SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Company of Merchant Taylors"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Company of Merchant Taylors")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 2056 matches on Event Comments, 852 matches on Performance Title, 568 matches on Performance Comments, 10 matches on Author, and 2 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: The Company of Comedians have determined to play [it] notwithstanding the Opposition made by some of the Company to prevent the Performance. 7 p.m


Mainpiece Title: The Fall Of Mortimer

Event Comment: DDaily Post, 29 May: We are assur'd that there will be no more Plays acted this Season at [dl], and we hear that there was Yesterday no Play had been advertiz'd for that Day; the Occasion we are inform'd was, that at Midnight on Saturday last several persons arm'd took Possession of the same, by Direction from some of the Patentees, and lock'd up and barricado'd all the Doors and Entrances thereunto, against the whole Company of his Majesty's Comedians, as also against Mr Cibber, Jun. notwithstanding he had paid to one of the Patentees several hundred Pounds for one third Part of the Patent, Cloaths, Scenes, &c. and all Rights and Privileges thereunto annexed, for a certain Term not yet expired. Mr Cibber, Jun. and the rest of the Company of Comedians, and this Morning to wait upon his Grace the Duke of Grafton, Lord Chamberlain of his Majesty's Houshold, with their humble Petition, and the Representation of their Cast, and to beg his Grace's Favour and Protection


Mainpiece Title: Henry Viii

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress

Event Comment: DDaily Advertiser, 30 May: We hear that Mr Cibber, Jun. one of the present Directors of his Majesty's Company of Comedians together with Mr Mills, Sen Mr Johnson, Mr Miller, Mr Harper, Mr Griffin, Mr Mills, jun. Mr Shepard, Mr Hallam, jun. Mrs Horton, Mrs Heron, Mrs Butler, and others of the Company, waited Yesterday on his Grace the Duke of humble Petition, and they met with gracious Reception


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Event Comment: CCraftsman, 9 June: We hear...that the Rebel Players are not yet reduced to their Obedience, but it is thought that They will soon be obliged to surrender at Discretion. In that mean Time, the Publick waits with Impatience to see the Manifesto of their doubty Chief, Mr Theophilus Cibber, which He hath promised in the News-Papers. It is expected that, in this Manifesto, the young Captain will endeavour to prove that the King's Patent, after a solemn Adjudgment in the Court of Chancery, is of no Validity; and that picking a Gentleman's Pocket of Six Thousand Pounds is perfectly consistent with the Principles of Liberty. In the Daily Post, 11 June, Benjamin Griffin, Comedian, published his Humble Appeal to the Publick.The gist of his statement is: (1) Griffin had been under the management of Rich at Lincoln's Inn Fields, without any intention of leaving him, when, at the beginning of the season of 1721, the managers at Drury Lane sent him messages by Thurmond Sr and Shaw, seeking Griffin to treat with them. Griffin at first refused, but Steede, then the prompter of Drury Lane, prevailed upon him. Wilks immediately offered the same conditions Griffin had under Rich: #4 weekly and a benefit before 15 April, at the certain incident charge of #40. Wilks also offered him articles for three years, with a promise of an advance in salary and better terms at that time. (2) No sooner had Griffin agreed than the masters of both companies entered into a private agreement not to receive any one of the other's company, though discharged, without a private agreement to that purpose. (3) At the end of three years, under date of 12 December 1724, R. Castleman, the treasurer of Drury Lane, sent Griffin a note to the effect that the managers were willing to continue him at 10s. nightly (#3 weekly); as Griffin could not return to Rich, he had to accept the reduction in pay as well as a delay of his benefit to May and a payment of #50 for the charges. (4) He remained so until 1729, losing in salary #147 besides the #10 extra benefits. At Norris' illness and death, the managers returned him to #4 weekly but kept the charges at #50. (5) Under date of 4 June 1733, by the signatures of Mary Wilks, Hester Booth, John Highmore, and John Ellys, Griffin received a discharge from Drury Lane and full Liberty to treat with Rich or any one else. He asserts that he had no previous notice and received no reason for his discharge


