17 June 1697

Event Information
Theatre: The Strand, London
Theatrical Season: 1696-1697
Volume: 1
Comments: The Portledge Papers, 19 June 1697: On Thursday last in the neighbourhood of Somerset house in the evening was a great entertaynment of Musick and singing in so much as that part of the Strand was so crouded with coaches and sedans that I having occasion to goe that way could hardly Pass and I heard it reported that it was designed for the Prince of Wales birthday but the Lord Feversham hearing of it put it off till Thursday (ed. S. J. Kerr and I. C. Duncan, London, 1928, p. 261)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p9?strand Concert. *c9?strand <i>The Portledge Papers</i>, 19 June 1697: On Thursday last in the neighbourhood of <i>Somerset house</i> in the evening was a great entertaynment of Musick and singing in so much as that part of the <i>Strand</i> was so crouded with coaches and sedans that I having occasion to goe that way could hardly Pass and I heard it reported that it was designed for the $Prince of Wales= birthday but the $Lord Feversham= hearing of it put it off till Thursday (ed. $S. J. Kerr= and $I. C. Duncan=, <i>London</i>, 1928, p. 261).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1697 06 17 strand Concert.*c1697 06 17 strand <i>The Portledge Papers</i>, 19 June 1697: On Thursday last in the neighbourhood of <i>Somerset house</i> in the evening was a great entertaynment of Musick and singing in so much as that part of the <i>Strand</i> was so crouded with coaches and sedans that I having occasion to goe that way could hardly Pass and I heard it reported that it was designed for the $Prince of Wales= birthday but the $Lord Feversham= hearing of it put it off till Thursday (ed. $S. J. Kerr= and $I. C. Duncan=, <i>London</i>, 1928, p. 261).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2111 | 16970617 | strand | <i>The Portledge Papers</i>, 19 June 1697: On Thursday last in the neighbourhood of <i>Somerset house</i> in the evening was a great entertaynment of Musick and singing in so much as that part of the <i>Strand</i> was so crouded with coaches and sedans that I having occasion to goe that way could hardly Pass and I heard it reported that it was designed for the $Prince of Wales= birthday but the $Lord Feversham= hearing of it put it off till Thursday (ed. $S. J. Kerr= and $I. C. Duncan=, <i>London</i>, 1928, p. 261)
    Performance: 2127 | 2111 | p | Concert


Title: Concert
None Listed

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