SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (39463, 39467, 41988, 42015, 42053, 42295, 42309, 42337, 42405, 42449, 42469, 42476, 42517, 42558, 42565, 42580, 42589, 42602, 42671, 42696, 42711, 42746, 42759, 42913, 42917, 42921, 42927, 42943, 42949, 42964, 42973, 42981, 42983, 42985, 43007, 43039, 43073, 43088, 43203, 43228, 43238, 43243, 43259, 43262, 43271, 43273, 43276, 43287, 43302, 43307, 43309, 43459, 43461, 43501, 43518, 43524, 43526, 43530, 43538, 43544, 43552, 43556, 43560, 43567, 43569, 43586, 43598, 43609, 43612, 43617, 43628, 43632, 43635, 43637, 43640, 43646, 43650, 43655, 43658, 43663, 43667, 43701, 43706, 43717, 43764, 43794, 43800, 43835, 43837, 43840, 43843, 43846, 43848, 43851, 43853, 43857, 43860, 43870, 43872, 43875, 43877, 43880, 43882, 43890, 44030, 44034, 44038, 44044, 44047, 44053, 44055, 44057, 44060, 44062, 44064, 44065, 44069, 44071, 44075, 44077, 44079, 44082, 44084, 44088, 44090, 44092, 44096, 44102, 44106, 44114, 44126, 44142, 44150, 44154, 44166, 44169, 44171, 44185, 44189, 44246, 44260, 44292, 44298, 44302, 44371, 44378, 44411, 44431, 44443, 44453, 44471, 44473, 44590, 44606, 44607, 44691, 44751, 44754, 44756, 44759, 44763, 44768, 44770, 44773, 44775, 44777, 44782, 44784, 44786, 44793, 44800, 44816, 44827, 44833, 44848, 44856, 44866, 44875, 44896, 44912, 44916, 44928, 44938, 44956, 44970, 44972, 44974, 44979, 44985, 44991, 44994, 45000, 45003, 45012, 45017, 45021, 45024, 45036, 45136, 45138, 45140, 45144, 45149, 45161, 45165, 45170, 45172, 45177, 45181, 45183, 45185, 45189, 45193, 45199, 45201, 45203, 45205, 45207, 45209, 45211, 45215, 45217, 45221, 45223, 45225, 45229, 45231, 45233, 45237, 45241, 45249, 45256, 45261, 45263, 45265, 45273, 45275, 45277, 45282, 45284, 45286, 45288, 45290, 45292, 45294, 45296, 45299, 45301, 45304, 45306, 45309, 45311, 45313, 45315, 45318, 45320, 45323, 45325, 45327, 45329, 45332, 45334, 45339, 45341, 45343, 45351, 45353, 45360, 45364, 45371, 45377, 45380, 45383, 45389, 45393, 45398, 45402, 45409, 45411, 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Mainpiece Title: The Coquette; Or The Mistakes Of The Heart

Afterpiece Title: The True-Born Irishman; or, The English Sailors and Soldiers in America

Dance: End IV: a Hornpipe-Miller

Entertainment: ImitationsEnd: Imitations, Vocal and Rhetorical,-Decastro ; several new ones, and those which Foote introduced him in before their Majesties


Mainpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd

Afterpiece Title: The Students; or The Humours of St


Mainpiece Title: Richard Iii

Role: King Henry Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: Don Quixote in England; or, The Humours of Sancho Pancha

Monologue: 1782 03 04 End of mainpiece Bucks have at ye all by Benson. vaudeville. End of Act I of afterpiece The Manual Exercise by Mrs Lefevre


Mainpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd; Or, Patie And Roger

Role: Sir William Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Exciseman Trick'd

Dance: End of Act III of mainpiece a new composed Reel, and Hornpipe by Master Holland, pupil to Holloway

Song: Hooly and Fairly, in character, by M'Donald; End of Act II The Huntsman's Sweet Halloo by Miss Hemet


Mainpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd

Role: Sir William Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Irish Widow

Role: Thomas Actor: Alfred

Dance: As17820318athi

Song: The Cries of Edinburgh added to Glaud; End of Act I of mainpiece The Merry Roundelay by Miss Hemet


Mainpiece Title: The Gamesters

Role: Drawer Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Capricious Lovers

Dance: End of Act I of afterpiece The Irish Fair by Blurton, Miss M. Stageldoir


Mainpiece Title: The Gamesters

Role: Drawer Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd

Dance: End of Act I of afterpiece a Highland Reel by Blurton and the two Miss Stageldoirs. [This was danced, as here assigned, at all subsequent performances.]


Mainpiece Title: The Grecian Daughter

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice


Mainpiece Title: Isabella

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice


Mainpiece Title: The Gamesters

Role: Drawer Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Triumph of Mirth


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserv'd

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice


Mainpiece Title: The School For Vanity

Role: Servants Actor: Chaplin, Kenny, Alfred, Spencer

Afterpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd


Mainpiece Title: The Grecian Daughter

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Role: Leonardo Actor: Alfred.

Afterpiece Title: The Triumph of Mirth

Dance: End of Act III of mainpiece, as17820917; End of Act IV, as17821005


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Role: Leonardo Actor: Alfred.

Afterpiece Title: Bon Ton

Dance: End of Act III of mainpiece The Devonshire Minuet, as17821003; End of Act iv, as17821016


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Dance: In Act I of mainpiece, as17821003; End of Act II, as17821016


Mainpiece Title: The Clandestine Marriage


Mainpiece Title: The Clandestine Marriage


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Afterpiece Title: The Rival Candidates

Role: Gardeners Actor: Chaplin, Phillimore, Alfred

Dance: End of mainpiece The Butterfly, as17830426


Mainpiece Title: Imitation; Or, The Female Fortune-hunters

Afterpiece Title: The Ladies' Frolick

Dance: After the Epilogue The Butterfly, as17830426; In Act I of afterpiece the Crutch Dance {performers not listed)

Song: In Act II of mainpiece song on the Knights of St. Patrick, &c. (singer not listed)


Mainpiece Title: The Chances

Afterpiece Title: The Rival Candidates

Role: Gardeners Actor: Chaplin, Phillimore, Alfred

Dance: End of Act III of mainpiece The Devonshire Minuet, as17821003


Mainpiece Title: Isabella

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice


Mainpiece Title: Measure For Measure

Role: Abhorson Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice


Mainpiece Title: Measure For Measure

Role: Abhorson Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Triumph of Mirth

Song: As17831013