Event Comment: At the particular Desire of several Persons of Distinction. By the Lilliputian Company of Comedians. At the Tennis-Court, in James-street, in the Hay-Market. 7 P.M. Boxes 3s. Pit 2s. Gallery 1s. N.B. The Company will continue to Play every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, during the Summer Season. Daily Advertiser, 29 April: I went to see them; upon my entrance I was surpris'd at the Spaciousness and Decencies of the Place; when the Curtain was drawn up, I found the Scenes not inferior to any I had seen, the Stage copious, the Decorations regular, the Actors perfect both in Words and Performance


Mainpiece Title: George Barnwell

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Dance: I: Scotch Dance by Mr and Mrs Davenport. III: Minuet by Mrs Grognet and Mrs Sanderson. V: Dutch Skipper by Mr and Mrs Davenport. Black Joak by Smith and Miss Mann

Song: II: Italian Song by Miss Young. IV: Italian Song by Mrs Mason

Event Comment: By Pasquin's Company of Comedians. At the Great Theatrical Booth in the Half-Moon Yard. The Company will continue playing till the 22d. Noon to Ten P.M. [Advertised 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15 Sept. The Duke expected to attend on 14 Sept.]


Mainpiece Title: The History Of King John

Music: By a Band of Neopolitans




Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Restor'd

Performance Comment: Flash-Este; Longbib-Stoppelaer; John Trot-Hough; Harlequin-Philips; Colombine-Miss Mann; Mlle La Modestie-Harlequin Phillips; Ballad Qingers-Stoppelaer, Mrs Pritchard; Somerset-Roberts; Roundall-Hough; Equilibrist-Peters; With a New Burlesque Tragi-Comic-Farcical Interlude: Tiddi@Doll, Director of the Gingerbread Company-Master Green; Pistolet-Miss Cole; with a Comic Medley Overture by Arne-.
Event Comment: DDaily Advertiser, 19 Feb.: To the Author, &c. Sir, In a late Paragraph in one of your Papers [4 Feb.] it was insinuated, that there was a Design on foot for erecting a New Theatre, which by some Wise Heads was suppos'd to come from a certain Manager, in order to revive the Playhouse Bill this Session of Parliament; I think it proper therefore, in Justice to the Gentleman levell'd at, to inform the Publick, that it is actually intended for a Company of Comedians every Day expected here, late Servants to their Majesties Kouli Kan and Theodore, who in the mean time will entertain the Town in the true Eastern manner, at the New Theatre in the Hay-Market, with a celebrated Piece call'd A Rehearsal of Kings. I am, Sir, Yours, &c. Agent for the Company


Event Comment: Never Acted before. [Author not known. Apparently not published.] By a Company of Comedians dropt from the Clouds, late Servants to their thrice-renown'd Majesties, Kouly Kan and Theodore. With new Scenes, Habits, and proper Decorations. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. 1st N.B. To prevent the Imposition of Box-Keepers, Gentlemen and Ladies are humbly desir'd to take Tickets at the Office, or to send for them at the Theatre, where Attendance will be given every Day, and Places may be taken. 2d N.B. The Company will endeavour to entertain the Town the remaining part of the Season. [In advance bill in Daily Advertiser, 23 Feb.: 2d N.B. Considering the extraordinary Expence that must necessarily attend equipping so many Monarchs of different Nations, the Proprietor hopes the Town will not take Umbrage at the Prices being rais'd. 3rd. N.B. The Proprietor begs leave to enter his Caveat against all (what Names soever distinguish'd) who may hire, or be hir'd, to do the Drudgery of Hissing, Catcalling, &c. and entreats the Town would discourage, as much as in them lies, a Practice at once so scandalous and prejudicial to Author, Player, and every Fair Theatre Adventure.


