SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "George Granville"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "George Granville")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 4195 matches on Author, 655 matches on Performance Comments, 590 matches on Event Comments, 175 matches on Performance Title, and 1 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: In The Theatre of Compliment, 1688, are verses similar to those apparently referring to August 1686: @Here is the Rarity of the whole Fair,@Pimper-la-Pimp, and the Wise Dancing Mare;@Here's valiant St George and the Dragon, a farce;@Here's Vienna Besieged, a most delicate thing;@And here's Punchinello, shown thrice to the King.@ John Verney entertained some of his wife's family who were in town to see Bartholomew Fair. See Memoirs of the Verney Family, ed. Margaret M. Verney (London, 1699), IV, 435


Event Comment: Post Man, 5-8 Sept. 1696: At Mr Barns's Booth in Southwark Fair, near St Georges Church, will be seen the only English, Dutch, Spanish, High German and Indian Companies of Rope-Dancers, who are all five joined together, and will perform such variety of Dancing, Walking, Vaulting and Tumbling; the like was never seen in England before. 1st, You will see the famous Indian Woman and her Company. 2. You will see the High German Company. 3. You will see the Spanish Company dance excellently well on the Low Rope. 4. You will see the two famous Dutch Children, who are the wonder and admiration of all the Rope Dancers in the World of their Sex and Age. 5. You will see the two famous Englishmen, Mr Edward Barns of Rederiff, and Mr Appleby, who are the only two Master Ropedancers and Tumblers in the old world; also you may see Mr Edward Barnes dance with a Child standing on his shoulders, and with 2 children at his Feet, in Jack-boots and Spurs, and cuts Capers a yard and a half high, and dances a Jig on the Rope with that variety of steps, that few, or no Dancing Masters can do the like on the ground: He likewise walks on a slack Rope no bigger than a penny Cord, and swings himself 6 or 7 yards distance. Afterwards you will see the famous Indian Woman Vault the High Rope with great dexterity. Likewise you will see the famous Mr Appleby, who is the only Tumbler in all Europe, fling himself over 16 mens heads, through 12 Hoops, over 14 Halbards, over a Man on Horseback, and a Boy standing upright on his Shoulders. You will likewise the entertained with good Musick. The merry Conceits of Harlequin and his Son Punch. You will see the English and Dutch Flag on the top of the Booth. Vivat Rex. We shall play in this place 12 days


Mainpiece Title: Entertainments

Event Comment: Rich's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but the fact that the play was advertised in the Post Man, 3-5 March 1697@8, suggests that the first performance occurred probably not later than early February 1697@8. The Preface is signed by George Powell, who refers to the author of the play as unknown. In addition, Powell mentions that his company has recently revived some of Dryden's plays: Don Sebastian, Secret Love; or, The Maiden Queen, Marriage a la Mode, King Arthur, and adds: In relation to our reviving his Almanzor...very hard crutching up what Hart and Mohun...could not prop


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Discovery; Or, Love In Ruines

Event Comment: Post Man, No 515, 15-17 Sept. 1698: At Mr Barnes's and Mr Appleby's Booth in the Coachyard near St Georges Church, Southwark, during the space of 14 days, is to be seen the most famous Rope Dancers of Europe, viz. the English, High German, Dutch, and Morocco Companies, who perform strange and wonderful things on the Rope, the German Maiden outdoing all Men and Women, that ever danc'd before her, both for high leaping and fine Dancing, and whatever has been done by any person on the Ground, as side, upright, cross or back Capers, is performed by her on the Dancing Rope, and rises to that prodigious height, as will startle all that see her


