Event Comment: Paid 4 day's salary list at #94 11s. 6d. per diem #378 7s. 4d.;
J. French on acct #5 5s. (Treasurer's Book). [From the
Westminster Magazine, March, p. 125: "A disturbance on account of
Mrs Yates having left the theatre without speaking the
Epilogue to
Braganza. The House was clamorous
and would not give up their right.
Mr Vernon endeavoured to appease their fury, by declaring that Mrs Yates being taken with a hoarseness, had left the theatre,' but this excuse the Audience would not accept. Mr Vernon withdrew,
and after a short time returned assuring the House that he had sent to
Mr Garrick (who was confined to his room with a fit of the stone) but who had directed the messenger immediately to fetch Mrs Yates,
and that her husb
and was then in the theatre. He was directly called for,
and instantly came on the stage to know the pleasure of the Audience. They told him bluntly they did not want to see him, but to hear his wife, whose obstinacy
and pride had betrayed her into the present insult. He in vain tried to assure them, that his wife's conduct proceeded from a very contrary cause from that which they alledged;
and the cause was real illness. As the clamor was universal,
Mr Yates quitted the stage;
and at length, an hour
and a half being spent in tumult, the overture was suffered,
and the farce went on, but not in silence." See note, 9 March.] Receipts: #201 19s. (Treasurer's Book)