Mainpiece Title: A Rehearsal Of Kings; Or, The Projecting Gingerbread Baker; With The Unheard Of Catastrophe Of Macplunderkan, King Of Roguomania And The Ignoble Fall Of Baron Tromperland, King Of Clouts

Event Comment: LLondon Daily Post and General Advertiser, 17 March: This is to inform the Publick, that the new Tragi-Comedy, intitled The Free-Thinker; or, The Fox uncas'd, which was last Summer rehearsed and was to have been play'd at [lif], but by Mr Rich's letting that House to Mr Giffard, for that Season, was prevented, will be acted on the 14th of April next [at yb], by Mr Hallam's Company of Comedians. The Play is writ much in the same Stile and Manner of George Barnwell....The Author hopes that the Generous and Judicious will encourage the Performance, tho' the Company of Players are not dropt down from the Clouds, nor does the Play libel the Government. [No further announcement of the performance has been noted before 28 April.


Event Comment: Mainpiece: a new Farce of Two Acts. [Author not known. Apparently not printed.]Afterpiece: (by a Company of Singers just imported) A new Musical Burlesque of two Acts, in a Grand Oratorio. [By Henry Carey.] The Musical Connoisseurs are desir'd do take Notice, that the Company keeps up strictly to the Italian Taste, the Notes being full of Grandeur and Harmony, and the Words full of low Nonsense; and as a further Indication of his Attachment, it is so contriv'd, that two powerful Parties are already form'd to support the two beautiful Rivals, Mauxalinda and Margeria; but which of them will carry their Point, Time alone must determine. It will be deem'd a lasting Obligation to any Chronologer, in what University soever presiding, if he will communicate the precise Century Moore of Moore-Hall liv'd in, so that the Hero may be dress'd in Character; but if the Recherche should prove too laborious, it is resolv'd he shall come as near the Figure of the Divine Farinello as possible. N.B. The Dragon was intended to have charm'd the City at Stationer's Hall; but from a Punctilio very common to Singers, he insisted on exerting his Musical Faculty at the Hay-Market. Admission: 5s., 3s., 2s. 7 p.m


Mainpiece Title: The Lordly Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Performance Comment: As17380421 With a Prologue to the Farce, written by Aaron Hill, Esq-Miss Wright; in Boy's Cloaths. and an Epilogue to the Farce-Miss Wright, as Captain of the Lilliputians, at the Head of her Company.

Dance: I: Saraband-Miss Wright, Miss Morrison; II: French Peasant-Master Ferg, Miss Wright, Scholars to Leviez; AII: La Pieraite-Leviez, Mrs Thompson; IV: Grand Ballet in Comic Characters-the Lilliputians; V: Minuet-Leviez, Mrs Walter