Mainpiece Title: Entertainments

Event Comment: Thomas Brown to George Moult, 12 Sept. 1699: But tho' Bartholomew-Fair is dead and buried for a twelvemonth, yet it is some consolation to us, that it revives in both the play-houses. Poetry is so little regarded there, and the audience is so taken up with show and sight, that an author will not much trouble himself about his thoughts and language, so he is but in fee with the dancing-masters, and has a few luscious songs to lard his dry composition. One would almost swear, that Smithfield had removed into Drury-lane and Lincolns-Inn-Fields, since they set so small a value on good sense, and so great a one on trifles that have no relation to the play. By the by, I am to tell you, that some of their late bills are so very monstrous, that neither we, nor our forefathers, ever knew anything like them: They are as long as the title-pages to some of Mr Prynn's works; nay, you may much sooner dispatch the Gazette, even when it is most crowded with advertisements. And as their bills are so prodigious, so are the entertainments they present us with: For, not to mention the Bohemian women, that first taught us how to dance and swim together; not the famous Mr Clinch of Barnet, with his kit and organ; nor the worthy gentlemen that condescended to dance a Cheshirerounds, at the instance of several persons of quality; nor t'other gentleman that sung like a turky-cock; nor, lastly, that prodigy of a man that mimick'd the harmony of the Essex lions; not to mention these and a hundred other notable curiosities, we have been so unmercifully over-run with an inundation of Monsieurs from Paris, that one would be almost tempted to wish that the war had still continued, if it were for no other reason but because it would have prevented the coming over of these light-heel'd gentlemen, who have been a greater plague to our theatres, than their privateers were to our merchantmen. Shortly, I suppose, we shall be entertain'd here with all sorts of sights and shows, as, jumping thro' a hoop; (for why should not that be as proper as Mr Sympson's vaulting upon the wooden-horses?) dancing upon the high ropes, leaping over eight men's heads, wrestling, boxing, cudgelling, fighting at back-sword, quarter-staff, bear-baiting, and all the other noble exercises that divert the good folk at Hockley; for when once such an infection as this has gain'd ground upon us, who can tell where it will stop? What a wretched pass is this wicked age come to, when Ben. Johnson and Shakespear won't relish without these bagatelles to recommend them, and nothing but farce and grimace will go down? For my part, I wonder they have not incorporated parson Burgess into their society; for after the auditors are stupify'd with a dull scene or so, he would make a shift to relieve them. In short, Mr Collier may save himself the trouble of writing against the theatre; for, if these lewd practices are not laid aside, and sense and wit don't come into play again, a man may easily foretell, without pretending to the gift of prophecy, that the stage will be shortliv'd, and the strong Kentish man will take possession of the two play-houses, as he has already done of that in Dorset-Garden (The Works of Thomas Brown, 4th ed. [London, 1715], I, 216-18)


Event Comment: Post Man, No. 747, 4-7 May 1700: At the desire of several Ladies of Quality, To-morrow being Wednesday, (in the great Room in York Buildings) will be performed a new Mask set to Musick, with an extraordinary entertainment of other Vocal and Instrumental Musick for the Benefit of Mr Gouge [Mr George in Flying Post] and Miss Bradshaw. Prices 2s. 6d


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. Flying Post, 2-4 July 1700: At the Request, and for the Entertainment of several Persons of Quality, at the New Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, to Morrow, being Friday, the 5th of this instant July, will be acted, The Comical History of Don Quixote, both Parts being made into one by the Author. With a new Entry by the little Boy, being his last time of Dancing before he goes to France: Also Mrs Elford's new Entry, never performed but once; and Miss Evan's Jigg and Irish Dance: With several new Comical Dances, compos'd and perform'd by Monsieur L'Sac and others. Together with a new Pastoral Dialogue, by Mr George and Mrs Haynes; and variety of other Singing. It being for the Benefit of a Gentleman in great distress; and for the Relief of his Wife and Three Children. Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, p. 45: Don Quixote, both Parts made into one, by Mr Durfey, Mrs Bracegirdle Acting, and her excellent Singing in't; the Play in general being well Perform'd tis little Inferior to any of the preceding Comedies


Mainpiece Title: The Comical History Of Don Quixote

Event Comment: Written by the Author of the Recruiting Officer [George Farquhar]. Never Acted before


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Related Works
Related Work: The Stratagem Author(s): George Farquhar


