rise; and all the house in a disorder


Mainpiece Title: The Silent Woman

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: Thence to the King's play-house, and there saw Bartholomew Fayre, which do still please me; and is, as it is acted, the best comedy in the world, I believe. I chanced to sit by Tom Killigrew, who tells me that he is setting up a Nursery; that is, is going to build a house in Moorefields, wherein he will have common plays acted. But four operas it shall have in the year, to act six weeks at a time; where we shall have the best scenes and machines, the best musique, and every thing as magnificent as is in Christendome; and to that end hath sent for voices and painters and other persons from Italy


Mainpiece Title: Bartholomew Fair

Event Comment: The King's Company. For Mrs Corey as Dol Common, see 27 Dec. 1666. For the murder of Clun, see An Elegy Upon the Most Execrable Murther of Mr Clun (1664), and the reprint in A Little Ark, ed. G. Thorn-Drury, pp. 30-31. Pepys, Diary, 4 Aug.: Clun, one of their [King's] best actors, was, the last night, going out of towne (after he had acted the Alchymist, wherein was one of his best parts that he acts) to his country-house, set upon and murdered; one of the rogues taken, an Irish fellow. It seems most cruelly butchered and bound. The house will have a great miss of him


Mainpiece Title: The Alchymist

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: Sir W. Pen...did carry me to a play and pay for me at the King's house, which is The Rivall Ladys, a very innocent and most pretty witty play. I was much pleased with it, and it being given me, I look upon it as no breach to my oathe


Mainpiece Title: The Rival Ladies

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: So my wife and I abroad to the King's playhouse, she giving me her time of the last month, she having not seen any then; so my vowe is not broke at all, it costing me no more money than it would have done upon her had she gone both her times that were due to her. Here we saw Flora's Figarys. I never saw it before, and by the most ingenuous performance of the young Jade Flora, it seemed as pretty a pleasant play as ever I saw in my life


Mainpiece Title: Flora's Vagaries

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: Alone to the Kings' house, to a play, The Traytor, where, unfortunately, I met with Sir W. Pen, so that I must be forced to confess it to my wife, which troubles me. Thence walked home, being ill-satisfied with the present actings of the House, and prefer the other House before this infinitely


Mainpiece Title: The Traytor