Song: II: Beard

Event Comment: By Authority. By the French Company of Comedians. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. Victor, History of the Theatres, I, 54-60: People went early to the Theatre, as a crouded House was certain. I was there, in the Centre of the Pit; where I soon perceived that we were visited by two Westminster Justices, Deveil and Manning. The Leaders, that had the Conduct of the Opposition, were known to be there; one of whom called aloud for the Song in Praise of English Roast Beef, which was accordingly sung in the Gallery by a Person prepared for that Purpose; and the whole House besides joining in the Chorus, saluted the Close with three Huzzas! This, Justice Deveil was pleased to say, was a Riot; upon which Disputes commenced directly, which were carried on with some Degree of Decency on both Sides. The Justice at first informed us, 'That he was come there as a Magistrate to maintain the King's Authority; that Colonel Pulteney, with a full Company of the Guards, were without, to support him in the Execution of his Office; that it was the King's Command the Play should be acted; and that the obstructing it was opposing the King's Authority; and if that was done, he must read the Proclamation; after which all Offenders would be secured directly by the Guards in waiting.' To all these most arbitrary Threatnings, this Abuse of his Majesty's Name, the Reply was to the following Effect:-'That the Audience had a legal Right to shew their Dislike to any Play or Actor; that the common Laws of the Land were nothing but common Custom, and the antient Usuage of the People; that the Judicature of the Pit had been acknowledged and acquiesced to, Time immemorial; and as the present Set of Actors were to take their Fate from the Public, they were free to receive them as they Pleased.' By this Time the Hour of Six drew near; and the French and Spanish Embassadors, with their Ladies; the late Lord and Lady Gage, and Sir T@R@, a Commissioner of the Excise, all appeared in the Stage Boxes together! At that Instant the Curtain drew up, and discovered the Actors standing between two Files of Grenadiers, with their Bayonets fixed, and resting on their Firelocks. There was a Sight! enough to animate the coldest Briton. At this the whole Pit rose, and unanimously turned to the Justices, who sat in the Middle of it, to demand the Reason of such arbitary Proceedings? The Justices either knew nothing of the Soldiers being placed there, or thought it safest to declare so. At that Declaratinn, they demanded of Justice Deveil (who had owned himself the commanding Officer in the Affair) to order them off the Stage. He did so immediately, and they disappeared. Then began the Serenade; not only Catcalls, but all the various portable Instruments, that could make a disagreeable Noise, were brought up on this Occasion, which were continually tuning in all Parts of the House; and as an Attempt to speaking was ridiculous, the Actors retired, and they opened with a grand Dance of twelve Men and twelve Woman; but even that was prepared for; and they were directly saluted with a Bushel or two of Peas, which made their Capering very unsafe. After this they attempted to open the Comedy; but had the Actor the voice of Thunder, it would have been lost in the confused Sounds from a thousand Various Instruments. Here, at the waving Deviel's Hand, all was silent, and (standing up on his Seat) he made a Proposal to the House to this Effect:-'That if they persisted in the Opposition, he must read the Proclamation; that if they would permit the Play to go on, and to be acted through that Night, he would promise, (on his Honour) to lay their Dislikes, and Resentment to the Actors, before the King, and he doubted not but a speedy End would be put to their acting.' The Answer to this Proposal was very short, and very expressive. 'No Treaties, No Treaties!' At this the Justice called for Candles to read the Proclamation, and ordered the Guards to be in Readiness; but a Gentleman seizing Mr Deveil's Hand, stretched out for the Candle, begged of him to consider what he was going to do, for his own Sake, for ours, for the King's! that he saw the unanimous Resolution of the House; and that the Appearance of Soldiers in the Pit would throw us all into a Tumult, which must end with the Lives of many. This earnest Remostrance made the Justice turn pale and passive. At this Pause the Actors made a second Attempt to go on, and the Uproar revived; which continuing some Time, the Embassadors and their Ladies left their Box, which occasioned a universal. Huzza from the whole House! and after calling out some Time for the Falling of the Curtain, down it fell. [For other accounts of this evening, see Daily Advertiser, 9 and 10 Oct.; London Evening Post, 12 Oct.; Gentleman's Magazine, VIII (1938), 545; Historical Register, XXIII, 278-87.


Mainpiece Title: Lembaras Des Richesses

Afterpiece Title: Arlequin Poli Par L'Amour

Dance: Paquorel, Mlle Chateauneuf, LeFevre, Madem LeFevre


Mainpiece Title: The Beaux Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Performance Comment: As17390403 but An Epilogue-Miss Wright , as Captain of the Lilliputians, at the Head of her Company.

Music: Second Musick:A Concertoby Henry Burgess Jr-; The Overture: The First Concerto of Signor Corelli-; Preamble on the Kettle Drums-Master Ferg

Dance: I: Punches-Master Ferg, Miss Wright; II: By Desire, French Peasants-Poitier, Mlle Roland; III: Pierots-Master Ferg, Miss Wright; IV: Wooden Shoe Dance-Master Ferg; V: A new dance-Miss Wright

Song: a G Grand Chorus-, out of Alexander's Feast, for Trumpets, French-Horns, Kettle-Drums