Mainpiece Title: Henry The Fourth: With The Humours Of Sir John Falstaff

Performance Comment: Advertised but not acted because of the death of Prince George of Denmark.
Event Comment: Not Acted these Four Years. At the Desire of several Ladies of Quality. Written by Sir George Etheridge


Mainpiece Title: The Comical Revenge, Or, Love In A Tub

Related Works
Related Work: The Comical Revenge; or, Love in a Tub Author(s): Sir George Etherege
Event Comment: [Text by Giacomo Rossi. Music by George Frederic Handel.] Never Perform'd before. Compos'd by Mr Hendel. Colman's Opera Register: This was not by Subscription but at ye usuall Opera Price of Boxes 8s. Pit 5s. Gallery 2s. 6d. The Scene represented only ye Country of Arcadia. ye Habits were old.--ye Opera Short. [Published as Pastor Fido.


Mainpiece Title: The Faithful Shepherd

Related Works
Related Work: The Faithful Shepherd Author(s): George Frederic Handel
Event Comment: At Penkethman's Great Booth, above Bird-Cage Alley, over against St. George's Church. Mainpiece: a celebrated Droll


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore: With The Comical Humours Of Sir Anthony Noodle And His Man Waspe

Entertainment: Tumbling-. The Company which did so well at bf

Event Comment: At Mr Penkethman's Great Booth, above Bird-Cage Alley, over against St. George's Church


Mainpiece Title: Valentine And Orson

Song: Mrs Willis

Dance: Mrs Willis

Entertainment: Tumbling-

Event Comment: At Penkethman's and Norris's Great Theatrical Booth in the George Inn Yard, Smithfield. An excellent new Droll


Mainpiece Title: The True And Famous History Of Semiramis, Queen Of Babylon: Or, The Woman Wears The Breeches, Containing The Distressful Loves Of The Prince Alexis An Ulamia; The Pleasant Adventures Of Sir Solomon Gundy And His Man Spider; And The Comical Humours Of Alderman Doodle, His Wife, And Daughter Hoyden

Related Works
Related Work: A Very Good Wife Author(s): George Powell

Song: Platt

Dance: Houghton, Mrs Houghton

Event Comment: A New Ballad Opera, [By George Lillo.] Receipts: #91 9s. 6d. Daily Courant, 12 Nov.: On Tuesday Night...Sylvia...was perform'd for the first Time...where there appeared a Set of People, who seem'd inclined to damn the whole Performance (if it had been in their Power)by their continual Hissing and Cat-Calls; notwithstanding which, the same was perform'd with Applause, by the general Approbation of the Pit and Boxes


Mainpiece Title: Sylvia; Or, The Country Burial

Related Works
Related Work: Silvia; or, The Country Burial Author(s): George Lillo
Event Comment: Benefit Hen. Duncalfe. 7 p.m. At the George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: the best Mhe best Masters

Event Comment: At Fielding-Hippisley Booth at the George Inn in West Smithfield. A new Dramatick Entertainment. Done from the French of Moliere, and intermix'd with Variety of Songs to old Ballad Tunes and Country Dances. All the Characters to be entirely new Dressed. [Advertised 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31 Aug.; 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 Sept.


Mainpiece Title: The Envious Statesman; Or, The Fall Of Essex; With The Humours Of The Forc'd Physician

Dance: Mons D'Ferrou Ville , lately arrived from Paris, Miss Brett, Miss Mears

Music: A Band , including Burk Thumoth

Entertainment: Before the Opera: Postures-Phillips

Event Comment: At Fielding-Hippisley Booth, in the George-Inn-Yard. Mainpiece: A Dramatic Entertainment. Afterpiece: A Ballad Opera. Done from the French of Moliere. Intermix'd With Variety of Songs set to old Ballad Tunes, and Country Dances. 1 to 11 p.m


