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We found 1659 matches on Performance Comments, 602 matches on Event Comments, 111 matches on Performance Title, 53 matches on Author, and 1 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: The United Company. Lord Ashburnham's Diary: In the afternoon came Sr John Katchpole to see me, afterwards I went to the Play (The Maids Tragedy) [Ashburnham MS 932; see 14 Dec. 1686]


Mainpiece Title: The Maid's Tragedy

Event Comment: The United Company. Lord Ashburnham's Diary: I went to the Play, (The Committee) [Ashburnham MS 932; see 14 Dec. 1686]


Mainpiece Title: The Committee


Mainpiece Title: London's Anniversary Festival Performed On Monday, October The 29th, 1688, For

Performance Comment: .Sir John Chapman, Kt. Lord Mayor....Being Their Great Year of Jubilee. With a Panegyrick upon the Restoring of the Charter. And a Sonnet provided for the Entertainment of the King.


Mainpiece Title: London's Great Jubilee

Performance Comment: Restor'd and Perform'd On Tuesday, October the 29th 1689. For the Entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir ThomasPilkington Kt. Lord Mayor of the City of London. Containing a Description of the several Pageants and Speeches together with a Song for the Entertainment of Their Majesties, who with their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Denmark, the whole Court, and both Houses of Parliament, Honour His Lordship this Year with their Presence. All set forth at the Proper Cost and Charges of the Right Worshipful Company of Skinners. [By Matthew Taubman.]
Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but Luttrell's copy (Huntington Library) of the play bears the date of acquisition 3 June [1690, apparently], and the play was advertised in the London Gazette, No 2566, 12-16 June 1690. See Fredson Bowers, A Bibliographical History of the Fletcher-Betterton Play, The Prophetess, 1690, The Library, 5th Series, XVI (1961), 169-75. It seems likely that the opera was first given early in June 1690. An edition of The Vocal and Instrumental Musick of The Prophetess appeared in 1691. See Works of Henry Purcell, Purcell Society, IX. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 42): The Prophetess, or Dioclesian an Opera, Wrote by Mr Betterton; being set out with Coastly Scenes, Machines and Cloaths: The Vocal and Instrumental Musick, done by Mr Purcel; and Dances by Mr Priest; it gratify'd the Expectation of Court and City; and got the Author great Reputation. [See also R. E. Moore, Henry Purcell and the Restoration Theater (Cambridge, Mass., 1961), Chapter V; and E. W. White, Early Theatrical Performances of Purcell's Operas, Theatre Notebook, XIII (1958-59), 44.] The Muses' Mercury (January 1707, pp. 4-5): This prologue was forbidden to be spoken the second Night of the Representation of the Prophetess. Mrs Shadwell was the occasion of its being taken notice of by the Ministry in the last Reign: He happen'd to be at the House on the first Night, and taking the beginning of the Prologue to have a double meaning, and that Meaning to reflect on the Revolution, he told a Gentleman, He would immediately Put a stop to it. When that Gentleman ask'd, Why he wou'd do the Author such a Disservice? He said, Because while Mr Dryden was Poet Laureat, he wou'd never let any Play of his be Acted. Mr Shadwell informed the Secretary of State of it, and representing it in its worst Colours, the Prologue was never Spoken afterwards, and is not printed in Mr Dryden's Works, or his Miscellanies. Cibber, Apology (ed. Lowe, II, 13-14): A Prologue (by Dryden) to the Prophetess was forbid by the Lord Dorset after the first War in Ireland. It must be confess'd that this Prologue had some familiar, metaphorical Sneers at the Revolution itself; and as the Poetry of it was good, the Offence of it was less pardonable


Mainpiece Title: The Prophetess; Or, The History Of Dioclesian

Event Comment: London Gazette, No 2581, 4-7 Aug. 1690: These are to give Notice, That by Order of the Lord-Mayor and Court of Alderman of the City of London, the Fair, commonly called Lady-Fair, in the Borough of Southwark, will from henceforth be held on the 7th, 8th, and 9th of September only in every Year (according to the Grant thereof of the City) and that the Booths or Shedds will be permitted to stand in the streets there any longer than the said three days