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Performance Comment: Bayes-Garrick; Johnson-Giffard; Smith-W. Giffard; two Kings of Brentford-Vaughan, Clough; Prince Pretty@man-Marshall; Volscius-Peterson; Drawcansir-Paget; Thunder and Lightning-Dunstall, Miss Naylor; Players, Soldiers, Cardinals, Bishops, Judges, Lord@Mayor, Serjeants at Arms-the Comedians; the facetious Grand Dance-the Whole Company; King Phiz-Julian; Gentleman Usher-Yates; Amaryllis-Mrs Dunstall; Chloris-Mrs Yates; Pallas-Blakes; Parthenope-Miss E. Hippisley; With the total Eclipse of the Sun and Moon-; the part of Sol-Hemskirk; Luna-Stitchbury; Orbis-Mrs Bishop; Likewise Mr Bayes's Representation of a Grand Theatrical Battle by his new@rais'd Troops-; With Dancing-, Scenes, Machines, Habits, other proper Decorations.

Dance: As17420115

Event Comment: By particular Desire, benefit a Family under Misfortunes and in great Distress. Prices 2s. 6d., 1s. 6 p.m. Note, Those Gentlemen and Ladies that please to honour us with their Company, need not doubt of being well entertain'd and their Favours gratefully acknowledg'd by us, who are humbly petitioning for their Company and Interest, and for which we shall be in Duty ever bound to pray, etc


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Event Comment: By Command of their Highnesses Prince George, Prince Edward, and the Lady Augusta, By A Company of Dutch children, join'd with the English, German and Italians. A Pantomime Entertainment. Boxes and Pit 5s. Gallery 2s. 6 p.m. We hear the Company of Dutch/Children join'd with the English, Germans and Italians, will perform this day, tomorrow, Thursday and Friday next, and will exhibit something new every night, and some people of Quality have engag'd Boxes for each night.--Daily Advertiser


Mainpiece Title: Arlequino Triumphante

Event Comment: GGeneral Advertiser, 28 Sept.: We hear that Mr Lacy, Master of his Majesty's company of Comedians at D.L. has applied for leave to raise 200 men in defence of his Majesty's person and government, in which the whole company of players are willing to engage. [See 7 Oct.] On Saturday Night the Audience at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane were agreeably surpris'd by the Gentlemen belonging to that House performing the Anthem of God Save our Noble King. The Universal Applause it met with being encored with repeated Huzzas suffciently denoted in how just an abhorrence they hold the arbitrary schemes of our invidious enemies and detest the despotic attempts of Papal Power. [See also Daily Advertiser, 30 Sept. The newspapers at this time run a three phrase slogan in bold face type vertically in the margins: No Pretender. No Popery. No Slavery, accompanied by two more phrases staring boldly from the bottom margin: No Wooden Shoes! No Arbitrary Power!]


Mainpiece Title: The Alchemist

Song: I: Lowe; IV: Colin and Phebe-Lowe, Mrs Arne; God Save our Noble King by Arne-Mrs Cibber, Beard, Reinhold (Deutsch, Handel, p. 623)

Dance: II: Grand Serious Dance-; V: Grand Comic Dance, as17450926

Event Comment: WWalpole to Sir Horace Mann: We have operas but no company at them; the Prince and Lord Middlesex Impresarii. Plays only are in fashion; at one house the best company that perhaps ever were together, Quin, Garrick, Mrs Pritchard, Mrs Cibber: at the other Barry, a favorite young actor and the Violette, whose dancing our friends don't like: I scold them, but all the answer is "Lord! you are so English."-Horace Walpole's Correspondence with Sir Horace Mann, II, 42


Mainpiece Title: Othello

Dance: The German Camp, as17461204; The Vintage, as17461204


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan

Performance Comment: Monimia-Miss Cymber her second time on any stage; Castalio-(by desire) young Gentleman that played Hastings; parts-company that played Jane/Shore see17470324.