Mainpiece Title: Love And Jealousy; Or, The Downfall Of Alexander The Great

Afterpiece Title: A Cure for Covetousness; or, The Cheats of Scapin

Dance: FFooting Dance-LeBrun, Mrs Ogden; Fisher Tench, Mlle D'Lorme

Event Comment: At the particular Desire of several Persons of Distinction. Egmont, Diary, I, 472: I went... to see the famous moving tragedy, called George Barnwell


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Related Works
Related Work: The Merchant; or, The True History of George Barnwell Author(s): George Lillo

Afterpiece Title: Flora


Event Comment: A Serenata. Being an Essay of several different Sorts of Harmony.[Music by Handel. Done into English by George Oldmixon.] Daily Advertiser, 14 March: Last Night Mr Handell's new Serenata, in Honour of the Princess Royal's Nuptials with the Prince of Orange, was perform'd before their Majesties, the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal, the Prince of Orange, and all the Royal Family, and was received with the greatest Applause; the Piece containing the most exquisite Harmony ever furnish'd from the Stage, and the Disposition of the Performers being contriv'd in a very grand and magnificent Manner. [The marriage of the Prince of Orange and Royal Princess occurred on Thursday, 14 March.]


Mainpiece Title: Parnasso In Festa; Or, Apollo And The Muses Celebrating The Nuptials Of Thetis And Peleus

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Written by Sir George Etheridge


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Afterpiece Title: Merlin

Dance: As17341214

Event Comment: At the Desire of several Eminent Citizens. Mainpiece: Written by Mr Lillo. Afterpiece: Taken from the French of Moliere, by H. Fielding, Esq. At Common Prices. 6:30 P.M. [Tickets for Grey, Peploe, Mrs Moor taken. The Doorkeepers are ordered not to take tickets sold by Orange Women.] London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 3 July: The Play of George Barnwell, and the Farce of the Mock Doctor . . . was perform'd to a Crowded Audience, with Great Applause . . . The Revival of the above-mentioned Play seems welltim'd, when so many fine Ladies of Pleasure make their Appearance, with unusual Equipages, and their Gallants run the most extraordinary Lengths, to their own Ruin, and Grief of their Friends


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Related Works
Related Work: The Merchant; or, The True History of George Barnwell Author(s): George Lillo

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Music: Select Pieces. II: A Concerto for two Hautboys performed by Woodbridge and Neale

Dance: I:Jenny come tie me; or, The Neu, Way of Wooing by Davenport and Miss Brett. III: Drunken Peasant by Le Brun. V: Pierot by Davenport and Cox. End Afterpiece: A new Comic Dance by Le Brun and Mrs Anderson

Song: IV: As17350603

Event Comment: Benefit Laguerre. Mainpiece: Written by the late Sir John Vanbrugh. [Tickets at Laguerre's, over against the King's Arms in George Street, York Buildings.] Receipts: money #13 9s. 6d.; tickets #95 12s


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Afterpiece Title: Flora

Dance: Clown by Nivelon. Peasants by Lalauze, Mlle D'Hervigni, &c. Sailors (from Orestes) by Glover, &c

Song: Chancon a Boire by Leveridge and Laguerre

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Written by the Author of George Barnwell. Afterpiece: As 26 May


Mainpiece Title: Guilt Its Own Punishment

Related Works
Related Work: Guilt Its Own Punishment; or, Fatal Curiosity Author(s): George Lillo

Afterpiece Title: The Rival Captains

Event Comment: LLondon Daily Post and General Advertiser, 17 March: This is to inform the Publick, that the new Tragi-Comedy, intitled The Free-Thinker; or, The Fox uncas'd, which was last Summer rehearsed and was to have been play'd at [lif], but by Mr Rich's letting that House to Mr Giffard, for that Season, was prevented, will be acted on the 14th of April next [at yb], by Mr Hallam's Company of Comedians. The Play is writ much in the same Stile and Manner of George Barnwell....The Author hopes that the Generous and Judicious will encourage the Performance, tho' the Company of Players are not dropt down from the Clouds, nor does the Play libel the Government. [No further announcement of the performance has been noted before 28 April.