Event Comment: Luttrell, A Brief Relation, II, 270-71: The lord mayor of London has publish'd an order to prevent all sort of lewdnesse and disorder during Bartholomew fair, and that it shal be kept but 3 dayes, viz. 23d, 24 and 25 of August


Event Comment: Richard Lapthorne, 8 Aug. 1691: Bartholomew faire by order of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen is to bee kept but for 3 days this yeare because its a season of great debauchery and therefore they think a fortnight to bee too long a space and it seemes according to the originall Institution it was to continue no longer then three dayes (R. J. Kerr and I. C. Duncan, The Portledge Papers [London, 1928], p. 118.



Mainpiece Title: The Triumphs Of London Performed On Thursday, Oct

Performance Comment: 29. 1691, for the Entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir ThomasStamp, Kt; Lord Mayor of the City of London. Containing a true Description of the several Pageants, with the Speeches spoken on each Pageant. All set forth at the proper Costs and Charges of the Worshipful Company of Drapers. [By Elkanah Settle.]
Event Comment: Luttrell, A Brief Relation, II, 316: The players have begg'd pardon of the lords abused there, and have leave to act again on Monday. [The order for reopening is in L. C. 5@150, p. 345 (Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 361).] Newdigate Newsletters, 19 Dec. 1691: We heare that the Play house will be againe opened this Night or on Monday & will Continue to Act as formerly and tis S. the Sentinell who discharged his Musquet was tryed by a Court Martial and acquitted (Wilson, Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 82)


Event Comment: Luttrell, A Brief Relation, II, 413: By order of the queen, the lord chamberlain has sent an order to the playhouse prohibiting the acting Mr Dryden s play called the tragedy of Cleomenes, reflecting much on the government. Gentleman's Journal, April 1692 (licensed 13 April): I was in hopes to have given you in this Letter an account of the Acting of Mr Dryden's Cleomenes; it was to have appear'd upon the Stage on Saturday last, and you need not doubt but that the Town was big with Expectation of the performance; but Orders came from Her Majesty to hinder its being Acted; so that none can tell when it shall be play'd


Event Comment: Luttrell, A Brief Relation, II, 437: This being the queen s birth day, a new ode was sung before her upon the occasion: the nobility and gentry, with the lord mayor and aldermen of this citty, attended to compliment thereon. Gentleman's Journal, May 1692: The 30th of April, being Her Majesties Birth-day, was observ'd with all the usual Solemnity. I design'd to have sent you an Attempt of mine in Verse, on that noble Subject: But having happily obtain'd a Copy of those writ by Sir Charles Sidley, it would have been an unpardonable Crime, to have joyn'd my weak Essay to a Piece by so great a Master. [The Ode, Love's Goddess Sure, the music by Henry Purcell, is in Purcell's Works, Purcell Society, XXIV (1926), i.


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: Luttrell, A Brief Relation, II, 565, 15 Sept. 1692: Last Tuesday the lord mayor sent his officersito cry downe the faire, the actors of the drolls having presumed to act the earthquake in Jamaica with scenes, and to make a droll of it. Evelyn, Diary, 15 Sept. 1692: This, of Jamaica, being prophanely & Ludicrously represented in a peppet play or some such lewd pass-time in the Faire at Southwarke, caused the Queene to put-downe & abolish that idle & vicious mock-shew


Event Comment: London Gazette, No 2919, 30 Oct.-2 Nov. 1693. Whereas last Monday proving to be the Lord Mayors Day Signior Tosi could not play his Consort of Musick, but will do it this present Thursday the 2d instant, and the Thursday following; and afterwards on every Monday, in York-Buildings, during the Winter


