SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (39463, 39467, 41988, 42015, 42053, 42295, 42309, 42337, 42405, 42449, 42469, 42476, 42517, 42558, 42565, 42580, 42589, 42602, 42671, 42696, 42711, 42746, 42759, 42913, 42917, 42921, 42927, 42943, 42949, 42964, 42973, 42981, 42983, 42985, 43007, 43039, 43073, 43088, 43203, 43228, 43238, 43243, 43259, 43262, 43271, 43273, 43276, 43287, 43302, 43307, 43309, 43459, 43461, 43501, 43518, 43524, 43526, 43530, 43538, 43544, 43552, 43556, 43560, 43567, 43569, 43586, 43598, 43609, 43612, 43617, 43628, 43632, 43635, 43637, 43640, 43646, 43650, 43655, 43658, 43663, 43667, 43701, 43706, 43717, 43764, 43794, 43800, 43835, 43837, 43840, 43843, 43846, 43848, 43851, 43853, 43857, 43860, 43870, 43872, 43875, 43877, 43880, 43882, 43890, 44030, 44034, 44038, 44044, 44047, 44053, 44055, 44057, 44060, 44062, 44064, 44065, 44069, 44071, 44075, 44077, 44079, 44082, 44084, 44088, 44090, 44092, 44096, 44102, 44106, 44114, 44126, 44142, 44150, 44154, 44166, 44169, 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Mainpiece Title: The Wonder

Role: Soldier Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Alfred

Dance: End of Act III of mainpiece Hornpipe by Bourk; End of mainpiece a new Minuet and Quadrille by Hamoir, Brigg, Mrs Sutton, Miss Stageldoir, &c


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Afterpiece Title: The Flitch of Bacon

Role: Putty Actor: Alfred

Dance: End of Act I of mainpiece The Lucky Return, as17860522

Song: As17860218


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist; or, Who's Who

Role: Blunt Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: The Clandestine Marriage

Afterpiece Title: Arthur and Emmeline


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Alfred

Song: In: Singing-Bannister, Dignum, Suett, Barrymore, Williames, Wilson, Fawcett, Mrs Crouch, Mrs Forster, Mrs Wrighten


Mainpiece Title: Isabella

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: A New Way To Pay Old Debts

Role: Tapwell Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred

Dance: End III: a new Dance, La Soiree Provencalle-the two young D'Egvilles, Miss DeCamp


Mainpiece Title: The Winter's Tale

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred

Dance: End: As17870113


Mainpiece Title: Twelfth Night

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred

Song: III: song-Dignum


Mainpiece Title: The Country Girl

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: Othello

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: The Natural Son

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: The Heiress

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: The Maid Of The Mill

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred

Dance: End I: As17870113


Mainpiece Title: Cymbeline

Role: Cornelius Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Romp

Dance: II: a Masquerade Scene-; with Dancing-Ferrere, Menage, Miss Stageldoir; End III: La Soiree Provencalle, as17870113

Song: II: Singing-Miss Romanzini [The Dancing was included, as here assigned, in all subsequent performances]


Mainpiece Title: She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: Cymbeline

Role: Cornelius Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred

Dance: End III: As17870113

Song: II: [Dr Cooke]'s Glee, Hark! the Lark at Heav'n's Gate sings-Dignum, Williames, Danby, Master Clarke


Mainpiece Title: Cymbeline

Role: Cornelius Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred

Dance: As17870201

Song: As17870201


Mainpiece Title: Cymbeline

Role: Cornelius Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Romp

Dance: As17870201

Song: As17870201


Mainpiece Title: The Wonder

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred

Dance: In III: Hornpipe-Mills


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: A School For Grey-beards

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Postboy Actor: Alfred