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Event Comment: LLondon Post: We hear that the French Players will (barring Accidents) open at the Little theatre in the Haymarket next Saturday. 'Tis added that the Italian Company of Comic Strolers will exhibit the Week after next; but as they have lost three of their ablest performers, the Connoisseurs are in great Pain about those who are to supply their Places. Possibly some Foreigners may think, that the worst Dramatic Offals are good enough for the vitiated Palates of the E-sh No-y and Gen-ry. 'Tis further expected, that the Company of Gallo-English Players, who made the Town laugh so heartily last Winter, are preparing to entertain them this. Why all these unnatural Fooleries?...and for what Y-ke are we preparing? [Schedule of Nights on which the Turkish Dancer Caratha rented the Haymarket in the fall of 1749: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 16, 22, 23, November; 3 December. See Winston MS Calendar of the Haymarket, Harvard Theatre Collection.


Mainpiece Title: None

Event Comment: Three Brothers of ye Delavals play'd ye Eldest Othello, ye next Iago, ye next Cassio--+Brabantio & Lodovico Mr Pine Roderigo-Cap. Stevens and Wife Emelia $Mrs Quan did Desdemona, the performance was very decent & met with great applause the Audience from ye Boxes to the upper Gallery were fill'd with people of ye first rank & make a most brilliant appearance. & ye greatest Crowd at ye Doors I ever saw. their Agreement for ye House was a receipt of one of the Alfred Houses upon an Averidge. they had all new cloaths, & very nicely ornamented with Diamonds (Cross). [See eulogy and criticism in some detail concerning the acting, by John Hill, Inspector No 3.] All Gentlemen and Ladies who intend going in coaches this evening to Drury Lane Theatre, are desired to order their coachmen to drive thro' Covent Garden, and stop at Bridges St. Door, and as soon as they have set down the company to drive off directly towards the Strand.--Those who go in chairs, are requested to order the men to the New Door in Russel St., and to prevent the avenues being stopt up no person will be admitted to either passage without first showing their tickets at the outward door (General Advertiser). Tickets Lost. If any person has found three tickets (numbers forgot) for the private play this night at Drury Lane, and will be so kind as to bring them to the Bar of the Rainbow Coffee House, Ironmonger Lane, shall receive 15s. for the whole, or in proportion for one or two of them (General Advertiser). Tomorrow Morning at 8 o'clock will be published' (price 6d.) by Thomas Carnan, at Mr Newberry's, at the Bible and Sun in St Paul's Churchyard; An Occasional Prologue and Epilogue to Othello, as it will this night be acted at the theatre-Royal in Drury Lane, by Persons of distinction, for their diversion. Written by Christopher Smart, A.M., Fellow of Pembroke Hall in the University of Cambridge. To be had at the place above mentioned, and at the pamphlet shops at the Royal Exchange and Charing Cross. This Prologue and Epilogue will be entered in the Hall Book of the Company of Stationers, and whoever presumes to pyrate them, or any part of them, will be persecuted as the Law directs (General Advertiser). [Both pieces by Christopher Smart, according to the Daily Advertiser. See two exceedingly favorable critical comments and one derogatory reprinted in the Gentleman's Magazine, March 1751 (pp. 119-22): "The greatest part of the play was much better performed than it ever was on any stage before. In the whole, there was a face of nature that no theatrical piece, acted by common players ever came up to." Macklin was Delaval's dramatic coach, according to one of these articles.


Mainpiece Title: Othello, By Gentlemen


Mainpiece Title: The Old Woman's Oratory; Or, Henley In Petticoats

Performance Comment: Concerto on the Cermona Staccato , vulgarly call'd the Salt-Box-Antonio Ambrosiano; a Great Creature on a very uncommon Instrument-; a solo on the Viol d'Amore-; Candles snuffed to soft Musick-Claudio Molipitano; Oration in Favour of Matrimony-; solo on Violincello-; Song- to tune of The Roast Beef of Old England to which all the good Company are desir'd to join in chorus.


Mainpiece Title: Othello, Moor Of Venice

Performance Comment: The parts-a Company of Gentleman for their Diversion; With an Occasional Prologue-.

Afterpiece Title: Lethe