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: The United Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@151, p. 369: ye Q a Box & a Box for ye Maids of Honr double dealer. [See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 352.] Cibber relates an incident which may pertain to this performance, Apology, I, 185-86: Queen Mary having commanded the Double Dealer to be acted, Kynaston happen'd to be so ill that he could not hope to be able next Day to perform his Part of the Lord Touchwood. In this Exigence, the Author, Mr Congreve, advis'd that it might be given to me, if at so short a Warning I would undertake it. The Flattery of being thus distinguish'd by so celebrated an Author, and the Honour to act before a Queen, you may be sure made me blind to whatever Difficulties might attend it. I accepted the Part, and was ready in it before I slept; next Day the Queen was presented at the Play, and was received with a new Prologue from the Author, spoken by Mrs Barry, humbly acknowledging the great Honour done to the Stage....After the Play, Mr Congreve made me the Compliment of saying, That I had not only answer'd, but had exceeded his Expectations, and that he would shew me he was sincere in his saying more of me to the Masters.--He was as good as his Word, and the next Pay-day I found my Sallary of fifteen was then advanced to twenty Shillings a Week


Mainpiece Title: The Double Dealer

Event Comment: An unidentified letter, 22 March 1693@4. There is hardly anything now to make it acceptable to you, but an account of our winter diversions, and chiefly of the new plays which have been the entertainment of the town. The first that was acted was Mr Congreve's, called The Double Dealer [see October 1693]. It has fared with that play, as it generally does with beauties officiously cried up: the mighty expectation which was raised of it made it sink, even beneath its own merit. The character of The Double Dealer is artfully writt, but the action being but single, and confined within the rules of true comedy, it could not please the generality of our audience, who relish nothing but variety, and think any thing dull and heavy which does not border upon farce.--The criticks were severe upon this play, which gave the author occasion to lash 'em in his Epistle Dedicatory, in so defying or hectoring a style, that it was counted rude even by his best friends; so that 'tis generally thought he has done his business, and lost himself: a thing he owes to Mr Dryden's treacherous friendship, who being jealous of the applause he had gott by his Old Batchelour, deluded him into a foolish imitation of his own way of writing angry prefaces. The 2d play is Mr Dryden's, called Love Triumphant, or Nature will prevail [see 15 January 1694]. It is a tragi-comedy, but in my opinion one of the worst he ever writt, if not the very worst: the comical part descends beneath the style and shew of a Bartholomew-fair droll. It was damn'd by the universal cry of the town, nemine contradicente, but the conceited poet. He says in his prologue, that this is the last the town must expect from him; he had done himself a kindness had he taken his leave before. The 3d is Mr Southern's call'd The Fatal Marriage, or the Innocent Adultery [see February 1693@4]. It is not only the best that author ever writt, but is generally admired for one of the greatest ornaments of the stage, and the most entertaining play has appeared upon it these 7 years. The plot is taken from Mrs Behn's novel, called the Unhappy Vow-Breaker. I never saw Mrs Barry act with so much passion as she does in it; I could not forbear being moved even to tears to see her act. Never was poet better rewarded or incouraged by the town; for besides an extraordinary full house, which brought him about 140 #. 50 noblemen, among whom my Lord Winchelsea, was one, give him guineas apiece, and the printer 36 #. for his copy. This kind usage will encourage desponding minor poets, and vex huffing Dryden and Congreve to madness. [For the fourth play, see 21 March 1693@4; Edmond Malone, Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare (London, 1821), III, 162-64.


Event Comment: Newsletter, 1 Sept. 1694: Indictments are found against severall of the Masters of Booths in Bartholomew fair for presuming to keep the same without the Lord Mayor's permission (Huntington Library, EL 9986, Vol. 142)


Event Comment: Rich's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but the fact that the play was advertised in the London Gazette, No. 3130, 7-11 Nov. 1695, suggests that it was acted not later than October 1695, although the first production may have been earlier than that. Part of the music was composed by Henry Purcell: Celia has a thousand charms, sung by Young Bowen; Take not a woman's anger ill, sung by Leveridge; and How happy is she, sung by Miss Cross; all are in Deliciae Musicae, The Third Book, 1696. See also Purcell's Works, Purcell Society, XXI (1917), x-xi. Another song, To me you made a thousand vows, set by John Blow, is in Amphion Anglicus, 1700. Dedication, Edition of 1696: I...found so much interrutpion and discouragement from some prejudic'd Gentlemen, who ought to have us'd me better, or, at least, had no reason to use me ill, that I repented I had bestow'd any time upon it....In spite of 'em, my Lord, it was kindly receiv'd, and that too, at a time when the Town was never thinner of Nobility and Gentry


Mainpiece Title: The Rival Sisters; Or, The Violence Of Love

Event Comment: London. By Elkanah Settle. The Lord Mayor's Show


Mainpiece Title: The Triumphs Of London

Event Comment: The Lord Chamberlain, L. C. 7@1--see Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 339-hearing that Dogget had left Lincoln's Inn Fields and Verbruggen had left Drury Lane, restated the order against players shifting companies, and ordered that Verbruggen was to stay with Drury Lane until 1 Jan. 1696@7 but that he might enter into agreement with Lincoln's Inn Fields to act there after the close of 1696


Event Comment: Post Boy, 2-4 Feb. 1696@7: On Monday the King visited the Princess of Denmark and invited her to Whitehall on Saturday next, it being her Royal Highnesses Birth Day, and his Majesty has been pleased to give the Right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine Orders to have the Play called Love for Love, written by Mr Congreve, Acted there the better to Celebrate the Day. Post Boy, 6-9 Feb. 1696@7: Last Saturday being the Anniversary of her Royal Highness the Princess Ann of Denmark's night the King was pleased to Entertain her with a fine Comedy, call'd Love for Love, Written by Mr Congreve, Acted by his Majesty's servants at Whitehall, where the Court appeared very gay and splendid, suitable to the occasion. [Somewhat similar references appear also in Luttrell, A Brief Relation, IV, 180, and The Flying Post, 6-9 Feb. 1696@7.


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Event Comment: The Portledge Papers, 19 June 1697: On Thursday last in the neighbourhood of Somerset house in the evening was a great entertaynment of Musick and singing in so much as that part of the Strand was so crouded with coaches and sedans that I having occasion to goe that way could hardly Pass and I heard it reported that it was designed for the Prince of Wales birthday but the Lord Feversham hearing of it put it off till Thursday (ed. S. J. Kerr and I. C. Duncan, London, 1928, p. 261)


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: Rich's Company. Post Boy, 29 June-1 July 1697: The New Opera will be Acted this day for the benefit of the Undertaker....The new acting with great applause. It is licensed by the Lord Chamberlain's Secretary, and the Master of the Revels; and may be had, with all the songs, at A. Roper's, at the Black-boy in Fleet-street, price 1s


Mainpiece Title: The World In The Moon

Event Comment: Luttrell, A Brief Relation, IV, 268, 24 Aug. 1697: The lord mayor has published an order forbidding all unlawfull gameing, excesse in drinking, swearing, cursing in Bartholomew fair. The only notice of a performance is an advance one, Post Boy, 12-14 Aug. 1697: At Mr Barns's Booth, between the Crown Tavern, and the Hospital-Gate, over against the Cross-Daggers in West-Smithfield Rounds, during the time of Bartholomew Fair, is to be seen the famous Rope-Dancers of Europe, being four Companies join'd in one, viz. the English, High-German, French and Morocco Companies of Rope-Dancers, by whom will be presented a Variety of Agility of Body, as Danceing, Tumbling, Walking, and Vaulting, the like was never seen before


Event Comment: Betterton's Company. This performance is recorded in A Calendar of the Inner Temple Records, ed. Inderwick, III, 227. Post Boy, 30 Oct.-2 Nov. 1697: There was Yesterday a very great Feast in the Temple, there being present the High Honourable the Lord Chancellor, with Divers of the Judges; after Dinner there was a Play Acted. John Oldmixon, Reflections on the Stage (London, 1699), p. 69: The Bar-Gown has often been play'd with, and shewn in a more despicable Figure, yet the Lawyers don't think it worth their while to cry out against Comedy, as aiming at the ruin of the Courts in Westminster-hall, and the Judges themselves have desir'd Love for Love, with all the faults Mr Collier has laid to its charge, to be presented 'em, and were extreamly well pleas'd with their entertainment, tho' the Lawyer there makes a trivial appearance


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love